Python/Psychopy: checking if a point is within a circle - python

I want to know the most efficient way to check if a given point (an eye coordinate) is within a specific region (in this case a circle).
win = visual.Window([600,600], allowGUI=False)
coordinate = [50,70] #example x and y coordinates
shape = visual.Circle(win, radius=120, units='pix') #shape to check if coordinates are within it
if coordinate in shape:
print "inside"
print "outside"
>>TypeError: argument of type 'Circle' is not iterable
My x and y coordinates correspond to one point on the window, I need to check if this point falls within the circle whose radius is 120 pixels.

PsychoPy's ShapeStim classes have a .contains() method, as per the API:
So your code could simply be:
if shape.contains(coordinate):
print 'inside'
print 'outside'
Using this method has the advantage that it is a general solution (taking into account the shape of the stimulus vertices) and is not just a check on the pythagorean distance from the stimulus centre (which is a special case for circles only).

I don't think it needs to be that complicated:
if (coordinate[0]-center[0])**2 + (coordinate[1]-center[1])**2 < radius**2:
print "inside"
print "outside"


Creating a spatial index for QGIS 2 spatial join (PyQGIS)

I've written a bit of code to do a simple spatial join in QGIS 2 and 2.2 (points that lie within a buffer to take attribute of the buffer). However, I'd like to employ a QgsSpatialIndex in order to speed things up a bit. Where can I go from here:
pointProvider = self.pointLayer.dataProvider()
rotateProvider = self.rotateBUFF.dataProvider()
all_point = pointProvider.getFeatures()
point_spIndex = QgsSpatialIndex()
for feat in all_point:
all_line = rotateProvider.getFeatures()
line_spIndex = QgsSpatialIndex()
for feat in all_line:
rotate_IDX = self.rotateBUFF.fieldNameIndex('bearing')
point_IDX = self.pointLayer.fieldNameIndex('bearing')
for rotatefeat in self.rotateBUFF.getFeatures():
for pointfeat in self.pointLayer.getFeatures():
if pointfeat.geometry().intersects(rotatefeat.geometry()) == True:
pointID =
bearing = rotatefeat.attributes()[rotate_IDX]
self.pointLayer.changeAttributeValue(pointID, point_IDX, bearing)
To do this kind of spatial join, you can use the QgsSpatialIndex ( intersects(QgsRectangle) function to get a list of candidate featureIDs or the nearestNeighbor (QgsPoint,n) function to get the list of the n nearest neighbours as featureIDs.
Since you only want the points that lie within the buffer, the intersects function seems most suitable. I have not tested if a degenerate bbox (point) can be used. If not, just make a very small bounding box around your point.
The intersects function returns all features that have a bounding box that intersects the given rectangle, so you will have to test these candidate features for a true intersection.
Your outer loop should be on the points (you want to to add attribute values to each point from their containing buffer).
# If degenerate rectangles are allowed, delta could be 0,
# if not, choose a suitable, small value
delta = 0.1
# Loop through the points
for point in all_point:
# Create a search rectangle
# Assuming that all_point consist of QgsPoint
searchRectangle = QgsRectangle(point.x() - delta, point.y() - delta, point.x() + delta, point.y() + delta)
# Use the search rectangle to get candidate buffers from the buffer index
candidateIDs = line_index.intesects(searchRectangle)
# Loop through the candidate buffers to find the first one that contains the point
for candidateID in candidateIDs:
candFeature == rotateProvider.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest(candidateID)).next()
if candFeature.geometry().contains(point):
# Do something useful with the point - buffer pair
# No need to look further, so break

Detecting collision when rotating

I have a chain of squares represented in pygame. I have some code that lets me rotate parts of the chain, as follows.
import pygame
def draw(square):
(x,y) = square
pygame.draw.rect(screen, black, (100+x*20,100+y*20,20,20), 1)
def rotate(chain, index, direction):
(pivotx, pivoty) = chain[index]
if (direction == 1):
newchain = chain[:index]+[(y-pivoty+pivotx, (x-pivotx)+pivoty) for (x,y) in chain[index:]]
newchain = chain[:index]+[(y-pivoty+pivotx, -(x-pivotx)+pivoty) for (x,y) in chain[index:]]
return newchain
size = [600, 600]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
white = (255,255,255)
black = (0,0,0)
n = 20
chain = [(i,0) for i in xrange(n)]
for square in chain:
raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
newchain = rotate(chain, 5, 1)
print chain
print newchain
for square in newchain:
raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
newchain = rotate(newchain, 10,0)
for square in newchain:
raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
The function rotate takes an index of a square in the chain and rotates the whole chain after that square by 90 degrees, pivoting around the initial square. The problem is that this is meant to mimic a physical toy so it is not allowed to collide with itself. I can check to see if two squares are on top of each other after a rotation but how can I make sure they wouldn't collide temporarily during a rotation?
It sounds like you already know how to know if they're overlapping once you do the rotation, unless I am misunderstanding. If that's the case, then it would be relatively easy to define a function to answer that question given a potential rotation in the chain by adding a check to the end of your comprehension:
if (direction == 1):
newchain = chain[:index]+[(y-pivoty+pivotx, (x-pivotx)+pivoty) for (x,y) in chain[index:] if not overlapping(x, y, pivotx, pivoty)]
newchain = chain[:index]+[(y-pivoty+pivotx, -(x-pivotx)+pivoty) for (x,y) in chain[index:] if not overlapping(x, y, pivotx, pivoty)]
And of course relying on some kind of:
def overlapping(x, y, px, py):
if (some logic that determins if this is bad):
raise Exception('Overlapping')
return True
You would need to do something useful with the exception, but at least this would check each square as you process it, and break out immediately instead of waiting until after the whole rotation to verify that it's good.
I would use the pygame functions to do that.
1. make your surfaces to sprites.
2. rotate them with pygame.transform.rotate.
3. check collision with pygame functions.
4. this function works perfect for me ;).
def collision(sprite, group):
rectCol = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(sprite, group, False)
return [s for s in rectCol if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(sprite, s)]
sprite is one of your squares.
group is all the other squares.
the function returns a list with all squares witch collide with your square.
What you have to do is check a collision between the two quarter-circles that two sides of the rotating rect inscribe. To check collisions between a quarter-circle and a rectangle you can try adapting this code.
The 2 squares will overlap in transit if:
one is stationary, the other is moving
the center of one starts to the left of the other, and ends up to the right (cross product will be of use here)
their distances to the pivot square are within a range (determined by the corners furthest and closest to the pivot square).
Above I gave an idea how to quickly check 2 given squares.
If you sort the squares by their distance to the pivot square, you will not have to check all pairs, only the pairs that are within a distance (thus avoiding O(N^2)).
One way you can do it is to model the squares after circles and use the relationship
(x1,y1), (x2,y2) being the center of the squares.
where d is the minimum distance between their centres. Then you compare it to r1+r2, where r1 and r2 are the radius of the circles residing in the squares. If d is less than r1+r2, reverse their unit velocity vector, or make them rotate the other way.
You can increase the accuracy of the model by testing the vertices of one square, against the diagonals of another square. For example (please take a graph paper to see this), say we have a square A , vertices being [(2,0),(0,2),(2,4),(4,2)], and another (square B) being [(2,2),(5,2),(5,5),(2,5)], now take any one square (we'll take B) and take any one of it's vertices, say, (2,2). Test if the x-coords (2) lies between the x-coordinate of the diagonally aligned vertices of A, say (2,4) and (2,0). Apparently it does! Then we check it against another diagonal, (0,2) and (4,2). It does too! So, square B has collided with square A and the rotation vector or the velocity vector has to be reversed. You may also check with the y-coords.
You'll have to loop through each square to check if they collide with others. However, you don't have to check all squares as you will only need to concern yourself with squares with min distance of d is less than r1+r2 relative to each other, so you will just need one loop to check if their distances are less than the sum of radius, and another loop to check if their vertices has entered the body of the square. I normally do that in my games which stimulate random motion of particles (e.g. brownian motion)
This problem has been generically solved many, many times. The simplest explanation is that you use an increasing level of detail.
For the shapes themselves you must create either bounding boxes or bounding circles which are large enough to contain the outer-most points in the shape. A bounding circle is nice because it is the smallest shape which will always fully cover the object. It also doesn't need to be regenerated after a rotation because it always describes the maximum space possible for your shape.
For a bounding circle the next operation is to measure the distance between each bounding circle and discard the ones that cannot possibly overlap. This is fairly inexpensive. Note too, that you can discard reflections. I.e. if you tested that shape a cannot overlap shape b, don't now test if shape b overlaps shape a.
Once you have the shapes which "may" overlap, you must use a precise algorithm to see if any point in one shape overlaps any point in the other shape. There are a variety of ways to do this. Some of them are geometric (GJK Algorithm) while others use things like z-buffers or pixel masks. For these latter kind you can draw one shape to a test buffer, then start to draw the second shape. If you check the buffer before you plot a pixel and see there is a pixel already there, you know there is an intersection (collision).

Monte Carlo Method, Darts in overlapping area of two circles

I am trying to estimate the value of pi using a monte carlo simulation. I need to use two unit circles that are a user input distance from the origin. I understand how this problem works with a single circle, I just don't understand how I am meant to use two circles. Here is what I have got so far (this is the modified code I used for a previous problem the used one circle with radius 2.
import random
import math
import sys
def main():
def montePi(numDarts,distance):
if distance>=1:
for I in range(numDarts):
if d<=2 and d>=-2:
return pi
I need to change this code to work with 2 unit circles, but I do not understand how to use trigonometry to do this, or am I overthinking the problem? Either way help will be appreciated as I continue trying to figure this out.
What I do know is that I need to change the X coordinate, as well as the equation that determines "d" (d=math.sqrt(x*2+y*2)), im just not sure how.
These are my instructions-
Write a program called that uses the Monte Carlo method to
estimate the area of this shape (and prints the result). Your program should take
two command-line parameters: distance and numDarts. The distance parameter
specifies how far away the circles are from the origin on the x-axis. So if distance
is 0, then both circles are centered on the origin, and completely overlap. If
distance is 0.5 then one circle is centered at (-0.5, 0) and the other at (0.5, 0). If
distance is 1 or greater, then the circles do not overlap at all! In that last case, your
program can simply output 0. The numDarts parameter should specify the number
of random points to pick in the Monte Carlo process.
In this case, the rectangle should be 2 units tall (with the top at y = 1 and the
bottom at y = -1). You could also safely make the rectangle 2 units wide, but this
will generally be much bigger than necessary. Instead, you should figure out
exactly how wide the shape is, based on the distance parameter. That way you can
use as skinny a rectangle as possible.
If I understand the problem correctly, you have two unit circles centered at (distance, 0) and (-distance, 0) (that is, one is slightly to the right of the origin and one is slightly to the left). You're trying to determine if a given point, (x, y) is within both circles.
The simplest approach might be to simply compute the distance between the point and the center of each of the circles. You've already done this in your previous code, just repeat the computation twice, once with the offset distance inverted, then use and to see if your point is in both circles.
But a more elegant solution would be to notice how your two circles intersect each other exactly on the y-axis. To the right of the axis, the left circle is completely contained within the right one. To the left of the y-axis, the right circle is entirely within the left circle. And since the shape is symmetrical, the two halves are of exactly equal size.
This means you can limit your darts to only hitting on one side of the axis, and then get away with just a single distance test:
def circle_intersection_area(num_darts, distance):
if distance >= 1:
return 0
in_circle = 0
width = 1-distance # this is enough to cover half of the target
for i in range(num_darts):
x = random.random()*width # random value from 0 to 1-distance
y = random.random()*2 - 1 # random value from -1 to 1
d = math.sqrt((x+distance)**2 + y**2) # distance from (-distance, 0)
if d <= 1:
in_circle += 1
sample_area = width * 2
target_area = sample_area * (in_circle / num_darts)
return target_area * 2 # double, since we were only testing half the target

Copying a triangular area from one picture to another in Python

I am trying to write a python function that will copy a triangular area from anywhere on a picture to a new blank picture. I can copy a rectangular area from a picture to a new empty picture, but I just don't know how to copy a triangle. That's what I have, but it only copies a rectangular area. Sorry if it looks messy or over-complicated, but I'm just starting how to write in python.
def copyTriangle():
for y in range(ystart,getHeight(oldPic)):
for x in range(xstart,getWidth(oldPic)):
Function to copy a triangular area from one pic to another.
def selectTriangle(pic):
w= getWidth (pic)
h = getHeight(pic)
newPic = makeEmptyPicture(w,h)
x0=107#test point 0
x1=52#test point 1
x2=273 #test point 2
for y in range (0,h):
for x in range (0, w):
#finding pixels within the plotted lines between eat set of points
if (x>((y-y0)*(x1-x0)/(y1-y0)+x0) and x<((y-y0)*(x2-x0)/(y2-y0)+x0) and x>((y-y2)*(x1-x2)/(y1-y2)+x2)):
pxl = getPixel(pic, x, y)
newPxl= getPixel(newPic,x,y)
color = getColor(pxl)
setColor (newPxl, color)
return (newPic)
If you're willing to do it pixel by pixel as in your example, then just copy the pixels of the triangle. Mostly this depends on how you want to define the triangle.
The simplest triangle is to make your x range (inner loop) dependent on your y-value (outer loop), like:
for y in range(ystart, ystart+getHeight(oldPic)):
for x in range(xstart, xstart + int( getWidth(oldPic)*((y-ystart)/float(getHeight)):
More generally, you could still keep your same x and y loops, and then put the copying commands in an if block, where you check whether the point is in your triangle.
Beyond this, there are much more efficient ways of doing this, using masks, etc.
Note, also here I changed the y-range to range(ystart, ystart+getHeight(oldPic)), which I think is probably what you want for a height that doesn't depend on the starting position.

How to 'zoom' in on a section of the Mandelbrot set?

I have created a Python file to generate a Mandelbrot set image. The original maths code was not mine, so I do not understand it - I only heavily modified it to make it about 250x faster (Threads rule!).
Anyway, I was wondering how I could modify the maths part of the code to make it render one specific bit. Here is the maths part:
for y in xrange(size[1]):
coords = (uleft[0] + (x/size[0]) * (xwidth),uleft[1] - (y/size[1]) * (ywidth))
z = complex(coords[0],coords[1])
o = complex(0,0)
dotcolor = 0 # default, convergent
for trials in xrange(n):
if abs(o) <= 2.0:
o = o**2 + z
dotcolor = trials
break # diverged
And the size definitions:
size1 = 500
size2 = 500
plus = size[1]+size[0]
uleft = box[0]
lright = box[1]
xwidth = lright[0] - uleft[0]
ywidth = uleft[1] - lright[1]
what do I need to modify to make it render a certain section of the set?
The line:
is the bit that defines the area of coordinate space that is being rendered, so you just need to change this line. First coordinate pair is the top-left of the area, the second is the bottom right.
To get a new coordinate from the image should be quite straightforward. You've got two coordinate systems, your "image" system 100x100 pixels in size, origin at (0,0). And your "complex" plane coordinate system defined by "box". For X:
The key in understanding how to do this is to understand what the coords = line is doing:
coords = (uleft[0] + (x/size[0]) * (xwidth),uleft[1] - (y/size[1]) * (ywidth))
Effectively, the x and y values you are looping through which correspond to the coordinates of the on-screen pixel are being translated to the corresponding point on the complex plane being looked at. This means that (0,0) screen coordinate will translate to the upper left region being looked at (-2,1.25), and (1,0) will be the same, but moved 1/500 of the distance (assuming a 500 pixel width window) between the -2 and 0.5 x-coordinate.
That's exactly what that line is doing - I'll expand just the X-coordinate bit with more illustrative variable names to indicate this:
mandel_x = mandel_start_x + (screen_x / screen_width) * mandel_width
(The mandel_ variables refer to the coordinates on the complex plane, the screen_ variables refer to the on-screen coordinates of the pixel being plotted.)
If you want then to take a region of the screen to zoom into, you want to do exactly the same: take the screen coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right region, translate them to the complex-plane coordinates, and make those the new uleft and lright variables. ie to zoom in on the box delimited by on-screen coordinates (x1,y1)..(x2,y2), use:
new_uleft = (uleft[0] + (x1/size[0]) * (xwidth), uleft[1] - (y1/size[1]) * (ywidth))
new_lright = (uleft[0] + (x2/size[0]) * (xwidth), uleft[1] - (y2/size[1]) * (ywidth))
(Obviously you'll need to recalculate the size, xwidth, ywidth and other dependent variables based on the new coordinates)
In case you're curious, the maths behind the mandelbrot set isn't that complicated (just complex).
All it is doing is taking a particular coordinate, treating it as a complex number, and then repeatedly squaring it and adding the original number to it.
For some numbers, doing this will cause the result diverge, constantly growing towards infinity as you repeat the process. For others, it will always stay below a certain level (eg. obviously (0.0, 0.0) never gets any bigger under this process. The mandelbrot set (the black region) is those coordinates which don't diverge. Its been shown that if any number gets above the square root of 5, it will diverge - your code is just using 2.0 as its approximation to sqrt(5) (~2.236), but this won't make much noticeable difference.
Usually the regions that diverge get plotted with the number of iterations of the process that it takes for them to exceed this value (the trials variable in your code) which is what produces the coloured regions.

