UnicodeEncodeError in Python CSV manipulation script - python

I have a script that was working earlier but now stops due to UnicodeEncodeError.
I am using Python 3.4.3.
The full error message is the following:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "R:/A/APIDevelopment/ScivalPubsExternal/Combine/ScivalPubsExt.py", line 58, in <module>
File "C:\Python34\lib\encodings\cp1252.py", line 19, in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0]
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\x8a' in position 413: character maps to <undefined>
How can I address this error?
The Python script is the following below:
import pdb
import csv,sys,os
import glob
import os
import codecs
# create dictionary from Codes file (Institution names and codes)
codes = csv.reader(open('Codes.csv'))
#rows of the file are stored as lists/arrays
InstitutionCodesDict = {}
InstitutionYearsDict = {}
for row in codes:
#keys: instnames, #values: instcodes
InstitutionCodesDict[row[0]] = row[1]
#define year dictionary with empty values field
InstitutionYearsDict[row[0]] = []
#to create a fiel descriptor for the outputfile, wt means text mode (also rt opr r is the same)
with open(joinedFileOut,'wt') as csvWriteFD:
#write the file (it is still empty here)
#with closes the file at the end, if exception occurs then before that
# open each scival file, create file descriptor (encoding needed) and then read it and print the name of the file
if not glob.glob(csvSourceDir+"/*.csv"):
print("CSV source files not found")
for scivalFile in glob.glob(csvSourceDir+"/*.csv"):
#with open(scivalFile,"rt", encoding="utf8") as csvInFD:
with open(scivalFile,"rt", encoding="ISO-8859-1") as csvInFD:
fileFD = csv.reader(csvInFD)
#create condition for loop
#reads all rows in file and creates lists/arrays of each row
for row in fileFD:
if len(row)>1:
#the next printon part is skipped when looping through the rows above the data because it is not set to true
if printon:
#inserts instcode and inst sequentially to each row where there is data and after the header row
row.insert(0, InstitutionCode)
row.insert(0, Institution)
if row[10].strip() == "-":
row[10] = " "
p = row[10].zfill(8)
q = p[0:4] + '-' + p[4:]
row[10] = q
#writes output file
if "Publications at" in row[1]:
#get institution name from cell B1
Institution=row[1].replace('Publications at the ', "").replace('Publications at ',"")
#lookup institution code from dictionary
#printon gets set to TRUE after the header column
if "Title" in row[0]: printon=True
if "Publication years" in row[0]:
#get the year to print it later to see which years were pulled
#add year to institution in dictionary
if not year in InstitutionYearsDict[Institution]:
# Write a report showing the institution name followed by the years for
# which we have that institution's data.
with open("Instyears.txt","w") as instReportFD:
for inst in (InstitutionYearsDict):
for yr in InstitutionYearsDict[inst]:
instReportFD.write(" "+yr)

Make sure to use the correct encoding of your source and destination files. You open files in three locations:
codes = csv.reader(open('Codes.csv'))
: : :
with open(joinedFileOut,'wt') as csvWriteFD:
: : :
with open(scivalFile,"rt", encoding="ISO-8859-1") as csvInFD:
fileFD = csv.reader(csvInFD)
This should look something like:
# Use the correct encoding. If you made this file on
# Windows it is likely Windows-1252 (also known as cp1252):
with open('Codes.csv', encoding='cp1252') as f:
codes = csv.reader(f)
: : :
# The output encoding can be anything you want. UTF-8
# supports all Unicode characters. Windows apps tend to like
# the files to start with a UTF-8 BOM if the file is UTF-8,
# so 'utf-8-sig' is an option.
with open(joinedFileOut,'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') as csvWriteFD:
: : :
# This file is probably the cause of your problem and is not ISO-8859-1.
# Maybe UTF-8 instead? 'utf-8-sig' will safely handle and remove a UTF-8 BOM
# if present.
with open(scivalFile,'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as csvInFD:
fileFD = csv.reader(csvInFD)

The error is caused by an attempt to write a string containing a U+008A character using the default cp1252 encoding of your system. It is trivial to fix, just declare a latin1 encoding (or iso-8859-1) for your output file (because it just outputs the original byte without conversion):
with open(joinedFileOut,'wt', encoding='latin1') as csvWriteFD:
But this will only hide the real problem: where does this 0x8a character come from? My advice is to intercept the exception and dump the line where it occurs:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
# print row, the name of the file being processed and the line number
It is probably caused by one of the input files not being is-8859-1 encoded but more probably utf8 encoded...


How to solve problem decoding from wrong json format

everyone. Need help opening and reading the file.
Got this txt file - https://yadi.sk/i/1TH7_SYfLss0JQ
It is a dictionary
{"id0":"url0", "id1":"url1", ..., "idn":"urln"}
But it was written using json into txt file.
#This is how I dump the data into a txt
json.dump(after,open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'before_log.txt'), 'a'))
So, the file structure is
{"id0":"url0", "id1":"url1", ..., "idn":"urln"}{"id2":"url2", "id3":"url3", ..., "id4":"url4"}{"id5":"url5", "id6":"url6", ..., "id7":"url7"}
And it is all a string....
I need to open it and check repeated ID, delete and save it again.
But getting - json.loads shows ValueError: Extra data
Tried these:
How to read line-delimited JSON from large file (line by line)
Python json.loads shows ValueError: Extra data
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190)
But still getting that error, just in different place.
Right now I got as far as:
with open('111111111.txt', 'r') as log:
before_log = log.read()
before_log = before_log.replace('}{',', ').split(', ')
mu_dic = []
for i in before_log:
This eliminate the problem of several {}{}{} dictionaries/jsons in a row.
Maybe there is a better way to do this?
P.S. This is how the file is made:
json.dump(after,open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'before_log.txt'), 'a'))
Your file size is 9,5M, so it'll took you a while to open it and debug it manually.
So, using head and tail tools (found normally in any Gnu/Linux distribution) you'll see that:
# You can use Python as well to read chunks from your file
# and see the nature of it and what it's causing a decode problem
# but i prefer head & tail because they're ready to be used :-D
$> head -c 217 111111111.txt
{"1933252590737725178": "https://instagram.fiev2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/094927bbfd432db6101521c180221485/5CC0EBDD/t51.2885-15/e35/46950935_320097112159700_7380137222718265154_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fiev2-1.fna.fbcdn.net",
$> tail -c 219 111111111.txt
, "1752899319051523723": "https://instagram.fiev2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/a3f28e0a82a8772c6c64d4b0f264496a/5CCB7236/t51.2885-15/e35/30084016_2051123655168027_7324093741436764160_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fiev2-1.fna.fbcdn.net"}
$> head -c 294879 111111111.txt | tail -c 12
So the first guess is that your file is a malformed series ofJSON data, and the best guess is to seperate }{ by a \n for further manipulations.
So, here is an example of how you can solve your problem using Python:
import json
input_file = '111111111.txt'
output_file = 'new_file.txt'
data = ''
with open(input_file, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f_file:
# this with statement part can be replaced by
# using sed under your OS like this example:
# sed -i 's/}{/}\n{/g' 111111111.txt
data = f_file.read()
data = data.replace('}{', '}\n{')
seen, total_keys, to_write = set(), 0, {}
# split the lines of the in memory data
for elm in data.split('\n'):
# convert the line to a valid Python dict
converted = json.loads(elm)
# loop over the keys
for key, value in converted.items():
total_keys += 1
# if the key is not seen then add it for further manipulations
# else ignore it
if key not in seen:
to_write.update({key: value})
# write the dict's keys & values into a new file as a JSON format
with open(output_file, mode='a+', encoding='utf8') as out_file:
out_file.write(json.dumps(to_write) + '\n')
'found duplicated key(s): {seen} from {total}'.format(
seen=total_keys - len(seen),
found duplicated key(s): 43836 from 45367
And finally, the output file will be a valid JSON file and the duplicated keys will be removed with their values.
The basic difference between the file structure and actual json format is the missing commas and the lines are not enclosed within [. So the same can be achieved with the below code snippet
with open('json_file.txt') as f:
# Read complete file
a = (f.read())
# Convert into single line string
b = ''.join(a.splitlines())
# Add , after each object
b = b.replace("}", "},")
# Add opening and closing parentheses and ignore last comma added in prev step
b = '[' + b[:-1] + ']'
x = json.loads(b)

Exporting to CSV Format In UTF-8 Format [duplicate]

I have a UTF-16 CSV file which I have to read. Python csv module does not seem to support UTF-16.
I am using python 2.7.2. CSV files I need to parse are huge size running into several GBs of data.
Answers for John Machin questions below
print repr(open('test.csv', 'rb').read(100))
Output with test.csv having just abc as content
I think csv file got created on windows machine in USA. I am using Mac OSX Lion.
If I use code provided by phihag and test.csv containing one record.
sample test.csv content used. Below is print repr(open('test.csv', 'rb').read(1000)) output
'\xff\xfe1\x00,\x002\x00,\x00G\x00,\x00S\x00,\x00H\x00 \x00f\x00\xfc\x00r\x00 \x00e\x00 \x00\x96\x00 \x00m\x00 \x00\x85\x00,\x00,\x00I\x00\r\x00\n\x00'
Code by phihag
import codecs
import csv
with open('test.csv','rb') as f:
sr = codecs.StreamRecoder(f,codecs.getencoder('utf-8'),codecs.getdecoder('utf-8'),codecs.getreader('utf-16'),codecs.getwriter('utf-16'))
for row in csv.reader(sr):
print row
Output of the above code
['1', '2', 'G', 'S', 'H f\xc3\xbcr e \xc2\x96 m \xc2\x85']
['', '', 'I']
expected output is
['1', '2', 'G', 'S', 'H f\xc3\xbcr e \xc2\x96 m \xc2\x85','','I']
At the moment, the csv module does not support UTF-16.
In Python 3.x, csv expects a text-mode file and you can simply use the encoding parameter of open to force another encoding:
# Python 3.x only
import csv
with open('utf16.csv', 'r', encoding='utf16') as csvf:
for line in csv.reader(csvf):
print(line) # do something with the line
In Python 2.x, you can recode the input:
# Python 2.x only
import codecs
import csv
class Recoder(object):
def __init__(self, stream, decoder, encoder, eol='\r\n'):
self._stream = stream
self._decoder = decoder if isinstance(decoder, codecs.IncrementalDecoder) else codecs.getincrementaldecoder(decoder)()
self._encoder = encoder if isinstance(encoder, codecs.IncrementalEncoder) else codecs.getincrementalencoder(encoder)()
self._buf = ''
self._eol = eol
self._reachedEof = False
def read(self, size=None):
r = self._stream.read(size)
raw = self._decoder.decode(r, size is None)
return self._encoder.encode(raw)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self._reachedEof:
raise StopIteration()
while True:
line,eol,rest = self._buf.partition(self._eol)
if eol == self._eol:
self._buf = rest
return self._encoder.encode(line + eol)
raw = self._stream.read(1024)
if raw == '':
self._decoder.decode(b'', True)
self._reachedEof = True
return self._encoder.encode(self._buf)
self._buf += self._decoder.decode(raw)
next = __next__
def close(self):
return self._stream.close()
with open('test.csv','rb') as f:
sr = Recoder(f, 'utf-16', 'utf-8')
for row in csv.reader(sr):
print (row)
open and codecs.open require the file to start with a BOM. If it doesn't (or you're on Python 2.x), you can still convert it in memory, like this:
from io import BytesIO
except ImportError: # Python < 2.6
from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
import csv
with open('utf16.csv', 'rb') as binf:
c = binf.read().decode('utf-16').encode('utf-8')
for line in csv.reader(BytesIO(c)):
print(line) # do something with the line
The Python 2.x csv module documentation example shows how to handle other encodings.
I would strongly suggest that you recode your file(s) to UTF-8. Under the very likely condition that you don't have any Unicode characters outside the BMP, you can take advantage of the fact that UTF-16 is a fixed-length encoding to read fixed-length blocks from your input file without worrying about straddling block boundaries.
Step 1: Determine what encoding you actually have. Examine the first few bytes of your file:
print repr(open('thefile.csv', 'rb').read(100))
Four possible ways of encoding u'abc'
\xfe\xff\x00a\x00b\x00c -> utf_16
\xff\xfea\x00b\x00c\x00 -> utf_16
\x00a\x00b\x00c -> utf_16_be
a\x00b\x00c\x00 -> utf_16_le
If you have any trouble with this step, edit your question to include the results of the above print repr()
Step 2: Here's a Python 2.X recode-UTF-16*-to-UTF-8 script:
import sys
infname, outfname, enc = sys.argv[1:4]
fi = open(infname, 'rb')
fo = open(outfname, 'wb')
BUFSIZ = 64 * 1024 * 1024
first = True
while 1:
buf = fi.read(BUFSIZ)
if not buf: break
if first and enc == 'utf_16':
bom = buf[:2]
buf = buf[2:]
enc = {'\xfe\xff': 'utf_16_be', '\xff\xfe': 'utf_16_le'}[bom]
# KeyError means file doesn't start with a valid BOM
first = False
Other matters:
You say that your files are too big to read the whole file, recode and rewrite, yet you can open it in vi. Please explain.
The <85> being treated as end of record is a bit of a worry. Looks like 0x85 is being recognised as NEL (C1 control code, NEWLINE). There is a strong possibility that the data was originally encoded in some legacy single-byte encoding where 0x85 has a meaning but has been transcoded to UTF-16 under the false assumption that the original encoding was ISO-8859-1 aka latin1. Where did the file originate? An IBM mainframe? Windows/Unix/classic Mac? What country, locale, language? You obviously think that the <85> is not meant to be a newline; what do you think that it means?
Please feel free to send a copy of a cut-down file (that includes some of the <85> stuff) to sjmachin at lexicon dot net
Update based on 1-line sample data provided.
This confirms my suspicions. Read this. Here's a quote from it:
... the C1 control characters ... are rarely used directly, except on
specific platforms such as OpenVMS. When they turn up in documents,
Web pages, e-mail messages, etc., which are ostensibly in an
ISO-8859-n encoding, their code positions generally refer instead to
the characters at that position in a proprietary, system-specific
encoding such as Windows-1252 or the Apple Macintosh ("MacRoman")
character set that use the codes provided for representation of the C1
set with a single 8-bit byte to instead provide additional graphic
This code:
s1 = '\xff\xfe1\x00,\x002\x00,\x00G\x00,\x00S\x00,\x00H\x00 \x00f\x00\xfc\x00r\x00 \x00e\x00 \x00\x96\x00 \x00m\x00 \x00\x85\x00,\x00,\x00I\x00\r\x00\n\x00'
s2 = s1.decode('utf16')
print 's2 repr:', repr(s2)
from unicodedata import name
from collections import Counter
non_ascii = Counter(c for c in s2 if c >= u'\x80')
print 'non_ascii:', non_ascii
for c in non_ascii:
print "from: U+%04X %s" % (ord(c), name(c, "<no name>"))
c2 = c.encode('latin1').decode('cp1252')
print "to: U+%04X %s" % (ord(c2), name(c2, "<no name>"))
s3 = u''.join(
c.encode('latin1').decode('1252') if u'\x80' <= c < u'\xA0' else c
for c in s2
print 's3 repr:', repr(s3)
print 's3:', s3
produces the following (Python 2.7.2 IDLE, Windows 7):
s2 repr: u'1,2,G,S,H f\xfcr e \x96 m \x85,,I\r\n'
non_ascii: Counter({u'\x85': 1, u'\xfc': 1, u'\x96': 1})
from: U+0085 <no name>
from: U+0096 <no name>
to: U+2013 EN DASH
s3 repr: u'1,2,G,S,H f\xfcr e \u2013 m \u2026,,I\r\n'
s3: 1,2,G,S,H für e – m …,,I
Which do you think is a more reasonable interpretation of \x96:
SPA i.e. Start of Protected Area (Used by block-oriented terminals.)
Looks like a thorough analysis of a much larger data sample is warranted. Happy to help.
Just open your file with codecs.open like in
import codecs, csv
stream = codecs.open(<yourfile.csv>, encoding="utf-16")
reader = csv.reader(stream)
And work through your program with unicode strings, as you should do anyway if you are processing text

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii'

Sorry guys I'm really new at this.. Here is the full python script.
The purpose of the script is to read two different 1 wire temperature sensors and then use HTTP post to write those values into a mysql database.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import hashlib
import time
#Dont forget to fill in PASSWORD and URL TO saveTemp (twice) in this file
sensorids = ["28-00000", "28-000004"]
avgtemperatures = []
for sensor in range(len(sensorids)):
temperatures = []
for polltime in range(0,3):
text = '';
while text.split("\n")[0].find("YES") == -1:
# Open the file that we viewed earlier so that python can see what is in it. Replace the serial number as before.
tfile = open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/"+ sensorids[sensor] +"/w1_slave")
# Read all of the text in the file.
text = tfile.read()
# Close the file now that the text has been read.
# Split the text with new lines (\n) and select the second line.
secondline = text.split("\n")[1]
# Split the line into words, referring to the spaces, and select the 10th word (counting from 0).
temperaturedata = secondline.split(" ")[9]
# The first two characters are "t=", so get rid of those and convert the temperature from a string to a number.
temperature = float(temperaturedata[2:])
# Put the decimal point in the right place and display it.
temperatures.append(temperature / 1000 * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0)
avgtemperatures.append(sum(temperatures) / float(len(temperatures)))
print avgtemperatures[0]
print avgtemperatures[1]
session = requests.Session()
# Getting a fresh nonce which we will use in the authentication step.
nonce = session.get(url='').text
# Hashing the nonce, the password and the temperature values (to provide some integrity).
response = hashlib.sha256('{}PASSWORD{}{}'.format(nonce.encode('utf8'), *avgtemperatures).hexdigest())
# Post data of the two temperature values and the authentication response.
post_data = {'response':response, 'temp1':avgtemperatures[0], 'temp2': avgtemperatures[1]}
post_request = session.post(url='', data=post_data)
if post_request.status_code == 200 :
print post_request.text
Below is the NEW error that I get.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/pollSensors.py", line 42, in <module>
response = hashlib.sha256('{}PASSWORD{}{}'.format(nonce.encode('utf8'), *avgtemperatures).hexdigest())
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'hexdigest'
nonce is a unicode value; session.get(..).text is always unicode.
You are trying to force that value into a string without explicitly providing an encoding. As a result Python is trying to encode it for you with the default ASCII codec. That encoding is failing.
Encode your Unicode values to strings explicitly instead. For a SHA 256 hash, UTF-8 is probably fine.
response = hashlib.sha256(nonce.encode('utf8') + 'PASSWORD' +
str(avgtemperatures[0]) +
or use string templating:
response = hashlib.sha256('{}PASSWORD{}{}'.format(
nonce.encode('utf8'), *avgtemperatures)).hexdigest()
I got the similar issue except that it was decimal instead of ascci
remove directory: your-profile.spyder2\spyder.lock

"list index out of range" in python

I have a code in python to index a text file that contain arabic words. I tested the code on an english text and it works well ,but it gives me an error when i tested an arabic one.
Note: the text file is saved in unicode encoding not in ANSI encoding.
This is my code:
from whoosh import fields, index
import os.path
import csv
import codecs
from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser
# This list associates a name with each position in a row
columns = ["juza","chapter","verse","voc"]
schema = fields.Schema(juza=fields.NUMERIC,
# Create the Whoosh index
indexname = "indexdir"
if not os.path.exists(indexname):
ix = index.create_in(indexname, schema)
# Open a writer for the index
with ix.writer() as writer:
with open("h.txt", 'r') as txtfile:
# Read each row in the file
for i in lines:
# Create a dictionary to hold the document values for this row
doc = {}
# Read the values for the row enumerated like
# (0, "juza"), (1, "chapter"), etc.
for w in thisline:
# Get the field name from the "columns" list
fieldname = columns[u]
#if isinstance(w, basestring):
# w = unicode(w)
doc[fieldname] = w
# Pass the dictionary to the add_document method
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
query = QueryParser("voc", ix.schema).parse(u"بسم")
results = searcher.search(query)
Then the error is :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\yarab.py", line 38, in <module>
fieldname = columns[u]
IndexError: list index out of range
this is a sample of the file:
1 1 1 كتاب
1 1 2 قرأ
1 1 3 لعب
1 1 4 كتاب
While I cannot see anything obviously wrong with that, I would make sure you're designing for error. Make sure you catch any situation where split() returns more than expected amount of elements and handle it promptly (e.g. print and terminate). It looks like you might be dealing with ill-formatted data.
You missed the header of Unicode in your script. the first line should be:
encoding: utf-8
Also to open a file with the unicode encoding use:
import codecs
with codecs.open("s.txt",encoding='utf-8') as txtfile:

Retrieving and displaying UTF-8 from a .CSV in Python

Basically I have been having real fun with this today. I have this data file called test.csv which is encoded as UTF-8:
"Nguyễn", 0.500
"Trần", 0.250
"Lê", 0.250
Now I am attempting to read it with this code and it displays all funny like this: Trần
Now I have gone through all the Python docs for 2.6 which is the one I use and I can't get the wrapper to work along with all the ideas on the internet which I am assuming are all very correct just not being applied properly by yours truly. On the plus side I have learnt that not all fonts will display those characters correctly anyway something I hadn't even thought of previously and have learned a lot about Unicode etc so it certainly was not wasted time.
If anyone could point out where I went wrong I would be most grateful.
Here is the code updated as per request below that returns this error -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "surname_generator.py", line 39, in
probfamilynames = [(familyname,float(prob)) for familyname,prob in unicode_csv_reader(open(familynamelist))]
File "surname_generator.py", line 27, in unicode_csv_reader
for row in csv_reader:
File "surname_generator.py", line 33, in utf_8_encoder
yield line.encode('utf-8') UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xef in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
from random import random
import csv
class ChooseFamilyName(object):
def __init__(self, probs):
self._total_prob = 0.
self._familyname_levels = []
for familyname, prob in probs:
self._total_prob += prob
self._familyname_levels.append((self._total_prob, familyname))
def pickfamilyname(self):
pickfamilyname = self._total_prob * random()
for level, familyname in self._familyname_levels:
if level >= pickfamilyname:
return familyname
print "pickfamilyname error"
def unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, **kwargs):
csv_reader = csv.reader(utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data),
dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
for row in csv_reader:
# decode UTF-8 back to Unicode, cell by cell:
yield [unicode(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row]
def utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data):
for line in unicode_csv_data:
yield line.encode('utf-8')
familynamelist = 'familyname_vietnam.csv'
a = 0
while a < 10:
a = a + 1
probfamilynames = [(familyname,float(prob)) for familyname,prob in unicode_csv_reader(open(familynamelist))]
familynamepicker = ChooseFamilyName(probfamilynames)
unicode_csv_reader(open(familynamelist)) is trying to pass non-unicode data (byte strings with utf-8 encoding) to a function you wrote expecting unicode data. You could solve the problem with codecs.open (from standard library module codecs), but that's to roundabout: the codecs would be doing utf8->unicode for you, then your code would be doing unicode->utf8, what's the point?
Instead, define a function more like this one...:
def encoded_csv_reader_to_unicode(encoded_csv_data,
csv_reader = csv.reader(encoded_csv_data,
for row in csv_reader:
yield [unicode(cell, coding) for cell in row]
and use encoded_csv_reader_to_unicode(open(familynamelist)).
Your current problem is that you have been given a bum steer with the csv_unicode_reader thingy. As the name suggests, and as the documentation states explicitly:
"""(unicode_csv_reader() below is a generator that wraps csv.reader to handle Unicode CSV data (a list of Unicode strings). """
You don't have unicode strings, you have str strings encoded in UTF-8.
Suggestion: blow away the csv_unicode_reader stuff. Get each row plainly and simply as though it was encoded in ascii. Then convert each row to unicode:
unicode_row = [field.decode('utf8') for field in str_row]
Getting back to your original problem:
(1) To get help with fonts etc, you need to say what platform you are running on and what software you are using to display the unicode strings.
(2) If you want platform-independent ways of inspecting your data, look at the repr() built-in function, and the name function in the unicodedata module.
There's the unicode_csv_reader demo in the python docs:

