Recently I met an example of code I've never seen before:
# a simple bunch of code
if sample == 0:
return True
raise ExampleError()
except not ExampleError:
raise AnotherExampleError()
How does it work (if it works at all)?
EDIT: The answer below was for Python 3, I didn't realise the question related to Python 2.7. in Python 2, as it seems, the interpreter does not complain if the expression after except does not result in a subtype of BaseException. However, the behavior is still wrong, it will just ignore that except block in all cases.
That's a funny construction that is syntactically valid but semantically wrong. I suppose the author of the code meant to express something like "run this except block for any exception type but ExampleError". However, what is really happening is more like:
# ...
except (not bool(ExampleError)):
# ...
When an exception is raised in the try block, Python goes through the different except blocks looking for one that matches the exception type. When it sees except not ExampleError, equivalent to except (not bool(ExampleError)), it results in except False, which is invalid because False is not a subtype of BaseException (or a tuple of subtypes of BaseException). So the code may even run if no exceptions are raised but is wrong.
This is not going to be successful on any version of Python as far as I know. Because the not operator always results in a Boolean value (True or False) this is trying to catch one of those values here, in this case False. Since you can't throw True or False there's no use for this.
I think the intent of the author was something like this:
raise ExampleError()
except ExampleError e:
throw e
raise AnotherExampleError()
A quick test shows that the code will throw a TypeError if it reaches that line:
raise BaseException
except not BaseException:
except BaseException:
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in
except not BaseException: TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
I'm writing a utility module and trying to make it as generic as possible, and I'm trying to work out what the behavior would be here:
for i in xrange(num_tries):
return func(*args, **kwards)
except exceptions as e:
I understand that
Will catch ALL exceptions, and that
except (some, tuple, of, exceptions) as e:
Will catch those 4 exceptions,
But what is the behavior of an empty tuple? Does it simply catch
No exceptions
All exceptions
My guess is 1, but I can't think of quick way to test it. My thinking is that except with no parameters after would be except None, but an empty tuple would just be like saying "catch everything in this list", but there's nothing in the list so nothing is caught.
The answer is 1: no exceptions, in Python 2 and in Python 3.
exceptions = ()
a = 1 / 0
except exceptions as e:
print ("the answer is 2")
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#38>", line 2, in <module>
a = 1 / 0
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
If you want to the behaviour of answer 2 when the list of exceptions is empty, you can do
except exceptions or (Exception,) as e:
I have two objectives with this try/except statement.
It needs to return a value of 1 if no problems occurred, or 0 if any problems occurred.
It needs to raise an exception and end the script.
I have the return value working. I also have the SystemExit() working. But together, they aren't working.
My Python Script (that's relevant):
except IOError:
value_to_return = 0
return value_to_return
raise SystemExit("FOOBAR")
With this, it ignores the raise SystemExit("FOOBAR") line completely. How do I go about getting a returned value and still raise SystemExit("FOOBAR")? This may be elementary to some, but I'm actually having quite a bit of difficulty with it.
Returning and raising are mutually exclusive.
Raising SystemExit will end the script. A few cleanup routines get to run, and if the caller really, really wants to, they can catch the SystemExit and cancel it, but mostly, you can think of it as stopping execution right there. The caller will never get a chance to see a return value or do anything meaningful with it.
Returning means you want the script to continue. Continuing might mean having the caller raise SystemExit, or it might mean ignoring the error, or it might mean something else. Whatever it means is up to you, as you're the one writing the code.
Finally, are you sure you should be handling this error at all? Catching an exception only to turn it into a system shutdown may not be the most useful behavior. It's not a user-friendly way to deal with problems, and it hides all the useful debugging information you'd get from a stack trace.
You can raise an error with a 'returning_value' argument to be used after the calling.
Another pythonic answer to your problem could be to make use of the error arguments in the raise and then, in your call manage the error to get the value, convert it from string and get your 'return-ish'.
def your_f():
return 1
except IOError:
raise SystemExit("FOOBAR", 0)
my_returning_value = your_f()
except SystemExit as err:
my_returning_value = err.args[1]
From Python 3 docs :
When an exception occurs, it may have an associated value, also known
as the exception’s argument. The presence and type of the argument
depend on the exception type.
The except clause may specify a variable after the exception name. The
variable is bound to an exception instance with the arguments stored
in instance.args. For convenience, the exception instance defines
str() so the arguments can be printed directly without having to reference .args. One may also instantiate an exception first before
raising it and add any attributes to it as desired.
To exit a script and return an exit status, use sys.exit():
import sys
I think what you may be looking for is something more like this:
def some_function():
# this function should probably do some stuff, then return 1 if
# it was successful or 0 otherwise.
def calling_function():
a = some_function()
if a == 1:
raise SystemExit('Get the heck outta here!')
# Everything worked!
You can't "raise" and "return" in the same time, so you have to add a special variable to the return value (e.g: in tuple) in case of error.
I have a function (named "func") which counts something and I need the (partial) result even if an exception happened during the counting. In my example I will use KeyboardInterrupt exception (the user pressed CTRL-C).
Without exception handling in the function (it's wrong, in case of any exception the function doesn't give back anything):
def func():
for i in range(10):
return s
for i in range(10):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
And now I introduce a boolean return value (in a tuple, next to the original return value) to indicate if an exception happened. Because in the function I handle only the KeyboardInterrupt exception, I can be sure that's happened, so I can raise the same where I called the function:
def func():
for i in range(10):
except KeyboardInterrupt: # <- the trick is here
return s, True # <- the trick is here
return s, False # <- the trick is here
for i in range(10):
if e: # <- and here
raise KeyboardInterrupt # <- and here
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Note: my example is python3. The time module is used (in both code above), but I haven't import it just to make it shorter. If you want to really try it, put at the beginning:
import time
i was looking for an answer without using try, use 'finally' keyword like this.. if any one knows fill me in
here is an answer for your poblem
9/0#sample error "don't know how to make IOError"
except ZeroDivisionError:
value_to_return = 0
raise SystemExit("FOOBAR")
finally:return value_to_return
I'm aware that it's possible to ignore exceptions in Python using try...except statements. Is it possible to ignore exceptions in Python when they occur, but still print them?
I tried ignoring the exception here, and therefore, the exception was not printed when it was encountered:
num = 0
if num == 0:
raise Exception("Num must not be 0!")
except Exception:
'''The exception is ignored, and is not printed.'''
I've written a simple source-to-source compiler that has a lot of exceptions like these, and I'm not sure how I can ignore the exceptions while still printing them. How can I ensure that the exceptions are printed to the console even when they are being ignored?
You can print an exception like this.
x = 1 / 0
except Exception as e:
print e
As user1354557, gcbirzan, and Jonathan Vanasco pointed out, you can use the traceback and logging modules to get more precise error messages. Error messages printed out these ways will be more verbose, which is (usually) a good thing.
import traceback
x = 1 / 0
except Exception as e:
print traceback.format_exc() # I prefer this to traceback.print_exc()
import logging
x = 1 / 0
except Exception as e:
If you want a printout of the stack trace, you can use the traceback module:
import traceback
This would print something like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
Is this what you're looking for?
You should take a look at the logging module. It has support for logging exceptions with traceback (either via logger.exception or by passing exc_info as a keyword parameter to any logging function).
By ignore, I suppose you mean you want to print it, but not catch it, and allow it to bubble up the call stack. You can do that by catching the exception, printing it, and then re-throwing it.
try :
# do something
except Exception as e:
print e
raise e
It's possible to do this globally, even in code you didn't write (such as a library module) using a trace function.
import sys
def print_exceptions(frame, event, arg):
if event == "exception":
return print_exceptions
Note that the trace function is called for every statement executed while it is in effect and may therefore significantly slow down your script's execution. Another minor issue is that any unhandled exception will be printed twice (once by this hook, again by Python itself when exiting the script).
If you want to customize the output, you can dig the information you want out of arg (it's a 3-tuple of the exception type, the error message, and a traceback object) and frame (which includes a reference to the current code object, from which its name can be obtained, as well as the source filename and line number).
I am not sure why we need finally in try...except...finally statements. In my opinion, this code block
except TypeError:
is the same with this one using finally:
except TypeError:
Am I missing something?
It makes a difference if you return early:
except TypeError:
return None # The finally block is run before the method returns
Compare to this:
except TypeError:
return None
other_code() # This doesn't get run if there's an exception.
Other situations that can cause differences:
If an exception is thrown inside the except block.
If an exception is thrown in run_code1() but it's not a TypeError.
Other control flow statements such as continue and break statements.
You can use finally to make sure files or resources are closed or released regardless of whether an exception occurs, even if you don't catch the exception. (Or if you don't catch that specific exception.)
myfile = open("test.txt", "w")
myfile.write("the Answer is: ")
myfile.write(42) # raises TypeError, which will be propagated to caller
myfile.close() # will be executed before TypeError is propagated
In this example you'd be better off using the with statement, but this kind of structure can be used for other kinds of resources.
A few years later, I wrote a blog post about an abuse of finally that readers may find amusing.
They are not equivalent. finally code is run no matter what else happens*.
It is useful for cleanup code that has to run.
As Mark Byers commented, anything causes the process to terminate immediately also prevents the finally-code to run.
The latter could be an os._exit(). or powercut, but an infinite loop or other things also fall into that category.
To add to the other answers above, the finally clause executes no matter what whereas the else clause executes only if an exception was not raised.
For example, writing to a file with no exceptions will output the following:
file = open('test.txt', 'w')
print("Writing to file.")
except IOError:
print("Could not write to file.")
print("Write successful.")
print("File closed.")
Writing to file.
Write successful.
File closed.
If there is an exception, the code will output the following, (note that a deliberate error is caused by keeping the file read-only.
file = open('test.txt', 'r')
print("Writing to file.")
except IOError:
print("Could not write to file.")
print("Write successful.")
print("File closed.")
Could not write to file.
File closed.
We can see that the finally clause executes regardless of an exception. Hope this helps.
Here's a peice of code to clarify the difference:
print('In try block')
except TypeError:
print('In except block')
print('In finally block')
a, b = 0, 1
In try block
In finally block
(No errors, except block skipped.)
a, b = 1, 0
In finally block
Traceback (most recent call last):
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
(No exception handling is specified for ZeroDivisionError and only the finally block is executed.)
a, b = 0, '1'
In except block
In finally block
(Exception is handled properly and the program is not interrupted.)
Note: If you have an except block to handle all types of errors, the finally block will be superfluous.
As explained in the documentation, the finally clause is intended to define clean-up actions that must be executed under all circumstances.
If finally is present, it specifies a ‘cleanup’ handler. The try
clause is executed, including any except and else clauses. If an
exception occurs in any of the clauses and is not handled, the
exception is temporarily saved. The finally clause is executed. If
there is a saved exception it is re-raised at the end of the finally
An example:
>>> def divide(x, y):
... try:
... result = x / y
... except ZeroDivisionError:
... print("division by zero!")
... else:
... print("result is", result)
... finally:
... print("executing finally clause")
>>> divide(2, 1)
result is 2.0
executing finally clause
>>> divide(2, 0)
division by zero!
executing finally clause
>>> divide("2", "1")
executing finally clause
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 3, in divide
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'
As you can see, the finally clause is executed in any event. The TypeError raised by dividing two strings is not handled by the except clause and therefore re-raised after the finally clause has been executed.
In real world applications, the finally clause is useful for releasing external resources (such as files or network connections), regardless of whether the use of the resource was successful.
The code blocks are not equivalent. The finally clause will also be run if run_code1() throws an exception other than TypeError, or if run_code2() throws an exception, while other_code() in the first version wouldn't be run in these cases.
In your first example, what happens if run_code1() raises an exception that is not TypeError? ... other_code() will not be executed.
Compare that with the finally: version: other_code() is guaranteed to be executed regardless of any exception being raised.
Using delphi professionally for some years taught me to safeguard my cleanup routines using finally. Delphi pretty much enforces the use of finally to clean up any resources created before the try block, lest you cause a memory leak. This is also how Java, Python and Ruby works.
resource = create_resource
use resource
and resource will be cleaned up regardless of what you do between try and finally. Also, it won't be cleaned up if execution never reaches the try block. (i.e. create_resource itself throws an exception) It makes your code "exception safe".
As to why you actually need a finally block, not all languages do. In C++ where you have automatically called destructors which enforce cleanup when an exception unrolls the stack. I think this is a step up in the direction of cleaner code compared to try...finally languages.
type object1;
smart_pointer<type> object1(new type());
} // destructors are automagically called here in LIFO order so no finally required.
Finally can also be used when you want to run "optional" code before running the code for your main work and that optional code may fail for various reasons.
In the following example, we don't know precisely what kind of exceptions store_some_debug_info might throw.
We could run:
except Exception:
But, most linters will complain about catching too vague of an exception. Also, since we're choosing to just pass for errors, the except block doesn't really add value.
The above code has the same effect as the 1st block of code but is more concise.
finally is for defining "clean up actions". The finally clause is executed in any event before leaving the try statement, whether an exception (even if you do not handle it) has occurred or not.
I second #Byers's example.
Perfect example is as below:
#x = Hello + 20
x = 10 + 20
print 'I am in except block'
x = 20 + 30
print 'I am in else block'
x += 1
print 'Finally x = %s' %(x)
A try block has just one mandatory clause: The try statement.
The except, else and finally clauses are optional and based on user preference.
Before Python leaves the try statement, it will run the code in the finally block under any conditions, even if it's ending the program. E.g., if Python ran into an error while running code in the except or else block, the finally block will still be executed before stopping the program.
Try running this code first without a finally block,
1 / 0 causes a divide by zero error.
1 / 0
except Exception as e:
1 / 0
Then try running this code,
1 / 0
except Exception as e:
1 / 0
For the first case you don't have a finally block,
So when an error occurs in the except block the program execution halts and you cannot execute anything after the except block.
But for the second case,
The error occurs but before the program halts python executes the finally block first and then causes the program to halt.
Thats is why you use finally and do stuff that is really important.
Run these Python3 codes to watch the need of finally:
count = 0
while True:
count += 1
if count > 3:
x = int(input("Enter your lock number here: "))
if x == 586:
print("Your lock has unlocked :)")
print("Try again!!")
print("Invalid entry!!")
print("Your Attempts: {}".format(count))
count = 0
while True:
count += 1
if count > 3:
x = int(input("Enter your lock number here: "))
if x == 586:
print("Your lock has unlocked :)")
print("Try again!!")
print("Invalid entry!!")
print("Your Attempts: {}".format(count))
Try the following inputs each time:
random integers
correct code which is 586(Try this and you will get your answer)
random strings
** At a very early stage of learning Python.
I was trying to run a code where i wanted to read excel sheets. Issue was, if there is a file which has no sheet named say : SheetSum I am not able to move it to error location!! Code i wrote was:
def read_file(data_file):
# data_file = '\rr\ex.xlsx'
sheets = {}
print("Reading file: "+data_file)
sheets['df_1'] = pd.read_excel(open(data_file,'rb'), 'SheetSum')
except Exception as excpt:
print("Exception occurred", exc_info=True)
return sheets
shutil.move( file, dirpath +'\\processed_files')
Giving Error :
[WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being
used by another process
I had to add full try except with finally block and tell finally i need to close the file in any case like:
def read_file(data_file):
# data_file = '\rr\ex.xlsx'
sheets = {}
sheets_file = None
print("Reading file: "+data_file)
sheets_file = open(data_file,'rb')
sheets['df_1'] = pd.read_excel(sheets_file, 'SheetSum')
except Exception as excpt:
print("Exception occurred", exc_info=True)
if sheets_file:
return sheets
shutil.move( file, dirpath +'\\processed_files')
Otherwise, file still remains open is the background.
If finally is present, it specifies a cleanup handler. The try
clause is executed, including any except and else clauses. If an
exception occurs in any of the clauses and is not handled, the
exception is temporarily saved. The finally clause is executed. If
there is a saved exception it is re-raised at the end of the finally
clause. If the finally clause raises another exception, the saved
exception is set as the context of the new exception.
..More Here
Just to enable Abhijit Sahu's comment on this answer to be seen much better and with syntax highlighting:
Like this, you can observe what happens with which code block when:
x = Hello + 20
x = 10 + 20
print 'I am in except block'
x = 20 + 30
print 'I am in else block'
x += 1
print 'Finally x = %s' %(x)
Here you can see how try, except, else, and finally work together. Actually, since your code doesn't have 'else' then what you claimed is right. I.e., There is no difference between the two statements that you wrote. But if 'else' is used somewhere, then 'finally' makes a difference