I need some major improvements in my programming/coding and it's already been a month of this computer language field.
Right now I'm trying to create a class with 3 functions (lunch, breakfast, and dinner) and let's say I want to call the function lunch and add 'Strawberry' to the lunch list; it's supposed to add 1 to the list count (list_count) for amount of foods entered in the list count so far, and adds 'strawberry' to the dictionary.
So what I'm trying to do is I created a blank dictionary list (lunch_list) and created a starting count of food items (lunch_count)
So if I call lunch in the Food class, I'm trying to make the result like this:
list_count: 1
lunch_name: Strawberry
lunch_list = {1:'Strawberry'}
I was ready to write this script but after writing this I confused myself a lot more. I feel lost. This is going to be embarassing for me but here is my code:
class Food():
lunch_count = 0
lunch_list = {}
def __init__(self, food_name):
self.food_name = food_name
def lunch(self, lunch_count):
lunch_count += 1
lunch_list[lunch_count] = self.food_name
return lunch_list
strawberry = Food('Strawberry')
print strawberry.lunch('Strawberry')
class Food():
lunch_count = 0
lunch_list = {}
def __init__(self, food_name):
self.lc = None
self.food_name = food_name
def lunch(self):
Food.lunch_count += 1
self.lc = Food.lunch_count
Food.lunch_list[Food.lunch_count] = self.food_name
return Food.lunch_list
strawberry = Food('Strawberry')
result = strawberry.lunch()
print strawberry.lc
print strawberry.food_name
print result
Easier to read and understand.
while lunch_item != "quit":
lunch_item=input("Enter Item: ")
Wrap this in a function and it adds an item and the count gets updated along with the newly entered string
Using python 3.5.2
If you like my answer please click the green arrow.
It doesn't seem like your 'Strawberry' parameter matches the lunch_count parameter in your lunch function. In the lunch method, you then can increment it by one every time you call lunch, rather than adding it as a parameter.
If you are new to Python, I would recommend Learn Python the Hard Way.
class Food():
lunch_count = 0
lunch_list = {}
def __init__(self, food_name):
self.food_name = food_name
def lunch(self):
Food.lunch_count += 1
Food.lunch_list[Food.lunch_count] = self.food_name
return Food.lunch_list
strawberry = Food('Strawberry')
print strawberry.lunch()
I'm trying to create a DnD style dungeon crawler game. I'm using the 5E SRD and other publicly available information as the base for my characters and gameplay.
Currently I'm working on the character generator, and it seems to be going well, but I've hit a roadblock when trying to assign the racial bonuses. I've got the races set up as their own subclasses, each with it's unique bonuses. When I try to assign the appropriate bonuses based on the character's race I get a (Classname)has no attribute (attribute) error.
class Race:
def __init__(self, race):
self.name = race
self.racial_str_bonus = 0
self.racial_char_bonus = 0
class Dragonborn(Race):
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Dragonborn"
self.racial_str_bonus = +2
self.racial_char_bonus = +1
def get_racial_bonus(race):
race = race
racial_str_bonus = 0
racial_char_bonus = 0
if race == "Dragonborn":
racial_str_bonus = Dragonborn.racial_str_bonus
racial_char_bonus = Dragonborn.racial_char_bonus
return racial_str_bonus, racial_char_bonus
class BaseCharacter:
def __init__(self, racial_str_bonus, racial_char_bonus):
self.racial_str_bonus = racial_str_bonus
self.racial_char_bonus = racial_char_bonus
def generate_player_character(cls):
cls.race = input("Race: ")
What I'm looking for is something along the line of:
Race: Dragonborn
Where am I goofing up?
Thanks, everyone for the feedback. In cleaning up the code to get it minimally reproducible, I figured out the issue. Per Jonrsharpe's note, I corrected the inhertance invocation to 'super().init(self)'. Once that was correct, I realized that the way they had been defined, I had to include parentheses in the property call: "Dragonborn().racial_str_bonus".
Thanks again, and I will remember to improve my submissions in the future.
I'm coding a game in Python 3 and I need to create an unknown number of objects with each objects properties based on the contents of a file.
To explain, I'll dump some code here:
class attack(object):
def __init__(self, name, power):
self.name = name
self.element = int(power)
import getline from linecache
Attacks = []
count = 1
while 1==1:
line=getline("Attacks.txt", count)
line = line.rstrip()
if line == "":
linelist = line.split()
#something involving "attack(linelist[1], linelist[2])"
count += 1
"Attacks.txt" contains this:
0 Punch 2
1 Kick 3
2 Throw 4
3 Dropkick 6
4 Uppercut 8
When the code is done, the list "Attacks" should contain 5 attack objects, one for each line of "Attacks.txt" with the listed name and power. The name is for the user only; in the code, each object will only be called for by its place in its list.
The idea is that the end user can change "Attacks.txt" (and other similar files) to add, remove or change entries; that way, they can modify my game without digging around in the actual code.
The issue is I have no idea how to create objects on the fly like this or if I even can. I already have working code that builds a list from a file; the only problem is the object creation.
My question, simply put, is how do I do this?
I had the same problem someday:
How to call class constructor having its name in text variable? [Python]
You obviously have to define classes which names are in file. I assume that is done. And you need to have them in current module namespace globals()
from somelib import Punch, Kick, Throw, Dropkick, Uppercut
globals()[class_name](x, y)
line = getline("Attacks.txt", count)
line = line.rstrip()
linelist = line.split()
class_name = linelist[1]
value = linelist[2]
class_object = globals()[class_name]
item = class_object(value)
# or shortly in one line:
# item = globals()[linelist[1]](linelist[2])
You could create a class like so providing overloading operators to support the operations:
class Operation:
def __init__(self, *header):
self.__dict__ = dict(zip(['attack', 'power'], header))
class Attack:
def __init__(self, *headers):
self.__dict__ = {"attack{}".format(i):Operation(*a) for i, a in enumerate(headers, start=1)}
def __setitem__(self, attack_type, new_power):
self.__dict__ = {a:Operation(attack_type, new_power) if b.attack == attack_type else b for a, b in self.__dict__.items()}
def __getitem__(self, attack):
return [b.power for _, b in self.__dict__.items() if b.attack == attack]
def power_listings(self):
return '\n'.join(['{} {}'.format(*[b.attack, b.power]) for _, b in self.__dict__.items()])
with open('filename.txt') as f:
f = [i.strip('\n').split() for i in f]
a = Attack(*f)
a['Throw'] = 6 #updating the power of any occurrence of Throw
Throw 6
Kick 3
Punch 2
Uppercut 8
Dropkick 6
So I was having some trouble with some code I'm doing for a basic game that I'm writing in my learning of Python (original question here if it helps).
After a lot of playing around with it, I realized my problem. I don't actually know how to do a "has-a" when trying to let one object (a character) "have" an object of another class (such as a weapon).
If I want, say a Char (character) called dean to do an action specific to the weapon he has. How would I give that object (the Char dean) an object of class "Weapon"?
Thank you.
I've found that I can do this by passing the "Weapon" in question as an argument. i.e.:
dean = Char("Dean", hanzo_blade)
Then having Char init with (self, name, weapon).
However, I want the user to choose, from a selection, which weapon the character gets. So I'm not sure if the content of the Char(_____) can be determined on a dynamic basis from user input. If it's possible, how can I do that? If not, what do I do?
Thanks again.
Edit 2: Here is the pertinent code:
class Char(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.hp = 300
self.mp = 10
self.strn = 1
self.dex = 1
self.armor = 0
self.xp = 0
self.items = []
self.spells = []
self.weapon = sword() # Assume sword is the default. Alternatively, how might I let this default to nothing?
class Weapon(Equip):
impact = 1
sharp = 1
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
hanzo_blade = Weapon("Hanzo Blade")
hanzo_blade.wgt = 3
hanzo_blade.impact = 1
hanzo_blade.sharp = 9
dean = Char("Dean")
dean.strn = 3
dean.dex = 8
If hanzo_blade is one option, how could I let the player, for instance, select that Weapon for the Char dean?
Are you aware of the raw_input builtin? (input in Python 3)
# We assume we already have sword, fists, and stern_glare objects
# representing weapons.
weapons = {'sword': sword, 'fists': fists, 'stern glare': stern_glare}
# Prompt for a choice, and keep prompting until you get a valid choice.
# You'll probably want a more user-friendly prompt.
valid_choice = False
while not valid_choice:
weapon_choice = raw_input('Select your weapon')
valid_choice = weapon_choice in weapons
# Create the character.
dean = Char('Dean', weapons[weapon_choice])
This is concatenated to the question I asked earlier today ("List" Object Not Callable, Syntax Error for Text-Based RPG). Now my dilemma resides in adding the herb to the player's herb list.
self.herb = []
is the starting herb list. The function collectPlants:
def collectPlants(self):
if self.state == 'normal':
print"%s spends an hour looking for medicinal plants." % self.name
if random.choice([0,1]):
foundHerb = random.choice(herb_dict)
print "You find some %s." % foundHerb[0]
print foundHerb
else: print"%s doesn't find anything useful." % self.name
with foundHerb being the random choice. How do I add this item to the list in a neat way (currently it prints the herb name, then "None") and allow for having several of the same herb?
Here's the herb class:
class herb:
def __init__(self, name, effect):
self.name = name
self.effect = effect
Sample list of herbs (warning: immaturity):
herb_dict = [
("Aloe Vera", Player().health = Player().health + 2),
("Cannabis", Player().state = 'high'),
("Ergot", Player().state = 'tripping')
Use a list.
self.herb = []
foundHerb = 'something'
self.herb.append('another thing')
self.herb.append('more stuff')
print 'You have: ' + ', '.join(self.herb)
# You have: something, another thing, more stuff
EDIT: I found the code from which you get foundHerb in one of your other questions (please post it in this question too!), which is:
foundHerb = random.choice(herb_dict)
When I look at herb_dict:
herb_dict = [
("Aloe Vera", Player().health == Player().health + 2),
("Cannabis", Player().state == 'high'),
("Ergot", Player().state == 'tripping')
This is wrong, use = for assignment. == is for testing equality.
You need to use a function in the second item in these tuples.
Don't add the second item into the list. Like this:
In your function, think what would happen if random.choice([0,1]) was 0. it would not run the if block, so no herb would ever be chosen. Perhaps in your function, you can return False to say that no herb was found. Then you can do this:
self.herb = []
myherb = collectPlants() # This will either contain a herb or False
if myherb: # If myherb is a plant (and it isn't False)
For an online course in python, I'm making a basic text-based adventure game in python.
Right now, I have a rudimentary inventory system that works through booleans for if the user has an object or not, and integers for limited items, such as ammo and whatnot.
Here is the code for the inventory system
def Inventory(self): #The inventory for the game. I don't know how to program it properly, so this is my testing ground.
#This will hold the boolean values to if the player has the items or not. Another will be used to show the user the items
street_clothes = False
pistol = False
ammo = 0
phone = False
And this is the code where I am trying to modify the inventory function above
#Eric's apartment
def Eric_Apartment(self):
print "type in grab your gun"
action = raw_input("> ")
if action == "grab":
self.Inventory(CR97) = True
# self.CR97_ammo += 15
# print CR97_ammo
# print self.CR97_ammo
Attempting to run this program gets me this error:
python ex43.py
File "ex43.py", line 78
self.Inventory(CR97) = True
SyntaxError: can't assign to function call
Is there something else I'm supposed to do? I'm very new to python, and this is my first project on my own.
Here is the entire code, for reference
from sys import exit #allows the program to use the exit(1) code
from random import randint #allows the program to use a random number
class Game(object):
#quotes that pop up if the person dies, and also defines the start and self variables
def __init__(self, start):
self.quips = [
"You lose!"
self.start = start
def Inventory(self): #The inventory for the game.
#This will hold the boolean values to if the player has the items or not.
street_clothes = False
pistol = False
ammo = 0
phone = False
#this function launches the game, and helps with the room transfer
def play(self):
next = self.start
while True:
print "\n---------"
room = getattr(self, next)
next = room( )
#if the user dies, or fails at the game, this is the function that is ran
def death(self):
print self.quips[randint(0, len(self.quips)-1)]
#Welcome screen to the game
def welcome_screen(self):
print " place holder"
return 'intro_screen'
#Intro screen to the game
def intro_screen(self):
print "place holder"
action = raw_input("> Press any key to continue ")
return 'Eric_Apartment'
#Eric's apartment
def Eric_Apartment(self):
print "type in grab your gun"
action = raw_input("> ")
if action == "grab":
self.Inventory(CR97) = True
# self.CR97_ammo += 15
# print CR97_ammo
# print self.CR97_ammo
a_game = Game("welcome_screen")
That's an amazingly perverse way to go about it. Why are you using a function to store data?
Just have a player object, with an inventory array.
I'd recommend using objects to model items too. Good use for for a class hierarchy. COuld have a base Item, with Subclasses SingleItem and StackableItem, etc.
Instead of using a function, try using a class -
class Player:
def __init__(self):
self.street_clothes = False
self.pistol = False
self.ammo = 0
self.phone = False
def give_street_clothes(self):
self.street_clothes = True
# etc
But personally, instead of using each item as a boolean, I'd use a list of items:
class Player:
def __init__(self):
self.inventory = []
# add code for ammo/pistol
def has_item(self, item):
return item in self.inventory
def give_item(self, item):
def remove_item(self, item):
# etc