mongengine (.10.6) does not save the Document - python

I have simple REST/json api. I am trying to update a mongoengine model Listing using a PUT call. I get one from the mongodb and update it using my own deserilize method with the incoming json. The update does not work as the json has a few DBRef and EmbeddedDocuments. The object does get updated with the correct values before the save is executed. There is no error but the object does not get saved. Any thoughts?
obj = Listing.objects.get(pk=id)
return obj
class Listing():
name = db.StringField()
l_type = db.StringField( choices=listing_const.L_TYPE.choices(), )
expiry = db.ComplexDateTimeField( auto_now=False,auto_now_add=False, )
a_data = db.EmbeddedDocumentField(Media)
lcrr = db.ReferenceField( 'LCRR', reverse_delete_rule=3, dbref=False, )
meta = {
'db_alias': config.get_config()['MONGODB_SETTINGS']['alias'],


Flask / SqlAlchemy / Graphene - how to query an object from DB and change value?

I wish to open a GraphQL mutation endpoint where an id and string is sent in. This would then gather the item based on the ID and change a value in the object, and save the change in the item in the DB.
It would look something like this:
Query SomeMutation{
ExampleMutation(input: {id: 1, Status: "Something"}){
I currently have the following setup:
class Mutation(graphene.ObjectType):
ExampleMutation = ExampleMutation.Field()
class Captcha(SQLAlchemyObjectType):
class Meta:
model = ExampleObjectModel
interfaces = (relay.Node,)
class Attributes:
id = graphene.Int(description="Id")
status = graphene.String(description="Status")
class ExampleMutationInput(graphene.InputObjectType, Attributes):
class ExampleSolution(graphene.Mutation):
ExampleObject= graphene.Field(lambda: ExampleObject, description="Example Object")
class Arguments:
input = ExampleMutationInput(required=True)
def mutate(self, info, input):
data = input
# **** Here I want to query an item from the DB based on the ID and change a value in it, then save it in the DB and return the new object to the GraphQL. ****
return ExampleMutation(exampleobject=exampleobject)
I looked up at solutions online and I saw library calls that would work in the following manner:
item = ExampleObject.query.filter(blablanla)
But the Object doesn't have such functions as "Query" so I'm left confused.
I have found the correct way of performing the operation:
query = ExameObject.get_query(info=info)
query = query.filter( ==
example_object = query.first()

How to return JSON Response correctly in joining multiple table in Django

Currently I am using Django 1.10.
For example we have the models below:
class ModelOne(models.Model):
description = models.CharField(max_length = 50)
class ModelTwo(models.Model):
description = models.CharField(max_length = 50)
m1 = models.ForeignKey( ModelOne)
class ModelThree(models.Model):
description = models.CharField(max_length = 50)
m2 = models.ForeignKey(ModelTwo)
Everytime a request is made then a JSON response is return using the code below:
from app.models import *
from django.http import HttpRequest,JsonResponse
def ViewThatReceiveRequest(request):
qs = list(ModelThree.objects.filter(description__icontains='beauty').select_related('m2__m1')
data = []
for key in qs:
temp_obj = {}
# if necessary I will convert the values before equating
temp_obj['desc3'] = key.description
temp_obj['desc2'] = key.m2.description
temp_obj['desc1'] = key.m2.m1.description
return JsonResponse( {'message' : 'success', 'qs' : data }, safe = False)
- I am using Django as my back-end and ReactJs for my front-end so I only need JSON Response
My question,
- Do I need to do these for every views that receive request?
- Do we have other way to solve these simpler?
Since you only need description field from all 3 models, you can also use values method or maybe values_list of the queryset and get data.
So this new query would be
Next if you want to run some changes to your data, you can run a map method in case you want to make similar changes to all the data.
Next you can make the appropriate json and send to to client side.

MongoEngine Query Optimization

I have two collections ScenarioDrivers and ModelDrivers which has One to Many relationship with each other.
class ScenarioDrivers(Document):
meta = {
'collection': 'ScenarioDrivers'
ScenarioId = ReferenceField('ModelScenarios')
DriverId = ReferenceField('ModelDrivers')
DriverCalibrationMethod = StringField()
SegmentName = StringField()
DriverValue = ListField()
CalibrationStatus = StringField()
AdjustedValues = ListField(default=[])
CreateDate = DateTimeField(default=ObjectId().generation_time)
LastUpdateDate = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow())
class ModelDrivers(Document):
meta = {
'collection': 'ModelDrivers'
PortfolioModelId = ReferenceField('PortfolioModels')
DriverName = StringField()
CreateDate = DateTimeField(default=ObjectId().generation_time)
LastUpdateDate = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow())
FieldFormat = StringField()
DriverData = ListField()
My query is like this.
class GetCalibratedDrivers(Resource):
def get(self, scenario_id):
scenario_drivers_list = []
scenario_drivers = ScenarioDrivers.objects(ScenarioId=scenario_id).exclude('ScenarioId').select_related(1)
for scenario_driver in scenario_drivers:
scenario_driver_dict = {
'id': str(,
'DriverId': str(,
'SegmentName': scenario_driver.SegmentName,
'CalibrationMethod': scenario_driver.DriverCalibrationMethod,
'CalibratedValues': exchange(scenario_driver.DriverValue),
'AdjustedValues': scenario_driver.AdjustedValues,
'LastUpdateDate': formatted_date(scenario_driver.LastUpdateDate),
'FieldFormat': scenario_driver.DriverId.FieldFormat
return {
'DriverCalibrations': scenario_drivers_list
The Query matches 1140 records and then I construct a dictionary and make it a list.
But this API call takes 30s to process just 1140 records. Where I am missing? Please help. I am using latest version of Pymongo and MongoEngine.
I think the problem is not with your query, it is with you looping over 1140 records. I do not see any use of referenced objects so you should consider removing select_related(1). Once you do that, if you want to convert reference object ids to string, you can use as_pymongo() which will do that by default for you. And finally if you must read some data in specific format like formatted_date or exchange, it is better to save them as part of your document. i.e. save FormattedLastUpdateDate with LastUpdateDate. In MongoDB, you have to think about your read specific logic when you save the document.

Foreign Key Resource from dynamic field

I've got an API endpoint called TrackMinResource, which returns the minimal data for a music track, including the track's main artist returned as an ArtistMinResource. Here are the definitions for both:
class TrackMinResource(ModelResource):
artist = fields.ForeignKey(ArtistMinResource, 'artist', full=True)
class Meta:
queryset = Track.objects.all()
resource_name = 'track-min'
fields = ['id', 'artist', 'track_name', 'label', 'release_year', 'release_name']
include_resource_uri = False
cache = SimpleCache(public=True)
def dehydrate(self, bundle):['full_artist_name'] = bundle.obj.full_artist_name()
if bundle.obj.image_url != settings.NO_TRACK_IMAGE:['image_url'] = bundle.obj.image_url
class ArtistMinResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Artist.objects.all()
resource_name = 'artist-min'
fields = ['id', 'artist_name']
cache = SimpleCache(public=True)
def get_resource_uri(self, bundle_or_obj):
return '/api/v1/artist/' + str( + '/'
The problem is, the artist field on Track (previously a ForeignKey) is now a model method called main_artist (I've changed the structure of the database somewhat, but I'd like the API to return the same data as it did before). Because of this, I get this error:
{"error": "The model '<Track: TrackName>' has an empty attribute 'artist' and doesn't allow a null value."}
If I take out full=True from the 'artist' field of TrackMinResource and add null=True instead, I get null values for the artist field in the returned data. If I then assign the artist in dehydrate like this:['artist'] = bundle.obj.main_artist()
...I just get the artist name in the returned JSON, rather than a dict representing an ArtistMinResource (along with the associated resource_uris, which I need).
Any idea how to get these ArtistMinResources into my TrackMinResource? I can access an ArtistMinResource that comes out fine using the URL endpoint and asking for it by ID. Is there a function for getting that result from within the dehydrate function for TrackMinResource?
You can use your ArtistMinResource in TrackMinResource's dehydrate like this (assuming that main_artist() returns the object that your ArtistMinResource represents):
artist_resource = ArtistMinResource()
artist_bundle = artist_resource.build_bundle(obj=bundle.obj.main_artist(), request=request)
artist_bundle = artist_resource.full_dehydrate(artist_bundle)
artist_json = artist_resource.serialize(request=request, data=artist_bundle, format='application/json')
artist_json should now contain your full artist representation. Also, I'm pretty sure you don't have to pass the format if you pass the request and it has a content-type header populated.

Google App Engine: defining custom id and querying

I want to define a custom string as an ID so I created the following Model:
class WikiPage(ndb.Model):
id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=True)
content = ndb.TextProperty(required=True)
history = ndb.DateTimeProperty(repeated=True)
Based on this SO thread, I believe this is right.
Now I try to query by this id by:
entity = WikiPage.get_by_id(page) # page is an existing string id, passed in as an arg
This is based on the NDB API.
This however isn't returning anything -- entity is None.
It only works when I run the following query instead:
entity = WikiPage.query( == page).get()
Am I defining my custom key incorrectly or misusing get_by_id() somehow?
class WikiPage(ndb.Model):
your_id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
content = ndb.TextProperty(required=True)
history = ndb.DateTimeProperty(repeated=True)
entity = WikiPage(id='hello', your_id='hello', content=...., history=.....)
entity = WikiPage.get_by_id('hello')
key = ndb.Key('WikiPage','hello')
entity = key.get()
entity = WikiPage.get_by_id(
and this still works:
entity = WikiPage.query(WikiPage.your_id == 'hello').get()

