i have a python script that when is run from eclipse it does what i want without any errors or anything.
I want now to create a batch file, that will run my script in a loop (infinitely).
The first problem is that i when i run the bat file, i get a second cmd window that shows the logging from my python script (which shows me that it is running) but when the main process of the script starts(which can take from 1 minute to some hours) it exits within a few second without actually running all the script. I have used start wait/ but it doesn't seem to work. Here is the simple batch file i have created:
#echo off
start /wait C:\Python32\python.exe C:\Users\some_user\workspace\DMS_GUI\CheckCreateAdtf\NewTest.py
goto start
So i want the bat file to run my script, wait for it to finish(even if it takes some hours) and then run it again.
I have also tried creating a bat file that calls with start wait/ the bat file shown above with no success.
Optimally i would like it to keep the window open with all the logging that i have in my script, but that is another issue that can be solved later.
def _open_read_file(self):
logging.debug("Checking txt file with OLD DB-folder sizes")
content = []
with open(self._pathToFileWithDBsize) as f:
content = f.read().splitlines()
for p in content:
name,size = (p.split(","))
self._folder_sizes_dic[name] = size
def _check_DB(self):
logging.debug("Checking current DB size")
skippaths = ['OtherData','Aa','Sss','asss','dss','dddd']
dirlist = [ item for item in os.listdir(self._pathToDBparentFolder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self._pathToDBparentFolder, item)) ]
for skip in skippaths:
if skip in dirlist:
for dir in dirlist:
folderPath = self._pathToDBparentFolder +"\\"+str(dir)
fso = com.Dispatch("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
folder = fso.GetFolder(folderPath)
size = str("%.5f"%(folder.Size/MB))
self._DB_folder_sizes_dic[dir] = size
def _compare_fsizes(self):
logging.debug("Comparing sizes between DB and txt file")
for (key, value) in self._DB_folder_sizes_dic.items():
if key in self._folder_sizes_dic:
if (float(self._DB_folder_sizes_dic.get(key)) - float(self._folder_sizes_dic.get(key)) < 100.0 and float(self._DB_folder_sizes_dic.get(key)) - float(self._folder_sizes_dic.get(key)) > -30.0):
def _update_file_with_new_folder_sizes(self):
logging.debug("Updating txt file with new DB sizes")
file = open(self._pathToFileWithDBsize,'w')
for key,value in self._DB_folder_sizes_dic.items():
def _create_paths_for_changed_folders(self):
logging.debug("Creating paths to parse for the changed folders")
full_changed_folder_parent_paths = []
for folder in self._changed_folders:
full_changed_folder_parent_paths.append(self._pathToDBparentFolder +"\\"+str(folder))
for p in full_changed_folder_parent_paths:
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(p):
if not dirs:
def _find_dat_files_with_no_adtf(self):
logging.debug("Finding files with no adtf txt")
for path in self._full_paths_to_check_for_adtfs:
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for f in files:
if f.endswith('_AdtfInfo.txt'):
hasAdtfFilename = f.replace('_AdtfInfo.txt', '.dat')
self.hasADTFinfos.add(path + "\\" + hasAdtfFilename)
self.adtf_files = self.adtf_files + 1
elif f.endswith('.dat'):
self.dat_files = self.dat_files + 1
self._dat_file_paths.append(path + "\\" + f)
logging.debug("Checking which files have AdtfInfo.txt, This will take some time depending on the number of .dat files ")
for file in self._dat_file_paths:
if file not in self.hasADTFinfos:
self.files_with_no_adtf = len(self._dat_with_no_adtf)
#self.unique_paths_from_log = set(full_paths_to_check_for_adtfs)
logging.debug("Files found with no adtf " + str(self.files_with_no_adtf))
def _create_adtf_info(self):
logging.debug("Creating Adtf txt for dat files")
files_numbering = 0
for file in self._dat_with_no_adtf:
file_name = str(file)
adtf_file_name_path = file.replace('.dat','_AdtfInfo.txt')
exe_path = r"C:\Users\some_user\Desktop\some.exe "
path_to_dat_file = file_name
path_to_adtf_file = adtf_file_name_path
command_to_subprocess = exe_path + path_to_dat_file + " -d "+ path_to_adtf_file
#Call VisionAdtfInfoToCsv
process_response = subprocess.check_output(command_to_subprocess)
#if index0 in response, adtf could not be created because .dat file is probably corrupted
if "index0" in str(process_response):
self._files_corrupted = self._files_corrupted + 1
self._corrupted_file_exist_flag = True
self._files_processed_successfully = self._files_processed_successfully + 1
files_numbering = files_numbering + 1
The functions are called in this order
Ok it seems that the .exe in the script was returning an error and that is why it the script was finishing so fast. I thought that the bat file did not wait. I should have placed the .bat file in the .exe folder and now the whole thing runs perfect.
Working on a script to automatically remove files from various directories. At first I simply just made an IF statement for each file. This resulted in 3 different statements and while it works, It got me thinking that there has to be a way to use iteration to shorten the code.
Right now everything works right up to the last chunk of code; which is supposed to remove the files from their respective folders.
import os
cwd = os.chdir('C:\\Users\\name\\Desktop\\C008_Start\\')
folder = os.listdir('C:\\Users\\name\\Desktop\\C008_Start')
#Define variables and paths
LMP = 'LMP data for CDRL 008'
WIP = 'WIP Consumption CDRL Financials'
WIPRename = 'WIP Consumption CDRL.xlsx'
xlsx = '.xlsx'
LMPPath = 'C:\\Users\\name\\Desktop\\Python\\lmp\\'
WIPPath = 'C:\\Users\\name\\Desktop\\Python\\wip\\'
JBLPath = 'C:\\Users\\name\\Desktop\\Python\\jbl\\'
#add .xlsx extension to file names
paths = [LMPPath,WIPPath,JBLPath]
filelist = [LMP, WIP, JBL, WIPRename]
filelist2 = []
for item in filelist:
filelist2.append(item + xlsx)
#rename WIP file
if filelist2[1] in folder:
os.rename(filelist2[1], WIPRename)
#remove files from locations
for item in filelist2:
if item in paths:
os.remove(paths + item)
print(item + " not in: " + str(paths))
I have a Python script that prompts for text input, searches an online Korean dictionary, and then downloads MP3 audio files for the words found. I use the script to help me make Anki flashcards with audio. The script is originally from this post on reddit.
I can execute the script from the terminal while in the directory that the script is stored in. However, when I am in a different directory and execute the script by calling its full path, the script appears to run but does not find any words or download any MP3s. I cannot figure out why the script fails to execute correctly when I call it from a different directory.
The script is stored in the downloads folder on my Mac /Users/matt/Downloads
So, when I run the following commands, it works:
cd Downloads
python3 naver.py
However, when I run the following, the script executes, but doesn't download any MP3s:
python3 /Users/matt/Downloads/naver.py
The full Python script is here:
import urllib.request, json, codecs, math, time
def searchWords(koreanWords):
url = ('https://ko.dict.naver.com/api3/koko/search?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({'query': koreanWords}) + '&range=word&page=1')
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
jsonInfo = json.load(reader(response))
pageCount = jsonInfo["pagerInfo"]["totalPages"]
searchData = jsonInfo["searchResultMap"]["searchResultListMap"]["WORD"]["items"]
for pageCountInc in range(0, pageCount):
if pageCountInc != 0:
url = ('https://ko.dict.naver.com/api3/koko/search?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({'query': koreanWords}) + '&range=word&page=' + str(pageCountInc+1))
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
jsonInfo = json.load(reader(response))
searchData = jsonInfo["searchResultMap"]["searchResultListMap"]["WORD"]["items"]
for z in range (0, len(searchData)):
if searchData[z]["handleEntry"] in unchangedWordList:
if searchData[z]["searchPhoneticSymbolList"]:
if searchData[z]["searchPhoneticSymbolList"][0]["phoneticSymbolPath"] != "":
timesDownloaded[unchangedWordList.index(searchData[z]["handleEntry"])] += 1
mp3Link = searchData[z]["searchPhoneticSymbolList"][0]["phoneticSymbolPath"]
if mp3Link not in mp3Links:
urllib.request.urlretrieve(mp3Link, searchData[z]["handleEntry"] + str(timesDownloaded[unchangedWordList.index(searchData[z]["handleEntry"])]) + ".mp3")
def parseWords(listOfWords):
for x in range(0, math.floor(len(listOfWords)/10)):
tempWords = []
for y in range(0, 10):
print("Searching: " + str(x+1) + "/" + str(math.ceil(len(listOfWords)/10)))
tempWords = []
for y in range(math.floor(len(listOfWords)/10)*10+1, len(listOfWords)):
print("Searching: " + str((math.ceil(len(listOfWords)/10))) + "/" + str(math.ceil(len(listOfWords)/10)))
unfoundWords = []
unchangedWordList = []
timesDownloaded = []
mp3Links = []
wordInputs = unchangedWordList = input('Enter Words: ').split()
timesDownloaded = [0] * len(unchangedWordList)
for z in range(0, len(timesDownloaded)):
if(timesDownloaded[z] == 0):
if unfoundWords:
print(",".join(str(x) for x in unfoundWords) + " could not be found.")
print("Rerunning individual searches for unfound words.")
oldUnfoundWords = unfoundWords
unfoundWords = []
for x in range(0, len(oldUnfoundWords)):
print("Searching: " + str(x+1) + "/" + str(len(oldUnfoundWords)))
for z in range(0, len(timesDownloaded)):
if(timesDownloaded[z] == 0):
if unfoundWords:
print(",".join(str(x) for x in unfoundWords) + " could not be found.")
To answer question of how to save to a specific folder use pathlib to construct the path to MP3 folder.
import os
from pathlib import Path
# Create parent folder
mp3DIR = os.path.join(Path.home(),'Music')
basename = searchData[z]["handleEntry"]
+ str(timesDownloaded[unchangedWordList.index(searchData[z]["handleEntry"])]) + ".mp3"
urllib.request.urlretrieve(mp3Link, os.path.join(mp3Dir, basename))
The reason is the following:
Your python file runs in your current directory. So, when you run this: python3 /Users/matt/Downloads/naver.py, it either runs and saves the mp3 files in the current directory, or it doesn't save anything at all if it doesn't have the permissions to.
I have been working on an assignment with several text files, but an getting the file not found error. I was told to put all the text files into a folder as well as the main program. How can I put the main.py file into a folder with the rest of the files?
def main():
def process_file(param_str_file_name):
num_rec = 0
total = 0
average = 0
file_name = open('param_str_file_name', 'r')
print("Processing file", file_name)
variable = file_name.readline()
while variable != "":
file_name_int = int(file_name)
num_rec = num_rec + 1
variable = file_name.readline()
total += file_name_int
average = total / num_rec
print("\tRecord count = ", num_rec)
print("\tTotal = ", total)
print("\tAverage = " , f"{average:.2f}", "\n")
except EOFError:
print("\tError!", param_str_file_name, " is empty. Cannot calculate average\n")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("\tError!", param_str_file_name, " File not found\n")
except ValueError:
print("\tError!", param_str_file_name, "contains non-numeric data\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thanks for the help guys
Problem #1
This may have nothing to do with your code, but just move your main.py file into the same folder as your text files.
If you want to keep your text files in a different directory however, try using this code:
import os
This will change where your program looks. This is called change directory (also known as cd or chdir).
Problem #2
You use "param_str_file_name" as a string instead of using the argument in the
file_name = open('param_str_file_name', 'r')
With most text editors, you can simply create a file in a folder, or you could drag a code file into a folder.
My code currently unzips one zip folder and finds the file called file.txt and extracts it. Now I need to unzip multiple folders that have the extension .zip. I have tried to use code similar to what I need it to do but the problem is that now I have to find a file called file.txt in each of those .zip folders and extract that file only . Also to store file.txt into a separate folder that has the same name where it came from. Thank you in advance for your time.
import re
import os
from zipfile import ZipFile
def pain():
print("\t\t\tinput_files.zip has been unzipped")
with ZipFile('input_files.zip', 'r') as zipObj:
listOfFileNames = zipObj.namelist()
for fileName in listOfFileNames:
if fileName.endswith('.txt'):
zipObj.extract(fileName, 'storage')
outfile = "output2.txt" #this will be the filename that the code will write to
baconFile = open(outfile,"wt")
file_name1 = "file.txt"
print('Filename\tLine\tnumber of numbers\tstring separated by a comma\twhite space found\ttab found\tcarriage return found\n') #This prints the master column in the python shell and this is the way the code should collect the data
baconFile.write('Filename\tLine\tnumber of numbers\tstring separated by a comma\twhite space found\ttab found\tcarriage return found\n') #This prints the master column in the output file and this is the way the code should collect the data
#for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd() + "/input_files"):
for filename in os.listdir('C:\Users\M29858\Desktop\TestPy\Version10\input_files'):
with open("input_files/" + filename, 'r') as f:
if file_name1 in filename:
output_contents(filename, f, baconFile)
baconFile.close() #closes the for loop that the code is writing to
def output_contents(filename, f, baconFile): #using open() function to open the file inside the directory
index = 0
for line in f:
#create a list of all of the numerical values in our line
content = line.split(',') #this will be used to count the amount numbers before and after comma
whitespace_found = False
tab_found = False
false_string = "False (end of file)"
carriage_found = false_string
sigfigs = ""
index += 1 #adds 1 for every line if it finds what the command wants
if " " in line: #checking for whitespace
whitespace_found = True
if "\t" in line: #checking for tabs return
tab_found = True
if '\n' in line: #checking if there is a newline after the end of each line
carriage_found = True
sigfigs = (','.join(str(len(g)) for g in re.findall(r'\d+\.?(\d+)?', line ))) #counts the sigsfigs after decimal point
print(filename + "\t{0:<4}\t{1:<17}\t{2:<27}\t{3:17}\t{4:9}\t{5:21}"
.format(index, len(content), sigfigs, str(whitespace_found), str(tab_found), str(carriage_found))) #whatever is inside the .format() is the way it the data is stored into
baconFile.write( filename + "\t{0:<4}\t{1:<17}\t{2:<27}\t{3:17}\t{4:9}\t{5:21}"
.format(index, len(content), sigfigs, str(whitespace_found), str(tab_found), str(carriage_found)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import glob
import os
from zipfile import ZipFile
def main():
for fname in glob.glob("*.zip"): # get all the zip files
with ZipFile(fname) as archive:
# if there's no file.txt, ignore and go on to the next zip file
if 'file.txt' not in archive.namelist(): continue
# make a new directory named after the zip file
dirname = fname.rsplit('.',1)[0]
extract file.txt into the directory you just created
archive.extract('file.txt', path=dirname)
I am trying to make a program that writes a new file each time it runs.
For example:
I run the program once. The folder is empty so it adds a file to the folder named "Test_Number_1.txt"
I run the program for the second time. The folder has one file, so it scans it as a file, scans for another file but there is no file, so it creates a new file named "Test_Number_2.txt"
This is what I had in mind, but the code won't leave the while loop. I am still new to programming so excuse my inefficient coding haha.
memory = # something that changes each time I run the program
found_new = False
which_file = 0
while not found_new:
file = open("path_to_folder/Test_Number_" + str(which_file) + ".txt", "a")
except FileNotFoundError:
which_file += 1
file_w = open("path_to_folder/Test_Number_" + str(which_file) + ".txt", "w")
found_new = True
print("Looked", which_file, "times.")
which_file += 1
file = open("path_to_folder/Test_Number_" + str(which_file) + ".txt", "a")
I put the time.sleep(1) to delay the process in case of a bug so that my entire computer didn't overload and thank goodness because the program just keeps adding more and more files until I force quit it.
One simple solution
from os.path import isfile
def file_n(n):
return "Test_number_" + str(n) + ".txt"
n = 0
while isfile(file_n(n)):
n += 1
f = open( file_n(n), "w" )
The problem is that if many instances of that same program run at the same time, some files may be overwritten.