Using (conf) file to exchange variables between python scripts? - python

I'd like to have one python script running (sometimes) that will read button presses (from a wiimote) and update a conf file such that another python script can use that file to adjust lighting brightness.
I'm guessing the best way to have two python scripts exchange/share variables would be to use sockets between the two scripts, or perhaps an intermediate SQL db, yes?
(Edit: I guess I'm looking to share these variables between more than two scripts.)
If so, I expect I'll eventually get there. Ultimately my setup will span multiple Pi nodes, and involve probably hundreds of such variables updating at various frequencies... So I'd like some input on longterm solutions that will handle this at scale.
But I'm relatively new, and was hoping I could just get this relatively simple solution working well enough with ConfigParser to troubleshoot other aspects of the setup for now.
I can get the lighting script to read my conf file variable and take that 10-bit int and adjust the lighting just fine.
But I'm having trouble with the wiimote script.
The basic code in question gets the existing int from the conf file just fine, increments it by one (when I press the "+" button on the wiimote for example) just fine, and even writes the new int back to the conf file just fine... once.
Upon a second button press I get an "argument of type 'int' is not iterable" error.
if (buttonPress):
b = config.getint('levels', 'ch00')
b += 1
config.set('levels', 'ch00', b)
with open(wiimote.conf, "w") as config_file:

Socket could be a good idea to exchange data between to Python programs, it's lightweight and doesn't require anything else than Python to run. It can also handle large amount of data without hassle.


VSC pre-load session with heavy objects from file instead of creating them on running code

In a general case, is there a way in VSC that each time we launch the debugger we pre-load the session with objects coming from a file? For example, dataframes? Because each time each launches it has no objects at all and needs the running code to start creating the objects.
So the challenge is when we already have some files on hard-drive with heavy objects, but when we launch the debugg I can't tell it to just pre-load those objects stored in those files, say dataframes or lists or connection objects or whatever.
To be more specific. If there's a python code that has two sections of code:
Section 1: Code we know works perfectly and makes heavy calculations to create some
Section 2: Code that takes those objects and performs operations. We want to debug this section. We also know no code line in this section interacts in any way with the code or stacks of Section1. It simply takes the objects created from section 1
Example: Section 1 queries an enormous table and puts it as a dataframe, sorts it, filters, etc... Then Section 2 just needs that dataframe and makes some statistics.
Is there a way that we just launch from section 2 and we load that dataframe we have stored in a csv? Or do we need to launch always from section 1, run the connection, get the dataframe from a query (which takes a lot of time) and then finally arrive to section 2 to start debugging?
Note. I could just make a .py file having section 2 code, and hard-coding on it at the begging to just read the csv I have. But is there a fancier way to do this without having to make another .py file for debugging and manually writing code to it, and then debugging that .py file?
The question is: Launch VSC python debugger telling it to load python objects from files in folders, rather than launching the session with no objects. Waiting for the code to create them
There is no way to convert csv files to python objects before debugging since all Python objects are in-memory.
If you don't want to set them in your code, I would suggest using an environment variable for it, and set it by adding "env" in your launch.json.

How can I initialise an object to be used in multiple calls Python from the command-line

I have a script I've written that uses a very large object. I load the object with pickle, but it takes quite a few seconds to do so. That's not a big deal if it has to happen once or twice, but I'm hoping to use the code many hundreds or thousands of times!
I think my issue is that I'd like to almost 'leave' the object alive and then be able to call it from command line whenever I need it. I'm reasonably new to Python so I'm not sure how possible that is; sorry if I haven't used the right terminology in my question. I'm writing and running my python in Spyder at the moment, but eventually I'd like to run it on a server, calling the code as and when required.
If your script is looping over the python program, move the loop inside the program.
If on the other hand, you want to be able to use the large object on demand, you probably need a client/server configuration. Thriftpy is a very simple way to achieve this. The thriftpy server will hold the object and the processing logic, and the client will be a command line script that will call the server and pass whatever parameters you need to process the object.

Time trial version of a program

I want to create a trial version of a program for my customer. I want to give him/her some time to test the program (7 days in this case).
I have this command in the application (in *.py file):
if os.path.isfile('some_chars.txt') or<datetime.strptime('30-8-2015','%d-%m-%Y'):
# DO WHAT application HAS TO DO
I'm curious whether is this approach enough for common customer or whether I have to change it. The thing is that the application has to find a file which name is, let's say, 'some_chars.txt'. If the file was found, the application works as it has to do, if not, it returns a text 'Trial version expired'.
So the main question is - is it enough for common customer? Can it be found somewhere or is it compiled to machine code so he would had to disassemble it?
EDIT: I forgot to mention very important thing, I'm using py2exe to make an executable file (main) with unnecessary files and folders.
Of course it has everything to do with the target (population) you're aiming: there are some cases when security is an offense (that involves lots of money so it's not our case);
Let's take an example:
Have a program that reads plain data from a file(registry,...); e.g. :the date (the program converts the date does a comparison and depending on the trial period close or lets the user go on)
Have everything from previous step, but the data is not in plain text, it is encrypted (e.g.: 1 is added to every char in the data so it is not immediately readable)
Use some well known encryption algorithms (would make the data unreadable to the user)
But, no matter the method you choose, it's just a matter of time til it will be broken.
A "hard to beat" way would be to have an existing server where the client could connect and "secretly talk" (I'm talking about a SSLed connecion anyway), even for trial period.
"Hiding the obvious info"(delivering a "compiled" .py script) is no longer the way (the most common Google search will point to a Python "decompiler")
Python is interpreted, so all they have to do is look at the source code to see time limiting section.
There are some options of turning a python script into an executable. I would try this and don't use any external files to set the date, keep it in the script.

Interfacing with Python code via file read/write?

Working with a Windows program that has it's own language with minimal interfacing options with external code, but it can read & write to files. I am looking for a method to send a set of configuration values to Python 3 code like "12,43,47,62" to query data in Pandas and return the associated results.
Someone mentioned this could possibly be done through a file interface where inputs were written to a file from the originating program and values were read back from an alternate file. I have a couple of questions regarding this concept hopefully someone could clarify for me.
How well does this method handle simultaneous access where multiple calls are being made for different queries?
What is the correct terminology for this type of task?
Is there a way to do it so the Python code senses the change as opposed to repeatedly checking for changes?
1) Poorly. You should put each query in its own file, responses in their own files, and encode request ID's or other information in the file names.
2) I'm not sure there is one. "File Based Communication" maybe.
3) Yes, Python watchdog.

Dynamic python user input to a seperate C program

I have a python GUI interface written in Tkinter. The main point of the program is to setup many different variables for a final calculation on a hyperspectral image (geography stuff). Now, some further specifications have developed where the user would like to be able to actively input some parameters for groups of pixels to be smoothed. This information would be input in the Python GUI and the C programs that handle the image modifications need this as input. Since the images can be giant, I want to try and avoid always re-running the C program (which involves memory allocation, reading a giant file, etc.) with a call such as
os.system(./my_C_Program param1 param2 param3....)
I'd prefer to have a system where once I've called my_C_Program, it can be in a state of waiting after having loaded all the resources into memory. I was thinking something involving getchar() would be what I want, but I don't know how I can get the output from python to go my_C_Program. I've seen a few similar questions about this on SO, but I wasn't able to determine quite how those scenarios would help mine specifically.
If getchar() is the answer, can someone please explain how stdout works with multiple terminals open?
As well, I'm trying to keep this program easily multiplatform across linux/mac/windows.
To summarize, I want the following functionality:
User selects certain input from python GUI
That input becomes the input for a C program
That C program can handle more input without having to be run again from the start (avoiding file I/O, etc).
The first thing you should probably do is start using Python's subprocess module, rather than os.system. Once you've done that, then you can change it so the C program's stdin is something you can write to in Python, rather than inheriting the Python script's stdin.
After that, you could just have Python send data over that the C program can interpret. For example, you might want to use a bunch of JSON chunks, one per line, like Twitter's streaming API1; the Python script makes a request dictionary, serializes it with json.dump, and then writes a newline. The C program reads a line, parses the JSON, and handles the request.
1 Upon reading the documentation, it looks like their implementation is a little more complex. You could adopt how they do it or just do it like I described.
icktoofay and JasonFruit have suggested decent approaches; I'm going to suggest something to decouple the two programs a little further.
If you write your C program as a server that listens for requests and replies with answers on a TCP socket, you can more easily change clients, make it support multiple simultaneous clients, perform near-seamless upgrades of clients or servers without necessarily needing to modify the other, or you could move the C program to more powerful hardware without needing to do more than slightly modify configurations.
Once you have opened a listening socket and accepted a connection, the rest of your program could continue as if you were just interacting over standard input and standard output. This works well enough, but you might prefer to encode your data in some standardized format such as JSON or ASN.1, which can save some manual string handling.
Could you do something with pexpect? It lets you provide input to a command-line program, waiting for specified prompts from it before continuing. It also lets you read the intervening output, so you could respond to that as needed.
If you're on Windows (as I note from your comment that you are), you could try winpexpect, which is similar.

