How to force 'mkproject' (virtualenvwrapper) to use python3 as default? - python

I've added the following lines to my bash, but mkproject keeps creating python 2.7 folders into the virtual env, therefore I still need to use -p python3, which I'd like to not have to do.
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_SCRIPT=/usr/local/bin/
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin/python3
source /usr/local/bin/

virtualenvwrapper understands the VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV environment variable, you need to set it to the virtualenv appropriate to the python version you're using. For example:
This is needed because virtualenvwrapper executes virtualenv as a shell script (without adding python2 or python3 in the front of the command).
This way the virtualenv script is executed with the interpreter defined in its shebang (#!).
Most Linux distros provide two packages: virtualenv2 and virtualenv3 each containing one script:
import virtualenv
import virtualenv
On a Mac you use brew for the python installation. Therefore there is nothing wrong with copying the virtualenv script into two instances: vritualenv2 and virtualenv3 and change the shebang to the correct python version.
(You need to install the virtualenv eggs, through pip, for each python version.)

I defined an alias in the .bashrc file to overwrite the mkproject command to use python3 by default:
alias mkproject='mkproject --python=/usr/bin/python3'


How to make python 3.9 my default python interpreter on centos

I recently installed python3 on my vps, I want to enable it as default, so that when I type
python I get python 3. I think the problem is its installed in /usr/local/bin instead of /usr/bin/ typing python on the terminal access python2 typing python3 returns bash: python3: command not found
Most answers I have seen is a bit confusing as I am not a centos expert.
for a simple fix, you can use alias
add the alias to your .bashrc file
sudo vi ~/.bashrc
then add your alias at the bottom
alias python="python3.9"
So that when you type python you'll get python 3
There're several ways.
First, check if /usr/local/bin isn't in your $PATH variable:
echo $PATH
If it is indeed not there, you may want to add this line to your .bashrc file (assuming you're using bash):
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
This will add /usr/local/bin to your $PATH variable and will make python3 accessible after you relaunch a terminal session.
Now, changing the default python globally might not be a good a idea as there could be system software depending on python command pointing to python2.
What you could do is use PyEnv which will allow you using different python versions on your computer:

How to create a Virtualenv with Python 3?

I have a problem with Linux in PC. I installed python3.8. I want work with python 3. When I create a virtualenv file it gets created with python2, but I don't want work with python2. How can I enable python2?
You can set a python version while creating a new virtual environment using the -p flag.
virtualenv -p python3.8 my-env-name
Perhaps you can try to locate the location of the python version you want to use the interpreter of (eg. get its path through which python3). Once obtained the path you can create the enviroment specifying the location of the interpreter you want to use for that virtual environment virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv

Python: Install VirtualEnv for both Python 2 and Python 3

After moving over to Fedora (from Windows), I realized that it came with both installations of Python 2.7.5 and Python 3.6.6.
As I familiarized myself with using Python, I learned of the great utilities of virtual environments and how organized they keep everything.
However, my current dilemma is for which Python version should I do pip(2 or 3) install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper.
From my research, I understand that the virtualenvwrapper provides the ability to create a virtual environment using a specified version of Python: mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python(2 or 3) {name}.
Therefore, should I only install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper on one of the Python versions and use the aforementioned feature? Or should I install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper on both versions of Python.
Would there be any conflicts?
More importantly, assuming that I have virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper installed for both Python 2.7.5 and Python 3.6.6, which version's command is called when I run any of the following: workon, mkvirtualenv, rmvirtualenv, etc.?
Would there be any conflicts?
Not until you mistakenly run the default system python command with a script that's using the opposite version as compared to the more specific python2 or python3 commands.
The virtualenvs do not conflict, and must be activated to be used. You can also of course have as many virtualenv's as you wish.
To avoid any problems setting up an environment, its suggested to run python2 -m virtualenv for example, rather than simply virtualenv command itself
For the commands listed at the bottom of the question, it depends on how your PATH is configured. Personally, I use pyenv rather than virtualenv directly, which injects itself into the OS PATH variable

python virtualenv does not use correct version of python

I'm creating a Django app that requires me to use python2.7.6 . My system has python3.4.1 installed so I have to use a virtualenv with python2.7 installed. I installed such a virtualenv using Pycharm and named it django_python_2.7 but when I activate it in the terminal and run "python", it still shows that it's using system's python3.4.1:
here is what I did:
Activate the environment:
source django_python_2.7/bin/activate
Run python, and it shows:
Python 3.4.1 (v3.4.1:c0e311e010fc, May 18 2014, 00:54:21) ---> this is the system level python and not the one installed in virtualenv
However, when I run which python, it shows the correct path that points to virtualenv's python version:
When I explicitly run the python version installed in that virtualenv:
it shows the correct version:
Python 2.7.6 (default, Sep 9 2014, 15:04:36)
I have no idea what's going on. I'm developing this app in Pycharm IDE but I really like executing commands in the terminal . But in the terminal the virtualenv is not using the correct version of python..Why does running a simple "python" command in the virtualenv still default to the system's python ?
Could anyone provide some hints? Is it necessary to change the PATH variable to make it contain the path to the virtualenv's python?
If you want to change the PYTHONPATH used in a virtualenv, you can add the following line to your virtualenv's django_python_2.7/bin/activate file
export PYTHONPATH="/path/to/python"
To restore to its original value on deactivate, you could add following line to your django_python_2.7/bin/postdeactivate script.
Otherwise, create new env using
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 django_python_2.7
I discovered the same problem...
and like #skyline75489 mentioned:
I forgot that i had stated an alias to my python3 executable a time ago.
I found it in my .bash files in my home directory and removed it.
Everything worked out fine again with my virtual environment.
If you changed the path to your venv or ranamed any of the parents folders of your venv directory, then this will break the configured paths, if that is case you have two options:
recreating it
Create a requirements.txt file using: pip freeze > requirements.txt
Delete the venv directory: rm -r old-vnev/
Create a new virtualenv with correct name: python -m venv new-venv
Activate new virtualenv: source new-venv/bin/activate
Install packages from requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt
Another simpler way
search for all occurences of the string old/path/to/your/venv/
replace them with correct/path/to/your/venv/
after that source new-venv/bin/activate will work as intended again.
Hope this help!
In case it helps anyone else: if you changed the path to your venv folder (such as changing the parent folder), this will happen. This was my issue.
Recreating your virtualenv will fix it, as you should hopefully have a requirements.txt created to rebuild your virtualenv.
This might have even been the root cause for OP.
Double check your paths. I had an issue like this recently where running which python from within the activated virtualenv would still return the default system version (/usr/bin/python). However, if I ran the scripts specifying the binaries directly (./venv/bin/python, etc) from within the virtualenv, it worked as expected so it appeared all the dependencies had been installed correctly.
The issue was that I had moved the parent virtualenv directory after building everything. This meant all the virtualenv paths pointed to the original location which was no longer valid, and python correctly defaulted to the default system binary.
I use a bash script like this:
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ alias vpython=$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/python3
and use vpython when wanting to use the python executable within the virtual environment. A nice way to check which executable you are actually using within python is the following:
>>> import sys
>>> print(f'executable \033[0;33;40m{sys.executable}\033[0m')
In my situation after system update symbolic link from the virtualenv was somehow broken and it switched to default system python version. The solution was to replace symbolic link by the correct one.
Deactivate virtual env if you are inside by:
Change virtualenv python symbolic link:
ln -s /your/wanted/python/bin/python /your/virtualenv/bin/python
Start virtualenv again and it should use correct python version.
If you are not sure where is your python, then you can localise it by:
which python3
I had a similar problem. But I had it because I had moved my env folder to another place. So, if you did so, just go to activate file in bin folder and change VIRTUAL_ENV="CurrentPathToYourEnvFolder" (it's 40th line in file)

Testing a python script in a specific version

I currently have Python 2.6.2 installed on my mac. I am writing a script which MUST run on Python 2.5.2. So I want to write a python script, and test is specifically against 2.5.2 and NOT 2.6.2.
I was looking at virtualenv, but it doesn't seem to solve my problem. I ran python TEST which made a TEST dir, but it had python 2.6 in it. Is there a way to make virtualenv use a different version of python than what's installed default on my machine? Is another way to use the #! as the first line of the python script? How would I do that?
Check out tox; it's designed to do exactly this.
Here is an example of using tox to run a script against multiple Python versions:
Install tox
pip install tox
Create a tox.ini configuration file
envlist = py39, p310, p311
commands = python
The envlist option specifies the Python versions to test against
The commands option specifies the command to run in each environment
Run tox
This will create separate environments for Python 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 and run the script in each environment.
You can setup a sandboxed environment with different python versions using virtualenv. As Kable has done, install the 2.5. version you want to test against. Then create your virtual environment:
virtualenv --p=python2.5 myapp
To get a clean environment you may use the --no-site-packages switch with the command above. Quite handy when trying to simulate a new, fresh setup. Now activate your virtualenv:
source myapp/bin/activate
If you check the python version you should now get version 2.5.x:
python -V
Now you can install modules as you like into your virtual environment in the usual fashion:
easy_install ...
pip ...
To exit your virtual environment:
Hope this may be of help.
You could just install a Python 2.5.2.
I have 3 different versions Python installed on my Lucid and they use different links under /bin/ so it's easy to call the specific version
python -> python3 ->python3.1
python2 -> python2.7
try #!/path/to/your/python/version
But make sure you execute the script from the terminal, and make it executable before hand: chmod 755
Using 'virtualenv' you can have different isolated Python environments on a single machine. Also you can switch any-time between the different python interpreter versions.
What is virtualenv?
A Virtual Environment is an isolated working copy of Python which allows you to work on a specific project without worry of affecting other projects. It enables multiple side-by-side installations of Python, one for each project. It doesn’t actually install separate copies of Python, but it does provide a clever way to keep different project environments isolated.
How to install?
pip install virtualenv
To create virtual environment for python 2.7 :
root:~# which python2.7
root:~# which python3.4
You can also use a Python interpreter of your choice:
root:~# virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 Vpy27
Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/bin/python2.7
New python executable in /root/Vpy27/bin/python2.7
Also creating executable in /root/Vpy27/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
To begin using the virtual environment, it needs to be activated:
root:~# source Vpy27/bin/activate
The name of the current virtual environment will now appear on the left of the prompt:
(Vpy27) root:~# python -V
Python 2.7.3
Install packages as usual, for example:
(Vpy27) root:~# pip install junos-eznc >> All pip installs done here, will be available only in this environment.
If you are done working in the virtual environment for the moment, you can deactivate it:
(Vpy27) root:~# deactivate
To create virtual environment for python 3.4:
root:~# which python3.4
root:~# virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.4 Vpy34
root:~# source Vpy34/bin/activate
(Vpy34) root:~# python -V
Python 3.4.4
There is also a way to create virtual environment with already available site-packages.

