argparse: make one argument default when no arguments are called - python

What's the best way to set a group argument as the default when no arguments are called.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("--a", action="store_true") #call when no arguments are provided
group.add_argument("--b", action="store_true")
group.add_argument("--c", action="store_true")
Let's call my program I want (with no arguments) and --a to return the same output.

I would just add a simple test after parsing
if not any([args.a, args.b, args.c]):
This is simpler than any attempt to make parse_args to do this. The parser will parse all arguments independently - and in any order. So you really can't tell until the parsing is all done whether any of the options has been selected or not.


Python argparse with subparsers and optional positional arguments

I would like to have a program with subparsers that handles specific arguments while also keep some positional and optional arguments to the previous parsers (In fact what I really want is only one option, I mean, a valid subparser OR a valid local argument).
Example of something I wish to have: Program [{sectionName [{a,b}]}] [{c,d}]. Being c/d incompatible if sectionName was provided and viceversa.
However, the best I could achieve is this [-h] {sectionName} ... [{c,d}]. This means, argparse don't allow me to use the positional arguments c or d without specifying a valid sectionName.
Here is the code:
import argparse
mainparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Subparser
subparser = mainparser.add_subparsers(title="section", required=False)
subparser_parser = subparser.add_parser("sectionName")
subparser_parser.add_argument("attribute", choices=['a', 'b'], nargs='?')
# Main parser positional and optional attributes
mainparser.add_argument("attribute", choices=['c', 'd'], nargs='?')
I'm getting crazy with this. Any help would be much appreciated!
Edit: I'm using Python 3.8
The subparser object is actually a positional Action, one that takes choices - in this case {'sectionName'}. positinal arguments are filled in the order that they are defined, using the nargs pattern to allocate strings.
Once the main parser gets the 'sectionName' it passes the parsing to subparser_parser. Than handles the rest of the input, such as the {'a','b'} positional. Anything it can't handle is put on the 'unrecognized' list, and control returns main for final processing. main does not do any further argument processing. Thus your attribute argument is ignored.
You could put define a attribute positional before the add_subparsers, but I wouldn't try to make it nargs='?'.
So it's best to define all main arguments before the subparsers, and to use optionals. This will give the cleanest and most reliable parsing.

Python: Adding Arguments to Arguments using Argparse

Is it possible to add an argument to another one using argparse? If so, how would one implement this.
The following example shows what I'm actually looking for:
--plt <some_file> -opt <some_number>
Here, --plt is an argument with several options. -opt is hence depending on --plt.
So if a user provides --plt as argument, he/she has to provide -opt, too. -opt alone is also not a valid argument to the script.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--test', '-test', help='performs classification test')
parser.add_argument('--plt','-plt', help='plots loss function')
parser.add_argument('--version', '-version>', action='version', version='%(prog)s 0.1')

argparse subparser implied by other parameters

The usually way to define a subparser is to do
master_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = master_parser.add_subparsers()
parser = subparsers.add_parser('sub')
and the subparser would be called with
command sub --subopt
I am implementing a package that calls a number of converters. If I use the usual subparser approach, I would have to do
convert ext1_to_ext2 file.ext1 file.ext2 --args
which is both repetitive and error prone because users might call
convert ext1_to_ext3 file.ext1 file.ext2 --args
I would much prefer that the subparser is automatically determined from the master parser so users can use command
convert file.ext1 file.ext2 EXTRA
and argparse would determine subparser ext1_to_ext2 from file.ext1 and file.ext2 and call the subparser ext1_to_ext2 to parse EXTRA. Of course EXTRA here is subparser specific.
I tried to use groups of parameters for each converter (add_argument_group) but the parameters in argument groups cannot overlap and I got a messy list of combined arguments from all parsers, so using subparser seems to be the way to go.
I tried to use parse_known_args with two positional arguments, determine and use the appropriate subparser to parse the remaining args, but it is difficult to provide users a list of converters and their arguments from help message.
Is there a way to do this?
Inferring the subparser to use is tricky, since it requires reimplementing a lot of the logic used by argparse itself while you are examining each of the following arguments.
A simpler approach is to take the subparser command, which subsquently allows you to "typecheck" the following arguments to ensure they use the correct argument. For example
# This allows a file name ending with any of the given extensions,
# or allows "file.1" in place of "file.1.jpg"
def jpeg_file(s):
for ext in ("jpg", "jpeg"):
if s.endswith(ext) or os.path.exists("%s.%s" % (s, ext)):
return s
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError()
def tiff_file(s):
# similar to jpeg_file
master_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = master_parser.add_subparsers()
jpg_to_tiff_parser = subparsers.add_parser('sub')
jpg_to_tiff_parser = parse.add_argument('jpg', type=jpg_file)
jpg_to_tiff_parser = parse.add_argument('tiff', type=tiff_file)
This gives you a little more control in my opinion. It's along the way towards what your asking for. Just add file extension checking for your needs.
subParsers = topParser.add_subparsers(
description='Use " <subCommand> (-h | --help)" to learn more about each subcommand',
help='I can do stuff')
subParser1 = subParsers.add_parser('use1', help="Use1 does one thing")
subParser2 = subParsers.add_parser('use2', help='Use2 does another thing')
help="A text file",
help="An encoding",
help="An image format",
args = topParser.parse_args()
If nothing else, it shows how to handle the help text for the different layers.

How do I get back the option string using argparse?

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pattern", help="Pattern file")
args = parser.parse_args()
Now is it possible to get back the string "--pattern" from args?
I need the string so that I can construct a cmd list to pass to Popen like Popen(['some_other_program', args.pattern.option_string, args.pattern], ...) without repeating it (and having to maintain it in two places) (Popen(['some_other_prog', '--pattern', args.pattern], ...)).
I need to create a wrapper for another program. Some of the args need to be passed to the wrapped program (via Popen) and some are required by the wrapper.
Is there a better method than the following example?
pass_1 = '--to-be-passed'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", pass_1, help="Pass me on")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--arg-for-wrapper")
args = parser.parse_args()
process = Popen(['wrapped_program', pass_1, args.pass_1], ...)
This method of keeping the args in variables is not very good as:
Maintaining short options along with long options becomes difficult.
Popen if called in another function requires passing these variables(or a dict of them) to the function. This seems redundant as args passed to it should be sufficient.
Add a dest to your add_argument call.
parser.add_argmument("p", "--pattern", dest="pattern", help="your help text")
args = parser.parse_args()
args = vars(args)
The you can reference the pattern with args["pattern"] .
There doesn't seem to be an easy way to get the original option strings from the result of a parser.parse_args(), but you can get them from the parser object. You just need to peek into its __dict__, in order to retrieve the parser settings after it's created. In your case you want the _option_string_actions field. Unfortunately this doesn't seem officially supported, as I couldn't find a ArgumentParser method dedicated to this, so YMMV. On Python 3:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--foo', '-f', type=int, default=1000, help='intensity of bar')
parser.add_argument('--bar', '-b', type=str, default='bla', help='whatever')
print(store_action_dict.keys()) # dict_keys(['--help', '-b', '-f', '-h', '--foo', '--bar'])
The deleted answers and comments indicate there is some confusion as to what you want. So I'll add to that confusion.
Normally the parser does not record the option string. However it is provided to the Action __call__ method. So a custom Action class could save it. The FooAction custom class example in the argparse docs illustrates this.
If I define this action subclass:
In [324]: class PassThru(argparse._StoreAction):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, [values, option_string])
In [324]: p.add_argument('-o','--other',action=PassThru)
The option string is recorded along with the value ('-o' or '--other'):
In [322]: p.parse_args('-p test -o teseting'.split())
Out[322]: Namespace(other=['teseting', '-o'], pass_me_on='test')
In [323]: p.parse_args('-p test --other teseting'.split())
Out[323]: Namespace(other=['teseting', '--other'], pass_me_on='test')
Obviously the option_string and value could be recorded in a different order, in a dictionary, as seperate attributes in the Namespace, etc.
There are other ways of passing options to another program, particularly if the wrapping parser does not need to handle them itself.
argparse gets the arguments from sys.argv[1:], and does not change it. So even if your parser uses some of the arguments, you could pass that list on to popen (all or in part).
The argparse docs has an example, under nargs=REMAINDER, of parsing some arguments for itself, and collecting the rest to pass to another program. This is their example:
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
>>> parser.add_argument('--foo')
>>> parser.add_argument('command')
>>> parser.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
>>> print(parser.parse_args('--foo B cmd --arg1 XX ZZ'.split()))
Namespace(args=['--arg1', 'XX', 'ZZ'], command='cmd', foo='B')
So you could call popen with something like
plist = ['wrapped_program']
popen(plist, ...)
Using parse.parse_known_args can also be used to collect unparsed words into an 'extras' list. That section of the docs talks about passing those strings on to another program (just as you are doing). In contrast with the REMAINDER case, the extra stuff does not have to be last.
These work, of course, only if this parser doesn't need --pattern for itself. If it parses it, then it won't appear appear in the REMAINDER or extras. In that case you will have to add it back to the list that you give popen
I would tweak your parser thus:
pass_1 = 'passed' # without the -- or internal -
dpass_` = '--'+pass_
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", dpass_1, help="Pass me on")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--arg-for-wrapper")
args = parser.parse_args()
process = Popen(['wrapped_program', dpass_1, getattr(args, pass_1)], ...)
another option:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
pass_action = parser.add_argument("-p", '--pass-me-on', help="Pass me on")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--arg-for-wrapper")
args = parser.parse_args()
If you print pass_action (in a shell) you'll get something like:
_StoreAction(option_strings=['-p', '--pass-me-on'], dest='pass_me_on', nargs=None, const=None, default=None, type=None, choices=None, help=None, metavar=None)
So you could pull the --name and dest from that object, thus:
process = Popen(['wrapped_program', pass_action.option_strings[-1], getattr(args, pass_action.dest), ...], ...)
You have to look in sys.argv to see which option_string was used (the long, short or other). The parser does not record that anywhere.
Note '--pass-me-on' produced dest='pass_me_on'. The conversion of - to _ can complicate deriving one string from the other.
If you have a dest string, you have to use getattr to pull it from the args namespace, or use vars(args)[dest] (dictionary access).
Another issue. If --patten has nargs='+', its value will be a list, as opposed to a string. You'd have to careful when merging that into thepopen` argument list.

argparse multiple optional arguments with nargs='?'

I am trying to use argparse to process several optional arguments. Each of the arguments will have a single optional argument as well. For example I have a script called I want to call --functionals --capacity --performance and I want it to use the const values I have set. This part is working. I also want to be able to specify arguments such as --functionals test1 --performance test2 and --capacity test3. Instead of const, now I except the arguments to have the given values. for ex. functionals should be test1, performance test2 etc. What results in the latter case is I get: -c: error: argument --performance: not allowed with argument --functionals
Code for the parser looks like:
def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
required_arguments = parser.add_argument_group(title = "required arguments")
test_arguments = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
return parser
My mistake was that I was using a mutually exclusive group. I should have been using an regular argument group.

