Re-compose a Tensor after tensor factorization - python

I am trying to decompose a 3D matrix using python library scikit-tensor. I managed to decompose my Tensor (with dimensions 100x50x5) into three matrices. My question is how can I compose the initial matrix again using the decomposed matrix produced with Tensor factorization? I want to check if the decomposition has any meaning. My code is the following:
import logging
from import loadmat
from sktensor import dtensor, cp_als
import numpy as np
//Set logging to DEBUG to see CP-ALS information
T = np.ones((400, 50))
T = dtensor(T)
P, fit, itr, exectimes = cp_als(T, 10, init='random')
// how can I re-compose the Matrix T? TA =[0], P.U[1].T)
I am using the canonical decomposition as provided from the scikit-tensor library function cp_als. Also what is the expected dimensionality of the decomposed matrices?

The CP product of, for example, 4 matrices
can be expressed using Einstein notation as
or in numpy as
numpy.einsum('az,bz,cz,dz -> abcd', A, B, C, D)
so in your case you would use
numpy.einsum('az,bz->ab', P.U[0], P.U[1])
or, in your 3-matrix case
numpy.einsum('az,bz,cz->abc', P.U[0], P.U[1], P.U[2])
sktensor.ktensor.ktensor also have a method totensor() that does exactly this:
np.allclose(np.einsum('az,bz->ab', P.U[0], P.U[1]), P.totensor())
>>> True

See an explanation of CP here. You may also use tensorlearn package to rebuild the tensor.


Specific tensor decomposition

I want to decompose a 3-dimensional tensor using SVD.
I am not quite sure if and, how following decomposition can be achieved.
I already know how I can split the tensor horizontally from this tutorial: Figure 2.2b
d = 10; A = np.random.rand(d,d,d)
Am = A.reshape(d**2,d)
Um,Sm,Vh = LA.svd(Am,full_matrices=False)
U = Um.reshape(d,d,d); S = np.diag(Sm)
Matrix methods can be naturally extended to higher-orders. SVD, for instance, can be generalized to tensors e.g. with the Tucker decomposition, sometimes called a higher-order SVD.
We maintain a Python library for tensor methods, TensorLy, which lets you do this easily. In this case you want a partial Tucker as you want to leave one of the modes uncompressed.
Let's import the necessary parts:
import tensorly as tl
from tensorly import random
from tensorly.decomposition import partial_tucker
For testing, let's create a 3rd order tensor of size (10, 10, 10):
size = 10
order = 3
shape = (size, )*order
tensor = random.random_tensor(shape)
You can now decompose the tensor using the tensor decomposition. In your case, you want to leave one of the dimensions untouched, so you'll only have two factors (your U and V) and a core tensor (your S):
core, factors = partial_tucker(tensor, rank=size, modes=[0, 2])
You can reconstruct the original tensor from your approximation using a series of n-mode products to contract the core with the factors:
from tensorly import tenalg
rec = tenalg.multi_mode_dot(core, factors, modes=[0, 2])
rec_error = tl.norm(rec - tensor)/tl.norm(tensor)
print(f'Relative reconstruction error: {rec_error}')
In my case, I get
Relative reconstruction error: 9.66027176805661e-16
You can also use "tensorlearn" package in python for example using tensor-train (TT) SVD algorithm.
import numpy as np
import tensorlearn as tl
#lets generate an arbitrary array
tensor = np.arange(0,1000)
#reshaping it into a higher (3) dimensional tensor
tensor = np.reshape(tensor,(10,20,5))
#decompose the tensor to its factors
tt_factors=tl.auto_rank_tt(tensor, epsilon) #epsilon is the error bound
#tt_factors is a list of three arrays which are the tt-cores
#rebuild (estimating) the tensor using the factors again as tensor_hat
#lets see the error
print('error (%)= ',error*100) #which is less than epsilon
# one usage of tensor decomposition is data compression
# So, lets calculate the compression ratio
#data saving
print('data_saving (%): ', data_saving*100)

OpenCV warpAffine always return 0 matrix

I am using python opencv version 4.5.
import cv2
import numpy as np
rigidRect = np.float32([[50,-50],[50,50],[-50,50]])
shiftRect = np.float32([[50,-30],[50,70],[-50,70]])
M = cv2.getAffineTransform(rigidRect, shiftRect) #this return [[1,0,0],[0,1,20]]
validateRect = cv2.warpAffine(rigidRect, M, (2,3))
and validateRect return a 3 by 2 zeroes matrix.
I thought validateRect will equal to shiftRect?
warpAffine is used to transform an image using the affine transform matrix. What you are trying to do is to transform the given points, which is achieved by the transform function. Documentation of getAffineTransform gives hint about related functions in see also part.
validateRect = cv2.transform(rigidRect[None,:,:], M)

Result of 3D FFT using pyculib is wrong

I use pyculib to perform 3D FFT on a matrix in Anaconda 3.5. I just followed the example code posted in the website. But I found something interesting and don't understand why.
Performing a 3D FFT on matrix with pyculib is correct only when using numpy.arange to create the matrix.
Here is the code:
from pyculib.fft.binding import Plan, CUFFT_C2C
import numpy as np
from numba import cuda
data = np.random.rand(26, 256, 256).astype(np.complex64)
orig = data.copy()
d_data = cuda.to_device(data)
fftplan = Plan.three(CUFFT_C2C, *data.shape)
fftplan.forward(d_data, d_data)
fftplan.inverse(d_data, d_data)
result = data / n
np.allclose(orig, result.real)
Finally, it turns out to be False. And the difference between orig and result is not a small number, not negligible.
I tried some other data sets (not random numbers), and get the some wrong results.
Also, I test without inverse FFT:
from pyculib.fft.binding import Plan, CUFFT_C2C
import numpy as np
from numba import cuda
from scipy.fftpack import fftn,ifftn
data = np.random.rand(26,256,256).astype(np.complex64)
orig = data.copy()
orig_fft = fftn(orig)
d_data = cuda.to_device(data)
fftplan = Plan.three(CUFFT_C2C, *data.shape)
fftplan.forward(d_data, d_data)
np.allclose(orig_fft, data)
The result is also wrong.
The test code on website, they use numpy.arange to create the matrix. And I tried:
n = 26*256*256
data = np.arange(n, dtype=np.complex64).reshape(26,256,256)
And the FFT result of this matrix is right.
Could anyone help to point out why?
I don't use CUDA, but I think your problem is numerical in nature. The difference lies in the two data sets you are using. random.rand has dynamic range of 0-1, and arange 0-26*256*256. The FFT attempts to resolve spatial frequency components on the order of range of values / number of points. For arange, this becomes unity, and the FFT is numerically accurate. For rand, this is 1/26*256*256 ~ 5.8e-7.
Just running FFT/IFFT on your numpy arrays without using CUDA shows similar differences.

The equivalence of Matlab sprand() in Python?

I am trying to translate a Matlab code snippet into a Python one. However, I am not very sure how to correctly implement the sprand() function.
This is how the Matlab code use sprand():
% n_z is an integer, n_dw is a matrix
n_p_z_dw = cell(n_z, 1); % n(d,w) * p(z|d,w)
for z = 1:n_z
n_p_z_dw{z} = sprand(n_dw);
And this is how I implement the above logic in Python:
n_p_z_dw = [None]*n_z # n(d,w) * p(z|d,w)
density = np.count_nonzero(n_dw)/float(n_dw.size)
for i in range(0, n_z):
n_p_z_dw[i] = scipy.sparse.rand(n_d, n_w, density=density)
It seems to work, but I am not very sure about this. Any comment or suggestion?
The following should be a relatively fast way, I think, for a sparse array A:
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import numpy as np
This will construct a COO format sparse matrix: it uses A.nonzero() as the coordinates, and A.nnz (the number of nonzero entries in A) to find the number of random numbers to generate.
I wonder, though, whether this might be a useful addition to the scipy.sparse.rand function.

Python Numpy - Complex Numbers - Is there a function for Polar to Rectangular conversion?

Is there a built-in Numpy function to convert a complex number in polar form, a magnitude and an angle (degrees) to one in real and imaginary components?
Clearly I could write my own but it seems like the type of thing for which there is an optimised version included in some module?
More specifically, I have an array of magnitudes and an array of angles:
>>> a
array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
>>> b
array([120, 121, 120, 120, 121])
And what I would like is:
>>> c
There isn't a function to do exactly what you want, but there is angle, which does the hardest part. So, for example, one could define two functions:
def P2R(radii, angles):
return radii * exp(1j*angles)
def R2P(x):
return abs(x), angle(x)
These functions are using radians for input and output, and for degrees, one would need to do the conversion to radians in both functions.
In the numpy reference there's a section on handling complex numbers, and this is where the function you're looking for would be listed (so since they're not there, I don't think they exist within numpy).
There's an error in the previous answer that uses numpy.vectorize - cmath.rect is not a module that can be imported. Numpy also provides the deg2rad function that provides a cleaner piece of code for the angle conversion. Another version of that code could be:
import numpy as np
from cmath import rect
nprect = np.vectorize(rect)
c = nprect(a, np.deg2rad(b))
The code uses numpy's vectorize function to return a numpy style version of the standard library's cmath.rect function that can be applied element wise across numpy arrays.
I used cmath with itertools:
from cmath import rect,pi
from itertools import imap
b = b*pi/180 # convert from deg to rad
c = [x for x in imap(rect,a,b)]
import numpy as np
import cmath.rect
nprect = np.vectorize(rect)
c = nprect(a,b*np.pi/180)
tom10 answer works fine... you can also expand the Euler's formula to:
def P2R(A, phi):
return A * ( np.cos(phi) + np.sin(phi)*1j )

