How to get background from cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2? - python

Is there any way to obtain background from cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 in python?
In other words, is there any technique to compute an image based on last n frames of a video, which can be used as background?

Such a technique would be pretty complicated, but you might want to look at some keywords: image-stitching, gradient-based methods, patch-match, image filling. Matlab, for example, has a function that tries to interpolate missing values from nearby pixels. You could extend this method to work with 3D (shouldn't be so difficult in linear case).
More generally, it is sort of an ill-posed problem since there is no way to know what goes in the missing region.
Specifically to address your question, you might first take the difference between the original frame, and the extracted image, which should reveal the background. Then, use ROI fill in or similar method. There is likely some examples you can find on the web, such as this.


Remove differences between two video frames

Im trying to remove the differences between two frames and keep the non-chaning graphics. Would probably repeat the same process with more frames to get more accurate results. My idea is to simplify the frames removing things that won't need to simplify the rest of the process that will do after.
The different frames are coming from the same video so no need to deal with different sizes, orientation, etc. If the same graphic its in another frame but with a different orientation or scale, I would like to also remove it. For example:
Image 1
Image 2
Result (more or less, I suppose that will be uglier but containing a similar information)
One of the problems of this idea is that the source video, even if they are computer generated graphics, is compressed so its not that easy to identify if a change on the tonality of a pixel its actually a change or not.
Im ideally not looking at a pixel level and given the differences in saturation applied by the compression probably is not possible. Im looking for unchaged "objects" in the image. I want to extract the information layer shown on top of whats happening behind it.
During the last couple of days I have tried to achieve it in a Python script by using OpenCV with all kinds of combinations of absdiffs, subtracts, thresholds, equalizeHists, canny but so far haven't found the right implementation and would appreciate any guidance. How would you achieve it?
Im ideally not looking at a pixel level and given the differences in saturation applied by the compression probably is not possible. Im looking for unchaged "objects" in the image. I want to extract the information layer shown on top of whats happening behind it.
This will be extremely hard. You would need to employ proper CV and if you're not an expert in that field, you'll have really hard time.
How about this, forgetting about tooling and libs, you have two images, ie. two equally sized sequences of RGB pixels. Image A and Image B, and the output image R. Allocate output image R of the same size as A or B.
Run a single loop for every pixel, read pixel a and from A and pixel b from B. You get a 3-element (RGB) vector. Find distance between the two vectors, eg. magnitude of a vector (b-a), if this is less than some tolerance, write either a or b to the same offset into result image R. If not, write some default (background) color to R.
You can most likely do this with some HW accelerated way using OpenCV or some other library, but that's up to you to find a tool that does what you want.

Find the crop parameters from two images

Given two images - one a cropped (but not scaled) portion of the other, how can I find the crop parameters (i.e.: the x and y offsets and width/height)? The idea is to crop one image (screenshot) by hand, and then crop a lot more at the same points.
Ideally via imagemagick, but I am happy with any pseudo-code solution, or with Perl, Python, JavaScript (in order of preference)
I have thought of a brute-force approach (find the first pixel which is the same color, check the next, keep going until different, or move to the next). Before I go down this barabarous (and probably slow) route, I'd like to check for better ones.
Template matching can be used for the identification of smaller image within a larger image.
The following resource might be helpful. Please check it out

How do you detect if there is motion between frames using opencv without simply subtracting the frames?

I have a camera in a fixed position looking at a target and I want to detect whether someone walks in front of the target. The lighting in the scene can change so subtracting the new changed frame from the previous frame would therefore detect motion even though none has actually occurred. I have thought to compare the number of contours (obtained by using findContours() on a binary edge image obtained with canny and then getting size() of this) between the two frames as a big change here could denote movement while also being less sensitive to lighting changes, I am quite new to OpenCV and my implementations have not been successful so far. Is there a way I could make this work or will I have to just subtract the frames. I don't need to track the person, just detect whether they are in the scene.
I am a bit rusty but there are various ways to do this.
SIFT and SURF are very expensive operations, so I don't think you would want to use them.
There are a couple of 'background removal' methods.
Average removal: in this one you get the average of N frames, and consider it as BG. This is vulnerable to many things, light changes, shadow, moving object staying at a location for long time etc.
Gaussian Mixture Model: a bit more advanced than 1. Still vulnerable to a lot of things.
IncPCP (incremental principal component pursuit): I can't remember the algorithm totally but basic idea was they convert each frame to a sparse form, then extract the moving objects from sparse matrix.
Optical flow: you find the change across the temporal domain of a video. For example, you compare frame2 with frame1 block by block and tell the direction of change.
CNN based methods: I know there are a bunch of them, but I didn't really follow them. You might have to do some research. As far as I know, they often are better than the methods above.
Notice that, for a #30Fps, your code should complete in 33ms per frame, so it could be real time. You can find a lot of code available for this task.
There are a handful of ways you could do this.
The first that comes to mind is doing a 2D FFT on the incoming images. Color shouldn't affect the FFT too much, but an object moving, entering/exiting a frame will.
The second is to use SIFT or SURF to generate a list of features in an image, you can insert these points into a map, sorted however you like, then do a set_difference between the last image you took, and the current image that you have. You could also use the FLANN functionality to compare the generated features.

Interpolating blacked out ROI in an image with python

I have been browsing the internet and stack overflow in order to find a solution to my problem, but to no avail.
So here is my problem:
I have a series of images with specific ROIs, where I detect a signal change. In order to extract the signal I need subtract the background of the image from the actual signal. Unfortunately I can't just subtract the images, as this doesn't delete the background noise sufficiently.
Solution Idea
What I want to do is to cut out (black out) my ROIs and then do an interpolation across the entire "reduced" image. Then I want to fill in the blacked out ROIs again via interpolation. This way I can get an idea of what the background below my signal is actually doing. I have been playing around with griddata, RectBivariateSpline, but I haven't found a way that works.
So far I have been doing this in MATLAB with the function scatteredInterpolant, but I would like to do it in python.
Below an image series, that describes the concept. One can see the third image being slightly blurry in the before blacked out ROIs.
Imageprocessing concept
So, does python provide a solution or way, which is similar to MATLABs scatteredInterpolant or how could I best tackle this problem?
Thank you.

Color Perceptual Image Hashing

I've been trying to write on a fast (ish) image matching program which doesn't match rotated or scale deformed image, in Python.
The goal is to be able to find small sections of an image that are similar to other images in color features, but dissimilar if rotated or warped.
I found out about perceptual image hashing, and I've had a look at the ImageHash module for Python and SSIM, however most of the things I've looked at do not have in color as a major factor, ie they average the color and only work in one channel, and phash in particular doesn't care if images are rotated.
I would like to be able to have an algorithm which would match images which at a distance would appear the same (but which would not necessarily need to be the same image).
Can anyone suggest how I would structure and write such an algorithm in python? or suggest a function which would be able to compare images in this manner?
I found a couple of ways to do this.
I ended up using a Mean Squared Error function that I wrote myself:
def mse(reference, query):
return (((reference).astype("double")-(query).astype("double"))**2).mean()
Until, upon later tinkering I found a function that seemed to do something similar (compare image similarity, bit by bit), but a good amount faster:
def linalg_norm(reference, query):
return np.linalg.norm(reference-query)
I have no theoretical knowledge of what the second function does, however practically it doesn't matter. I am not averse to learning how it works.

