I wish to update a Django model field of objects in a queryset. To be specific, I want to add a prefix on one of the fields i.e. if an object has a name like 'Wilson', I want to prefix it with 'OLD', then it will become 'OLDWilson'.
I can think of the following using loops:
my_objs = MyObjects.objects.filter(name='some_name') # This has over 40000 records
for obj in my_objs:
obj.name = 'OLD{0}'.format(obj.name)
I was hoping of a more elegant way to take advantage of the UPDATE method as specified here: Django Mass Update
Something like the following:
Any pointers on how I can achieve this?
Try something like this :
from django.db.models import F
Myobj = MyObjects.objects.filter(name='some_name')
Myobj.update(name='OLD'+ F('name'))
I know this question is almost 5 years old. But, with hopes that this helps the answer be more visible - here goes.
Use Concat from django.db.models.functions like so:
from django.db.models.functions import Concat
from django.db.models import Value
MyObjects.objects.filter(name='some_name').update(name=Concat(Value'OLD', 'name'))
That last line returns the number of rows affected by the update.
This actually works in the latest version of Django as of May 2022
from django.db.models import Value
from django.db.models.functions import Concat
query = MyObjects.objects.filter(name='some_name')
query.update(name=Concat(Value("OLD"), "name"))
In Django, is it possible to order by whether or not a field is None, instead of the value of the field itself?
I know I can send the QuerySet to python sorted() but I want to keep it as a QuerySet for subsequent filtering. So, I'd prefer to order in the QuerySet itself.
For example, I have a termination_date field and I want to first sort the ones without a termination_date, then I want to order by a different field, like last_name, first_name.
Is this possible or am I stuck using sorted() and then having to do an entire new Query with the included ids and run sorted() on the new QuerySet? I can do this, but would prefer not to waste the overhead and use the beauty of QuerySets that they don't run until evaluated.
Translation, how can I get this SQL from Django assuming my app is employee, my model is Employee and it has three fields 'first_name (varchar)', 'last_name (varchar)', and 'termination_date (date)':
FROM "employee_employee"
"employee_employee"."termination_date" IS NOT NULL,
You should be able to order by query expressions, like this:
from django.db.models import IntegerField, Case, Value, When
When(some_field=None, then=Value(1)),
I cannot test here so it might require a bit a fiddling around, but this should put rows that have a NULL some_field after those that have a some_field. And each set of rows should be sorted by some_other_field.
Granted, the CASE/WHEN is be a bit more cumbersome that what you put in your question, but I don't know how to get Django ORM to output that. Maybe someone else will have a better answer.
Spectras' answer works fine, but it only orders your records by 'null or not'. There is a shorter way that allows you to put empty dates wherever you want them in your date ordering - Coalesce:
from django.db.models import Value
from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce
wayback = datetime(year=1, month=1, day=1) # or whatever date you want
.annotate(null_date=Coalesce('date_field', Value(wayback)))
This will essentially sort by the field 'date_field' with all records with date_field == None will be in the order as if they had the date wayback. This works perfectly with PostgreSQL, but might need some raw sql casting in MySQL as described in the documentation.
Given a class:
from django.db import models
class Person(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
Is it possible, and if so how, to have a QuerySet that filters based on dynamic arguments? For example:
# Instead of:
# ... and:
# ... is there some way, given:
filter_by = '{0}__{1}'.format('name', 'startswith')
filter_value = 'B'
# ... that you can run the equivalent of this?
# ... which will throw an exception, since `filter_by` is not
# an attribute of `Person`.
Python's argument expansion may be used to solve this problem:
kwargs = {
'{0}__{1}'.format('name', 'startswith'): 'A',
'{0}__{1}'.format('name', 'endswith'): 'Z'
This is a very common and useful Python idiom.
A simplified example:
In a Django survey app, I wanted an HTML select list showing registered users. But because we have 5000 registered users, I needed a way to filter that list based on query criteria (such as just people who completed a certain workshop). In order for the survey element to be re-usable, I needed for the person creating the survey question to be able to attach those criteria to that question (don't want to hard-code the query into the app).
The solution I came up with isn't 100% user friendly (requires help from a tech person to create the query) but it does solve the problem. When creating the question, the editor can enter a dictionary into a custom field, e.g.:
That string is stored in the database. In the view code, it comes back in as self.question.custom_query . The value of that is a string that looks like a dictionary. We turn it back into a real dictionary with eval() and then stuff it into the queryset with **kwargs:
kwargs = eval(self.question.custom_query)
user_list = User.objects.filter(**kwargs).order_by("last_name")
Additionally to extend on previous answer that made some requests for further code elements I am adding some working code that I am using
in my code with Q. Let's say that I in my request it is possible to have or not filter on fields like:
Those fields can appear in query but they may also be missed.
This is how I am building filters based on those fields on an aggregated query that cannot be further filtered after the initial queryset execution:
# prepare filters to apply to queryset
filters = {}
if publisher_id:
filters['publisher_id'] = publisher_id
if date_from:
filters['metric_date__gte'] = date_from
if date_until:
filters['metric_date__lte'] = date_until
filter_q = Q(**filters)
queryset = Something.objects.filter(filter_q)...
Hope this helps since I've spent quite some time to dig this up.
As an additional benefit, you can use lists too. For previous example, if instead of publisher_id you have a list called publisher_ids, than you could use this piece of code:
if publisher_ids:
filters['publisher_id__in'] = publisher_ids
Django.db.models.Q is exactly what you want in a Django way.
This looks much more understandable to me:
kwargs = {
'name__startswith': 'A',
'name__endswith': 'Z',
***(Add more filters here)***
A really complex search forms usually indicates that a simpler model is trying to dig it's way out.
How, exactly, do you expect to get the values for the column name and operation?
Where do you get the values of 'name' an 'startswith'?
filter_by = '%s__%s' % ('name', 'startswith')
A "search" form? You're going to -- what? -- pick the name from a list of names? Pick the operation from a list of operations? While open-ended, most people find this confusing and hard-to-use.
How many columns have such filters? 6? 12? 18?
A few? A complex pick-list doesn't make sense. A few fields and a few if-statements make sense.
A large number? Your model doesn't sound right. It sounds like the "field" is actually a key to a row in another table, not a column.
Specific filter buttons. Wait... That's the way the Django admin works. Specific filters are turned into buttons. And the same analysis as above applies. A few filters make sense. A large number of filters usually means a kind of first normal form violation.
A lot of similar fields often means there should have been more rows and fewer fields.
is it possible to follow ForeignKey relationships backward for entire querySet?
i mean something like this:
x = table1.objects.select_related().filter(name='foo')
when table1 hase ForeignKey to table2.
i can see that it works only with get() and not filter()
You basically want to get QuerySet of different type from data you start with.
class Kid(models.Model):
mom = models.ForeignKey('Mom')
name = models.CharField…
class Mom(models.Model):
name = models.CharField…
Let's say you want to get all moms having any son named Johnny.
Let's say you want to get all kids of any Lucy.
You should be able to use something like:
for y in x:
But you could also use get() for a list of the unique values (which will be id, unless you have a different specified), after finding them using a query.
x = table1.objects.select_related().filter(name='foo')
for y in x:
Should also work.
You can also use values() to fetch specific values of a foreign key reference. With values the select query on the DB will be reduced to fetch only those values and the appropriate joins will be done.
To re-use the example from Krzysztof Szularz:
jonny_moms = Kid.objects.filter(name='Jonny').values('mom__id', 'mom__name').distinct()
This will return a dictionary of Mom attributes by using the Kid QueryManager.
I can successfully filter by a given year in my Django model, but I'm having trouble finding a way to list valid years so a user can access them.
I have a django model with a defined 'datetime' field, oh-so-originally named 'date'. In my templates, I can successfully access the 'bar.date.date.year' field, so I know it exists, but when I try the following function...
for entry in blog_entries:
if entry.date.date.year not in blog_years:
I'm told that "'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'year'"
I can only assume I"m tripping over some aspect of Python I'm not familiar with, but I can't figure out what it is. I'm quite certain it has to be syntactical, but past that...
Django has an elegant and efficient way of doing this. You can check from their docs https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/models/querysets/#dates
But to go over it
Entry.objects.dates('pub_date', 'year')
This will bring out distinct year values in the query.
if you are using postgres, you can do
BlogEntry.objects.extra(select={"year": "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date)"}).distinct().values_list("year", flat=True)
A Python set does not allow duplicates, so if you wanted a list of distinct years:
blog_years = list(set([entry.date.year for entry in blog_entries]))
Or, you could use distinct():
blog_years = blog_entries.distinct(entry__date__year).values(entry__date__year)
Of course, adjust the above based on your model.
The first .date accesses a datetime object.
The second .date is accessing a method on datetime objects that returns a date object but not calling it (this step is unneccessary).
The last part (the way you wrote it) is trying to access the year attribute of the date method, instead of accessing the year attribute of the result of the date method call.
Correcting the code to see the difference, it would look like this...
for entry in blog_entries:
if entry.date.date().year not in blog_years:
But what you should do is more like this...
for entry in blog_entries:
if entry.date.year not in blog_years:
since datetime objects have the date attribute as well.
date() is a method of datetime, use
for entry in blog_entries:
if entry.date.date().year not in blog_years:
from django 1.10 it has become very simple
from django.db.models.functions import ExtractYear
blog_years= blog_entries.annotate(
).values_list('year', flat=True)
blog_years = sorted(set(blog_years), reverse=True)
It might not be what you exactly expects (it can return years without blog posts):
from datetime import date
from django.db.models import Min
def blog_years():
current_year = date.today().year
queryset = Entry.objects.annotate(Min('date')).order_by('date')
if queryset:
oldest_year = queryset[0].date.date().year
oldest_year = current_year
return range(oldest_year, current_year + 1)
ModelName.objects.dates('column_name', 'year')
I have a model similar to the following:
class Review(models.Model):
venue = models.ForeignKey(Venue, db_index=True)
review = models.TextField()
datetime_created = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
I'd like to query the database to get the total number of reviews for a venue grouped by day. The MySQL query would be:
SELECT DATE(datetime_created), count(id)
WHERE venue_id = 2
GROUP BY DATE(datetime_created);
What is the best way to accomplish this in Django? I could just use
and parse the results in the view, but that doesn't seem right to me.
This should work (using the same MySQL specific function you used):
.extra({'date_created' : "date(datetime_created)"})
Now that Extra() is being depreciated a more appropriate answer would use Trunc such as this accepted answer
Now the OP's question would be answered as follows
from django.db.models.functions import TruncDay
Just for completeness, since extra() is aimed for deprecation, one could use this approach:
from django.db.models.expressions import DateTime
annotate(month=DateTime("timestamp", "month", pytz.timezone("Etc/UTC"))).\
It worked for me in django 1.8, both in sqlite and MySql databases.
If you were storing a date field, you could use this:
from django.db.models import Count
Review.objects.filter(venue__pk = 2)
.values('date').annotate(event_count = Count('id'))
Because you're storing datetime, it's a little more complicated, but this should offer a good starting point. Check out the aggregation docs here.
Also you can define custom function:
from django.db.models.expressions import Func
# create custom sql function
class ExtractDateFunction(Func):
function = "DATE" # thats the name of function, the way it mapped to sql
# pass this function to annotate
Just make sure that your DB engine supports DATE function