Python Timer2 call function every n milliseconds on Pi - python

I'm using timer2 in Python to save data from an IMU sensor into a file every 10 miliseconds (100Hz). I tell to timer2 to run the function every 10 ms with the method "apply_interval".
However, the timestamp show that the function is called irregularely and too many times (1 per ms)
I need to save the data at the same precise interval in order to perform machine learning.
I will be happy if you could fix it with me.
Here is the code :
from numpy import linalg as LA
from conf import *
import RTIMU
from ledFunctions import *
import timer2
class IMU():
def retrieve_data(self):
t = time.time()
timestamp = t - self.last_time
self.last_time = t
accel =["accel"]
gyro =["gyro"]
mag =["compass"]
f = open(self.nameFile, "a")
f.write(str(accel[0]) + ";" + str(accel[1]) + ";" + str(accel[2]) + ";" +
str(gyro[0]) + ";" + str(gyro[1]) + ";" + str(gyro[2]) + ";" +
str(mag[0]) + ";" + str(mag[1]) + ";" + str(mag[2]) + ";" + str(timestamp) + "\n")
def __init__(self):
self.last_time = time.time()
print("Using settings file " + SETTINGS_FILE + ".ini")
if not os.path.exists(SETTINGS_FILE + ".ini"):
print("Settings file does not exist, will be created")
self.s = RTIMU.Settings(SETTINGS_FILE)
# Create IMU object
self.imu = RTIMU.RTIMU(self.s)
print("IMU Name: " + self.imu.IMUName())
# Init IMU
if (not self.imu.IMUInit()):
print("IMU Init Failed")
print("IMU Init Succeeded")
# This is a good time to set any fusion parameters
# Check if save directory exists
self.imuDir = ifDirExists(imuDirectoryName)
nameFileNum = self.imuDir + "/nb"
# Check if nb file exists
if not (os.path.isfile(nameFileNum)):
fnb = open(nameFileNum, "w")
nb = 0
print("nb file does not exist, create it")
fnb = open(nameFileNum, "r")
nb = int(fnb.readline().strip())
print("nb file exists")
# Create new file with name = nb + 1
nb = nb + 1
self.nameFile = self.imuDir + "/" + str(nb)
f = open(self.nameFile, "a")
# Increment the value in nb file
fnb = open(nameFileNum, "w")
self.lastDisplay = time.time()
self.poll = self.imu.IMUGetPollInterval()
self.deltat = 0 = self.lastDisplay = time.time()
except IOError as e:
print "I/O Error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
# Retrieve data when available
if self.imu.IMURead(): = self.imu.getIMUData()
timer2.apply_interval(100, self.retrieve_data)
def loop(self):
# Retrieve data when available
if self.imu.IMURead(): = self.imu.getIMUData()
Thx :)


How to fix: KeyError: '__file__' in (anaconda3) when using run file (F5)

The script below works fine when running it with (F9). When running it with (F5) it still works (all operations are done fine), but produces the following error:
File "", line 1, in runfile('S:/Fakultaet/MFZ/NWFZ/AGdeHoz/Philipp/Python/',wdir='S:/Fakultaet/MFZ/NWFZ/AGdeHoz/Philipp/Python')
File "c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spyder\utils\site\",
line 709, in runfile namespace.pop('file')
KeyError: 'file'
I would like to know what is happening and how to fix it.
I read something about a nesting problem, so I took out the part where I import my own function and also the part where I use it. The error still persists. So it has at least nothing to do with my own function.
from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().magic('%reset -f')
import time
tic = time.time()
import sys
import os
import pickle
import CSC_getdata_timestamps
General_folder = 'Data' #where processed data will be saved
filename_extension = '_Sleep_auditory'; #file extension name
Database_name = 'mydata.obj' #name of database
ExpDates = 'ExpDates.obj' #name of object containing all experimental
root = r"S:\Fakultaet\MFZ\NWFZ\AGdeHoz\Philipp" #root directory (data
AnalyType = "LFP" #"SP" Local field potential or Spike analysis
spr = 30000 #sample rate
Cname = "CH"
file_md = open(r"S:\Fakultaet\MFZ\NWFZ\AGdeHoz\Philipp\Data\Database\\" +
Database_name, "rb")
md = pickle.load(file_md)
file_ExpDates =
open(r"S:\Fakultaet\MFZ\NWFZ\AGdeHoz\Philipp\Data\Database\\" +
ExpDates, "rb")
ExpDates = pickle.load(file_ExpDates)
for mi, expdates in enumerate(ExpDates):
day = expdates
mouse = md[expdates]['mouse']
files = md[expdates]['rectime']
filesm = md[expdates]['FRAm'] + md[expdates]['REMm'] + md[expdates]
['SWSm'] + md[expdates]['awakem']
rect = md[expdates]['rect']
filest = [md[expdates]['FRAt'], md[expdates]['REMt'], md[expdates]
['SWSt'], md[expdates]['awaket']]
channels = md[expdates]['channels']
for f, files_m in enumerate(filesm):
if len(files) == 1:
recname = files
tfiles = []
tfilesm = []
for i, file in enumerate(files):
tfiles.append(int(files[i][0:2]) * 60 + int(files[i]
tfilesm = int(files_m[f][0:2]) * 60 + int(files_m[f]
recidx = [i for i in range(len(tfiles)) if tfiles[i] <
recname = files[recidx[-1]]
TS0 = (int(rect[0:2]) * 3600 + int(rect[3:5]) * 60 +
int(rect[6:8])) * spr
TS1 = TS0 + (int(filest[f][0][0:2]) * 3600 + int(filest[f][0]
[3:5]) * 60 + int(filest[f][0][6:8])) * spr
TS2 = TS0 + TS1 + (int(filest[f][1][0:2]) * 3600 +
int(filest[f][1][3:5]) * 60 + int(filest[f][1][6:8])) * spr
TS = [TS1, TS2]
savename = files_m[0:2] + "-" + files_m[3:5]
if AnalyType == "LFP":
if not os.path.exists(root + "\Data\Raw" +
filename_extension + "\LFP\\" + day):
os.makedirs(root + "\Data\Raw" + filename_extension +
"\LFP\\" + day)
print("Directory already exists.")
elif AnalyType == "SP":
if not os.path.exists(root + "\Data\Raw" +
filename_extension + "\SP\\" + day):
os.makedirs(root + "\Data\Raw" + filename_extension +
"\SP\\" + day)
print("Directory already exists.")
sys.exit("Invalid type of analysis. Check variable
varlist, trseq, trlength, stlength, ntrials, datacscini,
samplefreq, tscsc, tstrig =
CSC_getdata_timestamps.CSC_getdata_timestamps(root, day,
savename, recname, channels, AnalyType, TS)
except Exception as e:
print('Error: ' + str(e))
print('mi = {}, f = {}'.format(mi, f))
toc = round(time.time() - tic, 2)
print("elapsed time:", toc, "seconds")
The whole script is to combine data from a (1) written database, with a (2) dataframe which includes specifications of a sound played during a (3) recording.
forgive me if it is written very unpythonic, I just recently switched from Matlab.
The script is for a application in Neuroscience.
(Spyder maintainer here) This error is fixed in our latest version (3.3.4). Please update by opening the Anaconda prompt and running there
conda install spyder=3.3.4

Get a result of a log file parsing speed every 10 seconds in python

I have a python code to parse a 1 TB log file, but the problem is my result is shown after the parsing process is finished. So for that I need to wait for 12 hours, and after 12 hours only then the result is shown. I want to know how can I parse a log file and know the result of the parsing speed every 10 seconds.
This is my code:
import re
import timeit
log_file = '/Users/kiya/Desktop/mysql/ipscan/ip.txt'
output_file ='/Users/kiya/Desktop/mysql/ipscan/k2u.csv'
class Log_minning:
def __init__(self):
self.counter = 0
def get_userdata(self):
user_att = []
list_usr = []
counterr = 0
with open(log_file, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
for line in infile:
if name_to_check in line:
username ='(?<=userName=)(.*)(?=,)', line)
username =
date ="([12]\d{3}(0[1-9]|1[0-2])+"
"(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))", line)
date =
time ="(\d{9}\+\d{4})", line)
time =
ip =
ip =
counterr = counterr + 1
self.counter = counterr
return list_usr
if __name__ == "__main__":
lm = Log_minning()
the_time = timeit.Timer(lm.get_userdata).repeat(1, 1000)
sing_time = min(the_time)/1000
speed = 600 / sing_time * lm.counter
# for line in lm.get_userdata():
# print(line)
"Processing " + str(lm.counter) + " in " + str(the_time) +
"\nThe speed aproximately " + str(speed) + " data in 10 sec"
This is the fully scanned seconds
Processing 117 in [6.646515152002394]

Python - WindowName for Compare with List

I am currently blocked on a point of a program in Python.
I wish to compare in a list, the WindowName event to launch directives.
import win32api
import pyHook
liste = ["Google", "Task"]
if event.WindowName == liste:
Screenshot ()
return True
return False
Complete code, he work:
def OnMouseEvent(event):
global interval
data = '\n[' + str(time.ctime().split(' ')[3]) + ']' \
+ ' WindowName : ' + str(event.WindowName)
data += '\n\tButton:' + str(event.MessageName)
data += '\n\tClicked in (Position):' + str(event.Position)
data += '\n===================='
global t, start_time, pics_names
Code Edit
t = t + data
if len(t) > 300:
if len(t) > 500:
f = open('Logfile.txt', 'a')
t = ''
if int(time.time() - start_time) == int(interval):
Mail_it(t, pics_names)
start_time = time.time()
t = ''
return True
return False
When i edit the code in """ doesn't work :
t = t + data
liste = ["Google", "Task"]
if event.WindowName == liste:
He return :
File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyHook\", line 324, in MouseSwitch func = self.mouse_funcs.get(msg) TypeError: an integer is required
I test this :
HookManager: func = self.keyboard_funcs.get(msg) to: func=self.keyboard_funcs.get( int(str(msg)) )
But is don't work, i think i note all problem.
Thanks for you help in advance :)

Python stange behaviour when acessing list elements

This small scripts makes exactly what I need.
import os
import fileinput
import sys
import shutil
import glob
import time
def replaceAll1(files,searchExp,replaceExp):
for line in fileinput.input(files, inplace=1):
if searchExp in line:
line = line.replace(searchExp,replaceExp)
param1 = [1,2,3]
param2 = [1,2,3]
param3 = [1,2,3]
for i in xrange(len(param1)):
for ii in xrange(len(param2)):
for iii in xrange(len(param3)):
os.system("cp -a")
old_param1 = "param1 = 1"
old_param2 = "param2 = 1"
old_param3 = "param3 = 1"
new_param1 = "param1 = " + str(param1[i])
new_param2 = "param2 = " + str(param2[ii])
new_param3 = "param3 = " + str(param3[iii])
It enters in a configuration file and replaces sequentially the input parameters according to the lists that are accessed by the loop indexes. It is simple a combination of all the three parameters between each other.
# Input file
param1 = 1 # --- Should be [1,2,3]
param2 = 1 # --- Should be [1,2,3]
param3 = 1 # --- Should be [1,2,3]
The problem is that his big brother is not behaving like it. When it loops through the lists, it gets lost in scheme = 2 and puts dissp_scheme = 2 (freezed) when it should be dissp_scheme = 1. I printed out every single variable that goes inside the function replaceAll marked with comments but when I turn on the other calls it mess up everything. Here is the script.
import os
import fileinput
import sys
import shutil
import glob
import time
# Replaces the input file parameters
def replaceAll(files,searchExp,replaceExp):
for line in fileinput.input(files, inplace=1):
if searchExp in line:
line = line.replace(searchExp,replaceExp)
# Gets a number inside my input file.
def get_parameter(variable,file_name):
f = open(file_name,'r').readlines()
for i in xrange(len(f)):
index = f[i].find(variable)
if index != -1:
pre_found = f[i].split('=')[1]
return pre_found
# Gets the discretization scheme name.
def get_sheme(number):
if number == 1:
return "Simple Centered Scheme"
elif number == 2:
return "Lax-Wendroff Scheme"
elif number == 3:
return "MacCormack Scheme"
elif number == 4:
return "Beam-Warming Scheme"
elif number == 5:
return "Steger-Warming 1st Order Scheme"
elif number == 6:
return "Steger-Warming 2nd Order Scheme"
elif number == 7:
return "Van Leer 1st Order Scheme"
elif number == 8:
return "Van Leer 2nd Order Scheme"
elif number == 9:
return "Roe Scheme"
elif number == 10:
return "AUSM Scheme"
# Gets the dissipation scheme name.
def get_dissip(number):
if number == 1:
return "Pullian Non-Linear dissipation"
elif number == 2:
return "Second difference dissipation"
elif number == 3:
return "Fourth difference dissipation"
elif number == 4:
return "B&W dissipation"
# Generates the density gnuplot scripts.
def gnuplot(variable,pressure_ratio,scheme,dissip_scheme):
# Building name of the output file.
outFileName = variable.lower() + '_ratio' + str(int(pressure_ratio)) + '_' + scheme.replace(" ","") + '_dissp' + dissip_scheme.replace(" ","") + '.tex'
gnuFileName = variable.lower() + '_ratio' + str(int(pressure_ratio)) + '_' + scheme.replace(" ","") + '_dissp' + dissip_scheme.replace(" ","") + '.gnu'
# Build title of the plot
title = 'Analytical vs Numerical | ' + scheme
f = open(gnuFileName,'w')
f.write("set term cairolatex monochrome size 15.0cm, 8cm\n")
f.write('set output "' + outFileName + '"\n')
f.write("set grid\n")
f.write('set xtics font "Times-Roman, 10\n')
f.write('set ytics font "Times-Roman, 10\n')
f.write('set xlabel "x position" center\n')
f.write('set ylabel "' + variable + '" center\n')
f.write('set title "Analytical vs Numerical Results | ' + variable + '" \n')
f.write('set pointsize 0.5\n')
f.write('set key font ",10"\n')
fortran_out_analytical = 'a' + variable.lower() + '.out'
fortran_out_numerical = variable.lower() + 'Output.out'
f.write('plot "' + fortran_out_analytical +'" u 1:2 with linespoints lt -1 lw 1 pt 4 title "Analytical",\\\n')
f.write( '"' + fortran_out_numerical + '" u 1:2 with lines lw 5 title "Numerical"\n')
# Generate latex code.
def generate_latex(text_image_file,caption):
latex.write(" \centering\n")
latex.write(" \input{" + text_image_file + "}\n")
latex.write(" \caption{"+ caption +"}\n")
latex.write(" \label{fig:digraph}\n")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main loop.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
pressure_ratios = [5.0]
schemes = [1,2,3]
dissips = [1,2,3]
# Define replace lines for replace all.
scheme_line = "scheme = "
dissip_line = "dissp_scheme = "
# Open Latex export file.
latex = open("bizu.txt",'w')
i = 0
# ratios.
for i in xrange(len(pressure_ratios)):
print "----------------------------------------"
print " + Configuring File for pressure ratio: " + str(pressure_ratios[i])
print "----------------------------------------\n"
# Schemes
for jj in xrange(len(schemes)):
print " + Configuring file for scheme: " + get_sheme(schemes[jj]) + "\n"
for kkk in xrange(len(dissips)):
print " + Configuring file for dissip: " + get_dissip(dissips[kkk])
# We always work with a brand new file.
os.system("cp -a")
# Replace pressures.
p1_line_old = 'p1 = 5.0d0'
rho1_line_old = 'rho1 = 5.0d0'
p1_line_new = 'p1 = ' + str(pressure_ratios[i]) + 'd0'
rho1_line_new = 'rho1 = ' + str(pressure_ratios[i]) + 'd0'
# Replace discretization scheme.
old_scheme = scheme_line + "1"
new_scheme = scheme_line + str(schemes[jj])
# This call is messing everything up when scheme turns to 2
# Replace dissipation scheme.
old_dissp_scheme = dissip_line + "1"
new_dissp_scheme = dissip_line + str(dissips[kkk])
print p1_line_old
print new_scheme
print new_dissp_scheme
replaceAll('',old_dissp_scheme, new_dissp_scheme)
# ### Calling program
# os.system("./sod")
And the input file that the it works on is:
p1 = 5.0d0
p4 = 1.0d0
rho1 = 5.0d0
rho4 = 1.0d0
fgamma = 1.4d0
R_const = 287.0d0
F_Cp = 1004.5
F_Cv = 717.5
total_mesh_points = 1001
start_mesh_point = -5.0d0
final_mesh_point = 5.0d0
print_step = 100
scheme = 3
iterations = 10000
time_step = 0.0001d0
dissp_scheme = 3
dissip_omega = 0.5d0
Thank you all !

Script Loop through files in directory

I have the following code which creates the txt file I require from a shp.file with the data I need. I have a folder called profiles containing a few number of shape files named (profil1.shp, profil2.shp, profil3.shp etc.). I was wondering how to create a loop so that the script creates for each file a txt file with the same name (eg. for profil1.shp create profil1.txt, profil2.shp create profil2.txt and so on).
import ogr, os, sys, osr
file = open('profil1.txt', 'w')
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
datasource = driver.Open('profil1.shp', 0)
if datasource is None:
print 'Could not open file'
layer = datasource.GetLayer()
feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
while feature:
id = feature.GetFieldAsString('ID')
Distanta = feature.GetFieldAsString('DIST')
Z = feature.GetFieldAsString('Z')
geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
x = str(geom.GetX())
y = str(geom.GetY())
file.write(id + " " + Distanta + " " + "[X]:" + " " + x + ' ' + '[Y]:' + " " + y + " " + " " + "[Z]" + Z + " " + "\n")
feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
edit: the code is returning a Could not open file.Photo of the folder containing the files and their respective names. Safe to assume I am doing something wrong.
import ogr, os, sys, osr,os.path
os.chdir = ('C:\Users\Andrei\Desktop\profil3')
l = os.listdir('C:\Users\Andrei\Desktop\profil3')
for i in l:
if i.endswith('.shp'):
s1 = s.split('.')[0] + '.txt'
file = open(s1, 'w')
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
datasource = driver.Open(i, 0)
if datasource is None:
print 'Could not open file'
layer = datasource.GetLayer()
feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
while feature:
id = feature.GetFieldAsString('ID')
Distanta = feature.GetFieldAsString('DIST')
Z = feature.GetFieldAsString('Z')
geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
x = str(geom.GetX())
y = str(geom.GetY())
file.write(id + " " + Distanta + " " + "[X]:" + " " + x + ' ' + '[Y]:' + " " + y + " " + " " + "[Z]" + Z + " " + "\n")
feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
You can use os.listdir() to list the files and folders in the current directory.
This returns a list of all files in the current directory (or the directory given to it as parameter , if no parameter is specified it checks the current directory) .
Then you can check for files with the name ending with .shp using string.endswith() function and then use that to create your new files.
Example of a small portion -
import os , os.path
l = os.listdir()
for i in l:
if i.endswith('.shp'):
s1 = s.split('.')[0] + '.txt'
At the end s1 would contain the file with extension as .txt .
Then you can do your logic on this file, and keep on doing like this.
Full code would look something like -
import ogr, os, sys, osr,os.path
l = os.listdir()
for i in l:
if i.endswith('.shp'):
s1 = s.split('.')[0] + '.txt'
file = open(s1, 'w')
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
datasource = driver.Open(i, 0)
if datasource is None:
print 'Could not open file'
layer = datasource.GetLayer()
feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
while feature:
id = feature.GetFieldAsString('ID')
Distanta = feature.GetFieldAsString('DIST')
Z = feature.GetFieldAsString('Z')
geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
x = str(geom.GetX())
y = str(geom.GetY())
file.write(id + " " + Distanta + " " + "[X]:" + " " + x + ' ' + '[Y]:' + " " + y + " " + " " + "[Z]" + Z + " " + "\n")
feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
A better way of openning files, etc is using with statement. Look up its tutorial here.

