I've just picked up my first Raspberry Pi and 2 channel relay. I'm trying to learn how to code in Python so I figured a Pi to play with would be a good starting point. I have a question regarding the timing of my relays via the GPIO pins.
Firstly though, I'm using Raspbian Pixel and am editing my scripts via Gedit. Please see below for the script I have so far:
# !/usr/bin/python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
# init list with pin numbers
pinList = [14]
# loop through pins and set mode and state to 'high'
for i in pinList:
GPIO.setup(i, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(i, GPIO.HIGH)
# time to sleep between operations in the main loop
SleepTimeL = 60 #1 minute
# main loop
GPIO.output(14, GPIO.LOW)
print "open"
#Reset GPIO settings
# end program cleanly
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "done"
Now that works pretty well, it opens the relay attached to pin 14 no problem. It cycles through 60 seconds as requested and then ends the program. Once the program has ended, the GPIO settings are reset and the relay closes, but that's the end of the program and it's where my problem starts.
What I want this script to do is open the relay for 60 seconds, then close it for 180 seconds. Once it reaches 180 seconds it must re-run the 'try' statement and open the relay for another 60 seconds and so on. In short, I would like an infinite loop that can only be interrupted by cancelling the script from running. I am unsure of how to tell Python to close the relay for 180 seconds and then re-run the try statement, or how to make it an infinite loop for that matter.
I'd really appreciate some input from the community. Any feedback or assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks All.
Just use a while True loop, something like:
# main loop
while True:
GPIO.output(14, GPIO.LOW)
print "open"
print "done"
I agree with reptilicus, you just need to add a while loop. "while True" will run forever, until you hit ctrl-C to break. You just need to add a second delay to hold the relay off for 180 seconds before looping. You can create a different sleep time variable, or I just multiply the one you have by 2.
# main loop
while True:
GPIO.output(14, GPIO.LOW)
print "open"
#Reset GPIO settings
# end program cleanly
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "done"
I have a friend setting up an irrigation system at his house. He is telling me it won't detect moisture after the first run-through, regardless of whether there is moisture or not. In his own words:
"I’m trying to figure out how to make my program restarts the detection process. Like say my sensor is in soil and it detects water then after a certain period I need it to run again. My problems is that when I run it again and it’s sitting in a cup of water, it’s doesn’t detect the water. I read something about maybe checking the state of the sensor but I couldn’t get anywhere.
Also would I would the delay function to continuously run it in intervals."
He sent me his code today, and I would like to help him, although I am new to Python. Here is the code.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
channel = 20
GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.IN)
def callback(channel):
if GPIO.input(channel)==0:
print (" Water Detected!")
print ( 'NO Water Detected!')
GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.FALLING, bouncetime=300) # let us know when the pin goes HIGH or LOW
GPIO.add_event_callback(channel, callback) # assign function to GPIO PIN, Run function on change
# infinite loop
while True:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # Import Raspberry Pi GPIO library
from time import sleep # Import the sleep function from the time module
GPIO.setwarnings(False) # Ignore warning for now
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Use physical pin numbering
GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # Set pin 8 to be an outputpin and set initial value to low (off)
while True: # Run forever
GPIO.output(3, GPIO.HIGH) # Turn on
sleep(1) # Sleep for 1 second
GPIO.output(3, GPIO.LOW) # Turn off
sleep(1) # Sleep for 1 second
I am using a system based on a raspberry to control some stuff. At the moment I am just testing it with turning a led on and off.
My plan is: Press a button to open a valve. Press the button again to close it - but if the button is not pressed, close it after a set time. My current script is as follows: (I know that this will not turn the led off on the second press)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # Import Raspberry Pi GPIO library
import time,sched
s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
def button_callback(channel):
print("Button was pushed!")
s.enter(10, 1, turnoff,argument='')
def turnoff():
print "LED off"
GPIO.setup(btpin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
message = input("Press enter to quit\n\n")
If I press the button and then leaves things alone, the led will turn off after 10 secs. But, if I press the button again immideately, nothing happens before the scheduler has finished, then a new press is registered. I had expected that the scheduler was spun of in the background so that when I pressed the button again, the callback would have ran again so I would have gotten the "Button was pushed" message (and everything happening afterwards would not have had any effect as GPIO 18 already was high and the scheduled call to turnoff would have happened after turnoff already had run.
Is it possible to use the sched library to do what I want or do I have to use some other techniques? I know I can either do it the simple way, by looping looking for a pressed button rather than registering a callback, or probably a more complicated way by creating a new thread that will pull the GPIO down after a given time - but is there something I have not understood in sched or is there some other library that gives me what I want - a way to tell python do do something a bit in the future without interfering with what else is going on.
(I do not need a very accurate timing - and also, this is just a part of what I intend to make a more complex control system, I manage to do exactly what I want using an arduino, but that will limit the further development)
Thanks to the tip from #stovfl, I rewrote the first part of my code:
import time,threading
def button_callback(channel):
print("Button was pushed!")
t = threading.Timer(10.0, turnoff)
and it works just like I wanted
I have a little problem with my little raspberry project, I have hooked up an LCD screen and a bunch of buttons to it, from my university course about micro-controllers I've learned that interrupts always trigger, no matter where the code is (but it was an actual microprocessor written in C). I found an "equivalent" in python, GPIO library. Normally a program is in a infinite loop waiting for an interrupt.
GPIO.add_event_detect(4, GPIO.RISING, callback=interrupt, bouncetime=200)
I set them up this way, they all go to the same method and check which button was pressed and run another method that I want (e.g one is for displaying time, another for IP address etc). A thing is, one of those methods I've done is in an infinite loop that another button press should break, but from this point a method
while not GPIO.event_detected(4):
doesn't work (calling this method in any other doesn't either if its in this loop, and all other button that I have set up will not react at all too), if it was my default while loop it does tho. I don't have much experience in either micro-controllers and python, its just hobby thing at the moment. If needed I'll share my entire code but I think its quite tangled.
Ok I am providing a simplified example, same same thing happens as in my original code. After an interrupt happens, buttons will not react, doesn't matter if I use while not GPIO.event_detected(19) or GPIO.add_event_callback(26, callback=second_interrupt).
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
GPIO.setup(26, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Button 1
GPIO.setup(19, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Button 2
def interrupt(channel):
print "interrupt"
if channel == 26:
print "in loop"
GPIO.add_event_callback(26, callback=second_interrupt) #Trying to use this won't trigger second interrupt
while not GPIO.event_detected(19): #and this wont ever trigger
print "inside loop"
def second_interrupt():
print "second interrupt"
GPIO.add_event_detect(26, GPIO.RISING, callback=interrupt, bouncetime=200) # add rising edge detection on a channel
GPIO.add_event_detect(19, GPIO.RISING, callback=interrupt, bouncetime=200) # add rising edge detection on a channel
while (True):
if GPIO.event_detected(19): #this version works if I wont enter an interrupt first
There are several things going on in your code. I suspect that what's really causing the problem is that you need to exit the interrupt handler before another interrupt callback can be triggered...but there is also a confusing mix of callback-based handlers and the GPIO.event_detected method.
I think you can simplify things by performing less manipulation of your interrupt configuration. Just have a state variable that starts at 0, increment it to 1 on the first interrupt, so the next time the interrupt method is called you know it's the second interrupt. No need to try setting multiple handlers like that.
Keeping in mind that I don't actually know what you're trying to do...I imagine something like this:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
state = 0
GPIO.setup(26, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(19, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
def interrupt_handler(channel):
global state
print("interrupt handler")
if channel == 19:
if state == 1:
state = 0
print("state reset by event on pin 19")
elif channel == 26:
if state == 0:
state = 1
print("state set by event on pin 26")
GPIO.add_event_detect(26, GPIO.RISING,
GPIO.add_event_detect(19, GPIO.RISING,
while (True):
I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2 and a breadboard to make a morse code interpreter. The circuit is a simple button that lights up an LED when pressed. How could I use functions to count how long the button is held down?
You haven't given sufficient details of your circuit to pin this down to your particular use case, so I'll suggest the following (on which I'll base my code):
Connect the LED (with series resistor) to GPIO 12
Connect a 10k resistor between GPIO 11 and the 3.3V rail (acts as a pull-up)
Connect the push-button between GPIO 11 and Ground (0V).
I'd then write the code to monitor the pin and log the time for each press into a list. You can read out the values in the same order which allows you to process the times and interpret the code from them.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
# set up an empty list for the key presses
presses = []
# set up the GPIO pins to register the presses and control the LED
GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.IN)
# turn LED off initially
GPIO.output(12, False)
while True:
# wait for input to go 'low'
input_value = GPIO.input(11)
if not input_value:
# log start time and light the LED
start_time = time.time()
GPIO.output(12, True)
# wait for input to go high again
while not input_value:
input_value = GPIO.input(11)
# log the time the button is un-pressed, and extinguish LED
end_time = time.time()
GPIO.output(12, False)
# store the press times in the list, as a dictionary object
presses.append({'start':start_time, 'end':end_time})
You'll finish up with a list that looks something like this:
[{start:123234234.34534, end:123234240.23482}, {start:123234289.96841, end:123234333.12345}]
The numbers you see here are in units of seconds (this is your system time, which is measured in seconds since the epoch).
You can then use a for loop to run through each item in the list, subtract each end time from the start time, and of course subtract the start of the next press from the end of the previous one, so that you can assemble characters and words based on the gaps between presses. Have fun :-)
Hello i have been trying to work this one out by myself for over a week now but i think its time to ask the question.
This is my first program with python and i intend to control my aquarium with various functions.
The first function i am programming is a lighting schedule (shortened the code a bit for this post)
The code executes okay but the GPIO pin 2 isnt turning on and off properly. and im also getting a "runtimewarning this channel is already in use"
Can i please have a bit of guidance, im sure its something simple and noob :)
here is my code
#Lighting Program
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import datetime
#Declare Lighting On/Off Times
on_time_Monday = 600
off_time_Monday = 2330
rest of the days here
#Find out what day of the week it is
day = datetime.datetime.now()
day_of_week = day.isoweekday()
#find out what time it is
Current_time = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(),'%H%M')
#convert the time to an int so it can be compared
Current_time_INT = int(Current_time)
#Schedule on / off
if (day_of_week == 1) and (Current_time_INT > on_time_Monday and Current_time_INT < off_time_Monday) :
Light_on_off = 'on'
Using 'elif' for tues wed etc etc
else :
Light_on_off = 'off'
Now enable the outputs
GPIO.setup(2, GPIO.OUT)
if Light_on_off == 'on':
GPIO.output(2, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(2, GPIO.LOW)
In my experience "runtimewarning this channel is already in use" comes up when you have previously setup the GPIO pin, but haven't called
I see that in your code, but I would suspect that for some reason it is not actually running.
Sometimes it is helpful to test out a GPIO pin in the terminal by running the python interpreter. It is especially useful to test if you have wired your circuit correctly.
>>>import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
>>>GPIO.setup(2, GPIO.OUT)
>>>GPIO.output(2, GPIO.HIGH)
>>>GPIO.output(2, GPIO.LOW)
If your circuit is wired correctly you should be able to turn your light on and off this way. When you call GPIO.input(2) the interpreter responds with the current state of the pin. This enables you to make sure the pin is working even without a working external circuit. Once you know that it is working you can move on from there.
One simple way to flip a light switch on and off would be to use cron jobs. I have used this method successfully in the past.
You can write two short scripts, one that turns the light on, and one that turns it off.
Example: lightOn.py (replace 'HIGH' with 'LOW' for lightOff.py)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(2, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(2, GPIO.HIGH)
Now you can create a crontab to automatically run the script at the times you want.
For example:
0 6 * * * /home/pi/lightOn.py
0 18 * * * /home/pi/lightOff.py
Would turn the light on everyday at 6AM and off at 6PM