What is difference between if (False,) and True == (False,) - python

I learned python 3 last year, but I have barely experience.
I am reviewing about tuple again.
I would like to figure out difference between if (False,) and True == (False,)
Since if (False,): is true, but True == (False,) is false, I am very confused.

if does not test for == True. It tests for the truth value of an object:
Any object can be tested for truth value, for use in an if or while condition or as operand of the Boolean operations below.
Objects are normally always considered true, except for the False or None objects (on their own), numeric zero, or an empty container.
(False,) is a tuple with one element, and any tuple that is not empty is considered a true value, because it is not an empty container.
You can use the bool() function to get a boolean True or False value for the truth value:
>>> tup = (False,)
>>> bool(tup)
>>> bool(tup) == True

The boolean value of a tuple is True if it has contents, if it is empty it is False. Because (False,) is a tuple with one element it's boolean value is True.
You are comparing a tuple to a bool, that will always result in False.

Perhaps this highlights the difference.
if (False,): will evaluate because a non-empty tuple is a truth-y value. It is not true itself. And comparing a tuple against a boolean shouldn't be expected to return true in any case, regardless of the content of said tuple.
t = (False,)
print(bool(t)) # True
print(t == True) # False
print(bool(t) == True) # True

For any x whatsoever,
if (x,):
succeeds, because (x,) is a non-empty tuple, and all non-empty tuples evaluate to True in a boolean context.
And again for any x whatsoever,
if True == (x,):
cannot succeed, because the things being compared aren't even of the same types (for a start, True isn't a tuple).
In your question, what I spelled as x you spelled False, but it makes no difference what value x has: False, True, the integer 42, a file object, ..., it doesn't matter.

Not empty values are equivalent to True while empty values are equivalent to False. The tuple (False,) is not an empty tuple so if (False,) always succeeds. On the other hand True is not equal to the singleton tuple (False,) so the logical expression True == (False,) evaluates to False.


In some loops related to linked list, why we have to use while(fast and fast.next) and why while(fast) will occurs error? [duplicate]

I just learned there are truthy and falsy values in python which are different from the normal True and False.
Can someone please explain in depth what truthy and falsy values are? Where should I use them? What is the difference between truthy and True values and falsy and False values?
We use "truthy" and "falsy" to differentiate from the bool values True and False. A "truthy" value will satisfy the check performed by if or while statements. As explained in the documentation, all values are considered "truthy" except for the following, which are "falsy":
Numbers that are numerically equal to zero, including:
fraction.Fraction(0, 1)
Empty sequences and collections, including:
[] - an empty list
{} - an empty dict
() - an empty tuple
set() - an empty set
'' - an empty str
b'' - an empty bytes
bytearray(b'') - an empty bytearray
memoryview(b'') - an empty memoryview
an empty range, like range(0)
objects for which
obj.__bool__() returns False
obj.__len__() returns 0, given that obj.__bool__ is undefined
As the comments described, it just refers to values which are evaluated to True or False.
For instance, to see if a list is not empty, instead of checking like this:
if len(my_list) != 0:
print("Not empty!")
You can simply do this:
if my_list:
print("Not empty!")
This is because some values, such as empty lists, are considered False when evaluated for a boolean value. Non-empty lists are True.
Similarly for the integer 0, the empty string "", and so on, for False, and non-zero integers, non-empty strings, and so on, for True.
The idea of terms like "truthy" and "falsy" simply refer to those values which are considered True in cases like those described above, and those which are considered False.
For example, an empty list ([]) is considered "falsy", and a non-empty list (for example, [1]) is considered "truthy".
See also this section of the documentation.
Python determines the truthiness by applying bool() to the type, which returns True or False which is used in an expression like if or while.
Here is an example for a custom class Vector2dand it's instance returning False when the magnitude (lenght of a vector) is 0, otherwise True.
import math
class Vector2d(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
def __abs__(self):
return math.hypot(self.x, self.y)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(abs(self))
a = Vector2d(0,0)
print(bool(a)) #False
b = Vector2d(10,0)
print(bool(b)) #True
Note: If we wouldn't have defined __bool__ it would always return True, as instances of a user-defined class are considered truthy by default.
Example from the book: "Fluent in Python, clear, concise and effective programming"
Truthy values refer to the objects used in a boolean context and not so much the boolean value that returns true or false.Take these as an example:
>>> bool([])
>>> bool([1])
>>> bool('')
>>> bool('hello')
Where should you use Truthy or Falsy values ?
These are syntactic sugar, so you can always avoid them, but using them can make your code more readable and make you more efficient.
Moreover, you will find them in many code examples, whether in python or not, because it is considered good practice.
As mentioned in the other answers, you can use them in if tests and while loops. Here are two other examples in python 3 with default values combined with or, s being a string variable. You will extend to similar situations as well.
Without truthy
if len(s) > 0:
print('Default value')
with truthy it is more concise:
print(s or 'Default value')
In python 3.8, we can take advantage of the assignment expression :=
without truthy
if len(s) == 0:
s = 'Default value'
with truthy it is shorter too
s or (s := 'Default value')
or even shorter,
do_something(s or (s := 'Default value'))
Without the assignment expression, one can do
s = s or 'Default value'
but not shorter. Some people find the s =... line unsatisfactory because it corresponds to
if len(s)>0:
s = s # HERE is an extra useless assignment
s = "Default value"
nevertheless you can adhere to this coding style if you feel comfortable with it.
Any object in Python can be tested for its truth value. It can be used in an if or while condition or as operand of the Boolean operations.
The following values are considered False:
zero of any numeric type, for example, 0, 0L, 0.0, 0j.
any empty sequence, for example, '', (), [].
any empty mapping, for example, {}.
instances of user-defined classes, if the class defines a __nonzero__() or __len__() method, when that method returns the integer zero or bool value False.
All other values are considered True -- thus objects of many types are always true.
Operations and built-in functions that have a Boolean result always return 0 or False for false and 1 or True for true, unless otherwise stated.
In case of if (!id) {}
!expr returns false if its single operand can be converted to true; otherwise, returns true.
If a value can be converted to true, the value is so-called truthy. If a value can be converted to false, the value is so-called falsy.
Examples of expressions that can be converted to false are:
empty string ("" or '' or ``);
Even though the ! operator can be used with operands that are not Boolean values, it can still be considered a boolean operator since its return value can always be converted to a boolean primitive. To explicitly convert its return value (or any expression in general) to the corresponding boolean value, use a double NOT operator or the Boolean constructor.
n1 = !null // !t returns true
n2 = !NaN // !f returns true
n3 = !'' // !f returns true
n4 = !'Cat' // !t returns false
While in case of if (id != null) {} it will only check if the value in id is not equal to null
reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Logical_NOT
Falsy means something empty like empty list,tuple, as any datatype having empty values or None.
Truthy means :
Except are Truthy

Why does python dictionary in function return 0 value as none [duplicate]

I just learned there are truthy and falsy values in python which are different from the normal True and False.
Can someone please explain in depth what truthy and falsy values are? Where should I use them? What is the difference between truthy and True values and falsy and False values?
We use "truthy" and "falsy" to differentiate from the bool values True and False. A "truthy" value will satisfy the check performed by if or while statements. As explained in the documentation, all values are considered "truthy" except for the following, which are "falsy":
Numbers that are numerically equal to zero, including:
fraction.Fraction(0, 1)
Empty sequences and collections, including:
[] - an empty list
{} - an empty dict
() - an empty tuple
set() - an empty set
'' - an empty str
b'' - an empty bytes
bytearray(b'') - an empty bytearray
memoryview(b'') - an empty memoryview
an empty range, like range(0)
objects for which
obj.__bool__() returns False
obj.__len__() returns 0, given that obj.__bool__ is undefined
As the comments described, it just refers to values which are evaluated to True or False.
For instance, to see if a list is not empty, instead of checking like this:
if len(my_list) != 0:
print("Not empty!")
You can simply do this:
if my_list:
print("Not empty!")
This is because some values, such as empty lists, are considered False when evaluated for a boolean value. Non-empty lists are True.
Similarly for the integer 0, the empty string "", and so on, for False, and non-zero integers, non-empty strings, and so on, for True.
The idea of terms like "truthy" and "falsy" simply refer to those values which are considered True in cases like those described above, and those which are considered False.
For example, an empty list ([]) is considered "falsy", and a non-empty list (for example, [1]) is considered "truthy".
See also this section of the documentation.
Python determines the truthiness by applying bool() to the type, which returns True or False which is used in an expression like if or while.
Here is an example for a custom class Vector2dand it's instance returning False when the magnitude (lenght of a vector) is 0, otherwise True.
import math
class Vector2d(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
def __abs__(self):
return math.hypot(self.x, self.y)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(abs(self))
a = Vector2d(0,0)
print(bool(a)) #False
b = Vector2d(10,0)
print(bool(b)) #True
Note: If we wouldn't have defined __bool__ it would always return True, as instances of a user-defined class are considered truthy by default.
Example from the book: "Fluent in Python, clear, concise and effective programming"
Truthy values refer to the objects used in a boolean context and not so much the boolean value that returns true or false.Take these as an example:
>>> bool([])
>>> bool([1])
>>> bool('')
>>> bool('hello')
Where should you use Truthy or Falsy values ?
These are syntactic sugar, so you can always avoid them, but using them can make your code more readable and make you more efficient.
Moreover, you will find them in many code examples, whether in python or not, because it is considered good practice.
As mentioned in the other answers, you can use them in if tests and while loops. Here are two other examples in python 3 with default values combined with or, s being a string variable. You will extend to similar situations as well.
Without truthy
if len(s) > 0:
print('Default value')
with truthy it is more concise:
print(s or 'Default value')
In python 3.8, we can take advantage of the assignment expression :=
without truthy
if len(s) == 0:
s = 'Default value'
with truthy it is shorter too
s or (s := 'Default value')
or even shorter,
do_something(s or (s := 'Default value'))
Without the assignment expression, one can do
s = s or 'Default value'
but not shorter. Some people find the s =... line unsatisfactory because it corresponds to
if len(s)>0:
s = s # HERE is an extra useless assignment
s = "Default value"
nevertheless you can adhere to this coding style if you feel comfortable with it.
Any object in Python can be tested for its truth value. It can be used in an if or while condition or as operand of the Boolean operations.
The following values are considered False:
zero of any numeric type, for example, 0, 0L, 0.0, 0j.
any empty sequence, for example, '', (), [].
any empty mapping, for example, {}.
instances of user-defined classes, if the class defines a __nonzero__() or __len__() method, when that method returns the integer zero or bool value False.
All other values are considered True -- thus objects of many types are always true.
Operations and built-in functions that have a Boolean result always return 0 or False for false and 1 or True for true, unless otherwise stated.
In case of if (!id) {}
!expr returns false if its single operand can be converted to true; otherwise, returns true.
If a value can be converted to true, the value is so-called truthy. If a value can be converted to false, the value is so-called falsy.
Examples of expressions that can be converted to false are:
empty string ("" or '' or ``);
Even though the ! operator can be used with operands that are not Boolean values, it can still be considered a boolean operator since its return value can always be converted to a boolean primitive. To explicitly convert its return value (or any expression in general) to the corresponding boolean value, use a double NOT operator or the Boolean constructor.
n1 = !null // !t returns true
n2 = !NaN // !f returns true
n3 = !'' // !f returns true
n4 = !'Cat' // !t returns false
While in case of if (id != null) {} it will only check if the value in id is not equal to null
reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Logical_NOT
Falsy means something empty like empty list,tuple, as any datatype having empty values or None.
Truthy means :
Except are Truthy

What does this if statement do (list)? [duplicate]

I just learned there are truthy and falsy values in python which are different from the normal True and False.
Can someone please explain in depth what truthy and falsy values are? Where should I use them? What is the difference between truthy and True values and falsy and False values?
We use "truthy" and "falsy" to differentiate from the bool values True and False. A "truthy" value will satisfy the check performed by if or while statements. As explained in the documentation, all values are considered "truthy" except for the following, which are "falsy":
Numbers that are numerically equal to zero, including:
fraction.Fraction(0, 1)
Empty sequences and collections, including:
[] - an empty list
{} - an empty dict
() - an empty tuple
set() - an empty set
'' - an empty str
b'' - an empty bytes
bytearray(b'') - an empty bytearray
memoryview(b'') - an empty memoryview
an empty range, like range(0)
objects for which
obj.__bool__() returns False
obj.__len__() returns 0, given that obj.__bool__ is undefined
As the comments described, it just refers to values which are evaluated to True or False.
For instance, to see if a list is not empty, instead of checking like this:
if len(my_list) != 0:
print("Not empty!")
You can simply do this:
if my_list:
print("Not empty!")
This is because some values, such as empty lists, are considered False when evaluated for a boolean value. Non-empty lists are True.
Similarly for the integer 0, the empty string "", and so on, for False, and non-zero integers, non-empty strings, and so on, for True.
The idea of terms like "truthy" and "falsy" simply refer to those values which are considered True in cases like those described above, and those which are considered False.
For example, an empty list ([]) is considered "falsy", and a non-empty list (for example, [1]) is considered "truthy".
See also this section of the documentation.
Python determines the truthiness by applying bool() to the type, which returns True or False which is used in an expression like if or while.
Here is an example for a custom class Vector2dand it's instance returning False when the magnitude (lenght of a vector) is 0, otherwise True.
import math
class Vector2d(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
def __abs__(self):
return math.hypot(self.x, self.y)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(abs(self))
a = Vector2d(0,0)
print(bool(a)) #False
b = Vector2d(10,0)
print(bool(b)) #True
Note: If we wouldn't have defined __bool__ it would always return True, as instances of a user-defined class are considered truthy by default.
Example from the book: "Fluent in Python, clear, concise and effective programming"
Truthy values refer to the objects used in a boolean context and not so much the boolean value that returns true or false.Take these as an example:
>>> bool([])
>>> bool([1])
>>> bool('')
>>> bool('hello')
Where should you use Truthy or Falsy values ?
These are syntactic sugar, so you can always avoid them, but using them can make your code more readable and make you more efficient.
Moreover, you will find them in many code examples, whether in python or not, because it is considered good practice.
As mentioned in the other answers, you can use them in if tests and while loops. Here are two other examples in python 3 with default values combined with or, s being a string variable. You will extend to similar situations as well.
Without truthy
if len(s) > 0:
print('Default value')
with truthy it is more concise:
print(s or 'Default value')
In python 3.8, we can take advantage of the assignment expression :=
without truthy
if len(s) == 0:
s = 'Default value'
with truthy it is shorter too
s or (s := 'Default value')
or even shorter,
do_something(s or (s := 'Default value'))
Without the assignment expression, one can do
s = s or 'Default value'
but not shorter. Some people find the s =... line unsatisfactory because it corresponds to
if len(s)>0:
s = s # HERE is an extra useless assignment
s = "Default value"
nevertheless you can adhere to this coding style if you feel comfortable with it.
Any object in Python can be tested for its truth value. It can be used in an if or while condition or as operand of the Boolean operations.
The following values are considered False:
zero of any numeric type, for example, 0, 0L, 0.0, 0j.
any empty sequence, for example, '', (), [].
any empty mapping, for example, {}.
instances of user-defined classes, if the class defines a __nonzero__() or __len__() method, when that method returns the integer zero or bool value False.
All other values are considered True -- thus objects of many types are always true.
Operations and built-in functions that have a Boolean result always return 0 or False for false and 1 or True for true, unless otherwise stated.
In case of if (!id) {}
!expr returns false if its single operand can be converted to true; otherwise, returns true.
If a value can be converted to true, the value is so-called truthy. If a value can be converted to false, the value is so-called falsy.
Examples of expressions that can be converted to false are:
empty string ("" or '' or ``);
Even though the ! operator can be used with operands that are not Boolean values, it can still be considered a boolean operator since its return value can always be converted to a boolean primitive. To explicitly convert its return value (or any expression in general) to the corresponding boolean value, use a double NOT operator or the Boolean constructor.
n1 = !null // !t returns true
n2 = !NaN // !f returns true
n3 = !'' // !f returns true
n4 = !'Cat' // !t returns false
While in case of if (id != null) {} it will only check if the value in id is not equal to null
reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Logical_NOT
Falsy means something empty like empty list,tuple, as any datatype having empty values or None.
Truthy means :
Except are Truthy

What is the check "if var:" actually doing in the background in Python3? [duplicate]

I just learned there are truthy and falsy values in python which are different from the normal True and False.
Can someone please explain in depth what truthy and falsy values are? Where should I use them? What is the difference between truthy and True values and falsy and False values?
We use "truthy" and "falsy" to differentiate from the bool values True and False. A "truthy" value will satisfy the check performed by if or while statements. As explained in the documentation, all values are considered "truthy" except for the following, which are "falsy":
Numbers that are numerically equal to zero, including:
fraction.Fraction(0, 1)
Empty sequences and collections, including:
[] - an empty list
{} - an empty dict
() - an empty tuple
set() - an empty set
'' - an empty str
b'' - an empty bytes
bytearray(b'') - an empty bytearray
memoryview(b'') - an empty memoryview
an empty range, like range(0)
objects for which
obj.__bool__() returns False
obj.__len__() returns 0, given that obj.__bool__ is undefined
As the comments described, it just refers to values which are evaluated to True or False.
For instance, to see if a list is not empty, instead of checking like this:
if len(my_list) != 0:
print("Not empty!")
You can simply do this:
if my_list:
print("Not empty!")
This is because some values, such as empty lists, are considered False when evaluated for a boolean value. Non-empty lists are True.
Similarly for the integer 0, the empty string "", and so on, for False, and non-zero integers, non-empty strings, and so on, for True.
The idea of terms like "truthy" and "falsy" simply refer to those values which are considered True in cases like those described above, and those which are considered False.
For example, an empty list ([]) is considered "falsy", and a non-empty list (for example, [1]) is considered "truthy".
See also this section of the documentation.
Python determines the truthiness by applying bool() to the type, which returns True or False which is used in an expression like if or while.
Here is an example for a custom class Vector2dand it's instance returning False when the magnitude (lenght of a vector) is 0, otherwise True.
import math
class Vector2d(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
def __abs__(self):
return math.hypot(self.x, self.y)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(abs(self))
a = Vector2d(0,0)
print(bool(a)) #False
b = Vector2d(10,0)
print(bool(b)) #True
Note: If we wouldn't have defined __bool__ it would always return True, as instances of a user-defined class are considered truthy by default.
Example from the book: "Fluent in Python, clear, concise and effective programming"
Truthy values refer to the objects used in a boolean context and not so much the boolean value that returns true or false.Take these as an example:
>>> bool([])
>>> bool([1])
>>> bool('')
>>> bool('hello')
Where should you use Truthy or Falsy values ?
These are syntactic sugar, so you can always avoid them, but using them can make your code more readable and make you more efficient.
Moreover, you will find them in many code examples, whether in python or not, because it is considered good practice.
As mentioned in the other answers, you can use them in if tests and while loops. Here are two other examples in python 3 with default values combined with or, s being a string variable. You will extend to similar situations as well.
Without truthy
if len(s) > 0:
print('Default value')
with truthy it is more concise:
print(s or 'Default value')
In python 3.8, we can take advantage of the assignment expression :=
without truthy
if len(s) == 0:
s = 'Default value'
with truthy it is shorter too
s or (s := 'Default value')
or even shorter,
do_something(s or (s := 'Default value'))
Without the assignment expression, one can do
s = s or 'Default value'
but not shorter. Some people find the s =... line unsatisfactory because it corresponds to
if len(s)>0:
s = s # HERE is an extra useless assignment
s = "Default value"
nevertheless you can adhere to this coding style if you feel comfortable with it.
Any object in Python can be tested for its truth value. It can be used in an if or while condition or as operand of the Boolean operations.
The following values are considered False:
zero of any numeric type, for example, 0, 0L, 0.0, 0j.
any empty sequence, for example, '', (), [].
any empty mapping, for example, {}.
instances of user-defined classes, if the class defines a __nonzero__() or __len__() method, when that method returns the integer zero or bool value False.
All other values are considered True -- thus objects of many types are always true.
Operations and built-in functions that have a Boolean result always return 0 or False for false and 1 or True for true, unless otherwise stated.
In case of if (!id) {}
!expr returns false if its single operand can be converted to true; otherwise, returns true.
If a value can be converted to true, the value is so-called truthy. If a value can be converted to false, the value is so-called falsy.
Examples of expressions that can be converted to false are:
empty string ("" or '' or ``);
Even though the ! operator can be used with operands that are not Boolean values, it can still be considered a boolean operator since its return value can always be converted to a boolean primitive. To explicitly convert its return value (or any expression in general) to the corresponding boolean value, use a double NOT operator or the Boolean constructor.
n1 = !null // !t returns true
n2 = !NaN // !f returns true
n3 = !'' // !f returns true
n4 = !'Cat' // !t returns false
While in case of if (id != null) {} it will only check if the value in id is not equal to null
reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Logical_NOT
Falsy means something empty like empty list,tuple, as any datatype having empty values or None.
Truthy means :
Except are Truthy

Boolean testing a list in Python

I was testing a list to see if it's empty or not. Normally I use len(list) == 0 and I vaguely remembered reading a little while ago that the correct way to test if a list is empty was whether it was True or false.
So I tried list is False, and that returned False. Maybe I'm suppose to be using == ?
Nope, that also returned false. list is True, returned false as did list == True.
Now I'm confused so I do a quick google and end up at: Best way to check if a list is empty
The top answer is:
if not a:
print "List is empty"
So I search around some more and end up in the python manual where 4.1 states:
Any object can be tested for truth value, for use in an if or while condition or as operand of the Boolean operations below. The following values are considered false:
any empty sequence, for example, '', (), [].
Now I'm plain confused. If I test a list as if not list, it works fine. But if an empty list is false, then why can't I just do if list is False or if list == False?
An empty list is not False, but when you convert it to a boolean, it converts to False. Likewise for dicts, tuples, strings, etc.:
>>> [] == False
>>> bool([]) == False
>>> {} == False
>>> bool({}) == False
When you put something in the condition of an if clause, it is its boolean value that is used for testing the if. That's why if someList is the same as if bool(someList). Likewise, not foo does a boolean not, so not [] equals True.
As other have said, in python bool([]) == False. One thing that is frequently exploited by python programmers is that the operators and and or don't (necessarily) return True/False. Consider the following:
3 and 4 #returns 4
0 and 8 #returns 0 -- This is short-circuit evaluation
0 or 8 #returns 8
True or 0 #returns True -- This is short-circuit evaluation
[] or False #returns False
False or [] #returns []
What happens in an if statement is that the condition gets evaluated as above and then python implicitly calls bool on the result -- So you can think of it as:
if condition:
is the same thing as:
if bool(condition):
as far as python is concerned. Similarly for the not operator:
not condition
is the same thing as
not bool(condition)
mylist is False means "is the object named mylist exactly the same object as False?"
mylist == False means "is the object named mylist equal to False?
not mylist means "does the object named mylist behave falsily?
None of these are equivalent: 1 is not 1.0 but 1 == 1.0 and [] != False but not [] is True.
Comparing the list to False, and testing the list's truth or falsehood aren't quite the same thing. An empty list isn't equal to False, but behaves as False in a boolean context.
Here's another way to say it that might help this make sense:
print (bool([]) == False) # will print True
print ([] == False) # will print False

