I'm trying to create an lmdb file that contains all of my database images (in order to train CNN).
This is my 'test code', that I took from here:
import numpy as np
import lmdb
import caffe
import cv2
import glob
N = 18
# Let's pretend this is interesting data
X = np.zeros((N, 1, 32, 32), dtype=np.uint8)
y = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int64)
# We need to prepare the database for the size. We'll set it 10 times
# greater than what we theoretically need. There is little drawback to
# setting this too big. If you still run into problem after raising
# this, you might want to try saving fewer entries in a single
# transaction.
map_size = X.nbytes * 10
train_data = [img for img in glob.glob("/home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/code/train_images/*png")]
for i , img_path in enumerate(train_data):
img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
env = lmdb.open('train', map_size=map_size)
print X
print y
with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
# txn is a Transaction object
for i in range(N):
datum = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.Datum()
datum.channels = X.shape[1]
datum.height = X.shape[2]
datum.width = X.shape[3]
datum.data = X[i].tobytes() # or .tostring() if numpy < 1.9
print 'a ' + str(X[i])
datum.label = int(y[i])
print 'b ' + str(datum.label)
str_id = '{:08}'.format(i)
txn.put(str_id.encode('ascii'), datum.SerializeToString())
As you can see I specified random binary labels (0 or 1, for even or odd, respectively). before I create much larger lmdb file I wanna make sure that I'm doing it the right way.
After creating this file I wanted to 'look into the file' and check if it's OK, but I couldn't. the file didn't open properly using python, Access 2016, and .mdb reader (linux ubunto software). my problems are:
I don't understand what this code is doing. what is str_id? what is X[i].tobytes? what does the last line do?
After I run the code, I got 2 files: 'data.mdb' and 'key.mdb'. what are those two? maybe those 2 files are the reason why I can't open the database?
Thanks a lot, really appreciate your help!
str_id is the internal name of the data set (e.g. one JPG image) used inside the LMDB. It's derived from the path and sequence number i.
tobytes ... here, let me search that for you. This overall process, through the end of the loop, converts the data set (datum) to the LMDB format, and then copies that binary representation straight to the file. tobytes and SerializeToString are the critical methods that transfer the bit pattern as-is.
data.mdb is the relatively huge data file, containing all of these bit sequences in a readily recoverable form. In other words, it's not blocking your DB access, because it is the data base.
lock.mdb is the record-level lock file: each datum gets appropriately locked (fully or read-only) during any read or write.
That should explain the open questions. lock will not block opening the data base; it operates only during access operations. Check your file permissions. Check your user identity as well: did the LMDB creation run as root, perhaps, and not give you read permissions? Have you tried opening it read-only with a simple-minded editor, such as vi or wordpad?
I hope this gets you moving toward a solution.
You can use the mdb_dump tool to inspect the contents of the database.
I have a problem and don't know how to solve:
I'm learning how to analyze DICOM files with Python and, so,
I got a patient exam, on single patient and one single exam, which is 200 DICOM files all of the size 512x512 each archive representing a different layer of him and I want to turn them into a single archive .npy so I can use in another tutorial that I found online.
Many tutorials try to convert them to jpg or png using opencv first, but I don't want this since I'm not interested in a friendly image to see right now, I need the array. Also, this step screw all the quality of images.
I already know that using:
medical_image = pydicom.read_file(file_path)
image = medical_image.pixel_array
I can grab the path, turn 1 slice in a pixel array and them use it, but the thing is, it doesn't work in a for loop.
The for loop I tried was basically this:
image = [] # to create an empty list
for f in glob.iglob('file_path'):
img = pydicom.dcmread(f)
It results in a list with all the files. Until here it goes well, but it seems it's not the right way, because I can use the list and can't find the supposed next steps anywhere, not even answers to the errors that I get in this part, (so I concluded it was wrong)
The following code snippet allows to read DICOM files from a folder dir_path and to store them into a list. Actually, the list does not consist of the raw DICOM files, but is filled with NumPy arrays of Hounsfield units (by using the apply_modality_lut function).
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pydicom
from pydicom.pixel_data_handlers import apply_modality_lut
dir_path = r"path\to\dicom\files"
dicom_set = []
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(dir_path):
for filename in filenames:
dcm_path = Path(root, filename)
if dcm_path.suffix == ".dcm":
dicom = pydicom.dcmread(dcm_path, force=True)
except IOError as e:
print(f"Can't import {dcm_path.stem}")
hu = apply_modality_lut(dicom.pixel_array, dicom)
You were well on your way. You just have to build up a volume from the individual slices that you read in. This code snippet will create a pixelVolume of dimension 512x512x200 if your data is as advertised.
import dicom
import numpy
images = [] # to create an empty list
# Read all of the DICOM images from file_path into list "images"
for f in glob.iglob('file_path'):
image = pydicom.dcmread(f)
# Use the first image to determine the number of rows and columns
repImage = images[0]
# This tuple represents the dimensions of the pixel volume
volumeDims = (rows, cols, slices)
# allocate storage for the pixel volume
pixelVolume = numpy.zeros(volumeDims, dtype=repImage.pixel_array.dtype)
# fill in the pixel volume one slice at a time
for image in images:
pixelVolume[:,:,i] = image.pixel_array
#Use pixelVolume to do something interesting
I don't know if you are a DICOM expert or a DICOM novice, but I am just accepting your claim that your 200 images make sense when interpreted as a volume. There are many ways that this may fail. The slices may not be in expected order. There may be multiple series in your study. But I am guessing you have a "nice" DICOM dataset, maybe used for tutorials, and that this code will help you take a step forward.
I'm fairly new to Python, and I have been trying to recreate a working IDL program to Python, but I'm stuck and keep getting errors. I haven't been able to find a solution yet.
The program requires 4 FITS files in total (img and correctional images dark, flat1, flat2). The operations are as follows:
flat12 = (flat1 + flat2)/2
img1 = (img - dark)/flat12
The said files have dimensions (1024,1024,1). I have resized them to (1024,1024) to be able to even use im_show() function.
I have also tried using cv2.add(), but I get this:
TypeError: Expected Ptr for argument 'src1'
Is there any workaround for this? Thanks in advance.
To read your FITS files use astropy.io.fits: http://docs.astropy.org/en/latest/io/fits/index.html
This will give you Numpy arrays (and FITS headers if needed, there are different ways to do this, as explained in the documentation), so you could do something like:
>>> from astropy.io import fits
>>> img = fits.getdata('image.fits', ext=0) # extension number depends on your FITS files
>>> dark = fits.getdata('dark.fits') # by default it reads the first "data" extension
>>> darksub = img - dark
>>> fits.writeto('out.fits', darksub) # save output
If your data has an extra dimension, as shown with the (1024,1024,1) shape, and if you want to remove that axis, you can use the normal Numpy array slicing syntax: darksub = img[0] - dark[0].
Otherwise in the example above it will produce and save a (1024,1024,1) image.
I need to perform a function on images in less than 1 second. I have a problem on a 1000x1000 image that, just to load it as a matrix in the program, takes 1 second.
The function I use to load it is as follows:
import png
def load(fname):
with open(fname, mode='rb') as f:
reader = png.Reader(file=f)
w, h, png_img, _ = reader.asRGB8()
img = []
for line in png_img:
l = []
for i in range(0, len(line), 3):
l+=[(line[i], line[i+1], line[i+2])]
return img
How can I modify it in such a way that, when opening the image, it takes a little more than a few milliseconds?
IMPORTANT NOTE: I cannot import other functions outside of this (this is a university exercise and therefore there are rules -.-). So I have to get one myself
you can use PIL to do this for you, it's highly optimized and fast
from PIL import Image
def load(path):
return Image.open(path)
Appending to a list is inherently slow - read about Shlemiel the painter’s algorithm. You can replace it with a generator expression and slicing.
for line in png_img:
img += list(zip(line[0::3], line[1::3], line[2::3])
I'm not sure it is remotely possible to run a python script that opens a file, etc. in just a few ms. On my computer, the simplest program takes several 10ms
Without knowing more about the specifics of your problem and the reasons for your constraint, it is hard to answer. You should consider what you are trying to do, in the context of the way your program really works, and then formulate a strategy to achieve your goal.
The total context here is, you're asking the computer to:
run python, load your code and interpret it
load any modules you want to use
find your image file and read it from disk
give those bytes some meaning as an image abstraction - parse, etc these bytes
do some kind of transform or "work" on the image
export your result in some way
You need to figure out which of those steps is it that really needs to be lightning fast. After that, maybe someone can make a suggestion.
I need to extract the raster (stored as a numpy array) from a file. Following the very popular OGR Cookbook, I am reading in an OGR layer (geojson) and then rasterizing the vectors. I read that array using GDAL's ReadAsArray() function. That all works fine, and I can do all sorts of numpy things to it. However, GDAL automatically writes out the GDAL dataset I create because its automatically de-referenced once the program ends. I don't need/want this file to be output because its useless to have on disk, I just need the data in memory. How can you prevent this from happening?
I've tried not calling the FlushCache() function, but the file still gets output in the end.
# Create the destination data source
target = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(output_raster_path, source_raster.RasterXSize, source_raster.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16)
band = target.GetRasterBand(1)
gdal.RasterizeLayer(target, [1], source_layer, options=["ATTRIBUTE=BuildingID"])
raster = band.ReadAsArray()
return raster
Afterwards, once the program completes, a geotiff is written to output_raster_path, which I had just set as "temp.tif".
You can use In-Memory Driver for things like that.
mem_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')
target = mem_drv.Create('', source_raster.RasterXSize, source_raster.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16)
I'm having a problem wit fits file manipulation in the astropy package, and I'm in need of some help.
I essentially want to take an image I have in fits file format, and create a new file I need to start inputing correction factors to and a new image which can then be used with the correction factors and the original image to produce a correction image. Each of these will have the same dimensions.
Starting with this:
from astropy.io import fits
# Compute the size of the images (you can also do this manually rather than calling these keywords from the header):
#URL: /Users/UCL_Astronomy/Documents/UCL/PHASG199/M33_UVOT_sum/UVOTIMSUM/M33_sum_epoch1_um2_norm.img
nxpix_um2_ext1 = fits.open('...')[1]['NAXIS1']
nypix_um2_ext1 = fits.open('...')[1]['NAXIS2']
#nxpix_um2_ext1 = 4071 #hima_sk_um2[1].header['NAXIS1'] # IDL: nxpix_uw1_ext1 = sxpar(hima_sk_uw1_ext1,'NAXIS1')
#nypix_um2_ext1 = 4321 #hima_sk_um2[1].header['NAXIS2'] # IDL: nypix_uw1_ext1 = sxpar(hima_sk_uw1_ext1,'NAXIS2')
# Make a new image file with the same dimensions (and headers, etc) to save the correction factors:
coicorr_um2_ext1 = ??[nxpix_um2_ext1,nypix_um2_ext1]
# Make a new image file with the same dimensions (and headers, etc) to save the corrected image:
ima_sk_coicorr_um2_ext1 = ??[nxpix_um2_ext1,nypix_um2_ext1]
Can anyone give me the obvious knowledge I am missing to do this...the last two lines are just there to outline what is missing. I have included ?? to perhaps signal I need something else there perhaps fits.writeto() or something similar...
The astropy documentation takes you though this task step by step: create an array with size (NAXIS1,NAXIS2), put the data in the primary HDU, make an HDUlist and write it to disk:
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
data = np.zeros((NAXIS2,NAXIS1))
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data)
hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu])
I think #VincePs answer is correct but I'll add some more information because I think you are not using the capabilities of astropy well here.
First of all Python is zero-based so the primary extension has the number 0. Maybe you got that wrong, maybe you don't - but it's uncommon to access the second HDU so I thought I better mention it.
hdu_num = 0 # Or use = 1 if you really want the second hdu.
First you do not need to open the same file twice, you can open it once and close it after extracting the relevant values:
with fits.open('...') as hdus:
nxpix_um2_ext1 = hdus[hdu_num]['NAXIS1']
nxpix_um2_ext1 = hdus[hdu_num]['NAXIS2']
# Continue without indentation and the file will be closed again.
or if you want to keep the whole header (for saving it later) and the data you can use:
with fits.open('...') as hdus:
hdr = hdus[hdu_num].header
data = hdus[hdu_num].data # I'll also take the data for comparison.
I'll continue with the second approach because I think it's a lot cleaner and you'll have all the data and header values ready.
new_data = np.zeros((hdr['NAXIS2'], hdr['NAXIS1']))
Please note that Python interprets the axis different than IRAF (and I think IDL, but I'm not sure) so you need axis2 as first and axis1 as second element.
So do a quick check that the shapes are the same:
If they are not equal I got confused about the axis in Python (again) but I don't think so. But instead of creating a new array based on the header values you can also create a new array by just using the old shape:
new_data_2 = np.zeros(data.shape)
That will ensure the dimensions and shape is identical. Now you have an empty image. If you rather like a copy then you can, but do not need to, explicitly copy the data (except if you opened the file explicitly in write/append/update mode then you should always copy it but that's not the default.)
new_data = data # or = data.copy() for explicitly copying.
Do your operations on it and if you want to save it again you can use what #VinceP suggested:
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(new_data, header=hdr) # This ensures the same header is written to the new file
hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu])
Please note that you don't have to alter the shape-related header keywords even if you changed the data's shape because during writeto astropy will update these (by default)