I want to try to import a list of JSON parsing libraries in python, with precedence for item in the order of which they're tried. If I have the following json libraries ajson, bjson, ... I'd have to write something like
import ajson as json
except ImportError:
import bjson as json
except ImportError:
import cjson as json
except ImportError:
which is very unreadable. Is there a better way to do this like an if statement?
You could define a function that encapsulates this fallback behavior:
import importlib
def import_fallback(*modules):
for m in modules:
return importlib.import_module(m)
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("All fallback imports failed: {}".format(modules))
# You can use it like this
json = import_fallback("ajson", "bjson", "cjson")
Edit: There might be a downside from doing this. Some linters or static code analyzers might not know that you are importing these modules by running this function
Instead of producing exceptions and catching them with try and except, you can simply filter the module names with the importlib.util.find_spec function, which returns None if the given module name is not found, and then import the found module with importlib.import_module:
json = importlib.import_module(
next(filter(importlib.util.find_spec, ("ajson", "bjson", "cjson")))
You can iterate over the libraries you want to import using importlib
import importlib
libs = ["os", "sys", "json"]
for lib in libs:
globals()[lib] = importlib.import_module(lib)
break #if you don't want to keep importing once you imported a library successfully
This seems to work:
for lib in ['ajson','bjson','cjson']:
print('Imported ' + lib)
except ImportError:
I installed stackapi using pip successsfully
I try to run the following code:
from StackAPI import StackAPI, StackAPIError
SITE = StackAPI('stackoverflow', key=SETTINGS['xxxxxxx'])
post = SITE.fetch('posts', ids=[59115355, 2901002], sort='activity', order='desc')
except StackAPIError as e:
But I receive this error:
from StackAPI import StackAPI, StackAPIError
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'StackAPI'
Edit: this was part of the issue, see further details in the comments below. Leaving the question since it has more information.
Mind the capitalization, the correct import line would be:
from stackapi import StackAPI, StackAPIError
The alias used in the import function should be outside the actual code as shown below:
from StackAPI import StackAPI, StackAPIError as e
SITE = StackAPI('stackoverflow', key=SETTINGS['xxxxxxx'])
post = SITE.fetch('posts', ids=[59115355, 2901002], sort='activity', order='desc')
Keep getting the same thing every time I try to run the program, urllib is not defined. How do I get rid of it?
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError
aname = 'http://website.com'
htm = urlopen(aname + '/').read()
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
Yes, I do have another problem I sure wish I could figure out as well, I can't get bs4 to install correctly, it keep trying to install to Python 2.7, which I don't have any 2.7 interpreter installed, only 3.4.3 is installed on the computer. I have a strange feeling that might be causing me some other issues as well with some some other programs.
Just because you have the line from urllib.error import HTTPError or the from urllib.request import urlopen doesn't mean that urrlib is available as a name in your script.
This is specified in the documentation for the import statement specifically in the section dealing with the from form; see the examples there to see what becomes available and what doesn't.
Therefore, when you except:
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
it fails when trying to find the name urrlib. Either just use HTTPError, as imported and bound to your namespace, in the except clause:
except HTTPError as e:
or, if you need the name for urllib available in your namespace, import urllib instead of from urllib.error import HTTPError and use the original except clause.
As for the installation issue, try using pip3 instead of pip.
I am getting the following error:
Cannot Import Name DtdProcessing
On this line:
from System.Xml import (DtdProcessing, ValidationType, XmlNodeType, XmlReader, XmlReaderSettings)
What could be causing this? Is there a possibility that I don't have the right version of .net installed?
How can I know if a Python module exists, without importing it?
Importing something that might not exist (not what I want) results in:
import eggs
except ImportError:
TL;DR) Use importlib.util.find_spec(module_name) (Python 3.4+).
Python2: imp.find_module
To check if import can find something in Python 2, using imp:
import imp
found = True
except ImportError:
found = False
To find dotted imports, you need to do more:
import imp
spam_info = imp.find_module('spam')
spam = imp.load_module('spam', *spam_info)
imp.find_module('eggs', spam.__path__) # __path__ is already a list
found = True
except ImportError:
found = False
You can also use pkgutil.find_loader (more or less the same as the Python 3 part:
import pkgutil
eggs_loader = pkgutil.find_loader('eggs')
found = eggs_loader is not None
Python 3
Python 3 ≤ 3.3: importlib.find_loader
You should use importlib. I went about doing this like:
import importlib
spam_loader = importlib.find_loader('spam')
found = spam_loader is not None
My expectation being, if you can find a loader for it, then it exists. You can also be a bit more smart about it, like filtering out what loaders you will accept. For example:
import importlib
spam_loader = importlib.find_loader('spam')
# only accept it as valid if there is a source file for the module - no bytecode only.
found = issubclass(type(spam_loader), importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader)
Python 3 ≥ 3.4: importlib.util.find_spec
In Python 3.4 importlib.find_loader Python documentation was deprecated in favour of importlib.util.find_spec. The recommended method is the importlib.util.find_spec. There are others like importlib.machinery.FileFinder, which is useful if you're after a specific file to load. Figuring out how to use them is beyond the scope of this.
import importlib
spam_spec = importlib.util.find_spec("spam")
found = spam_spec is not None
This also works with relative imports, but you must supply the starting package, so you could also do:
import importlib
spam_spec = importlib.util.find_spec("..spam", package="eggs.bar")
found = spam_spec is not None
spam_spec.name == "eggs.spam"
While I'm sure there exists a reason for doing this - I'm not sure what it would be.
When trying to find a submodule, it will import the parent module (for ALL of the above methods)!
|- __init__.py
|- eggs.py
## __init__.py
print("module food loaded")
## eggs.py
print("module eggs")
were you then to run
>>> import importlib
>>> spam_spec = importlib.util.find_spec("food.eggs")
module food loaded
ModuleSpec(name='food.eggs', loader=<_frozen_importlib.SourceFileLoader object at 0x10221df28>, origin='/home/user/food/eggs.py')
Comments are welcome on getting around this
#rvighne for importlib
#lucas-guido for Python 3.3+ deprecating find_loader
#enpenax for pkgutils.find_loader behaviour in Python 2.7
Python 3 >= 3.6: ModuleNotFoundError
The ModuleNotFoundError has been introduced in Python 3.6 and can be used for this purpose:
import eggs
except ModuleNotFoundError:
# Error handling
The error is raised when a module or one of its parents cannot be found. So
import eggs.sub
except ModuleNotFoundError as err:
# Error handling
would print a message that looks like No module named 'eggs' if the eggs module cannot be found; but it would print something like No module named 'eggs.sub' if only the sub module couldn't be found, but the eggs package could be found.
See the documentation of the import system for more information on the ModuleNotFoundError.
After using yarbelk's response, I've made this so I don't have to import ìmp.
# Make things with a supposed existing module
except ImportError:
It is useful in Django's settings.py file, for example.
Python 2, without relying on ImportError
Until the current answer is updated, here is the way for Python 2
import pkgutil
import importlib
if pkgutil.find_loader(mod) is not None:
return importlib.import_module(mod)
return None
Why another answer?
A lot of answers make use of catching an ImportError. The problem with that is, that we cannot know what throws the ImportError.
If you import your existent module and there happens to be an ImportError in your module (e.g., typo on line 1), the result will be that your module does not exist.
It will take you quite the amount of backtracking to figure out that your module exists and the ImportError is caught and makes things fail silently.
go_as's answer as a one-liner:
python -c "help('modules');" | grep module
Use one of the functions from pkgutil, for example:
from pkgutil import iter_modules
def module_exists(module_name):
return module_name in (name for loader, name, ispkg in iter_modules())
I wrote this helper function:
def is_module_available(module_name):
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
# python 2
import importlib
torch_loader = importlib.find_loader(module_name)
elif sys.version_info <= (3, 3):
# python 3.0 to 3.3
import pkgutil
torch_loader = pkgutil.find_loader(module_name)
elif sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
# python 3.4 and above
import importlib
torch_loader = importlib.util.find_spec(module_name)
return torch_loader is not None
Here is a way to check if a module is loaded from the command line:
Linux/UNIX script file method: make a file module_help.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Then make sure it's executable: chmod u+x module_help.py
And call it with a pipe to grep:
./module_help.py | grep module_name
Invoke the built-in help system. (This function is intended for interactive use.) If no argument is given, the interactive help system starts on the interpreter console. If the argument is a string, then the string is looked up as the name of a module, function, class, method, keyword, or documentation topic, and a help page is printed on the console. If the argument is any other kind of object, a help page on the object is generated.
Interactive method: in the console, load python
>>> help('module_name')
If found, quit reading by typing q.
To exit the Python interpreter interactive session, press Ctrl + D
Windows script file method, also Linux/UNIX compatible, and better overall:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
Calling it from the command like:
python module_help.py site
Would output:
Help on module site:
site - Append module search paths for third-party packages to sys.path.
And you'd have to press q to exit interactive mode.
Using it for an unknown module, e.g.,
python module_help.py lkajshdflkahsodf
Would output:
no Python documentation found for 'lkajshdflkahsodf'
and exit.
You could just write a little script that would try to import all the modules and tell you which ones are failing and which ones are working:
import pip
if __name__ == '__main__':
for package in pip.get_installed_distributions():
pack_string = str(package).split(" ")[0]
if __import__(pack_string.lower()):
print(pack_string + " loaded successfully")
except Exception as e:
print(pack_string + " failed with error code: {}".format(e))
zope.interface loaded successfully
zope.deprecation loaded successfully
yarg loaded successfully
xlrd loaded successfully
WMI loaded successfully
Werkzeug loaded successfully
WebOb loaded successfully
virtualenv loaded successfully
A word of warning: this will try to import everything, so you'll see things like PyYAML failed with error code: No module named pyyaml, because the actual import name is just yaml. So as long as you know your imports, this should do the trick for you.
There isn't any way to reliably check if "dotted module" is importable without importing its parent package. Saying this, there are many solutions to problem "how to check if a Python module exists".
The below solution addresses the problem that an imported module can raise an ImportError even if it exists. We want to distinguish that situation from such in which the module does not exist.
Python 2:
import importlib
import pkgutil
import sys
def find_module(full_module_name):
Returns module object if module `full_module_name` can be imported.
Returns None if module does not exist.
Exception is raised if (existing) module raises exception during its import.
module = sys.modules.get(full_module_name)
if module is None:
module_path_tail = full_module_name.split('.')
module_path_head = []
loader = True
while module_path_tail and loader:
module_name = ".".join(module_path_head)
loader = bool(pkgutil.find_loader(module_name))
if not loader:
# Double check if module realy does not exist
# (case: full_module_name == 'paste.deploy')
except ImportError:
loader = True
if loader:
module = importlib.import_module(full_module_name)
return module
Python 3:
import importlib
def find_module(full_module_name):
Returns module object if module `full_module_name` can be imported.
Returns None if module does not exist.
Exception is raised if (existing) module raises exception during its import.
return importlib.import_module(full_module_name)
except ImportError as exc:
if not (full_module_name + '.').startswith(exc.name + '.'):
In django.utils.module_loading.module_has_submodule:
import sys
import os
import imp
def module_has_submodule(package, module_name):
check module in package
name = ".".join([package.__name__, module_name])
# None indicates a cached miss; see mark_miss() in Python/import.c.
return sys.modules[name] is not None
except KeyError:
package_path = package.__path__ # No __path__, then not a package.
except AttributeError:
# Since the remainder of this function assumes that we're dealing with
# a package (module with a __path__), so if it's not, then bail here.
return False
for finder in sys.meta_path:
if finder.find_module(name, package_path):
return True
for entry in package_path:
# Try the cached finder.
finder = sys.path_importer_cache[entry]
if finder is None:
# Implicit import machinery should be used.
file_, _, _ = imp.find_module(module_name, [entry])
if file_:
return True
except ImportError:
# Else see if the finder knows of a loader.
elif finder.find_module(name):
return True
except KeyError:
# No cached finder, so try and make one.
for hook in sys.path_hooks:
finder = hook(entry)
# XXX Could cache in sys.path_importer_cache
if finder.find_module(name):
return True
# Once a finder is found, stop the search.
except ImportError:
# Continue the search for a finder.
# No finder found.
# Try the implicit import machinery if searching a directory.
if os.path.isdir(entry):
file_, _, _ = imp.find_module(module_name, [entry])
if file_:
return True
except ImportError:
# XXX Could insert None or NullImporter
# Exhausted the search, so the module cannot be found.
return False
In case you know the location of file and want to check that the respective Python code file has that module or not, you can simply check via the astor package in Python. Here is a quick example:
Check if a module function exists or not without importing a Python package file
import ast
import astor
tree = astor.parse_file('handler.py')
method_to_check = 'handle'
for item in tree.body:
if isinstance(item, ast.FunctionDef):
if item.name == method_to_check:
print('method exists')
A simpler if statement from Ask Ubuntu, How do I check whether a module is installed in Python?:
import sys
print('eggs' in sys.modules)
You can also use importlib.util directly
import importlib.util
def module_exists_without_import(module_name):
spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module_name)
return spec is not None