iterating through list - splitting strings - python

I have a list of drawingnumbers, I am attempting to split these strings and then append to a number of lists.
I am hoping to end up with a number of lists, which contains each relevant piece of the original string.
At the minute my definition is iterating through the list, but overwriting the variables, not appending them. So I have a single entry for each variable and these correspond to the final entry of the list.
Could anybody please help?
# drawingnumber split
drawingnumber = ["AAA601-XXX-A-L00-1028-DR-GA-200-001",
building = []
buildinglist = []
originator = []
discipline = []
level = []
scope = []
drawingtype = []
drawingsubtype = []
numbera = []
numberb = []
for i in drawingnumber:
building, originator, discipline, level, scope, \
drawingtype,drawingsubtype, numbera, numberb = i.split("-")
print("building:", building)
print("originator: ", originator)
print("discipline: ", discipline)
print("level: ", level)
print("scope: ", scope)
print("drawingtype: ", drawingtype)
print("drawingsubtype", drawingsubtype)
print("drawingident", numbera, "-", numberb)

You can use zip after splitting each element in the list to transpose your lists as:
zip(*[i.split("-") for i in drawingnumber])
And assign them to lists names:
building, originator, discipline, level, scope, \
drawingtype, drawingsubtype, numbera, numberb = zip(*[i.split("-") for i in drawingnumber])
Example output:
# ('AAA601', 'AAA601', 'AAA601', 'AAA601')
# ('XXX', 'XXX', 'XXX', 'XXX')
# ('001', '001', '001', 'XXX')

Just change
for i in drawingnumber:
building, originator, discipline, level, scope, drawingtype,drawingsubtype, numbera, numberb = i.split("-")
for i in drawingnumber:
building_, originator_, discipline_, level_, scope_, drawingtype_,drawingsubtype_, numbera_, numberb_ = i.split("-")
splitted valeus redefine your variables each time what you want to do here is basically append those to lists you created, also pick plural names for list like: buildings and append singular variables to them

drawingnumber = ["AAA601-XX1-A-L00-1028-DR-GA-200-001",
building = []
buildinglist = []
originator = []
discipline = []
level = []
scope = []
drawingtype = []
drawingsubtype = []
numbera = []
numberb = []
for i in drawingnumber:
j = i.split('-')
for i in range(len(drawingnumber)):
print("building:", building[i])
print("buildinglist:", buildinglist[i])


List index errror

I have created a program which reads a file line into a list. When i run the code below, i see that there is a list with elements inside it.
dogs_list_player = []
dogs_list_computer = []
with open("dogs.txt") as f:
for i in range(Y):
for i in range(Z):
The result is:
[['Tim'], ['Bob']]
[['Tim'], ['Bob'], ['Jess']]
[['Tim'], ['Bob'], ['Jess'], ['Bess']]
[['Tim'], ['Bob'], ['Jess'], ['Bess'], ['Tess']]
[['Dom'], ['Tom']]
[['Dom'], ['Tom'], ['Will']]
[['Dom'], ['Tom'], ['Will'], ['Ben']]
[['Dom'], ['Tom'], ['Will'], ['Ben'], ['Joe']]
But the issue arises when i add this part of code:
dogs_list_player = []
dogs_list_computer = []
with open("dogs.txt") as f:
for i in range(Y):
for i in range(Z):
class Dog_card:
name = ""
friendliness = ""
intelligence = ""
exercise = ""
drool = ""
def printing_card(self):
prnt_str = "Name:%s \nIntelligence:%s \nExercise:%s \nDrool:%s" %(, self.friendliness, self.intelligence, self.exercise, self.drool)
return prnt_str
player_card = Dog_card()
card_count = 0 = dogs_list_player[0]#i think this is where the issue is happening
the result of this code is:
IndexError: list index out of range
Any help would be appreciated
your Dog_card class has some errors :
you forget "friendliness" parameter in the string that is in printing_card method and also you have not any constructor in your class .
class Dog_card:
def __init__(self): = ""
self.friendliness = ""
self.intelligence = ""
self.exercise = ""
self.drool = ""
def printing_card(self):
prnt_str = "Name:%s \nIntelligence:%s friendliness:%s \nExercise:%s \nDrool:%s" %(, self.friendliness, self.intelligence, self.exercise, self.drool)
return prnt_str
this shoud be work .

python list of dictionaries only updating 1 attribute and skipping others

I have a list of lists containing company objects:
companies_list = [companies1, companies2]
I have the following function:
def get_fund_amount_by_year(companies_list):
companies_length = len(companies_list)
for idx, companies in enumerate(companies_list):
companies1 = companies.values_list('id', flat=True)
funding_rounds = FundingRound.objects.filter(company_id__in=companies1).order_by('announced_on')
amount_per_year_list = []
for fr in funding_rounds:
fr_year = fr.announced_on.year
fr_amount = fr.raised_amount_usd
if not any(d['year'] == fr_year for d in amount_per_year_list):
year_amount = {}
year_amount['year'] = fr_year
for companies_idx in range(companies_length):
year_amount['amount'+str(companies_idx)] = 0
if companies_idx == idx:
year_amount['amount'+str(companies_idx)] = fr_amount
for year_amount in amount_per_year_list:
if year_amount['year'] == fr_year:
year_amount['amount'+str(idx)] += fr_amount
return amount_per_year_list
The problem is the resulting list of dictionaries has only one amount attribute updated.
As you can see "amount0" contains all "0" amounts:
[{'amount1': 12100000L, 'amount0': 0, 'year': 1999}, {'amount1':
8900000L, 'amount0': 0, 'year': 2000}]
What am I doing wrong?
I put list of dictionaries being built in the loop and so when it iterated it overwrote the last input. I changed it to look like:
def get_fund_amount_by_year(companies_list):
companies_length = len(companies_list)
**amount_per_year_list = []**
for idx, companies in enumerate(companies_list):
companies1 = companies.values_list('id', flat=True)
funding_rounds = FundingRound.objects.filter(company_id__in=companies1).order_by('announced_on')

TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable python function

I have two functions, one which creates a dataframe from a csv and another which manipulates that dataframe. There is no problem the first time I pass the raw data through the lsc_age(import_data()) functions. However, I get the above-referenced error (TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable) upon second+ attempts. Any ideas for how to solve the problem?
def import_data(csv,date1,date2):
global data
data = pd.read_csv(csv,header=1)
data = data.iloc[:,[0,1,4,6,7,8,9,11]]
data = data.dropna(how='all')
data = data.rename(columns={"National: For Dates 9//1//"+date1+" - 8//31//"+date2:'event','Unnamed: 1':'time','Unnamed: 4':'points',\
'Unnamed: 6':'name','Unnamed: 7':'age','Unnamed: 8':'lsc','Unnamed: 9':'club','Unnamed: 11':'date'})
data = data.reset_index().drop('index',axis=1)
data = data[data.time!='Time']
data = data[data.points!='Power ']
data = data[data['event']!="National: For Dates 9//1//"+date1+" - 8//31//"+date2]
data = data[data['event']!='USA Swimming, Inc.']
data = data.reset_index().drop('index',axis=1)
for i in range(len(data)):
if len(str(data['event'][i])) <= 3:
data['event'][i] = data['event'][i-1]
data['event'][i] = data['event'][i]
data = data.dropna()
age = []
event = []
gender = []
for row in data.event:
gender.append(row.split(' ')[0])
if row[:9]=='Female 10':
n = 4
groups = row.split(' ')
age.append(' '.join(groups[1:n]))
event.append(' '.join(groups[n:]))
elif row[:7]=='Male 10':
n = 4
groups = row.split(' ')
age.append(' '.join(groups[1:n]))
event.append(' '.join(groups[n:]))
n = 2
groups = row.split(' ')
event.append(' '.join(groups[n:]))
groups = row.split(' ')
data['age_group'] = age
data['event_simp'] = event
data['gender'] = gender
data['year'] = date2
return data
def lsc_age(data_two):
global lsc, lsc_age, top, all_performers
lsc = pd.DataFrame(data_two['event'].groupby(data_two['lsc']).count()).reset_index().sort_values(by='event',ascending=False)
lsc_age = data_two.groupby(['year','age_group','lsc'])['event'].count().reset_index().sort_values(by=['age_group','event'],ascending=False)
top = pd.concat([lsc_age[lsc_age.age_group=='10 & under'].head(),lsc_age[lsc_age.age_group=='11-12'].head(),\
all_performers = pd.concat([lsc_age[lsc_age.age_group=='10 & under'],lsc_age[lsc_age.age_group=='11-12'],\
all_performers = all_performers.rename(columns={'event':'no. top 100'})
all_performers['age_year_lsc'] = all_performers.age_group+' '+all_performers.year.astype(str)+' '+all_performers.lsc
return all_performers
years = [i for i in range(2008,2018)]
for i in range(len(years)-1):
During the first call to your function lsc_age() in line
lsc_age = data_two.groupby(['year','age_group','lsc'])['event'].count().reset_index().sort_values(by=['age_group','event'],ascending=False)
you are overwriting your function object with a dataframe. This is happening since you imported the function object from the global namespace with
global lsc, lsc_age, top, all_performers
Functions in Python are objects. Please see more information about this here.
To solve your problem, try to avoid the global imports. They do not seem to be necessary. Try to pass your data around through the arguments of the function.

Why the output is the last line of data file test.txt?

f_user = []
twitter_dict = {}
twitter_test = {}
a = fields.split(',')
with open('twitter_test.txt','r') as f:
f_text = f.readlines()
for i in range(len(f_text)):
f_text[i] = f_text[i].split(',')
for j in range(len(a)):
twitter_dict[a[j]] = f_text[i][j][1:-1]
twitter_test[i] = twitter_dict
for i in range(len(twitter_test)):
print twitter_test[i]['username']
for i in range(len(f_text)):
twitter_test[i] = twitter_dict
Every single entry of twitter_test is a reference to the same dictionary, twitter_dict. Every position of the list is the same. It doesn't assign a copy of twitter_dict, which would make each entry different.
It's only natural, then, that a loop over twitter_test will print the same thing over and over.

Create multiple list with different variables

I would like to create a bunch of empty lists with names such as:
author1_count = []
author2_count = []
and so on...but a priori I do not know how many lists I need to generate.
Answers to question similar this one suggest to create a dictionary as in (How to create multiple (but individual) empty lists in Python?) or an array of lists. However, I wish to append values to the list as in:
def search_list(alist, aname):
count = 0
author_index = 0
author_list = alist
author_name = aname
for author in author_list:
if author == author_name:
author_index = author_list.index(author)+1
count = 1
return count, author_index
cehw_list = ["Ford, Eric", "Mustang, Jason", "BMW, James", "Mercedes, Megan"]
author_list = []
for author in authors:
this_author = author.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
# Find if the author is in the authorlist
for cehw in cehw_list:
if cehw == cehw_list[0]:
count0, position0 = search_list(author_list, cehw)
elif cehw == cehw_list[1]:
count1, position1 = search_list(author_list, cehw)
Any idea how to create such distinct lists. Is there an elegant way to do this?
Dictionaries! You only need to be more specific when appending values, e.g.
author_lists = {}
for i in range(3):
author_lists['an'+str(i)] = []
{'an0': [], 'an1': [], 'an2': []}
{'an0': ['foo'], 'an1': [], 'an2': []}
You should be able to use a dictionary still.
data = {}
for cehw in cehw_list:
count0, position0 = search_list(author_list, cehw)
# Or whatever property on cehw that has the unique identifier
if cehw in data:
data[cehw] = [count0]

