I have a requirement to upload file to MongoDB. Currently I am saving files in a folder in current filesystem using Flask. Is there a way I can upload file to MongoDB without using GridFS? I believe I did something like this long before but I cannot recollect since its been longtime since I last used MongoDB.
Any file I select to upload is no more than 16MB in size.
Update: I tried this to convert image file using binData but it throws error global name binData is not defined.
import pymongo
import base64
import bson
# establish a connection to the database
connection = pymongo.MongoClient()
#get a handle to the test database
db = connection.test
file_meta = db.file_meta
file_used = "Headshot.jpg"
def main():
coll = db.sample
with open(file_used, "r") as fin:
f = fin.read()
encoded = binData(f)
coll.insert({"filename": file_used, "file": f, "description": "test" })
Mongo BSON (https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/bson-types/) has binary data (binData) type for field.
Python driver (http://api.mongodb.com/python/current/api/bson/binary.html) supports it.
You can store file as array of bytes.
You code should be slightly modified:
Add import: from bson.binary import Binary
Encode file bytes using Binary: encoded = Binary(f)
Use encoded value in insert statement.
Full example below:
import pymongo
import base64
import bson
from bson.binary import Binary
# establish a connection to the database
connection = pymongo.MongoClient()
#get a handle to the test database
db = connection.test
file_meta = db.file_meta
file_used = "Headshot.jpg"
def main():
coll = db.sample
with open(file_used, "rb") as f:
encoded = Binary(f.read())
coll.insert({"filename": file_used, "file": encoded, "description": "test" })
I want to download the entire collection and put it into a json file. I've tried (see below) but it doesnt work.
import json
from pymongo import MongoClient
import pymongo
from pathlib import Path
myclient = MongoClient("mongodb+srv://<DbName>:<DbPass>#<DbName>.a3b2ai.mongodb.net/<DbName>?retryWrites=true&w=majority")
db = myclient["PlayerPrices"]
Collection = db["Playstation"]
payload = db.inventory.find( {} ) #I think this command is the problem
with open(str(Path(__file__).parents[1]) + '\Main\playstation_1.json', 'r+') as file:
json.dump(payload, file, indent=4)
The issue is that you need to convert the Pymongo Cursor to support json format.
# Python Program for
# demonstrating the
# PyMongo Cursor to JSON
# Importing required modules
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson.json_util import dumps, loads
# Connecting to MongoDB server
# client = MongoClient('host_name',
# 'port_number')
client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
# Connecting to the database named
mydatabase = client.GFG
# Accessing the collection named
# gfg_collection
mycollection = mydatabase.College
# Now creating a Cursor instance
# using find() function
cursor = mycollection.find()
# Converting cursor to the list
# of dictionaries
list_cur = list(cursor)
# Converting to the JSON
json_data = dumps(list_cur, indent = 2)
# Writing data to file data.json
with open('data.json', 'w') as file:
Resource taken from: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convert-pymongo-cursor-to-json/
I want to store a PDF file in my MongoDB database (In Ubuntu) with with PYMonbgo and gridfs.
But I am receiving the error 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 10: invalid continuation byte
How can I store and receive a PDF with python in MongoDB?
from pymongo import MongoClient
import gridfs
db = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/').myDB
fs = gridfs.GridFS( db )
fileID = fs.put( open(('Test.pdf') ))
out = fs.get(fileID)
You need to encode the PDF appropriately after reading. I won't pretend to understand the details. But I have gotten it to work. Try this, see if it works for you too.
(FYI, Might want to also specify the collection)
import base64
import gridfs
def write_new_pdf(path):
db = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/').myDB
fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)
# Note, open with the "rb" flag for "read bytes"
with open(path, "rb") as f:
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(f.read())
with fs.new_file(
filename=path) as fp:
Updaate: How to read the pdf back
def read_pdf(filename):
# Usual setup
db = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/').myDB
fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)
# Standard query to Mongo
data = fs.find_one(filter=dict(filename=filename))
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
I'm trying to send data from a XML feed to MySQL database, but I'm getting wrong pt-br characters in python and mysql.
import MySQLdb
import urllib2
import sys
import codecs
## default enconding
UTF8Writer = codecs.getwriter('utf8')
sys.stdout = UTF8Writer(sys.stdout)
file = urllib2.urlopen('feed.xml')
data = file.read()
data = xmltodict.parse(data)
db = MySQLdb.connect(host=MYSQL_HOST, # your host, usually localhost
user=MYSQL_USER, # your username
passwd=MYSQL_PASSWD, # your password
db=MYSQL_DB) # name of the data base
cur = db.cursor()
product_name = str(data.items()[0][1].items()[2][1].items()[3][1][i].items()[1][1])
But when I print product_name in Python or insert it into mysql, I get this:
'Probi\xc3\xb3tica (120caps)'
this should be:
How can I fix this?
'Probi\xc3\xb3tica' is the utf-8 encoded version of 'Probiótica'.
Is your terminal (or whatever you are using to run this) set up to handle utf-8 output?
Try print 'Probi\xc3\xb3tica'.decode('utf-8') to see what happens.
I get Probiótica.
I had uploaded some PDF, PNG files to a local instance of mongodb. By mistake I deleted these files and I can no longer recover them using the regular recover options. However, they are in my local mongodb database. How can I save them back in their original format on my computer?
I know the following:
import pymongo as pym
import gridfs
def connectToDb():
client = pym.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client.questionbank
collectn = db.questionbank
fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)
return db, collectn, fs
db, collectn, fs = connectToDb()
filelist = list( db.fs.files.find({}, {"_id": 1, "filename": 1}) )
fileid = filelist[0]['_id']
fobj = fs.get(fileid)
## I don't know what to do after this. I think I cannot use read since I don't
## want the string. I want to save the pdf file as a pdf file.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Okay, I figured this out on my own. It can be done in the following way:
To the above code add the lines:
f = open('tempfigfile.pdf', 'wb')
This saves the file as tempfigfile.pdf.
This code will save all the files to ur local folder from mongodb gridfs.
while(i < cursor.count()):
with open("C:\\localfolder\\"+fi.filename,"wb") as f:
I'm trying to save jpg image to mongodb using gridfs with python and retrieve it from database when needed. It looks like it saves fine, then I store its fileid in collection and when reading I use it to locate the image. But it deosn't give me back the image I saved before.
Here is the class definition:
class dbase():
def __init__(self,dbserver,dbport ):
from pymongo import MongoClient
client =MongoClient()
self.database = client['test']
def Savetodb(self,event):
import gridfs
import tkMessageBox
result = tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Save to db???", "Confirm Save")
if result:
# get image name and image file from the widget box
img =event.widget.cget("image")
fs = gridfs.GridFS(self.database)
fileid = fs.put(img,filename=filename)
def Getfromdb(self,outfilename):
import gridfs
fs = gridfs.GridFS(self.database)
fid = ""
for item in self.database.my_collection.find({"imagefile":outfilename}):
if fid <> "":
outputdata = fs.get(fid).read()
return outputdata