MariaDB SQL syntax near error parenthesis ')' for python - python

I am trying to insert some data into my MariaDB using python script.
when I do the following in console it works perfectly.
INSERT INTO `Failure` (`faillure_id`, `testrun_id`, `failed_at`, `log_path`, `node`)
VALUES (2, 1, 'STEP8:RUN:RC=1', '/var/fail_logs','NodeA')
shows me a query ok. and I can see the table being populated. no problem there.
However when I do the same SQL query using python I get some error.
Here's my code
conn = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","user","","DB")
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO `Failure` (`testrun_id`, `failed_at`, `log_path`, `node`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)""",(testrun_id, failed_at, log_path, node))
this yields the following error
check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '),
Can someone please help me understand where the error is coming from.

As a work-around I'm building the query string like this
sql_query = "INSERT INTO `Failure` (`testrun_id`, `failed_at`, `log_path`, `node`) VALUES " + "( '" + str(testrun_id) + "', '" + str(failed_at) + "', '"+ log_path + "', '" + node + "')"
not very efficient but does the job for now.


python mutiple sql execution by using insert or update

I got the following error occurs when executing sql in Python.
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
I used executemany function to execute multiple sql statements at once without running a for statement.
And I want to execute the sql statement by receiving the list in "idx".
fruit_list = [('123','apple',70,7),('456','strawberry',60,6),('789','banana',100,10)]
sql = "MERGE INTO fruit_test " \
+ "ON idx = {idx}".format(idx = fruit_idx_list) \ #the suspicious part1
+ "INSERT (idx, name, price, vat) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) " \
+ "UPDATE SET idx = %s name = %s, price = %s vat = %s; " #the suspicious part2
cur.executemany(sql, fruit_list)
I think I have 2 suspicious part to occur sql error.
One is the part which pass fruit_idx_list then execute sql and another is the update statement part.
Please help me to figure out. Thank you in advance

Passing a folder location as an SQL parameter in python causes an error

I am fairly new to python and the only SQL I know is from this project so forgive the lack of technical knowledge:
def importFolder(self):
user = getuser()
filename = askopenfilename(title = "Choose an image from the folder to import", initialdir='C:/Users/%s' % user)
for i in range (0,len(filename) - 1):
if filename[-i] == "/":
folderLocation = filename[:len(filename) - i]
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:\Users\Public\dbsDetectorBookingSystem.accdb')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM tblRuns")
cursor.execute("insert into tblRuns(RunID,RunFilePath,TotalAlphaCount,TotalBetaCount,TotalGammaCount) values (%s,%s,0,0,0)" %(str(self.runsCount + 1), folderLocation))
self.runsCount = cursor.rowcount
rowString = str(self.runsCount) + " " + folderLocation + " " + str(0) + " " + str(0) + " " + str(0) + " " + str(0)
self.runsTreeView.insert("","end", text = "", values = (rowString))
That is one routine from my current program meant to create a new record which is mostly empty apart from an index and a file location. This location needs to be saved as a string however when it is passed as a paramenter to the SQL string the following error occurs:
cursor.execute("insert into tblRuns(RunID,RunFilePath,TotalAlphaCount,TotalBetaCount,TotalGammaCount) values (%s,%s,0,0,0)" %(str(self.runsCount + 1), folderLocation))
ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'C:/Users/Jacob/Documents/USB backup'. (-3100) (SQLExecDirectW)") I assume this is because the SQL recognises a file path and wantsto user it. Does anybody know how to fix this?
You're not using the db-api correctly. Instead of using string formatting to pass your query params - which is error-prone (as you just noticed) AND a security issue, you want to pass them as arguments to cursor.execute(), ie:
sql = "insert into tblRuns(RunID, RunFilePath, TotalAlphaCount, TotalBetaCount, TotalGammaCount) values (%s, %s, 0, 0, 0)"
cursor.execute(sql, (self.runsCount + 1, folderLocation))
Note that we DONT use string formatting here (no "%" between sql and the params)
NB : note that the placeholder for parameterized queries depends on your db connector. python-MySQLdb uses % but your one may use a ? or anything else.
wrt/ your exact problem: since you didn't put quotes around your placeholders, the sql query you send looks something like:
"insert into tblRuns(
RunID, RunFilePath,
TotalAlphaCount, TotalBetaCount, TotalGammaCount
values (1,/path/to/folder,0,0,0)"
Which cannot work, obviously (it needs quotes around /path/to/folder to be valid SQL).
By passing query parameters the right way, your db connector will take care of all the quoting and escaping.

How to trim white space in MySQLdb using python

I have a web form taking user data and putting it into a mysql database. I need to trim leading and trailing blanks/spaces. I currently am utilizing the strip() method, but it only trims them for the fields, NOT for the mysql database.
My code is:
first_name = first_name.strip()
last_name = last_name.strip()
so on and so forth. It strips it perfectly fine for the webpage, but not when it is entered into the SQL database. The spaces still exist. How do I remove them?
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","user","pass","db_name")
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("Select * FROM registrants")
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO registrants VALUES( " + "'" + first_name + "'" + ", " + "'" + last_name + "'" + ");")
It could be a scope issue.
If the stripping occurs in a different scope (ex: first_name is a global variable and the strip() occurs in a function) then you will not benefit from it in another scope (if the insert is happening in another function for example).
Have you tried this for a test:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO registrants VALUES( " + "'" + first_name.strip() + "'" + ", " + "'" + last_name.strip() + "'" + ");")
btw, how do you know there's a space in the db? There could be an issue with the way the data is retrieved or displayed..
I think you should be passing the values into the INSERT differently
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO registrants (fname, lname) VALUES (%s, %s)", (first_name, last_name)
I'm not sure if that's where you're getting the whitespace, but it opens you up to sql injection so it's bad form to put the variables straight into the query.

cant resolve cryptic error in Python/sqlite program

Im running into this error that I can't work out
Im writing some code in Python using tkinter interface to transfer data from a text file to sqlite.
first, here is the relevant code:
def submit_data(self):
self.new_filename = self.file_entry.get()
self.new_tablename = self.table_entry.get()
self.new_fieldname = self.field_entry.get().split(',')
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
con = sqlite.connect(self.new_filename)
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('CREATE TABLE ' + self.new_tablename + '(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)')
for field in self.new_fieldname:
cur.execute('ALTER TABLE ' + self.new_tablename + ' ADD ' + field)
with open(self.filename, 'r', encoding='latin-1') as self.the_file:
status = True
while status:
_row = self._next_line()
if _row:
_entry_list = _row.split(',')
# add space after text line comma for formatting
_entry_list = ', '.join(_entry_list)
#entries = {'row': _keynumber, 'entry': _entry_list}
#row_entry = "INSERT INTO " + self.new_tablename + " VALUES(" + _entry_list + ")"
cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + self.new_tablename + " VALUES(" + _entry_list + ")")
#_colrange = range(_colamount)
status = False
At the cur.execute("INSERT INTO " ... line (about 6 lines up) I get this error:
** cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + self.new_tablename + " VALUES(" + _entry_list + ")")
sqlite3.OperationalError: near ".": syntax error**
I have changed this around in many different ways. At one time I had the whole "INSERT INTO ... VALUES ...." string as a variable and used
when I did it this way the error was the same except "OperationalError: near "." was "OperationalError: near "of" ... and there was no 'of' anywhere.
Im really confused and frustrated. Someone break this down for my please??
the text file lines its reading are set up like this:
A Big Star In Hollywood,Sandra Dickinson
so I had figured that if I use .join() to put a space after the comma then the string would be the equivalent of two VALUES for the INSERT INTO statement.
_entry_list = ', '.join(_entry_list)
and use
cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + self.new_tablename + "(" + ",".join(self.new_fieldname) +") VALUES(" + ",".join(("?" for i in xrange(len(_entry_list)))) + ")", _entry_list)
This will parameterize your query and automatically quote all value in _entry_list.
You still have to manually quote self.new_tablename and self.new_fieldname. This should be before you use them in any sql statements.
You need to quote your strings.
As written, your SQL statement is:
INSERT INTO foo VALUES(Hello there, world, I am, unquoted, string, not good)
You should use:
INSERT INTO foo VALUES("Hello there","world","I am","quoted","string","hooray")
I suggest you do the following:
a) Instead of executing the statement, print it to the console. Change the line:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + self.new_tablename + ...)
print "INSERT INTO " + self.new_tablename + ...
b) Run your program after making this change. Take a look at the SQL statements that you print to the console. Are they valid SQL statements? Start a SQLite command-line, and copy/paste the statements produced by your program. Does SQLite give any errors when you try to execute the pasted statements?

Python/postgres/psycopg2: getting ID of row just inserted

I'm using Python and psycopg2 to interface to postgres.
When I insert a row...
sql_string = "INSERT INTO hundred (name,name_slug,status) VALUES ("
sql_string += hundred_name + ", '" + hundred_slug + "', " + status + ");"
... how do I get the ID of the row I've just inserted? Trying:
hundred = cursor.fetchall()
returns an error, while using RETURNING id:
sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_hundred (name,name_slug,status) VALUES ("
sql_string += hundred_name + ", '" + hundred_slug + "', " + status + ") RETURNING id;"
hundred = cursor.execute(sql_string)
simply returns None.
UPDATE: So does currval (even though using this command directly into postgres works):
sql_string = "SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('hundred', 'id'));"
hundred_id = cursor.execute(sql_string)
Can anyone advise?
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO .... RETURNING id")
id_of_new_row = cursor.fetchone()[0]
And please do not build SQL strings containing values manually. You can (and should!) pass values separately, making it unnecessary to escape and SQL injection impossible:
sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_hundred (name,name_slug,status) VALUES (%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id;"
cursor.execute(sql_string, (hundred_name, hundred_slug, status))
hundred = cursor.fetchone()[0]
See the psycopg docs for more details:
I ended up here because I had a similar problem, but we're using Postgres-XC, which doesn't yet support the RETURNING ID clause. In that case you can use:
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ........')
cursor.execute('SELECT LASTVAL()')
lastid = cursor.fetchone()['lastval']
Just in case it was useful for anyone!
Consider a RETURNING clause
For me, neither ThiefMaster's answer worked nor Jamie Brown's. What worked for me was a mix of both, and I'd like to answer here so it can help someone else.
What I needed to do was:
cursor.execute('SELECT LASTVAL()')
id_of_new_row = cursor.fetchone()[0]
The statement lastid = cursor.fetchone()['lastval'] didn't work for me, even after cursor.execute('SELECT LASTVAL()'). The statement id_of_new_row = cursor.fetchone()[0] alone didn't work either.
Maybe I'm missing something.
ThiefMaster's approach worked for me, for both INSERT and UPDATE commands.
If cursor.fetchone() is called on a cursor after having executed an INSERT/UPDATE command but lacked a return value (RETURNING clause) an exception will be raised: ProgrammingError('no results to fetch'))
insert_query = """
INSERT INTO hundred (id, name, name_slug, status)
VALUES (DEFAULT, %(name)s, %(name_slug)s, %(status)s)
insert_query_values = {
"name": "",
"name_slug": "",
"status": ""
connection = psycopg2.connect(host="", port="", dbname="", user="", password="")
with connection:
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute(insert_query, insert_query_values)
num_of_rows_affected = cursor.rowcount
new_row_id = cursor.fetchone()
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as ex:
print("...", ex)
raise ex

