Save Different Channels of Ycbcr as seperate images | Python - python

I need to apply some transformations to the individual channels of the Ycbcr color space.
I have an tiff format image as the source and I need to convert it to ycbcr color space. I have not been able to successfully save the different channels as separate images. I have been only able to extract the luminescence channel using this code:
import numpy
import Image as im
image ='1.tiff')
ycbcr = image.convert('YCbCr')
B = numpy.ndarray((image.size[1], image.size[0], 3), 'u1', ycbcr.tobytes())
im.fromarray(B[:,:,0], "L").show()
Can someone pls help.
Thank you

Here is my code:
import numpy
import Image as im
image ='1.tiff')
ycbcr = image.convert('YCbCr')
# output of ycbcr.getbands() put in order
Y = 0
Cb = 1
Cr = 2
YCbCr=list(ycbcr.getdata()) # flat list of tuples
# reshape
imYCbCr = numpy.reshape(YCbCr, (image.size[1], image.size[0], 3))
# Convert 32-bit elements to 8-bit
imYCbCr = imYCbCr.astype(numpy.uint8)
# now, display the 3 channels
im.fromarray(imYCbCr[:,:,Y], "L").show()
im.fromarray(imYCbCr[:,:,Cb], "L").show()
im.fromarray(imYCbCr[:,:,Cr], "L").show()

Simply use the .split() method to split the image into different channels (called bands in PIL). No need to use numpy.
(y, cb, cr) = ycbcr.split()
# y, cb and cr are all in "L" mode.
After you have done the transformations, use PIL.Image.merge() to combine them again.
ycbcr2 = im.merge('YCbCr', (y, cb, cr))


Combining 3 channel numpy array to form an rgb image

I was trying to combine 3 gray scale images into a single overlapping image with three different colors for each.
For that, I added each into a 3 channel numpy array.
But when plotting with I don't get a colourful image. Till adding 2nd channel it works, but when I add the third channel, it doesn't work. The final image has only red and blue colour.
It is supposed to be red, green and blue for corresponding to the overlapping images.
Why would it be?
image1 ="E:/imaging/04102022_Bronze/Copper_4_2/10.tif") #openingimage1
image1_norm =(np.array(image1)-np.array(image1).min() ) / (np.array(image1).max() -
np.array(image1).min()) #normalisingimage1
image2 ="E:/imaging/04102022_Bronze/Oxygen_1_2/10.tif")#openingimage2
image2_norm = (np.array(image2)-np.array(image2).min()) / (np.array(image2).max() -
image3 ="E:/imaging/04102022_Bronze/Oxygen_1_2/10.tif")#openingimage3
image3_norm = (np.array(image3)-np.array(image3).min()) / (np.array(image3).max() -
new_image = np.zeros(im.shape + (3,)) #creating an empty 3 channel numpy array .shape of this
array is (255, 1024, 3)
new_image[:,:,0] = image1_norm #adding the three images into three channels
new_image[:,:,1] = image2_norm
new_image[:,:,2] = image3_norm
new_image2= new_image1.astype(np.uint8)
final_image=final_image=Image.fromarray(new_image2, mode='RGB')
A few possible issues...
When you open an image in PIL, if you want to be sure it is single-channel greyscale, and not accidentally 3-channel RGB, or a palette image, force it to greyscale:
im ='image.png').convert('L')
Try not to repeat complicated calculations or expressions several times - it just makes for a maintenance nightmare. Maybe use a function instead:
def normalize(im):
# Normalise image to range 0..1
min, max = im.min(), im.max()
return (im.astype(float)-min)/(max-min)
You can use Numpy's dstack() to merge channels - it means "depth"-stack, as opposed to np.vstack() which stacks images vertically above/below each other and np.hstack() which stacks images side-by-side horizontally. It is a lot simpler than creating an image of the right size and individually pushing each channel into it.
result = np.dstack((im1, im2, im3))
That would make the overall code more like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
def normalize(im):
# Normalise image to range 0..1
min, max = im.min(), im.max()
return (im.astype(float)-min)/(max-min)
# Load images as single channel Numpy arrays
im1 = np.array('ch1.png').convert('L'))
im2 = np.array('ch2.png').convert('L'))
im3 = np.array('ch3.png').convert('L'))
# Normalize and scale
n1 = normalize(im1) * 255.999
n2 = normalize(im2) * 255.999
n3 = normalize(im3) * 255.999
# Merge channels to RGB
result = np.dstack((n1,n2,n3))
result = Image.fromarray(result.astype(np.uint8))'result.png')
That makes these three input images:
into this merged image:

How to merge two RGBA images

I'm trying to merge two RGBA images (with a shape of (h,w,4)), taking into account their alpha channels.
Example :
What I've tried
I tried to do this using opencv for that, but I getting some strange pixels on the output image.
Images Used:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
image1 = cv2.imread("image1.png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
image2 = cv2.imread("image2.png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
mask1 = image1[:,:,3]
mask2 = image2[:,:,3]
mask2_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(mask2)
mask2_bgra = cv2.cvtColor(mask2, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA)
mask2_inv_bgra = cv2.cvtColor(mask2_inv, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA)
# output = image2*mask2_bgra + image1
output = cv2.bitwise_or(cv2.bitwise_and(image2, mask2_bgra), cv2.bitwise_and(image1, mask2_inv_bgra))
output[:,:,3] = cv2.bitwise_or(mask1, mask2)
plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(output, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGBA))
Output :
So what I figured out is that I'm getting those weird pixels because I used cv2.bitwise_and function (Which btw works perfectly with binary alpha channels).
I tried using different approaches
Is there an approach to do this (While keeping the output image as an 8bit image).
I was able to obtain the expected result in 2 stages.
# Read both images preserving the alpha channel
hh1 = cv2.imread(r'C:\Users\524316\Desktop\Stack\house.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
hh2 = cv2.imread(r'C:\Users\524316\Desktop\Stack\memo.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
# store the alpha channels only
m1 = hh1[:,:,3]
m2 = hh2[:,:,3]
# invert the alpha channel and obtain 3-channel mask of float data type
m1i = cv2.bitwise_not(m1)
alpha1i = cv2.cvtColor(m1i, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA)/255.0
m2i = cv2.bitwise_not(m2)
alpha2i = cv2.cvtColor(m2i, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA)/255.0
# Perform blending and limit pixel values to 0-255 (convert to 8-bit)
b1i = cv2.convertScaleAbs(hh2*(1-alpha2i) + hh1*alpha2i)
Note: In the b=above the we are using only the inverse alpha channel of the memo image
But I guess this is not the expected result. So moving on ....
# Finding common ground between both the inverted alpha channels
mul = cv2.multiply(alpha1i,alpha2i)
# converting to 8-bit
mulint = cv2.normalize(mul, dst=None, alpha=0, beta=255,norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)
# again create 3-channel mask of float data type
alpha = cv2.cvtColor(mulint[:,:,2], cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA)/255.0
# perform blending using previous output and multiplied result
final = cv2.convertScaleAbs(b1i*(1-alpha) + mulint*alpha)
Sorry for the weird variable names. I would request you to analyze the result in each line. I hope this is the expected output.
You could use PIL library to achieve this
from PIL import Image
def merge_images(im1, im2):
bg ="RGBA")
fg ="RGBA")
x, y = ((bg.width - fg.width) // 2 , (bg.height - fg.height) // 2)
bg.paste(fg, (x, y), fg)
# convert to 8 bits (pallete mode)
return bg.convert("P")
we can test it using the provided images:
result_image = merge_images("image1.png", "image2.png")"image3.png")
Here's the result:

Pillow: How to draw text with the inverse color of the underlying image? [duplicate]

EDIT: Code is working now, thanks to Mark and zephyr. zephyr also has two alternate working solutions below.
I want to divide blend two images with PIL. I found ImageChops.multiply(image1, image2) but I couldn't find a similar divide(image, image2) function.
Divide Blend Mode Explained (I used the first two images here as my test sources.)
Is there a built-in divide blend function that I missed (PIL or otherwise)?
My test code below runs and is getting close to what I'm looking for. The resulting image output is similar to the divide blend example image here: Divide Blend Mode Explained.
Is there a more efficient way to do this divide blend operation (less steps and faster)? At first, I tried using lambda functions in Image.eval and ImageMath.eval to check for black pixels and flip them to white during the division process, but I couldn't get either to produce the correct result.
EDIT: Fixed code and shortened thanks to Mark and zephyr. The resulting image output matches the output from zephyr's numpy and scipy solutions below.
# PIL Divide Blend test
import Image, os, ImageMath
imgA ='01background.jpg')
imgB ='02testgray.jpg')
# split RGB images into 3 channels
rA, gA, bA = imgA.split()
rB, gB, bB = imgB.split()
# divide each channel (image1/image2)
rTmp = ImageMath.eval("int(a/((float(b)+1)/256))", a=rA, b=rB).convert('L')
gTmp = ImageMath.eval("int(a/((float(b)+1)/256))", a=gA, b=gB).convert('L')
bTmp = ImageMath.eval("int(a/((float(b)+1)/256))", a=bA, b=bB).convert('L')
# merge channels into RGB image
imgOut = Image.merge("RGB", (rTmp, gTmp, bTmp))'PILdiv0.png', 'PNG')
os.system('start PILdiv0.png')
You are asking:
Is there a more efficient way to do this divide blend operation (less steps and faster)?
You could also use the python package blend modes. It is written with vectorized Numpy math and generally fast. Install it via pip install blend_modes. I have written the commands in a more verbose way to improve readability, it would be shorter to chain them. Use blend_modes like this to divide your images:
from PIL import Image
import numpy
import os
from blend_modes import blend_modes
# Load images
imgA ='01background.jpg')
imgA = numpy.array(imgA)
# append alpha channel
imgA = numpy.dstack((imgA, numpy.ones((imgA.shape[0], imgA.shape[1], 1))*255))
imgA = imgA.astype(float)
imgB ='02testgray.jpg')
imgB = numpy.array(imgB)
# append alpha channel
imgB = numpy.dstack((imgB, numpy.ones((imgB.shape[0], imgB.shape[1], 1))*255))
imgB = imgB.astype(float)
# Divide images
imgOut = blend_modes.divide(imgA, imgB, 1.0)
# Save images
imgOut = numpy.uint8(imgOut)
imgOut = Image.fromarray(imgOut)'PILdiv0.png', 'PNG')
os.system('start PILdiv0.png')
Be aware that for this to work, both images need to have the same dimensions, e.g. imgA.shape == (240,320,3) and imgB.shape == (240,320,3).
There is a mathematical definition for the divide function here:
Here's an implementation with scipy/matplotlib:
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc as mpl
a = mpl.imread('01background.jpg')
b = mpl.imread('02testgray.jpg')
c = a/((b.astype('float')+1)/256)
d = c*(c < 255)+255*np.ones(np.shape(c))*(c > 255)
e = d.astype('uint8')
mpl.imsave('output.png', e)
If you don't want to use matplotlib, you can do it like this (I assume you have numpy):
imgA ='01background.jpg')
imgB ='02testgray.jpg')
a = asarray(imgA)
b = asarray(imgB)
c = a/((b.astype('float')+1)/256)
d = c*(c &lt 255)+255*ones(shape(c))*(c &gt 255)
e = d.astype('uint8')
imgOut = Image.fromarray(e)'PILdiv0.png', 'PNG')
The problem you're having is when you have a zero in image B - it causes a divide by zero. If you convert all of those values to one instead I think you'll get the desired result. That will eliminate the need to check for zeros and fix them in the result.

Python: Convert image from RGB to YDbDr color space

Trying to convert image from RGB color space to YDbDr color space according to the formula:
Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B
Db = -0.45R - 0.883G +1.333B
Dr = -1.333R + 1.116G + 0.217B
With the following code I'm trying to show only Y channel which should be grayscale image but I keep getting image all in blue color:
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
img = cv2.imread("./pics/Slike_modela/Test/Proba/1_Color.png")
new_img = []
for row in img:
new_row = []
for pixel in row:
Y = 0.299*pixel[2]+0.587*pixel[1]+0.114*pixel[0]
Db = -0.45*pixel[2]-0.883*pixel[1]+1.333*pixel[0]
Dr = -1.333*pixel[2]+1.116*pixel[1]+0.217*pixel[0]
new_pixel = [Y, Db, Dr]
new_img_arr = np.array(new_img)
new_img_arr_y = new_img_arr.copy()
new_img_arr_y[:,:,1] = 0
new_img_arr_y[:,:,2] = 0
print (new_img_arr_y)
cv2.imshow("y image", new_img_arr_y)
key = cv2.waitKey(0)
When printing the result array I see correct numbers according to formula and correct shape of the array.
What is my mistake? How to get Y channel image i.e. grayscale image?
When processing images with Python, you really, really should try to avoid:
treating images as lists and appending millions and millions of pixels, each of which creates a whole new object and takes space to administer
processing images with for loops, which are very slow
The better way to deal with both of these is through using Numpy or other vectorised code libraries or techniques. That is why OpenCV, wand, scikit-image open and handle images as Numpy arrays.
So, you basically want to do a dot product of the colour channels with a set of 3 weights:
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Load image
im = cv2.imread('paddington.png', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
# Calculate Y using Numpy "dot()"
Y =[...,:3], [0.114, 0.587, 0.299]).astype(np.uint8)
That's it.

Display interleaved image in python [duplicate]

So I have a set of data which I am able to convert to form separate numpy arrays of R, G, B bands. Now I need to combine them to form an RGB image.
I tried 'Image' to do the job but it requires 'mode' to be attributed.
I tried to do a trick. I would use Image.fromarray() to take the array to image but it attains 'F' mode by default when Image.merge requires 'L' mode images to merge. If I would declare the attribute of array in fromarray() to 'L' at first place, all the R G B images become distorted.
But, if I save the images and then open them and then merge, it works fine. Image reads the image with 'L' mode.
Now I have two issues.
First, I dont think it is an elegant way of doing the work. So if anyone knows the better way of doing it, please tell
Secondly, Image.SAVE is not working properly. Following are the errors I face:
In [7]: Image.SAVE(imagefile, 'JPEG')
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/media/New Volume/Documents/My own works/ISAC/SAMPLES/<ipython console> in <module>()
TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable
Please suggest solutions.
And please mind that the image is around 4000x4000 size array.
rgb = np.dstack((r,g,b)) # stacks 3 h x w arrays -> h x w x 3
To also convert floats 0 .. 1 to uint8 s,
rgb_uint8 = (np.dstack((r,g,b)) * 255.999) .astype(np.uint8) # right, Janna, not 256
I don't really understand your question but here is an example of something similar I've done recently that seems like it might help:
# r, g, and b are 512x512 float arrays with values >= 0 and < 1.
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
rgbArray = np.zeros((512,512,3), 'uint8')
rgbArray[..., 0] = r*256
rgbArray[..., 1] = g*256
rgbArray[..., 2] = b*256
img = Image.fromarray(rgbArray)'myimg.jpeg')
rgb = np.dstack((r,g,b)) # stacks 3 h x w arrays -> h x w x 3
This code doesnt create 3d array if you pass 3 channels. 2 channels remain.
Convert the numpy arrays to uint8 before passing them to Image.fromarray
Eg. if you have floats in the range [0..1]:
r = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(r_array*255.999))
Your distortion i believe is caused by the way you are splitting your original image into its individual bands and then resizing it again before putting it into merge;
`"your image")
print(image.size) #size is inverted i.e columns first rows second eg: 500,250
#convert to array
# reshape
reshaper=arr_r.reshape(250,500) #size flipped so it reshapes correctly
imr=Image.fromarray(reshaper,mode=None) # mode I
this works well !
If using PIL Image convert it to array and then proceed with the below, else using matplotlib or cv2 perform directly.
image = cv2.imread('')[:,:,::-1]
image_2 = image[10:150,10:100]
img_r = image_2[:,:,0]
img_g = image_2[:,:,1]
img_b = image_2[:,:,2]
image_2 = img_r*0.2989 + 0.587*img_g + 0.114*img_b
image[10:150,10:100,0] = image_2
image[10:150,10:100,1] = image_2
image[10:150,10:100,2] = image_2

