I am currently working on a REST call using Flask Framework. and I have run into some errors along the way, which I am unable to figure out as to why they occur (still trying though). The error is as shown below:
[2016-09-20 18:53:26,486] ERROR in app: Exception on /Recommend [GET]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1988, in wsgi_app
response = self.full_dispatch_request()
File "/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1641, in full_dispatch_request
rv = self.handle_user_exception(e)
File "/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_cors/extension.py", line 161, in wrapped_function
return cors_after_request(app.make_response(f(*args, **kwargs)))
File "/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_api/app.py", line 97, in handle_user_exception
for typecheck, handler in chain(blueprint_handlers.items(), app_handlers.items()):
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'items' - - [20/Sep/2016 18:53:26] "GET /Recommend HTTP/1.1" 500 -
here is the code that I have built:
from flask import request, jsonify
from flask_api import FlaskAPI
from flask_cors import CORS
from sets import Set
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import copy
app = FlaskAPI(__name__)
content = None
class Apriori:
def __init__(self):
self.no_of_transactions = None
self.min_support = 0.5
self.min_confidence = 0.75
self.transactions = {}
self.set_of_items = set()
self.frequencies = {}
self.frequent_itemsets_of_order_n = {}
self.association_rules = {}
def createPowerSet(self,s):
powerset = set()
for i in xrange(2**len(s)):
subset = tuple([x for j,x in enumerate(s) if (i >> j) & 1])
if len(subset) == 0:
elif len(subset) == 1:
return powerset
def createFrequentItemSets(self,set_of_items,len):
frequent_itemsets = set(itertools.combinations(set_of_items, len))
for i in list(frequent_itemsets):
tempset = set(i)
self.frequencies[i] = 0
for k, v in self.transactions.iteritems():
if tempset.issubset(set(v)):
self.frequencies[i] += 1
if float(self.frequencies[i])/self.no_of_transactions < self.min_support:
return frequent_itemsets
def mineAssociationRules(self,frequent_itemset):
s = set(frequent_itemset)
subs = list(self.createPowerSet(s))
for each in subs:
if sorted(tuple(set(each))) == sorted(tuple(s)):
if len(set(each))==1:
antecedent = list(set(each))[0]
elif len(set(each))>1:
antecedent = tuple(set(each))
if len(s.difference(set(each)))==1:
consequent = list(s.difference(set(each)))[0]
elif len(s.difference(set(each)))>1:
consequent = tuple(s.difference(set(each)))
AuC = tuple(s)
if float(self.frequencies[AuC])/self.frequencies[antecedent] >= self.min_confidence:
if antecedent in self.association_rules:
if type(antecedent) is tuple:
antecedent = (",").join(antecedent)
if type(consequent) is tuple:
consequent = (",").join(consequent)
self.association_rules[antecedent] = consequent
def implement(self,transactions):
#for i in range(0,self.no_of_transactions):
for i in range(0,len(transactions)):
self.transactions["T"+str(i)] = defaultdict(list)
self.transactions["T"+str(i)] = transactions[i].split(',')
self.set_of_items = self.set_of_items.union(Set(self.transactions["T"+str(i)]))
for i in list(self.set_of_items):
self.frequencies[i] = 0
for k, v in self.transactions.iteritems():
if i in v:
self.frequencies[i] = self.frequencies[i] + 1
if float(self.frequencies[i])/self.no_of_transactions < self.min_support:
self.frequent_itemsets_of_order_n[1] = self.set_of_items
l = 1
reps = copy.deepcopy(self.set_of_items)
while True:
l += 1
result = self.createFrequentItemSets(self.set_of_items, l)
if len(result) == 0:
self.frequent_itemsets_of_order_n[l] = result
reps = copy.deepcopy(self.frequent_itemsets_of_order_n[l])
l = l-1
while l>2:
for each in self.frequent_itemsets_of_order_n[l]:
l = l-1
def FindAssociations():
transactions = ["A,C,D,F,G","A,B,C,D,F","C,D,E","A,D,F","A,C,D,E,F","B,C,D,E,F,G"]
apr = Apriori()
return jsonify(rules=apr.association_rules)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I did run some sample code found on the web, and built the above script based on those scripts. They worked out well. The class I built was based on another python program that I had built earlier which worked well. Should I have imported the class from another script instead of building it here?
There are a number of errors in your Apriori which need to fixed. There are a few attempts to divide by self.no_of_transactions (e.g. line 87) which is initialised to None and never changed. Dividing by None raises an exception:
>>> 1/None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'NoneType'
This exception is then handled in Flask-API's handle_user_exception() method, which also appears to have a bug as shown in the exception it raises.
The way to fix it is to correct your code so that it does not divide by None.
I am trying to crawl abstracts from PubMed and filtering them using regex via python. To speed things up, I wanted to use pythons multiprocessing pool.
My code looks like the following:
import multiprocessing as mp
from functools import partial
from typing import List, Tuple
def beautify_abstract(abstract: str, regex: str):
import re
result: str = ""
last_start = 0
matches = re.finditer(regex, abstract, re.MULTILINE)
for matchNum, match in enumerate(matches, start=1):
result += abstract[last_start:match.start()]
result += "<b>"
result += abstract[match.start():match.end()]
result += "</b>"
last_start = match.end()
result += abstract[last_start:]
return result
def get_doi(pim: str, regex: str):
from Bio import Entrez
from Bio.Entrez import efetch
import re
from metapub.convert import pmid2doi
Entrez.email = "Your.Name.Here#example.org"
print(f"Processing {pim}")
abstract_handle = efetch(db="pubmed", id=pim, retmode='text', rettype='all')
abstract = abstract_handle.read()
if re.search(regex, abstract, re.MULTILINE) is not None:
docsum_handle = efetch(db="pubmed", id=pim, retmode='text', rettype='docsum').read()
docsum = docsum_handle.read()
doi = pmid2doi(pim)
doi = "UNKNOWN"
return f"{doi}"
return ""
def get_pim_with_regex_list(keywords: List[str]) -> List[str]:
from Bio import Entrez
Entrez.email = "Your.Name.Here#example.org"
searchterm = " ".join(keywords)
pims = []
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", retstart=0, retmax=0, term=searchterm, idtype="acc")
record = Entrez.read(handle)
count = int(record['Count'])
if count > 100000:
retmax = 100000
retmax = count
retstart = 0
while retstart < count:
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", retstart=retstart, retmax=retmax, term=searchterm, idtype="acc")
record = Entrez.read(handle)
for pim in record['IdList']:
retstart += retmax
return pims
if __name__ == '__main__':
keywords = ["keyword1", "keyword2"]
pim_list = get_pim_with_regex_list(keywords)
regex = "keyword1 keyword2"
worker_fn = partial(get_doi, regex=regex)
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())
entries = pool.map(worker_fn, pim_list)
When I run the given code, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/process.py", line 108, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 114, in worker
task = get()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/queues.py", line 368, in get
return _ForkingPickler.loads(res)
TypeError: __new__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'tag' and 'attributes'
Process ForkPoolWorker-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/process.py", line 108, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 114, in worker
task = get()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/queues.py", line 368, in get
return _ForkingPickler.loads(res)
TypeError: __new__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'tag' and 'attributes'
I did some digging into multiprocessing with python and found out that only python native types are supported as parameters (enforced by the ForkingPickler).
Assuming that str is a native type, the code should work... Currently, I am completely lost and have no idea what may be the problem.
As suggested, I uploaded a minimal (sequential) working example here
Is there any way to fix this problem or at least diagnose the real issue here?
The following code
def score_track(details, result_details, top_score=200):
if top_score < 120:
# do smth
return None
works in Python 2 but throws exception in Python 3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "function.py", line 280, in <module>
File "ImportList.py", line 131, in score_track
if top_score < 120:
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'
If I initialize top_score explicitly it goes fine.
score_track function is called like this:
search_result list is constructed like this:
search_results = []
dlog('search details: '+str(details))
lib_album_match = False
if details['artist'] and details['title'] and search_personal_library:
lib_results = [item for item in library if s_in_s(details['artist'],item.get('artist')) and s_in_s(details['title'],item.get('title'))]
dlog('lib search results: '+str(len(lib_results)))
for result in lib_results:
if s_in_s(result['album'],details['album']):
lib_album_match = True
item = {}
item[u'track'] = result
item[u'score'] = 200
What is wrong? I didn't find any information about different behavior of default parameter values in Python3 vs Python2.
lambda from getattr getting called with "connection" as a keyword argument? Am I misusing the code or is there a bug?
Code and traceback: https://github.com/bigcommerce/bigcommerce-api-python/issues/32
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import bigcommerce
import bigcommerce.api
BIG_URL = 'store-45eg5.mybigcommerce.com'
BIG_USER = 'henry'
BIG_KEY = '10f0f4f371f7953c4d7d7809b62463281f15c829'
api = bigcommerce.api.BigcommerceApi(host=BIG_URL, basic_auth=(BIG_USER, BIG_KEY))
def get_category_id(name):
get_request = api.Categories.get(name)
cat_list = api.Categories.all(name=name)
if cat_list:
return cat_list[0]['id']
return None
return None
def create_category(name):
rp = api.Categories.create(name)
if rp.status == 201:
return rp.json()['id']
return get_category_id(name)
Gives this traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./bigcommerceimporter.py", line 50, in
File "./bigcommerceimporter.py", line 44, in create_category
rp = api.Categories.create(name)
File "/home/henry/big_test_zone/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bigcommerce/api.py", line 57, in
return lambda args, *kwargs: (getattr(self.resource_class, item))(args, connection=self.connection, *kwargs)
TypeError: create() got multiple values for keyword argument 'connection'
Line in api.py that the traceback refers to: https://github.com/bigcommerce/bigcommerce-api-python/blob/master/bigcommerce/api.py#L57
According to the examples, create should be used like this:
api.Categories.create(name = 'anothertestingcat')
Note: You should generate a new API KEY, since you published the current one in this question.
I have successful built a python search app with pysolr. So far I have used two fields: id and title. now i want to push two different versions of titles; the original and the title after removing the stopwords. any ideas? the following code works:
def BuildSolrIndex(solr, trandata):
tmp = []
for i, dat in enumerate(trandata):
if all(d is not None and len(d) > 0 for d in dat):
d = {}
d["id"] = dat[0]
d["title"] = dat[1]
return solr
but this one does not:
def BuildSolrIndex(solr, trandata):
tmp = []
for i, dat in enumerate(trandata):
if all(d is not None and len(d) > 0 for d in dat):
d = {}
d["id"] = dat[0]
d["title_org"] = dat[1]
d["title_new"] = CleanUpTitle(dat[1])
return solr
Any ideas?
bellow is the exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
solr = BuildSolrIndex(solr, trandata)
File "...", line 56, in BuildSolrIndex
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pysolr.py", line 779, in add
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pysolr.py", line 387, in _update
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pysolr.py", line 321, in _send_request
pysolr.SolrError: [Reason: None]
<response><lst name="responseHeader"><int name="status">400</int><int name="QTime">8</int></lst><lst name="error"><str name="msg">ERROR: [doc=...] unknown field 'title_new'</str><int name="code">400</int></lst></response>
This looks like an issue with your Solr schema.xml, as the exception indicates that "title_new" is not recognized as a valid field. This answer may be of assistance to you: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14400137/1675729
Check to make sure your schema.xml contains a "title_new" field, and that you've restarted the Solr services if necessary. If this doesn't solve your problem, come on back!
So I am creating a module, and I am importing it to a python shell and running some stuff to make sure all features work and such.
For some reason every time I run the code, it gives the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/ryansaxe/Desktop/Code/python/modules/pymaps.py", line 102, in url_maker
#anything can be here
AttributeError: type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'datetime'
So where the #anything can be here is, is whatever is on line 102 of my code. Originally line 102 was:
if isinstance(startindex,datetime.datetime):
and I got the error above. I put a quick print statement on line 102 to check and it gave the same error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/ryansaxe/Desktop/Code/python/modules/pymaps.py", line 102, in url_maker
print 'Hello'
AttributeError: type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'datetime'
Is this some sort of bug? Why is it telling me there is an error with datetime on the line print 'Hello'?
Because it may be helpful, I will give you the function I am having trouble with since I have no clue how this is possible. I am keeping the print 'Hello' line so you can see where line 102 is:
def url_maker(latitudes,longitudes,times=None,color='red',label=' ',zoom=12,center=None,start=None,end=None,by=None,size='600x300'):
urls = []
import datetime
if isinstance(times[0],str) or isinstance(times[0],datetime.datetime):
from dateutil import parser
if isinstance(times[0],str):
times = [parser.parse(x) for x in times]
if isinstance(start,str):
startindex = parser.parse(start)
startindex = start
if isinstance(end,str):
endindex = parse.parse(end)
endindex = end
print 'Hello'
if isinstance(startindex,datetime.datetime):
startpos = between_times(times,startindex,by='start')
elif isinstance(startindex,int):
if isinstance(endindex,datetime.datetime):
startpos = between_times(times,endindex,by='end') - start
startpos = start
if isinstance(endindex,datetime.datetime):
endpos = between_times(times,endindex,by='end')
elif isinstance(endindex,int):
if isinstance(startindex,datetime.datetime):
endpos = between_times(times,startindex,by='start') + end
endpos = end
times = range(1,len(latitudes) + 1)
if isinstance(start,int):
startpos = start
startpos = None
if isinstance(end,int):
endpos = end
endpos = None
if isinstance(by,str):
lat,lon,t = latitudes[startpos:endpos],latitudes[startpos:endpos],times[startpos:endpos]
print lat
t,lats,lons = time_sample(t,by,lat,lon)
elif isinstance(by,int):
lats,lons,t = latitudes[startpos:endpos:by],latitudes[startpos:endpos:by],times[startpos:endpos:by]
lats,lons,t= latitudes[startpos:endpos],latitudes[startpos:endpos],times[startpos:endpos]
print t
print len(t)
if center == None:
latit = [str(i) for i in lats]
longi = [str(i) for i in lons]
center = '¢er=' + common_finder(latit,longi)
center = '¢er=' + '+'.join(center.split())
zoom = '&zoom=' + str(zoom)
for i in range(len(lats)):
#label = str(i)
x,y = str(lats[i]),str(lons[i])
marker = '&markers=color:' + color + '%7Clabel:' + label + '%7C' + x + ',' + y
url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?maptype=roadmap&size=' + size + zoom + center + marker + '&sensor=true'
#print i
return urls,t
You are running with a stale bytecode cache or are re-running the code in an existing interpreter without restarting it.
The traceback code has only bytecode to work with, which contains filename and linenumber information. When an exception occurs, the source file is loaded to retrieve the original line of code, but if the source file has changed, that leads to the wrong line being shown.
Restart the interpreter and/or remove all *.pyc files; the latter will be recreated when the interpreter imports the code again.
As for your specific exception; you probably imported the datetime class from the datetime module somewhere:
from datetime import datetime
The datetime class does not have a datetime attribute, only the module does.