Django Password Reset Via Email - python

I'm trying to implement password reset by sending an email to the user with a link which will redirect him/her to a new password form.
I took by example this question and this site.
But my problem is a bit different. I don't have a local database containing the users, so I cannot perform operations over their attributes. I receive user data via an API (user id, user email, user password).
So, which is the best way to generate a unique link to send via email to user so that this link would tell me who the user is and allow me to reset his/her password? And also, how could I redirect it in
I wish that this link could be used only a single time.
My is like this:
def password_reset_form(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
form = PasswordResetForm()
form = PasswordResetForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
email = form.cleaned_data['email']
content_dict = {
'email': email,
'domain': temp_data.DOMAIN,
'site_name': temp_data.SITE_NAME,
'protocol': temp_data.PROTOCOL,
subject = content_dict.get('site_name')+ ' - Password Reset'
content = render_to_string('portal/password_reset_email.html', content_dict)
send_mail(subject, content, temp_data.FIBRE_CONTACT_EMAIL, [email])
return render(request, 'portal/password_reset_done.html', {'form': form,})
return render(request, 'portal/password_reset_form.html', {'form': form,})
And the template the e-mail I'm sending is:
{% autoescape off %}
You're receiving this e-mail because we got a request to reset the password for your user account at {{ site_name }}.
Please go to the following page and choose a new password:
{% block reset_link %}
{{ protocol }}://{{ domain }}/[***some unique link***]
{% endblock %}
If you didn't request a password reset, let us know.
Thank you.
The {{ site_name }} team.
{% endautoescape %}
Thanks, guys.

Don't reinvent the wheel. You should use django-allauth for this kind of stuff. The library is well maintained and under active development.

The problem is not to generate unique link, you need to store somewhere info about user id or email, and generated token. Otherwise you will not know which user should use which token. After user resets his password you can delete his record (his token).
You can write the most simple model even in sqlite, which basically could look like this:
class UserTokens(model.Models):
email = models.EmailField(max_length=50)
token = models.CharField(max_length=50)
Afterwards when you send mail make something like this:
def password_reset_form(request):
#your logic here
# form post
usr, created = UserToken.objects.get_or_create(
if usr.token:
#send this token to him
usr.token = ''.join(
random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(50))
#also send this token to him
Then you create a new view or api view which searches for that token, if found, let him reset the password. If not, raise a 404 error, or just let him know that there is no such link to reset password.
Please not that, this was written from my phone so care for typos.
PS. you also asked about urls
just make something like this:
url(r'unsubscribe/(?P<quit_hash>[\w\d]+)/$', 'quit_newsletter_or_somethin', name='quit_newsletter_or_somethin')

I’d suggest to borrow the general logic from Django and adapt it to your specific conditions:
PasswordResetTokenGenerator code — pretty well-documented, very useful
password reset docs (probably known information, though)
password reset view implementation
As you can see from PasswordResetTokenGenerator._make_token_with_timestamp(), its algo relies on user’s last login timestamp, so the APIs you consume would need to accommodate that.
You could import the same utility functions used by the above—where cryptography is concerned it’s better to rely on well-tested solutions. Deep internals are prone to change without a release note though when you update to newer Django versions, so take care.
You could also look into simply storing some carefully randomly generated reset codes along with usernames in your local DB and deleting them when user accesses the reset form, but that is less elegant while being more brittle and infosec-issue prone.


django - how to implement a 2-step publish mechanism

I'm new to both web development and django so maybe that's a noob question.
I want to do the following:
Ask user to fill some form and submit it.
Then, parse and format the content and display it back to the user to let him verify it.
User can accept the result or go back to the previous view, update data and resend.
This is as far as I can think:
def add_content(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = AddContentForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
content =
return verify_content(request, content)
form = AddContentForm()
return render(request, 'myapp/add_content.html', {'form' : form})
def verify_content(request, content):
return render(request, 'myapp/verify_content.html', {'content' : content})
The verify_content template will obviously contain two buttons ('back', 'ok'), but I don't know how to pass the content object to a view for saving it in the db, or send it back to the previous view from there. Should I use js? Can i do it with just server side code?
Maybe my whole logic is wrong. Should I save the object in the db before verification and then delete it if needed (sounds ugly)? What is a good way to implement this?
Thanks in advance for your time.
You could use the users session for this:
request.session['content'] = content
and in the view where the user should verify his input do:
content = request.session['content']
and voilá you got the content between 2 views.
Django also secures that users can't tinker with its data by either saving it server side, or in a signed cookie.
I would save the form with commit=True in the add_content view, and would add a verified field or something to the model. Then you can append the pk as GET parameter to the link which will get you back to add_content view from verify. You can extract the parameter from request.GET dict.

Admin(only) registration of users, Flask-Security

I'm currently building a login for a webapp using Flask-Security (which includes Flask-WTForms, Flask-SQLalchemy and Flask-Login). I've been able to fairly painlessly set up the majority of my login flow, including forgotten password; however I want to make it so that the only way users can be registered is through a page only accessible to the admins. I've managed to configure Roles (Admin, User) and set up the following view:
def adminregister():
return render_template('*')
This creates the portal that is successfully limited to accounts with an Admin role. I'm unsure how to proceed for here however, as Flask-security has no built in means to enable what I'm trying to do.
I've overridden RegisterForm already to enforce password rules through a regexp:
# fixed register form
class ExtendedRegisterForm(RegisterForm):
password = TextField('Password', [validators.Required(), validators.Regexp(r'(?=.*?[0-9])(?=.*?[A-Z])(?=.*?[a-z])(?=.*?[$-/:-?{-~!"^_`\[\]])')])
Basically I want a form, located at /adminregister, that when visited by an admin allows for the entry of an email address, at which point first the user is created in the database with a random and secure password, and then a similar process to a forgotten password happens and a 1 time password code is created to reset the password.
Useful things I've looked at:
Within flask-security/ there is the forgotten passsword code:
def forgot_password():
"""View function that handles a forgotten password request."""
form_class = _security.forgot_password_form
if request.json:
form = form_class(MultiDict(request.json))
form = form_class()
if form.validate_on_submit():
if request.json is None:
if request.json:
return _render_json(form, include_user=False)
return _security.render_template(config_value('FORGOT_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE'),
Within flask_security/ there is the code for register_user
def register_user(**kwargs):
confirmation_link, token = None, None
kwargs['password'] = encrypt_password(kwargs['password'])
user = _datastore.create_user(**kwargs)
if _security.confirmable:
confirmation_link, token = generate_confirmation_link(user)
user=user, confirm_token=token)
if config_value('SEND_REGISTER_EMAIL'):
send_mail(config_value('EMAIL_SUBJECT_REGISTER'),, 'welcome',
user=user, confirmation_link=confirmation_link)
return user
I want to somehow combine these two, so that upon submission of a form with the sole field "Email" at '/adminregister' the email is added with a secure, random password in the database and the email address is sent an email with a link to change there password (and ideally a message explaining). I'm not even sure where I would add such code, as there is nothing to specifically override, especially as I can't find a way to override RegisterForm to have FEWER fields and the same functionality.
The structure of my code is in line with the flask-security documentation's quickstart.
Thank you in advance for any guidance you can offer.
I ended up using a work around as follows:
I enabled registration but limited registration view to users with an admin role.
I used del form.password in views -> register to no longer send the form with a password field.
I did the following in .registerable, generating a random password to fill the table.
kwargs['password'] = encrypt_password(os.urandom(24))
Upon admin entry of an email in the registration form, I had confimable enabled. This means the user would immediatly get an email to confirm their account and explaining they'd been registered. Upon confirmation they are redirected to the forgotten password page and asked to change their password (which is limited based on security).
If anyone comes up with a more direct way I'd appreciate it. I'm leaving this here in case anyone has the same problem.
The register process creates a signal with blinker that you can access like this:
from import user_registered
def user_registered_sighandler(app, user, confirm_token):
Which will deactivate any newly registered users.
I know this is an ancient question, but I think I have an elegant answer.
first import register_user
from flask_security.registerable import register_user
Then since you do not want just anyone to register ensure registerable is disabled (though disabled is the default so you can omit this) and since you want to send confirmation email, enable confirmable, and changeable for users to change their paswords
app.config['SECURITY_CONFIRMABLE'] = True
app.config['SECURITY_REGISTERABLE'] = False
app.config['SECURITY_RECOVERABLE'] = True
Then, you can do your create your user registration view and decorate it with role required. I have used my own custom registration form so I have had to go an extra mile to check if user already exists and return an error accourdingly
#app.route('/admin/create/user', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def admin_create_user():
form = RegistrationForm(request.form)
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate_on_submit():
email =
password =
user_exists = session.query(User).filter_by(email=email).first()
if user_exists: + ' is already associated with another user') = email
email = ''
return render_template('create-user.html', form = form)
password = password)
flash('User added successfully')
return render_template('create-user.html', form = form)
Also see flask-security - admin create user, force user to choose password
Here's another solution I found after poking through flask-security-too. I made an admin create user form, and simply add the following code after creating the user in the database:
from flask_security.recoverable import send_reset_password_instructions
# my code is maintains self.created_id after creating the user record
# this is due to some complex class involved which handles my crudapi stuff
# your code may vary
user = User.query.filter_by(id=self.created_id).one()

Web2Py minimal User authentication (username only)

I did not find anything on the web and so I'm asking here.
Is there a way to create a custom auth wich only requires a username? That means to login to a specific subpage one has only to enter a username, no email and no password etc.?
Or is there a better way to do this? E.g. a subpage can only be accessed if the username (or similar) exists in a db table?
Yes you could do something like this:
(in models file, or at the top of the controller(s), or even better make a function decorator)
Check session.logged_in_user to see if it's None, if None, redirect to /default/login where you present the user with a form:
form = FORM(Field('username'), requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.users.username))
On form submission (see web2py manual for form processing), if valid (e.g. if username exists in db.users table), set session.logged_in_user = request.vars.username
Here's a completish example (untested):
# Could also check whether session.logged_in_user exists in DB, but probably not needed
# If so though, should be renamed zAuth or something to come after file
if not session or not session.logged_in_user:
redirect(URL('default','login', vars={'next':request.vars.url}))
#in file: controllers/
def login():
form = FORM(Field('username', requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.users.username))
if form.process().accepted:
session.logged_in_user = form.vars.username
elif form.errors:
session.logged_in_user = None # not necessary, but oh well
response.flash = "Please enter a valid username"
return dict(form=form)
{{ extend 'layout.html' }}
{{ =form }}
By placing code in a models file, you can ensure it is executed on every page request.
This will not allow you to use web2py's authentication mechanism (i.e. auth = AUTH()), but I'm not sure that you'd want it for this anyway unless you're interested in using groups and permissions, etc. But if that's the case, adding passwords (even if it's a generic password or a blank one) seems like it wouldn't be too much trouble.
web2py by default allows blank passwords. So simply hide the password fields in the login and registration forms using CSS. You should be able to use the default auth.
if you want to sign-in with only your unique username and password go to and write this code:
db.auth_user.username.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'auth_user.username') = False = False
db.auth_user.first_name.readable = False
db.auth_user.first_name.writable = False
db.auth_user.last_name.readable = False
db.auth_user.last_name.writable = False
for me it worked

Get Username from a Cookie

I use the backend solution from django. I just want to get a username from the cookie or the session_key to get to know the user. How I can do it?
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session
def start(request, template_name="registration/my_account.html"):
user_id = request.session.get('session_key')
if user_id:
name = request.user.username
return render_to_response(template_name, locals())
return render_to_response('account/noauth.html')
Only else is coming up. What am I doing wrong?
Am I right then that authenticated means he is logged in?
--> Okay this I got!
Firstly, if you have some clarification to a question, update the question, don't post an answer or (even worse) another question, as you have done. Secondly, if the user is logged out, by definition he doesn't have a username.
I mean the advantage of Cookies is to identify a user again. I just want to place his name on the webpage. Even if he is logged out. Or isnt't it possible?
You can check if a user is authenticated by calling the, apptly named, is_authenticated method. Your code would then look somewhat like this:
def start(request, template_name="registration/my_account.html"):
if request.user.is_authenticated():
name = request.user.username
return render_to_response(template_name, locals())
return render_to_response('account/noauth.html')
No need to access the session yourself, Django handles all of that automatically (provided you use both django.contrib.sessions and django.contrib.auth).
/edit: in order to have a user's username, he needs to be authenticated. There's no good way around that.
piquadrat has absolutely the right answer, but if for some reason you do need to get the user from the session, you call get_decoded() on the session object:
session_data = request.session.get_decoded()
user_id = session_data['_auth_user_id']
You need to enable the AuthenticationMiddleware and SessionMiddleware in your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting in your to access request.user in your views.
You can then access the username using request.user.username

Django user impersonation by admin

I have a Django app. When logged in as an admin user, I want to be able to pass a secret parameter in the URL and have the whole site behave as if I were another user.
Let's say I have the URL /my-profile/ which shows the currently logged in user's profile. I want to be able to do something like /my-profile/?__user_id=123 and have the underlying view believe that I am actually the user with ID 123 (thus render that user's profile).
Why do I want that?
Simply because it's much easier to reproduce certain bugs that only appear in a single user's account.
My questions:
What would be the easiest way to implement something like this?
Is there any security concern I should have in mind when doing this? Note that I (obviously) only want to have this feature for admin users, and our admin users have full access to the source code, database, etc. anyway, so it's not really a "backdoor"; it just makes it easier to access a user's account.
I don't have enough reputation to edit or reply yet (I think), but I found that although ionaut's solution worked in simple cases, a more robust solution for me was to use a session variable. That way, even AJAX requests are served correctly without modifying the request URL to include a GET impersonation parameter.
class ImpersonateMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if request.user.is_superuser and "__impersonate" in request.GET:
request.session['impersonate_id'] = int(request.GET["__impersonate"])
elif "__unimpersonate" in request.GET:
del request.session['impersonate_id']
if request.user.is_superuser and 'impersonate_id' in request.session:
request.user = User.objects.get(id=request.session['impersonate_id'])
log in: http://localhost/?__impersonate=[USERID]
log out (back to admin): http://localhost/?__unimpersonate=True
It looks like quite a few other people have had this problem and have written re-usable apps to do this and at least some are listed on the django packages page for user switching. The most active at time of writing appear to be:
django-hijack puts a "hijack" button in the user list in the admin, along with a bit at the top of page for while you've hijacked an account.
impostor means you can login with username "me as other" and your own password
django-impersonate sets up URLs to start impersonating a user, stop, search etc
I solved this with a simple middleware. It also handles redirects (that is, the GET parameter is preserved during a redirect). Here it is:
class ImpersonateMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if request.user.is_superuser and "__impersonate" in request.GET:
request.user = models.User.objects.get(id=int(request.GET["__impersonate"]))
def process_response(self, request, response):
if request.user.is_superuser and "__impersonate" in request.GET:
if isinstance(response, http.HttpResponseRedirect):
location = response["Location"]
if "?" in location:
location += "&"
location += "?"
location += "__impersonate=%s" % request.GET["__impersonate"]
response["Location"] = location
return response
#Charles Offenbacher's answer is great for impersonating users who are not being authenticated via tokens. However, it will not work with clients side apps that use token authentication. To get user impersonation to work with apps using tokens, one has to directly set the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header in the Impersonate Middleware. My answer basically plagiarizes Charles's answer and adds lines for manually setting said header.
class ImpersonateMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if request.user.is_superuser and "__impersonate" in request.GET:
request.session['impersonate_id'] = int(request.GET["__impersonate"])
elif "__unimpersonate" in request.GET:
del request.session['impersonate_id']
if request.user.is_superuser and 'impersonate_id' in request.session:
request.user = User.objects.get(id=request.session['impersonate_id'])
# retrieve user's token
token = Token.objects.get(user=request.user)
# manually set authorization header to user's token as it will be set to that of the admin's (assuming the admin has one, of course)
request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Token {0}'.format(token.key)
i don't see how that is a security hole any more than using su - someuser as root on a a unix machine. root or an django-admin with root/admin access to the database can fake anything if he/she wants to. the risk is only in the django-admin account being cracked at which point the cracker could hide tracks by becoming another user and then faking actions as the user.
yes, it may be called a backdoor, but as ibz says, admins have access to the database anyways. being able to make changes to the database in that light is also a backdoor.
Set up so you have two different host names to the same server. If you are doing it locally, you can connect with, or localhost, for example. Your browser will see this as three different sites, and you can be logged in with different users. The same works for your site.
So in addition to you can set up, and log in with the user there. I often set up sites (with Plone) so I have both and, and only allow access to the admin pages from there, meaning I can log in to the normal site with the username that has the problems.

