Given an image mask, I want to project the pixels onto a mesh in respect to the position and orientation of the camera and convert these pixels into a pointcloud. I have the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera in respect to the world, and the location of the mesh in world coordinates. I know the mapping from world coordinates to camera image is as follow:
imgpoint = Intrinsic * Extrinsic * worldpoint
So when I want to the opposite i do the inverse of the intrinsic and extrinsic matrices:
worldpoint= Intrinsic^(-1) * Extrinsic^(-1) * imgpoint
However, the idea that I had was to obtain two points from one pixel, with different depth values, to obtain a line and then look for the closest intersection for the mesh I want with the line, but I do not know how to properly generate a point away from the original camera plane. How can I find this extra point and/or am I complicating this problem?
The top equation below shows how to project a point (x,y,z) onto a pixel (u,v);
The extrinsic parameters are the 3x3 rotation matrix R and translation t.
The intrinsic parameters are the focal distances f_x, f_y and
principal point (c_x, c_y). The value alpha is the perspective foreshortening term that is divided out.
The bottom equation reverses the process by describing how to project
a ray from the camera position through through the pixel (u,v) out into the scene as the parameter alpha varies from 0 to infinity.
Now we have converted the problem into a ray casting problem.
Find the intersection of the ray with your mesh which is a
standard computer graphics problem.
My problem is simple, but yet confusing as I personally have no experience in angles and angles conversion yet.
Basically, I need to locate the position of an object attached with single AruCo marker then send the 3d coordinate and pose of that object (the marker) to the robot. Note that the robot model I use is an industrial one manufactured by ABB, and the 3d coordinate I sent already been converted to Robot Coordinate System.
Put aside the problem of coordinate, I solved it using Stereo Cameras. However, I found the pose problem to be so difficult, especially when convert the pose of AruCo marker w.r.t camera to the robot coordinate system. The images below represent the two-coordinate system, one for camera and one for the robot.
The angle I collected from AruCo Marker were converted to Euler Angles, the methods were applied from OpenCV library here:
def PoseCalculate(rvec, tvec, marker):
rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]
P = np.concatenate((rmat, np.reshape(tvec, (rmat.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
euler = -cv2.decomposeProjectionMatrix(P)[6]
eul = euler_angles_radians
yaw = eul[1, 0]
pitch = eul[0, 0]
roll = eul[2, 0]
return (pitch, yaw, roll)
The result are three angles that represent pose of the marker. Pitch represents the rotation when the marker rotate around X axis (camera), Yaw for the Y axis (camera) and Roll for the Z axis (camera as well.)
So, how I can convert these three angles to the robot coordinate system?
Thanks for reading this long question and wish all of you be healthy in new year 2021!
Assuming I've been given image I and a 3D vector V_3d = [V_x, V_y, V_z]. To make things easier, assume they're both in the same coordinate system. That is, the image plane normal is Z axis. The Y axis points downwards and X points to the right.
The closest example:
Their solution is complicated and requires OpenGL.
I've got an image with regions of interest.
I would like to apply random transformations to this image, while keeping the regions of interest correct.
My code is taking a list of boxes in this format [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max].
It then converts the boxes into a list of vertices [up_left, up_right, down_right, down_left] for every box. This is a list of vectors. So I can apply the transformation to the vectors.
The next step is looking for the new [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] in the list of transformed vertices.
My first application was rotations, they work fine:
Here is the corresponding code. The first part is taken from the keras codebase, scroll down to the NEW CODE comment.
If I get the code to work, I would be interested in integrating it into keras. So I'm trying to integrate my code into their image preprocessing infrastructure:
def random_rotation_with_boxes(x, boxes, rg, row_axis=1, col_axis=2, channel_axis=0,
fill_mode='nearest', cval=0.):
"""Performs a random rotation of a Numpy image tensor.
Also rotates the corresponding bounding boxes
# Arguments
x: Input tensor. Must be 3D.
boxes: a list of bounding boxes [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], values in [0,1].
rg: Rotation range, in degrees.
row_axis: Index of axis for rows in the input tensor.
col_axis: Index of axis for columns in the input tensor.
channel_axis: Index of axis for channels in the input tensor.
fill_mode: Points outside the boundaries of the input
are filled according to the given mode
(one of `{'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'}`).
cval: Value used for points outside the boundaries
of the input if `mode='constant'`.
# Returns
Rotated Numpy image tensor.
And rotated bounding boxes
# sample parameter for augmentation
theta = np.pi / 180 * np.random.uniform(-rg, rg)
# apply to image
rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0],
[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
h, w = x.shape[row_axis], x.shape[col_axis]
transform_matrix = transform_matrix_offset_center(rotation_matrix, h, w)
x = apply_transform(x, transform_matrix, channel_axis, fill_mode, cval)
# -------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------
# apply to vertices
vertices = boxes_to_vertices(boxes)
vertices = vertices.reshape((-1, 2))
# apply offset to have pivot point at [0.5, 0.5]
vertices -= [0.5, 0.5]
# apply rotation, we only need the rotation part of the matrix
vertices =, rotation_matrix[:2, :2])
vertices += [0.5, 0.5]
boxes = vertices_to_boxes(vertices)
return x, boxes, vertices
As you can see, they are using scipy.ndimage to apply the transformation to an image.
My bounding boxes have coordinates in [0,1], the center is [0.5, 0.5]. The rotation needs to be applied around [0.5, 0.5] as pivot point. It would be possible to use homogenous coordinates and matrices to shift, rotate and shift the vectors. That's what they do for the image.
There is an existing transform_matrix_offset_center function, but that offsets to float(width)/2 + 0.5. The +0.5 makes this unsuitable for my coordinates in [0, 1]. So I'm shifting the vectors myself.
For rotations, this code works fine.
I thought it would be generally applicable.
But for zooming, this fails in a strange way. The code is pretty much identical:
vertices -= [0.5, 0.5]
# apply zoom, we only need the zoom part of the matrix
vertices =, zoom_matrix[:2, :2])
vertices += [0.5, 0.5]
The output is this:
There seems to be a variety of problems:
The shifting is broken. In image 1, the ROI and the corresponding image part almost don't overlap
The coordinates seem to be switched. In image 2, the ROI and the image seem to be scaled differently along x and y axes.
I tried switching the axes by using (zoom_matrix[:2, :2].T)[::-1, ::-1].
That leads to this:
Now the scale factor is broken? I've tried many different variations on this matrix multiplication, transposing, mirroring, changing the scale factors, etc. I can't seem to get it right.
And in any case, I think that the original code should be correct. It works for rotations, after all.
At this point, I'm thinking whether this is a peculiarity of scipy's ndimage resampling ?
Is this a mistake in my math, or is something missing to truly emulate the scipy ndimage resampling ?
I've put the full source code on pastebin.
Only small parts are updated by me, actually this is code from keras:
The code to use the new augmentations and create these images is here:
If the zoom factors are inverted, the transformation works.
For zoom, this operation is simple and can be expressed as:
# vertices is an array of shape [number of vertices, 2]
vertices *= [1/zx, 1/zy]
This corresponds to applying the inverse transform to the vertices.
In the context of image resampling, this could make sense. An image could be resampled like this
create a coordinate vector for every pixel.
apply the inverse transform to every vector
interpolate the original image to find the value the vector is now pointing at
write this value to the output image at the original position
But for rotation, I didn't invert the matrix and the operation worked correctly.
The question itself, how to fix this, seems answered. But I don't understand why.
How can I rotate an image about a specific pixel in Python? I am trying to de-rotate a set of images of the night sky. Since the stars rotate around Polaris, I could define Polaris as the center of rotation and rotate each image to line up the stars.
In phadej's answer the transformation between the old and new coordinates of a point on the image is an affine transformation.
PIL (Python Imaging Library) has an image method called transform which can perform an affine transformation of an image.
The documentation for transform is near the bottom of this page.
With a little math: if each image's pixel position is vector a, and position of Polaris is p, then new position new_p is
new_p = a + R * (a-p)
where R is Rotation matrix.
There will be problem, as new_p is probably not an integer valued position-vector. You
can do it backwards. For each pixel of rotated image apply the inverse of above transform,
than you will get pixel from original image. As it could be not integer also, sample the neighbor pixels like in wu-pixels (the amount of dot spread around can be used as the sampling weight).