I'm writing a separate nose2 tests.py for my program and because I want it to run on both Windows and Linux fairly seamlessly I've decided to forgo using the normal commandline nose2 and instead import it in the file and run it from there.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import nose2
This works fine, no problems. But I'd like the verbose output and I can't see how to get it to do this. I've tried:
Anyone know how to get the imported version of nose2 to run in verbose mode?
Since the PluggableTestProgram class accepts the same parameters of unittest.TestProgram, you can pass verbosity to the main function as such:
nose2.main(verbosity=2) # default is 1
See: Unittest.main documentation about verbosity
I am using Pylint and Nose along with sniffer to lint and test my python application on every save. This is sniffer in case you are unaware https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sniffer
Here is the runnable responsible for running nosetests and pylint from scent.py file for sniffer
from sniffer.api import * # import the really small API
from pylint import lint
from subprocess import call
import os
import nose
def zimmer_tests(*args):
command = "nosetests some_module/test --nologcapture --with-coverage --cover-config-file=zimmer_coverage_config"
lint.Run(['some_module/app'], exit=False)
return call(command, shell=True) == 0
Here, first lint.Run() runs pylint on my app. Then nosetest is executed on the app using call()
The Problem is that after I save the file nosetests run on updated version of the file however Pylint uses the same old version. I have to restart sniffer every time for pylint to get new version of files.
I assume this is not a problem of sniffer's configuration since nosetests is able to get the new version of file every time. Still I am not sure.
My pylintrc file is almost the same we get from generate command pylint --generate-rcfile > .pylintrc with some minor application specific tweaks.
As pointed by #KlausD. in comments, the lint.Run() was using files from cache as it was being called from a still running process. Calling pylint from command line worked as expected.
Here is the modified code
def zimmer_tests(*args):
command_nose = "nosetests some_module/test --nologcapture --with-coverage --cover-config-file=zimmer_coverage_config"
command_lint = "pylint some_module"
call(command_lint, shell=True)
return call(command_nose, shell=True) == 0
I would like to know if there is a way to call module functions from the command line. My problem is that I have a file package called find_mutations. This requires that the input files are sorted in a specific way, so i made a function to do so. I would like the user to be able to have the option to run the code normally:
$ python -m find_mutations -h
or run the specific sort_files function:
$ python -m find_mutations.sort_files -h
Is something like this possible? If so, does the sort_files function need to be in its own strip? Do I need to add something to my __init__.py script? The package install properly and runs fine, I would just like to add this.
You could add flags to run the function. The following example is not a good way to work with command arguments, but demonstrates the idea.
import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
if '-s' in sys.argv:
Add a flag to run the specific function, in this case -s to sort the files.
I have a fabric script called fwp.py that I run without calling it throug fab by using:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# imports for standalone mode only
import sys
import fabric.main
The thing is then have to call the script by calling fwp.py. I'd like to rename it as fwp to be able to call it as fwp. But doing that would result in
Fatal error: Couldn't find any fabfiles!
Is there a way to make Python/Fabric import this file, despite the lack of a ".py" extension?
To reiterate and clarify:
I'm not using the "fab" utility (e.g. as fab task task:parameter); just calling my script as fwp.py task task:parameter, and would like to be able to call it as fwp task task:parameter.
It's not a duplicate of this question. The question is not "How to run a stand-alone fabric script?", but "How to do so, while having a script without a .py" extension.
EDIT: Original answer corrected
The fabric.main.main() function automatically adds .py to the end of supplied fabfile locations (see https://github.com/fabric/fabric/blob/master/fabric/main.py#L93). Unfortunately that function also uses Python's import machinery to load the file so it has to look like a module or package. Without reimplementing much of the fabric.main module I don't think it will be possible. You could try monkey-patching both fabric.main.find_fabfiles and fabric.main.load_fabfiles to make it work.
Origininal answer (wrong)
I can get this to work unaltered on a freshly installed fabric package. The following will execute with a filename fwp and executable permission on version 1.10.1, Python2.7. I would just try upgrading fabric.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from fabric.api import *
import fabric.main
def do():
local('echo "Hello World"')
if __name__ == '__main__':
$ ./fwp do
Hello World
I am having some trouble trying to debug some unit tests through the pudb debugger.
The tests run fine with python, but I had no luck runnign them with pudb.
I isolated the problem, getting to the following sample code:
class Math:
def pow(self, x, y):
return x ** y
import unittest
class MathTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testPow23(self):
self.assertEquals(8, Math().pow(2, 3))
def testPow24(self):
self.assertEquals(16, Math().pow(2, 4))
if __name__ == '__main__':
The tests run fine:
$ python amodule.py
Ran 2 tests in 0.001s
But if running through pudb, it gives me the output:
Ran 0 tests in 0.000s
I've tried running using pudb amodule.py and also with python -m pudb.run amodule.py, but it makes no difference -- no tests are run in one or another way.
Should I be doing something different to debug unit tests using pudb?
Try placing a breakpoint on a useful line in your code:
from pudb import set_trace; set_trace()
The ways you tried to launch it might interfere with test discovery and/or not run your script with a __name__ of '__main__'.
Since this is a popular question, I feel I should also mention that most test running tools will require you to pass in a switch to prevent it from capturing the standard output and input (usually it's -s).
So, remember to run pytest -s when using Pytest, or nosetests -s for Nose, python manage.py test -s for Django tests, or check the documentation for your test running tool.
You can set a breakpoint even easier by:
import pudb; pu.db
No matter what I do sys.exit() is called by unittest, even the most trivial examples. I can't tell if my install is messed up or what is going on.
IDLE 1.2.2 ==== No Subprocess ====
>>> import unittest
>>> class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def testA(self):
a = 1
>>> unittest.main()
option -n not recognized
Usage: idle.pyw [options] [test] [...]
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --verbose Verbose output
-q, --quiet Minimal output
idle.pyw - run default set of tests
idle.pyw MyTestSuite - run suite 'MyTestSuite'
idle.pyw MyTestCase.testSomething - run MyTestCase.testSomething
idle.pyw MyTestCase - run all 'test*' test methods
in MyTestCase
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#7>", line 1, in <module>
File "E:\Python25\lib\unittest.py", line 767, in __init__
File "E:\Python25\lib\unittest.py", line 796, in parseArgs
File "E:\Python25\lib\unittest.py", line 773, in usageExit
SystemExit: 2
In new Python 2.7 release, unittest.main() has a new argument.
If 'exit' is set to False, sys.exit() is not called during the execution of unittest.main().
Your example is exiting on my install too. I can make it execute the tests and stay within Python by changing
More information is available here in the Python Library Reference.
Don't try to run unittest.main() from IDLE. It's trying to access sys.argv, and it's getting the args that IDLE was started with. Either run your tests in a different way from IDLE, or call unittest.main() in its own Python process.
Pop open the source code to unittest.py. unittest.main() is hard-coded to call sys.exit() after running all tests. Use TextTestRunner to run test suites from the prompt.
It's nice to be able to demonstrate that your tests work when first trying out the unittest module, and to know that you won't exit your Python shell. However, these solutions are version dependent.
Python 2.6
I'm using Python 2.6 at work, importing unittest2 as unittest (which is the unittest module supposedly found in Python 2.7).
The unittest.main(exit=False) doesn't work in Python 2.6's unittest2, while JoeSkora's solution does, and to reiterate it:
To break this down into its components and default arguments, with correct semantic names for the various composed objects:
import sys # sys.stderr is used in below default args
test_loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loaded_test_suite = test_loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
# Default args:
text_test_runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stderr,
Python 2.7 and 3
In Python 2.7 and higher, the following should work.
except SystemExit:
print('Simple as that, but you should really use a TestRunner instead')