How to install Scrapy in multi-Python Mac environment? - python

I want to install Scrapy on my Mac. I am a complete Python newcomer. I know Mac OS X comes pre-installed with a version of Python. However, best practice (I followed this video), including Scrapy's own advice, appears to recommend installing a "proper" version that does not conflict.
I used "brew install python". This installed Python 2.7.12.
I also used "brew install python3". This installed Python 3.5.2.
OS X appeared to ship with 2.7.6.
I added "export PATH=/usr/local/share/python3:$PATH" to the path, to ensure shells start with Python 3.
Current path is "/usr/local/share/python3:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
I believe the second path is the 2.X one I installed myself.
Now that it comes to installing Scrapy, I am confused. Scrapy install documentation says to use "pip install Scrapy". However, I'm not sure whether this will run pip for the pre-installed Python, my new 2.X Python or my new 3.X Python.
Should I run "pip install Scrapy" or "pip3 install Scrapy"? My instinct says the former.


How to use Gcovr Installed with pip on windows

So I followed this guide and managed to install Gcovr using pip (I already have Python installed along with Anaconda). I tried to use gcovr but this is what I got:
When I use pip list, Gcovr is already installed.
How do I use it?
I'm running Windows 7 64bit with Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda 4.2.0 64bit
I'm sorry if this has already been asked before but after searching around for days I've yet to found any solution to my problem.
Using gcovr 3.x is a bit more cumbersome on Windows because Windows doesn't seem to recognize the gcovr script as an executable. Instead: find out where gcovr was installed to (e.g. by running pip in --verbose mode), then explicitly invoke Python:
> python C:\path\to\gcovr
The path is probably something like C:\Python35\Scripts.
You can also write a batch file to wrap gcovr like this.
Please also consider updating (pip install -U gcovr), as gcovr 3.4 fixes some other bugs on Windows.
This installation issue will be fixed in the next release. If you want to, you can already install the development version directly from GitHub:
> pip install git+

How to pip install forex python

I am attempting to install forex-python. I have attempted to find a meaningful answer to this question everywhere, however my search has been in vain. Now, the Python Software Foundation's instructions are to pip install it. I am currently using Python V3.6.1 and the Foundation states that versions 3.4 or greater have pip installed directly into them. I am using the executable installer of v3.6.1.
My question is this: where do you pip install this package on Windows? I attempted to install the package in the python command prompt, tagged Python 3.6(64 bit), using the statement
pip install forex-python
though it resulted in a syntax error.
Is the module supposed to be installed on the Python interpreter? Since I am using Windows Vista, what is the Windows version of a terminal? I am unaccustomed to a Windows operating system on a Toshiba computer and I am more familiar with Mac OS X. If there is a version, what is it called and how do I find it? And if it is supposed to be installed on the Python interpreter, why does it give a syntax error when I enter the statement?
When I asked for help, it stated all information about pip, however it did not state how to install forex-python.
I currently have forex-python downloaded on this computer, symbolized by the logo of three books. It is complete with the code, readmes and files, however, I do not know how to install it for usage in IDLE programs, like my currency converter.
I would be very grateful for any help on this subject.
you can try
pip install forex-python
pip install git+
then you can check the installation through
pip freeze
if it is listed in it then it is installed

How to upgrade easy_install to easy_install-3.4?

I just upgraded python to version 3.4. However, the pip wasn't installed by default for some reason. So I'm trying to install pip using the command "sudo easy_install pip." But when I typed the command, it gives me an error:
python version 3.4.0 can't run /usr/bin/easy_install. Try the alternative(s):
/usr/bin/easy_install-2.5 (uses python 2.5)
/usr/bin/easy_install-2.6 (uses python 2.6)
/usr/bin/easy_install-2.7 (uses python 2.7)
Run "man python" for more information about multiple version support in
Mac OS X.
So, I looked through online to find out how to update easy_install to version 3.4, but I could not find any source. Does anyone know how to update the version of easy_install?
To cut to the problem of pip, you can just use the script from the pip site.
Download the file:
And then run python, provided your account has administrator access.
I know this question is a bit old, but I just upgraded to python 3.4.2 on my Mac and running 'pip install ' wasn't working for me either.
I found this link:
which says to use 'pip3' instead of 'pip' and this worked perfectly for me.

Python3.3 can't find in linux (pip-3.3)

I'm using ubuntu 12.10 with default python3.2. However I downloaded python 3.3 as its much more polished. Of course, since then I have a nightmare with installing modules for 3.3, as python3 packages from synaptic install to 3.2 dir. So, I installed pip using python 3.3. Now I have pip-3.3 command, great. But, when I tried "sudo pip-3.3 install PySide" I quickly got an error: "error: Failed to locate the Python library /usr/lib/". What's more, when I run "sudo pip install PySide" (command for 2.7), it builded and installed and runs flawlessy. Pyvenv and virtualenv both fail too. But I wan't to do it non-env way,just install pyside to global 3.3 lib dir.
So how can I install that PySide to python 3.3? I just can't get it to work... It looks like I will have to stick with default ubuntu python 3 version (this one runs great, everything works both from pip and synaptic), but I like to use newest python as it gets better and better with every release.
Btw, if that matters I also got following warning before that error:
"package init file 'PySide/' not found (or not a regular file)" and
"package init file 'pysideuic/' not found (or not a regular file)"
Edit: I installed full python3.3 from synaptic, including pythoh3.3-dev, debug, lib etc. Everything.
And that dynamic python 3.3 lib exist in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, maybe just python3.3 package for ubuntu is poor and installs it in wrong direction/doesn't do any symlinks tricks?
Please try this answer installing from source (PySide). Download pyside sources and install from source, follow the instructions on the link.

Python can't get requests installed on Ubuntu for Python 2.7

All I want to do is run a Python script that requires Python 2.7 & Requests on my Ubuntu 10.04 EC2 box.
I installed Python 2.7, no problem. "python" by itself still points to python 2.6, which is very annoying, b/c I'm not sure how ubuntu will freak if I change the symlink /usr/bin/python to point to 2.7.
I followed the (carefully buried) install instructions for pip (at, and which are WAY too hard to find if they aren't the ABSOLUTE FIRST command on the "install pip" page)
So, the real problem here is that pip install requests completes successfully, but only installs for python 2.6, not 2.7. The pip usage instructions say nothing about how to install a package for a specific version of python.
How do I do this?
I just want to run my python script that requires 2.7 + requests.
First install pip for your 2.7 distribution using easy_install (easy_install should definitely be included with your 2.7 distribution):
easy_install-2.7 -U pip
Then install what you need:
pip-2.7 install requests
Then you can run code with python2.7 instead of python.
Yeah it would be a bad idea to change the link pointing to which python version. Instead, can you change the shebang to say #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 instead of #!/usr/bin/env python ?
Though python2.7 /path/to/pip install requests might work; you should install pip for python2.7 separately instead.
If you don't use virtualenv then invoke pip as pip-2.7 (the command is available if you install pip for python2.7).
Follow installation instructions which is the first item in the table of contents. Substitute python with python2.7 in the instructions.

