Math: More control on Integer Partition Functions and Algorithm - python

Integer partitions is a very interesting topic. Creating all the partitions of a given integer is almost simple, such as the following code:
def aP(n):
"""Generate partitions of n as ordered lists in ascending
lexicographical order.
This highly efficient routine is based on the delightful
work of Kelleher and O'Sullivan."""
a = [1]*n
y = -1
v = n
while v > 0:
v -= 1
x = a[v] + 1
while y >= 2 * x:
a[v] = x
y -= x
v += 1
w = v + 1
while x <= y:
a[v] = x
a[w] = y
yield a[:w + 1]
x += 1
y -= 1
a[v] = x + y
y = a[v] - 1
yield a[:w]
Searching for a way to gain much more control over the function, for example in order to generate only the partitions of N size, this solution appears better:
def sum_to_n(n, size, limit=None):
"""Produce all lists of `size` positive integers in decreasing order
that add up to `n`."""
if size == 1:
yield [n]
if limit is None:
limit = n
start = (n + size - 1) // size
stop = min(limit, n - size + 1) + 1
for i in range(start, stop):
for tail in sum_to_n(n - i, size - 1, i):
yield [i] + tail
But both of them do generates ALL the possible partitions of the given number, the first with every size, the second of the given size. What if I want only one specific partition of a given number ?
The following code generates the next partition of a given partition:
def next_partition(p):
if max(p) == 1:
return [sum(p)]
q = [ p[n] for n in range(len(p)) if p[n] > 1 ]
q[-1] -= 1
if (p.count(1)+1) % q[-1] == 0:
return q + [q[-1]]*((p.count(1)+1) // q[-1])
return q + [q[-1]]*((p.count(1)+1) // q[-1]) + [(p.count(1)+1) % q[-1]]
But still there is a problem, you have to know what is the partition before the partition requested.
Suppose now to need a given partition of an integer N and you only know the number of the partition; example:
The partitions of 4 are:
n.1 4
n.2 3+1
n.3 2+2
n.4 2+1+1
n.5 1+1+1+1
How to create the partition number 2 (3+1) giving only the integer (4) and the sequence number (2) ? All of this without the creation of all the partitions ?
I have read somewhere that is possible with a mathematic formula but I do not know how.


Algorithm not passing tests even when I get correct results on my end

The question is mostly about base conversion. Here's the question.
Start with a random minion ID n, which is a nonnegative integer of length k in base b
Define x and y as integers of length k. x has the digits of n in descending order, and y has the digits of n in ascending order
Define z = x - y. Add leading zeros to z to maintain length k if necessary
Assign n = z to get the next minion ID, and go back to step 2
For example, given minion ID n = 1211, k = 4, b = 10, then x = 2111, y = 1112 and z = 2111 - 1112 = 0999. Then the next minion ID will be n = 0999 and the algorithm iterates again: x = 9990, y = 0999 and z = 9990 - 0999 = 8991, and so on.
Depending on the values of n, k (derived from n), and b, at some point the algorithm reaches a cycle, such as by reaching a constant value. For example, starting with n = 210022, k = 6, b = 3, the algorithm will reach the cycle of values [210111, 122221, 102212] and it will stay in this cycle no matter how many times it continues iterating. Starting with n = 1211, the routine will reach the integer 6174, and since 7641 - 1467 is 6174, it will stay as that value no matter how many times it iterates.
Given a minion ID as a string n representing a nonnegative integer of length k in base b, where 2 <= k <= 9 and 2 <= b <= 10, write a function solution(n, b) which returns the length of the ending cycle of the algorithm above starting with n. For instance, in the example above, solution(210022, 3) would return 3, since iterating on 102212 would return to 210111 when done in base 3. If the algorithm reaches a constant, such as 0, then the length is 1.
Here's my code
def solution(n, b): #n(num): str, b(base): int
#Your code here
num = n
k = len(n)
resList = []
resIdx = 0
loopFlag = True
while loopFlag:
numX = "".join(x for x in sorted(num, reverse=True))
numY = "".join(y for y in sorted(num))
xBaseTen, yBaseTen = getBaseTen(numX, b), getBaseTen(numY, b)
xMinusY = xBaseTen - yBaseTen
num = getBaseB(xMinusY, b, k)
resListLen = len(resList)
for i in range(resListLen - 1, -1, -1):
if resList[i] == num:
loopFlag = False
resIdx = resListLen - i
if loopFlag:
if num == 0:
resIdx = 1
return resIdx
def getBaseTen(n, b): #n(number): str, b(base): int -> int
nBaseTenRes = 0
n = str(int(n)) # Shave prepending zeroes
length = len(n) - 1
for i in range(length + 1):
nBaseTenRes += int(n[i]) * pow(b, length - i)
return nBaseTenRes
def getBaseB(n, b, k): #(number): int, b(base): int, k:(len): int -> str
res = ""
r = 0 # Remainder
nCopy = n
while nCopy > 0:
r = nCopy % b
nCopy = floor(nCopy / b)
res += str(r)
res = res[::-1]
resPrependZeroesLen = k - len(res)
if resPrependZeroesLen > 0:
for i in range(resPrependZeroesLen):
res = "0" + res
return res
The two test that are available to me and are not passing, are ('1211', 10) and ('210022', 3). But I get the right answers for them (1, 3).
Why am I failing? Is the algo wrong? Hitting the time limit?
The problem arose between the differences of the execution environments.
When I executed on my machine on Python 3.7 this
r = nCopy % n
gave me an answer as an int.
While Foobar runs on 2.7, and the answer above is given as a float

Optimizing the algorithm for brute force numbers in the problem

How many pairs (i, j) exist such that 1 <= i <= j <= n, j - i <= a?
'n' and 'a' input numbers.
The problem is my algorithm is too slow when increasing 'n' or 'a'.
I cannot think of a correct algorithm.
Execution time must be less than 10 seconds.
n = 3
a = 1
Number of pairs = 5
n = 5
a = 4
Number of pairs = 15
n = 10
a = 5
Number of pairs = 45
n = 100
a = 0
Number of pairs = 100
n = 1000000
a = 333333
Number of pairs = 277778388889
n = 100000
a = 555555
Number of pairs = 5000050000
n = 1000000
a = 1000000
Number of pairs = 500000500000
n = 998999
a = 400000
Number of pairs = 319600398999
n = 898982
a = 40000
Number of pairs = 35160158982
n, a = input().split()
i = 1
j = 1
answer = 0
while True:
if n >= j:
if a >= (j-i):
answer += 1
j += 1
i += 1
j = i
if j > n:
i += 1
j = i
if j > n:
One can derive a direct formula to solve this problem.
ans = ((a+1)*a)/2 + (a+1) + (a+1)*(n-a-1)
Thus the time complexity is O(1). This is the fastest way to solve this problem.
The first a number can have pairs of (a+1)C2 + (a+1).
Every additional number has 'a+1' options to pair with. So, therefore, there are n-a-1 number remaining and have (a+1) options, (a+1)*(n-a-1)
Therefore the final answer is (a+1)C2 + (a+1) + (a+1)*(n-a-1) implies ((a+1)*a)/2 + (a+1) + (a+1)*(n-a-1).
You are using a quadratic algorithm but you should be able to get it to linear (or perhaps even better).
The main problem is to determine how many pairs, given i and j. It is natural to split that off into a function.
A key point is that, for i fixed, the j which go with that i are in the range i to min(n,i+a). This is since j-i <= a is equivalent to j <= i+a.
There are min(n,i+a) - i + 1 valid j for a given i. This leads to:
def count_pairs(n,a):
return sum(min(n,i+a) - i + 1 for i in range(1,n+1))
count_pairs(898982,40000) evaluates to 35160158982 in about a second. If that is still to slow, do some more mathematical analysis.
Here is an improvement:
n, a = map(int, input().split())
i = 1
j = 1
answer = 0
while True:
if n >= j <= a + i:
answer += 1
j += 1
i = j = i + 1
if j > n:

Number of ways to get sum of number(Integer Partition) using recursion or other methods

Question from codewars
In number theory and combinatorics, a partition of a positive integer n, also called an integer partition, is a way of writing n as a sum of positive integers. Two sums that differ only in the order of their summands are considered the same partition. If order matters, the sum becomes a composition. For example, 4 can be partitioned in five distinct ways:
3 + 1
2 + 2
2 + 1 + 1
1 + 1 + 1 + 1
Given number n, write a function exp_sum(n) that returns the total number of ways n can be partitioned.
Eg: exp_sum(4) = 5
Why does the recursion approach:
def exp_sum(n):
arr = list(range(1, n+1))
mem = {}
return rec(n, arr, mem)
def rec(n, arr, mem):
key = str(n)+ ":" + str(arr)
if key in mem:
return mem[key]
elif n < 0:
return 0
elif n == 0:
return 1
elif n > 0 and not arr:
return 0
to_return = rec(n - arr[-1], arr, mem) + rec(n, arr[:-1], mem)
mem[key] = to_return
return to_return
take so much longer to run compared to this particular method (top solution of this kata)?
def exp_sum(n):
if n < 0:
return 0
dp = [1]+[0]*n
for num in range(1,n+1):
for i in range(num,n+1):
dp[i] += dp[i-num]
return dp[-1]
Even with using memoisation, the recursion approach barely managed to pass the test case at a time of about 10000ms, compared to the 1000ms taken for the above approach.
And can anyone explain how the particular method above works and the logic behind it or if it uses some particular algorithm which I can read up about?

Fibonacci series in bit string

I am working on Fibonacci series but in bit string which can be represented as:
Secondly, I have a pattern for example '10' and want to count how many times this occurs in particular series, for example, the Fibonacci series for 5 is '101101101' so '10' occur 3 times.
my code is running correctly without error but the problem is that it cannot run for more than the value of n=45 I want to run n=100
can anyone help? I only want to calculate the count of occurrence
fibonacci_numbers = ['0', '1']
for i in range(1,n):
nStr = str (fibonacci_numbers[-1])
pattern = '10'
count = 0
flag = True
start = 0
while flag:
a = nStr.find(pattern, start)
if a == -1:
flag = False
count += 1
start = a + 1
This is a fun one! The trick is that you don't actually need that giant bit string, just the number of 10s it contains and the edges. This solution runs in O(n) time and O(1) space.
from typing import NamedTuple
class FibString(NamedTuple):
"""First digit, last digit, and the number of 10s in between."""
first: int
tens: int
last: int
def count_fib_string_tens(n: int) -> int:
"""Count the number of 10s in a n-'Fibonacci bitstring'."""
def combine(b: FibString, a: FibString) -> FibString:
"""Combine two FibStrings."""
tens = b.tens + a.tens
# mind the edges!
if b.last == 1 and a.first == 0:
tens += 1
return FibString(b.first, tens, a.last)
# First two values are 0 and 1 (tens=0 for both)
a, b = FibString(0, 0, 0), FibString(1, 0, 1)
for _ in range(1, n):
a, b = b, combine(b, a)
return b.tens # tada!
I tested this against your original implementation and sure enough it produces the same answers for all values that the original function is able to calculate (but it's about eight orders of magnitude faster by the time you get up to n=40). The answer for n=100 is 218922995834555169026 and it took 0.1ms to calculate using this method.
The nice thing about the Fibonacci sequence that will solve your issue is that you only need the last two values of the sequence. 10110 is made by combining 101 and 10. After that 10 is no longer needed. So instead of appending, you can just keep the two values. Here is what I've done:
fibonacci_numbers = ['0', '1']
for i in range(1,n):
temp = fibonacci_numbers[1]
fibonacci_numbers[1] = fibonacci_numbers[1] + fibonacci_numbers[0]
fibonacci_numbers[0] = temp
Note that it still uses a decent amount of memory, but it didn't give me a memory error (it does take a bit of time to run though).
I also wasn't able to print the full string as I got an OSError [Errno 5] Input/Output error but it can still count and print that output.
For larger numbers, storing as a string is going to quickly cause a memory issue. In that case, I'd suggest doing the fibonacci sequence with plain integers and then converting to bits. See here for tips on binary conversion.
While the regular fibonacci sequence doesn't work in a direct sense, consider that 10 is 2 and 101 is 5. 5+2 doesn't work - you want 10110 or an or operation 10100 | 10 yielding 22; so if you shift one by the length of the other, you can get the result. See for example
x = 5
y = 2
(x << 2) | y
>> 22
Shifting x by the number of bits representing y and then doing a bitwise or with | solves the issue. Python summarizes these bitwise operations well here. All that's left for you to do is determine how many bits to shift and implement this into your for loop!
For really large n you will still have a memory issue shown in the plot:
Finally i got the answer but can someone explain it briefly why it is working
def count(p, n):
count = 0
i = n.find(p)
while i != -1:
n = n[i + 1:]
i = n.find(p)
count += 1
return count
def occurence(p, n):
a1 = "1"
a0 = "0"
lp = len(p)
i = 1
if n <= 5:
return count(p, atring(n))
while lp > len(a1):
temp = a1
a1 += a0
a0 = temp
i += 1
if i >= n:
return count(p, a1)
fn = a1[:lp - 1]
if -lp + 1 < 0:
ln = a1[-lp + 1:]
ln = ""
countn = count(p, a1)
a1 = a1 + a0
i += 1
if -lp + 1 < 0:
lnp1 = a1[-lp + 1:]
lnp1 = ""
k = 0
countn1 = count(p, a1)
for j in range(i + 1, n + 1):
temp = countn1
countn1 += countn
countn = temp
if k % 2 == 0:
string = lnp1 + fn
string = ln + fn
k += 1
countn1 += count(p, string)
return countn1
def atring(n):
a0 = "0"
a1 = "1"
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return str(n)
for i in range(2, n + 1):
temp = a1
a1 += a0
a0 = temp
return a1
def fn():
a = 100
p = '10'
print( occurence(p, a))
if __name__ == "__main__":

How to efficiently get all combinations where the sum is 10 or below in Python

Imagine you're trying to allocate some fixed resources (e.g. n=10) over some number of territories (e.g. t=5). I am trying to find out efficiently how to get all the combinations where the sum is n or below.
E.g. 10,0,0,0,0 is good, as well as 0,0,5,5,0 etc., while 3,3,3,3,3,3 is obviously wrong.
I got this far:
import itertools
t = 5
n = 10
r = [range(n+1)] * t
for x in itertools.product(*r):
if sum(x) <= n:
print x
This brute force approach is incredibly slow though; there must be a better way?
Timings (1000 iterations):
Default (itertools.product) --- time: 40.90 s
falsetru recursion --- time: 3.63 s
Aaron Williams Algorithm (impl, Tony) --- time: 0.37 s
Possible approach follows. Definitely would use with caution (hardly tested at all, but the results on n=10 and t=5 look reasonable).
The approach involves no recursion. The algorithm to generate partitions of a number n (10 in your example) having m elements (5 in your example) comes from Knuth's 4th volume. Each partition is then zero-extended if necessary, and all the distinct permutations are generated using an algorithm from Aaron Williams which I have seen referred to elsewhere. Both algorithms had to be translated to Python, and that increases the chance that errors have crept in. The Williams algorithm wanted a linked list, which I had to fake with a 2D array to avoid writing a linked-list class.
There goes an afternoon!
Code (note your n is my maxn and your t is my p):
import itertools
def visit(a, m):
""" Utility function to add partition to the list"""
def parts(a, n, m):
""" Knuth Algorithm H, Combinatorial Algorithms, Pre-Fascicle 3B
Finds all partitions of n having exactly m elements.
An upper bound on running time is (3 x number of
partitions found) + m. Not recursive!
while (1):
visit(a, m)
while a[2] < a[1]-1:
a[1] -= 1
a[2] += 1
visit(a, m)
s = a[1]+a[2]-1
while a[j] >= a[1]-1:
s += a[j]
j += 1
if j > m:
x = a[j] + 1
a[j] = x
j -= 1
while j>1:
a[j] = x
s -= x
j -= 1
a[1] = s
def distinct_perms(partition):
""" Aaron Williams Algorithm 1, "Loopless Generation of Multiset
Permutations by Prefix Shifts". Finds all distinct permutations
of a list with repeated items. I don't follow the paper all that
well, but it _possibly_ has a running time which is proportional
to the number of permutations (with 3 shift operations for each
permutation on average). Not recursive!
perms = []
val = 0
nxt = 1
l1 = [[partition[i],i+1] for i in range(len(partition))]
l1[-1][nxt] = None
head = 0
i = len(l1)-2
afteri = i+1
tmp = []
tmp += [l1[head][val]]
c = head
while l1[c][nxt] != None:
tmp += [l1[l1[c][nxt]][val]]
c = l1[c][nxt]
while (l1[afteri][nxt] != None) or (l1[afteri][val] < l1[head][val]):
if (l1[afteri][nxt] != None) and (l1[i][val]>=l1[l1[afteri][nxt]][val]):
beforek = afteri
beforek = i
k = l1[beforek][nxt]
l1[beforek][nxt] = l1[k][nxt]
l1[k][nxt] = head
if l1[k][val] < l1[head][val]:
i = k
afteri = l1[i][nxt]
head = k
tmp = []
tmp += [l1[head][val]]
c = head
while l1[c][nxt] != None:
tmp += [l1[l1[c][nxt]][val]]
c = l1[c][nxt]
return perms
maxn = 10 # max integer to find partitions of
p = 5 # max number of items in each partition
# Find all partitions of length p or less adding up
# to maxn or less
# Special cases (Knuth's algorithm requires n and m >= 2)
x = [[i] for i in range(maxn+1)]
# Main cases: runs parts fn (maxn^2+maxn)/2 times
for i in range(2, maxn+1):
for j in range(2, min(p+1, i+1)):
m = j
n = i
a = [0, n-m+1] + [1] * (m-1) + [-1] + [0] * (n-m-1)
parts(a, n, m)
y = []
# For each partition, add zeros if necessary and then find
# distinct permutations. Runs distinct_perms function once
# for each partition.
for part in x:
if len(part) < p:
y += distinct_perms(part + [0] * (p - len(part)))
y += distinct_perms(part)
Make your own recursive function which do not recurse with an element unless it's possible to make a sum <= 10.
def f(r, n, t, acc=[]):
if t == 0:
if n >= 0:
yield acc
for x in r:
if x > n: # <---- do not recurse if sum is larger than `n`
for lst in f(r, n-x, t-1, acc + [x]):
yield lst
t = 5
n = 10
for xs in f(range(n+1), n, 5):
print xs
You can create all the permutations with itertools, and parse the results with numpy.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from itertools import product
>>> t = 5
>>> n = 10
>>> r = range(n+1)
# Create the product numpy array
>>> prod = np.fromiter(product(r, repeat=t), np.dtype('u1,' * t))
>>> prod = prod.view('u1').reshape(-1, t)
# Extract only permutations that satisfy a condition
>>> prod[prod.sum(axis=1) < n]
>>> %%timeit
prod = np.fromiter(product(r, repeat=t), np.dtype('u1,' * t))
prod = prod.view('u1').reshape(-1, t)
prod[prod.sum(axis=1) < n]
10 loops, best of 3: 41.6 ms per loop
You could even speed up the product computation by populating combinations directly in numpy.
You could optimize the algorithm using Dynamic Programming.
Basically, have an array a, where a[i][j] means "Can I get a sum of j with the elements up to the j-th element (and using the jth element, assuming you have your elements in an array t (not the number you mentioned)).
Then you can fill the array doing
a[0][t[0]] = True
for i in range(1, len(t)):
a[i][t[i]] = True
for j in range(t[i]+1, n+1):
for k in range(0, i):
if a[k][j-t[i]]:
a[i][j] = True
Then, using this info, you could backtrack the solution :)
def backtrack(j = len(t)-1, goal = n):
print j, goal
all_solutions = []
if j == -1:
return []
if goal == t[j]:
for i in range(j-1, -1, -1):
if a[i][goal-t[j]]:
r = backtrack(i, goal - t[j])
for l in r:
print l
all_solutions.extend(backtrack(j-1, goal))
return all_solutions
backtrack() # is the answer

