Delete blank columns from header row - python

I'm pretty new to python and I'm having trouble deleting the header columns after the 25th column. There are 8 more extra columns that have no data so I'm trying to delete those columns. Columns 1-25 have like 50,000k of data and the rest of the columns are blank.How would I do this? My code for now is able to clean up the file but I cant delete the headers for row[0] AFTER COLUMN 25.
import csv
my_file_name = "NVG.txt"
cleaned_file = "cleanNVG.csv"
remove_words = ['INAC-EIM','-INAC','TO-INAC','TO_INAC','SHIP_TO-inac','SHIP_TOINAC']
with open(my_file_name, 'r', newline='') as infile, open(cleaned_file, 'w',newline='') as outfile:
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
cr = csv.reader(infile, delimiter='|')
writer.writerow(next(cr)) #I think this is why is not working
for line in (r[0:25] for r in cr):
#del line [26:32]
if not any(remove_word in element for element in line for remove_word in remove_words):
line[11]= line[11][:5]

You've found the line with the problem - all you have to do is only print the headers you want. next(cr) reads the header line, but you pass the entire line to writer.writerow().
Instead of
you want:
([:25] and [0:25] are the same in Python)


How to add a header to an existing CSV file without replacing the first row?

What I want to do is actually as it is written in the title.
with open(path, "r+", newline='') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
list_of_column_names = []
num_cols = len(next(csv_reader))
for i in range(num_cols):
fields = list_of_column_names
with open(example.csv, "r+", newline='') as writeFile:
csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(writeFile, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n', fieldnames=fields), 0)
I want to enumerate the columns which initially doesn't have any column names. But when I run the code, it replaces the data in the first row. For example:
what I want:
what happens after running the code:
Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
There's no magical way to insert a line into an existing text file.
The following is how I think of doing this, and your code is already getting steps 2-4. Also, I wouldn't mess with the DictWriter since you're not trying to convert a Python dict to CSV (I can see you using it for writing the header, but that's easy enough to do with the regular reader/writer):
open a new file for writing
read the first row of your CSV
interpret the column indexes as the header
write the header
write the first row
read/write the rest of the rows
move the new file back to the old file, overwrite (not shown)
Here's what that looks like in code:
import csv
with open('output.csv', 'w', newline='') as out_f:
writer = csv.writer(out_f)
with open('input.csv', newline='') as in_f:
reader = csv.reader(in_f)
# Read the first row
first_row = next(reader)
# Count the columns in first row; equivalent to your `for i in range(len(first_row)): ...`
header = [i for i, _ in enumerate(first_row)]
# Write header and first row
# Write rest of rows
for row in reader:

Beginner deleting columns from CSV (no pandas)

I've just started coding, I'm trying to remove certain columns from a CSV for a project, we aren't supposed to use pandas. For instance, one of the fields I have to delete is called DwTm, but there's about 15 columns I have to get rid of; I only want the first few, Here's what I've gotten:
import csv
FTemp = "D:/tempfile.csv"
FOut = "D:/NewFile.csv"
with open(FTemp, 'r') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
with open(FOut, 'w') as new_file:
fieldnames = ['Stn_Name', 'Lat', 'Long', 'Prov', 'Tm']
csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(new_file, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for line in csv_reader:
del line['DwTm']
When I run this, I get the error
del line['DwTm']
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
This is the only method I've found to almost work without using pandas. Any ideas?
The easiest way around this is to use a DictReader to read the file. Like DictWriter, which you are using to write the file, DictReader uses dictionaries for rows, so your approach of deleting keys from the old row then writing to the new file will work as you expect.
import csv
FTemp = "D:/tempfile.csv"
FOut = "D:/NewFile.csv"
with open(FTemp, 'r') as csv_file:
# Adjust the list to be have the correct order
old_fieldnames = ['Stn_Name', 'Lat', 'Long', 'Prov', 'Tm', 'DwTm']
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, fieldnames=old_fieldnames)
with open(FOut, 'w') as new_file:
fieldnames = ['Stn_Name', 'Lat', 'Long', 'Prov', 'Tm']
csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(new_file, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for line in csv_reader:
del line['DwTm']
import csv
# We only want to read the 'department' field
# We are not interested in 'name' and 'birthday month'
# Make sure the list items are in ascending order
rows = []
with open('example.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:
del row[idx]
with open('example_out.csv','w') as out:
for row in rows:
out.write(row + '\n')
name,department,birthday month
John Smith,Accounting,November
Erica Meyers,IT,March
It's possible to simultaneously open the file to read from and the file to write to. Let's say you know the indices of the columns you want to keep, say, 0,2, and 4:
good_cols = (0,2,4)
with open(Ftemp, 'r') as fin, open(Fout, 'w') as fout:
for line in fin:
line = line.rstrip() #clean up newlines
temp = line.split(',') #make a list from the line
data = [temp[x] for x in range(len(temp)) if x in good_cols]
fout.write(','.join(data) + '\n')
The list comprehension (data) pulls only the columns you want to keep out of each row and immediately writes line-by-line to your new file, using the join method (plus tacking on an endline for each new row).
If you only know the names of the fields you want to keep/remove it's a bit more involved, you have to extract the indices from the first line of the csv file, but it's not much more difficult.

delete line, of a .csv, when certain column has no value python

I have a .csv file and I am trying to erase some rows/lines that have no usable information. I want to delete lines that do not have a value in a certain column. I am kinda new to programming and I could not find a way to do this. Is this possible?
I tried to delete a line if it did not have a certain number in it but that did not work as wel.
f = open('C:myfile.csv', 'rb')
lines = f.readlines()
filename = 'myfile.csv'
f = open(filename, 'wb')
for line in lines:
if line != "1":
here are some sample rows:
0,593 0,250984 -20,523384 -25,406271
0,594 0,250984
0,595 0,250984
0,596 0,250984
0,597 0,250984 -15,793088 -21,286336
0,598 0,250984
0,599 0,908811
0,6 0,893612
0,601 0,784814 -12,130922 -11,825742
0,602 0,909238
0,603 0,25309
0,604 0,38435
0,605 0,602954 -8,316167 -3,43328
0,606 0,642628
0,607 0,39201
0,608 0,384289
0,609 0,251656 -11,825742 -5,874723
So I want to delete the rows when there is no number in the third and fourth column.
You can use Python's csv library to help you do this. Your data appears to be tab delimited, as such the following script should work:
import csv
with open('input.csv', 'rb') as f_input, open('output.csv', 'wb') as f_output:
csv_output = csv.writer(f_output, delimiter = '\t')
for row in csv.reader(f_input, delimiter = '\t'):
if len(row[2]) and len(row[3]):
Giving you an output.csv file containing:
0,593 0,250984 -20,523384 -25,406271
0,597 0,250984 -15,793088 -21,286336
0,601 0,784814 -12,130922 -11,825742
0,605 0,602954 -8,316167 -3,43328
0,609 0,251656 -11,825742 -5,874723
Note, each of your rows appears to have 4 columns (your data has tabs for these missing entries), because of this, it is not enough to simply test the length is 4. You need to test the contents of the two cells.
import csv
fn_in = 'test.csv'
fn_out = 'outfile.csv'
with open(fn_in, 'r') as inp, open(fn_out, 'w') as out:
writer = csv.writer(out)
for row in csv.reader(inp):
if len(row)==4:

How to read a column without header from csv and save the output in a txt file using Python?

I have a file "TAB.csv" with many columns. I would like to choose one column without header (index of that column is 3) from CSV file. Then create a new text file "NEW.txt" and write there that column (without header).
Below code reads that column but with the header. How to omit the header and save that column in a new text file?
import csv
with open('TAB.csv','rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
print row[3]
This is the solution #tmrlvi was talking: it skips the first row (header) via next function:
import csv
with open('TAB.csv','rb') as input_file:
reader = csv.reader(input_file)
output_file = open('output.csv','w')
next(reader, None)
for row in reader:
row_str = row[3]
output_file.write(row_str + '\n')
Try this:
import csv
with open('TAB.csv', 'rb') as f, open('out.txt', 'wb') as g:
reader = csv.reader(f)
next(reader) # skip header
g.writelines(row[3] + '\n' for row in reader)
enumerate is a nice function that returns a tuple. It enables to to view the index while running over an iterator.
import csv
with open('NEW.txt','wb') as outfile:
with open('TAB.csv','rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for index, row in enumerate(reader):
if index > 0:
Another solution would be to read one line from the file (in order to skip the header).
It's an old question but I would like to add my answer about Pandas library, I would like to say. It's better to use Pandas library for such tasks instead of writing your own code. And the simple code with Pandas will be like :
import pandas as pd
reader = pd.read_csv('TAB.csv', header = None)

add a new column to an existing csv file

I have a csv file with 5 columns and I want to add data in a 6th column. The data I have is in an array.
Right now, the code that I have will insert the data I would want in the 6th column only AFTER all the data that already exists in the csv file.
For instance I have:
wind, site, date, time, value
10, 01, 01-01-2013, 00:00, 5.1
89.6 ---> this is the value I want to add in a 6th column but it puts it after all the data from the csv file
Here is the code I am using:
csvfile = 'filename'
with open(csvfile, 'a') as output:
writer = csv.writer(output, lineterminator='\n')
for val in data:
I thought using 'a' would append the data in a new column, but instead it just puts it after ('under') all the other data... I don't know what to do!
Appending writes data to the end of a file, not to the end of each row.
Instead, create a new file and append the new value to each row.
csvfile = 'filename'
with open(csvfile, 'r') as fin, open('new_'+csvfile, 'w') as fout:
reader = csv.reader(fin, newline='', lineterminator='\n')
writer = csv.writer(fout, newline='', lineterminator='\n')
if you_have_headers:
writer.writerow(next(reader) + [new_heading])
for row, val in zip(reader, data)
writer.writerow(row + [data])
On Python 2.x, remove the newline='' arguments and change the filemodes from 'r' and 'w' to 'rb' and 'wb', respectively.
Once you are sure this is working correctly, you can replace the original file with the new one:
import os
os.remove(csvfile) # not needed on unix
os.rename('new_'+csvfile, csvfile)
csv module does not support writing or appending column. So the only thing you can do is: read from one file, append 6th column data, and write to another file. This shows as below:
with open('in.txt') as fin, open('out.txt', 'w') as fout:
index = 0
for line in fin:
fout.write(line.replace('\n', ', ' + str(data[index]) + '\n'))
index += 1
data is a int list.
I test these codes in python, it runs fine.
We have a CSV file i.e. data.csv and its contents are:
Now we want to add a column in this csv file and all the entries in this column should contain the same value i.e. Something text.
from csv import writer
from csv import reader
new_column_text = 'Something text'
with open('data.csv', 'r') as read_object, \
open('data_output.csv', 'w', newline='') as write_object:
csv_reader = reader(read_object)
csv_writer = writer(write_object)
for row in csv_reader:
1,Joi,Python,Something text
2,Mark,Laravel,Something text
3,Elon,Wordpress,Something text
4,Emily,PHP,Something text
5,Sam,HTML,Something text
The append mode of opening files is meant to add data to the end of a file. what you need to do is provide random access to your file writing. you need to use the seek() method
you can see and example here:
or read the python docs on it here: which isn't terribly useful
if you want to add to the end of a column you may want to open the file read a line to figure out it's length then seek to the end.

