Enumeration Program - python

I'm in the process of creating a program that takes an IP address, performs an nmap scan, and takes the output and puts it in a text file. The scan works fine, but I can't seem to figure out why it's not writing anything to the text file.
Here is what I have so far
if __name__ == "__main__":
import socket
import nmap
import sys
import io
from libnmap.parser import NmapParser, NmapParserException
from libnmap.process import NmapProcess
from time import sleep
from os import path
#Program Banner
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
#Grab IP Address as argument
if len(sys.argv)==2:
ip = sys.argv[1]
print "\n[+] Reading IP Address"
#Function - Pass IP to Nmap then start scanning
print "\n[+] Passing " + ip + " to Nmap..."
print("\n[+] Starting Nmap Scan\n")
def nmap_scan(ip, options):
parsed = None
nmproc = NmapProcess(ip, options)
rc = nmproc.run()
if rc != 0:
print("nmap scan failed: {0}".format(nmproc.stderr))
parsed = NmapParser.parse(nmproc.stdout)
except NmapParserException as e:
print("Exception raised while parsing scan: {0}".format(e.msg))
return parsed
#Function - Display Nmap scan results
def show_scan(nmap_report):
for host in nmap_report.hosts:
if len(host.hostnames):
tmp_host = host.hostnames.pop()
tmp_host = host.address
print("Host is [ %s ]\n" % str.upper(host.status))
for serv in host.services:
pserv = "{0:>5s}/{1:3s} {2:12s} {3}".format(
if len(serv.banner):
pserv += " ({0})".format(serv.banner)
#Function - Define output text file name & write to file
def createFile(dest):
name = "Enumerator-Results.txt"
if not(path.isfile(dest+name)):
f = open(dest+name,"a+")
if __name__ == "__main__":
report = nmap_scan(ip, "-sV")
if report:
destination = "/root/Desktop/"
print "\nReport Complete!"
print("No results returned")

You're using print statements in your show_scan() function. Instead try passing the file reference to show_scan() and replacing the print() calls with f.write() calls. This would save to file everything you're currently printing to the terminal.
Alternatively you could just change your code so that the show_scan is separate from the f.write().
ie change
It depends on whether you want to save the raw output or what you're printing to the screen.
Also you will need to pass the reference of the report to createFile so that it has the report to print ie
createFile(destination, report)
Just make sure you are always calling f.write() with a string as its parameter.
#Function - Define output text file name & write to file
def createFile(dest, report):
name = "Enumerator-Results.txt"
if not(path.isfile(dest+name)):
f = open(dest+name,"a+")
if __name__ == "__main__":
report = nmap_scan(ip, "-sV")
if report:
destination = "/root/Desktop/"
createFile(destination, report)
print "\nReport Complete!"
print("No results returned")


multithread pinging of IP address in Python

I have a list of IP addresses like 1000 no's. I am reading the ip_file.txt and storing the result file as result_date.txt. Below is the code that I achieved the result. But my issue is it's taking too long to execute the entire files. Can anyone suggest multithreading, please so that the desired result can be achieved quickly? Thanks in advance.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import csv
import paramiko
from datetime import datetime
import time
import sys
import re
from collections import defaultdict
# Verifies your os type
from paramiko import file
OS_TYPE = os.name
# Sets the count modifier to the os type
count = '-n' if OS_TYPE == 'nt' else '-c'
def create_ip_list():
ip_list = []
with open("ip_file.txt", "r") as file:
for line in file:
return ip_list
# fetching data
now = datetime.now()
dat = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
# time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
date_string = dat.replace('/', '-')
timestr = time.strftime("%d%m%Y-%H%M%S")
def ping_device(ip_list):
"""Ping ip_list and return results
return: None
rtype: None
results_file = open("results_" + str(timestr) + ".txt", "w")
for ip in ip_list:
response = os.popen(f"ping {ip} {count} 1").read()
#fetch Average time
for i in response.split("\n"):
para = i.split("=")
if para[0].strip() == "Minimum":
latency = para[3].strip()
# output1=latency[0:8].split(" ")
# test=output1[0]
# print(test)
print("time run")
if "Received = 1" and "Approximate" in response:
#print(f"UP {ip} Ping Successful")
results_file.write(f"{ip},UP,{latency}" + "\n")
print(f"Down {ip} Ping Unsuccessful")
results_file.write(f"{ip} Down" + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Write a function ping_one_device that takes a single ip and returns a single string giving the status. It should be easy to pull this out of ping_device.
with open(results_file, "w") as results_file:
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
for result in map(ping_one_device, ip_list):

Python Sockets: my recv protocol receive all the data when i debug it but not when i run it doesnt

So my project is that I need to send a jpg image from one computer to another computer in the same network. To send the data I split the data into chunks of at least 9999 bytes and then I create a length header that tells the length of the data and I attach it to the start of the massage. here is the code:
the protocol:
import os.path
PORT = 8820
def check_cmd(data):
Check if the command is defined in the protocol, including all parameters
For example, DELETE c:\work\file.txt is good, but DELETE alone is not
command = ""
file_location =""
splited_data = data.split(maxsplit=1)
if len(splited_data) == 2:
command, file_location = splited_data
return (command in COMANDS_LIST) and (file_location is not None)
elif len(splited_data) == 1:
command = splited_data[0]
return command in ["TAKE_SCREENSHOT","EXIT","SEND_PHOTO"]
return False
# (3)
def create_msg(data):
Create a valid protocol message, with length field
data_len = len(str(data))
if data_len > 9999 or data_len == 0:
print(f"data len is bigger then 9999 or is 0, data len = {data_len} ")
return False
len_field = str(data_len).zfill(4)
# (4)
return True ,f"{len_field}{data}"
def get_msg(my_socket):
Extract message from protocol, without the length field
If length field does not include a number, returns False, "Error"
lenght_field = ""
data = ""
while len(lenght_field) < 4:
lenght_field += my_socket.recv(4).decode()
except RuntimeError as exc_run:
return False, "header wasnt sent properly"
if not lenght_field.isdigit():
return False, "error, length header is not valid"
lenght_field = lenght_field.lstrip("0")
while len(data) < int(lenght_field):
data += my_socket.recv(int(lenght_field)).decode()
return True, data
now the protocol works fine when I use the same computer for both server and client and when I debug get_msg on the other computer. when I'm not, it seems that the problem is that the part that recv the header will recv something else after a few successful recv and return an error message.
here are the server parts:
import socket
import pyautogui as pyautogui
import protocol
import glob
import os.path
import shutil
import subprocess
import base64
IP = ""
PORT = 8820
PHOTO_PATH = r"C:\Users\Innon\Pictures\Screenshots\screenShot.jpg"# The path + filename where the screenshot at the server should be saved
def check_client_request(cmd):
Break cmd to command and parameters
Check if the command and params are good.
For example, the filename to be copied actually exists
valid: True/False
command: The requested cmd (ex. "DIR")
params: List of the cmd params (ex. ["c:\\cyber"])
# Use protocol.check_cmd first
cmd_arr = cmd.split(maxsplit=1)
command = cmd_arr[0]
file_location = None
if len(cmd_arr) == 2:
file_location = cmd_arr[1]
if file_location == None:
return protocol.check_cmd(cmd) ,command, file_location
file_location = tuple(str(file_location).split())
if (os.path.exists(file_location[0])):
return protocol.check_cmd(cmd) , command , file_location
return False , command , file_location
# Then make sure the params are valid
# (6)
def handle_client_request(command,params):
"""Create the response to the client, given the command is legal and params are OK
For example, return the list of filenames in a directory
Note: in case of SEND_PHOTO, only the length of the file will be sent
response: the requested data
# (7)
response = "no server response"
if command == "DIR":
response = glob.glob(f"{params[0]}\\*.*" )
if command == "DELETE":
response = f"{params[0]} was deleted"
if command == "COPY":
response = f"{params[0]} was copyed to {params[1]}"
except FileNotFoundError as ex1:
response = ex1
except IndexError as ex2:
response = ex2
if command == "EXECUTE":
response = f"{params[0]} was executed"
if command == "TAKE_SCREENSHOT":
#todo find a way to know and create the locatipn of screen shot to be saved
myScreenshot = pyautogui.screenshot()
response = f"screen shot have been taken and been saved at {PHOTO_PATH}"
if command == "SEND_PHOTO":
with open(PHOTO_PATH, "rb") as file:
file_data = base64.b64encode(file.read()).decode()
is_vaild_response, img_length = protocol.create_msg(len(file_data))
img_data = ""
if not is_vaild_response:
response = "img length data isnt valid"
return response
while len(file_data) > 0:
chunk_data = file_data[:9999]
is_vaild_response, data = protocol.create_msg(chunk_data)
if not is_vaild_response:
response = "img data isnt valid"
return response
img_data += data
file_data = file_data[9999:]
response = f"{img_length}{img_data}"
return response
def main():
# open socket with client
server_socket = socket.socket()
# (1)
client_socket, addr = server_socket.accept()
# handle requests until user asks to exit
while True:
# Check if protocol is OK, e.g. length field OK
valid_protocol, cmd = protocol.get_msg(client_socket)
print(f"got message {valid_protocol}")
if valid_protocol:
# Check if params are good, e.g. correct number of params, file name exists
valid_cmd, command, params = check_client_request(cmd)
print(f"check_client_request {valid_cmd}")
if valid_cmd:
# (6)
if command == 'EXIT':
if command == 'SEND_PHOTO':
data = handle_client_request(command, params)
# prepare a response using "handle_client_request"
data = handle_client_request(command,params)
# add length field using "create_msg"
is_vaild_response , response = protocol.create_msg(data)
print(f"creat_msg {is_vaild_response}")
# send to client
if is_vaild_response:
# prepare proper error to client
resp = 'Bad command or parameters'
is_vaild_response , response = protocol.create_msg(resp)
# send to client
# prepare proper error to client
resp = 'Packet not according to protocol'
is_vaild_response, response = protocol.create_msg(resp)
#send to client
# Attempt to clean garbage from socket
# close sockets
resp = "Closing connection"
is_vaild_response, response = protocol.create_msg(resp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
and the client:
import socket
import base64
import protocol
IP = ""
SAVED_PHOTO_LOCATION = r'C:\Users\Innon\Pictures\Saved Pictures\screenShot.jpg' # The path + filename where the copy of the screenshot at the client should be saved
def handle_server_response(my_socket, cmd):
Receive the response from the server and handle it, according to the request
For example, DIR should result in printing the contents to the screen,
Note- special attention should be given to SEND_PHOTO as it requires and extra receive
# (8) treat all responses except SEND_PHOTO
if "SEND_PHOTO" not in cmd:
vaild_data, data = protocol.get_msg(my_socket)
if vaild_data:
return data
# (10) treat SEND_PHOTO
pic_data = ""
vaild_pick_len, pic_len = protocol.get_msg(my_socket)
if pic_len.isdigit() == False:
print(f"picture length is not valid. got massage: {pic_len}")
with open(SAVED_PHOTO_LOCATION, "wb") as file:
while len(pic_data) < int(pic_len):
vaild_data, data = protocol.get_msg(my_socket)
if not vaild_data:
return f"img data isnt valid. {data}"
pic_data += data
return "img was recived succesfully "
def main():
# open socket with the server
my_socket = socket.socket()
# (2)
# print instructions
print('Welcome to remote computer application. Available commands are:\n')
# loop until user requested to exit
while True:
cmd = input("Please enter command:\n")
if protocol.check_cmd(cmd):
valid_pack , packet = protocol.create_msg(cmd)
if valid_pack:
print(handle_server_response(my_socket, cmd))
if cmd == 'EXIT':
print("Not a valid command, or missing parameters\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
here is how the problem looks like:thi is how it looks
here is how to needs look like:
the right way
thank you.
the solution was to change get_msg function in the protocol:
while len(data) < int(lenght_field):
data += my_socket.recv(int(lenght_field) - len(data)).decode()
instead of:
while len(data) < int(lenght_field):
data += my_socket.recv(int(lenght_field)).decode()

Whats the different about try: and def?

I'm trying to Open a file as text, choosing the file via str(raw_input, but it doesn't work with def main():.
My second script, with normal (No threading), is using try:. The threading one not opening the email.
Here is a link to the scripts in ghostbin:
Normal Script Without Threading and Multithread Script ,
The Normal Script Without Threading
filelist = str(raw_input("[+] Enter Mailist File: "))
loglive = open('live.txt','a')
logdie = open('die.txt','a')
logun = open('uncheck.txt','a')
except Exception as Err:
print("ERROR : File List Not Found!")
list = open(filelist, "r")
while True:
email = list.readline().replace("\n","")
if not email:
Multithread Script
def main():
start_time = time.time()
tanya = str(raw_input("[+] Enter Mailist File: "))
mailist = open(tanya, 'r')
while True:
email = mailist.readline().replace("\n","")
if not email:
s = requests.session()
You need to call the main function for it to be executed. At the end of your file, add:
if __name__ == '__main__':
The reason for this can be found here: What does if __name__ == "__main__": do?

Python Port Scanner edit

I've been editing this port scanner for an information security project.
The code works but throws errors (Pycharm Edu) on lines 63 and 34 in that order.
The error message for line 63 is: 'line 63, in
checkhost(target). I've looked at this and can't see why this would throw an error specifically as it is defined on line 34.
The error message for line 34 is: 'NameError: global name 'conf' is not defined'. It's not clear why this is a problem either.
Any help is much appreciated.
The Python code environment is Python 2.7.10
#! /usr/bin/python
from logging import getLogger, ERROR # Import Logging Things
getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(ERROR) # Get Rid if IPv6 Warning
import scapy
import sys
from datetime import datetime # Other stuff
from time import strftime
target = raw_input("[*] Enter Target IP Address: ")
min_port = raw_input("[*] Enter Minumum Port Number: ")
max_port = raw_input("[*] Enter Maximum Port Number: ")
if int(min_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= 0 and
int(max_port) >= int(min_port): # Test for valid range of ports
else: # If range didn't raise error, but didn't meet criteria
print "\n[!] Invalid Range of Ports"
print "[!] Exiting..."
except Exception: # If input range raises an error
print "\n[!] Invalid Range of Ports"
print "[!] Exiting..."
except KeyboardInterrupt: # In case the user wants to quit
print "\n[*] User Requested Shutdown..."
print "[*] Exiting..."
ports = range(int(min_port), int(max_port)+1)
start_clock = datetime.now() # Start clock for scan time
SYNACK = 0x12 # Set flag values for later reference
RSTACK = 0x14
def checkhost(target): # Function to check if target is up
conf.verb = 0 # Hide output
ping = sr1(IP(dst = ip)/ICMP()) # Ping the target
print "\n[*] Target is Up, Beginning Scan..."
except Exception: # If ping fails
print "\n[!] Couldn't Resolve Target"
print "[!] Exiting..."
def scanport(port): # Function to scan a given port
srcport = RandShort() # Generate Port Number
conf.verb = 0 # Hide output
SYNACKpkt = sr1(IP(dst = target)/TCP(sport = srcport,
dport = port,flags = "S"))
pktflags = SYNACKpkt.getlayer(TCP).flags
if pktflags == SYNACK: # Cross reference Flags
return True # If open, return true
return False
RSTpkt = IP(dst = target)/TCP(sport = srcport, dport = port,
flags = "R") # Construct RST packet send(RSTpkt)
except KeyboardInterrupt: # In case the user needs to quit
RSTpkt = IP(dst = target)/TCP(sport = srcport, dport = port,
flags = "R") send(RSTpkt)
print "\n[*] User Requested Shutdown..."
print "[*] Exiting..."
checkhost(ip) # Run checkhost() function from earlier
print "[*] Scanning Started at " + strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "!\n"
for port in ports: # Iterate through range of ports
status = scanport(port) # Feed each port into scanning function
if status == True: # Test result
print "Port " + str(port) + ": Open" # Print status
stop_clock = datetime.now() # Stop clock for scan time
total_time = stop_clock - start_clock # Calculate scan time
print "\n[*] Scanning Finished!" # Confirm scan stop
print "[*] Total Scan Duration: " + str(total_time) # Print scan time
The problem is with your import statement, it should
>>> import scapy
>>> from scapy.all import conf
>>> conf.verb = 0
or even better to get rid of possible similar errors in the future
just import scapy as:
>>> from scapy.all import *
>>> conf.verb = 0
Now it should work fine.

Run and log the output of 'ping' in a loop in a Python script

i wrote a simple agaent in python that all it dose is just cheacks for the internet connection.
When he finds out that ther is no connection he writes a log file to a text the hour and date and then just exit the program.
I want it to keep testing if there is a connection even if there is not how can i do this ? without the program exit
this is the code:
import os
import time
def Main():
ping =os.system('ping -n 1 -l 1000 ')
while ping ==0:
ping = os.system('ping -n 1 -l 1000 ')
if ping ==1:
print 'no connection'
CT =time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%y")
alert=' No Connection'
f = open('logfile.txt','a+')
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thanx a lot.
Wrap the Main call in an infinite loop?
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
time.sleep(1) # optional, as Main already contains a sleep time
This code should set you on your way. Just substitute the host with that of your choosing in the call to the LogPing object.
Check out the comments inline and please ask me if you have any questions.
from datetime import datetime
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
from time import sleep
class LogPing:
def __init__(self, host, count=1, timeout_seconds=10, logfile="ping_log.txt"):
self.host = host
self.count = count
self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds
self.logfile = logfile
self.output_blackhole = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
def _command(self):
command_string = "ping -c {count} -t {timeout} {host}".format(
# we don't actually care about the output, just the return code,
# so trash the output. result == 0 on success
result = subprocess.check_call(
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# if here, that means that the host couldn't be reached for some reason.
result = -1
return result
def run(self):
ping_command_result = self._command()
if ping_command_result == 0:
status = "OK"
status = "NOK"
# The time won't be exact, but close enough
message = "{status} : {time} : {host}\n".format(
# open file in a context manager for writing, creating if not exists
# using a+ so that we append to the end of the last line.
with open(self.logfile, 'a+') as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
ping_instance = LogPing("example.org").run()
If I understand yous correctly this will do its job:
import os
import time
def Main():
while True:
ping = os.system('ping -n 1 -l 1000 ')
if ping:
print 'no connection'
CT =time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%y")
alert=' No Connection'
with open('logfile.txt','a+') as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":

