I'm new to getting data using API and Python. I want to pull data from my trading platform. They've provided the following instructions:
I'm ok up to step 4 and have an access token. I need help with step 5. How do I translate this request:
GET /v1/accounts HTTP/1.1
Host: https://api01.iq.questrade.com
Authorization: Bearer C3lTUKuNQrAAmSD/TPjuV/HI7aNrAwDp
into Python code? I've tried
import requests
r = requests.get('https://api01.iq.questrade.com/v1/accounts', headers={'Authorization': 'access_token myToken'})
I tried that after reading this: python request with authentication (access_token)
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
As you point out, after step 4 you should have received an access token as follows:
“access_token”: ”C3lTUKuNQrAAmSD/TPjuV/HI7aNrAwDp”,
“token_type”: ”Bearer”,
“expires_in”: 300,
“refresh_token”: ”aSBe7wAAdx88QTbwut0tiu3SYic3ox8F”,
“api_server”: ”https://api01.iq.questrade.com”
To make subsequent API calls, you will need to construct your URI as follows:
uri = [api_server]/v1/[rest_operation]
uri = "https://api01.iq.questrade.com/v1/time"
Note: Make sure you use the same [api_server] that you received in your json object from step 4, otherwise your calls will not work with the given access_token
Next, construct your headers as follows:
headers = {'Authorization': [token_type] + ' ' + [access_token]}
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer C3lTUKuNQrAAmSD/TPjuV/HI7aNrAwDp'}
Finally, make your requests call as follows
r = requests.get(uri, headers=headers)
response = r.json()
Hope this helps!
Note: You can find a Questrade API Python wrapper on GitHub which handles all of the above for you.
Improving a bit on Peter's reply (Thank you Peter!)
start by using the token you got from the QT website to obtain an access_token and get an api_server assigned to handle your requests.
# replace XXXXXXXX with the token given to you in your questrade account
import requests
r = requests.get('https://login.questrade.com/oauth2/token?grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=XXXXXXXX')
access_token = str(r.json()['access_token'])
refresh_token= str(r.json()['refresh_token']) # you will need this refresh_token to obtain another access_token when it expires
api_server= str(r.json()['api_server'])
token_type= str(r.json()['token_type'])
api_server= str(r.json()['api_server'])
expires_in = str(r.json()['expires_in'])
# uri = api_server+'v1/'+[action] - let's try checking the server's time:
uri = api_server+'v1/'+'time'
headers = {'Authorization': token_type +' '+access_token}
# will look sth like this
# headers will look sth like {'Authorization': 'Bearer ix7rAhcXx83judEVUa8egpK2JqhPD2_z0'}
# uri will look sth like 'https://api05.iq.questrade.com/v1/time'
# you can test now with
r = requests.get(uri, headers=headers)
response = r.json()
def queue_song(session_id):
tokens = get_user_tokens(session_id)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': "Bearer " + tokens.access_token,
url = BASE_URL +'player/queue'
response = requests.post(url,headers=headers,data=data).json()
{'error': {'status': 400, 'message': 'Required parameter uri missing'}}
I dont thing there is any problem with auth tokens... coz 'GET' requests are working fine
By default, using data= in requests.post() sets the content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded which makes the body a akin to a HTTP form request.
Spotify's API is JSON based, so your data needs to be a valid json data.
You can do it in 2 ways:
response = requests.post(url,headers=headers,data=json.dumps(data)).json()
Or, more simply:
response = requests.post(url,headers=headers,json=data).json()
and in this way you don't need to manually set the application/json header as well.
After going through the API docs you linked, there's more wrong with the call you're making.
You're sending the parameters in data - which is the body of the request. But Spotify API specifies the parameters need to be put in the Query i.e. the query string of the URI. Which means your request should be:
response = requests.post(url,headers=headers,params=data).json() # set query string not body
and thank you for you useful help already.
I am trying to make an API call using python. Sadly, the only documentation of the API is an implementation already existing in C#.
My problem is, that after i acquire an Azure AADTokenCredential object - i simply do not know how to use it in my HTTPS request.
def get_data_from_api(credentials):
serialNumber = "123456789"
fromDate = "01/10/2019 00:00:00" # DD/m/YYYY HH:MM:SS
untilDate = "09/10/2019 00:00:00" # DD/m/YYYY HH:MM:SS
serialNumber: serialNumber,
fromDate: fromDate,
untilDate: untilDate
url = "https://myapi.azurewebsites.net/api/sensordata/GetBySerialNumber"
r = requests.get(url = url, header={"Authorization": credentials}, params=PARAMS)
#data = r.json()
return data
The credentials is an msrestazure.azure_active_directory.AADTokenCredentials retrieved using the adal package.
The above code results in an error as the header object can only be strings.
My question is - How do i pass the authorization object in the correct way?
The C# implementation looks like this:
// Make a request to get the token from AAD
AuthenticationResult result = Task.Run(async () => await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, cc)).Result;
// Get the auth header which includes the token from the result
string authHeader = result.CreateAuthorizationHeader();
// ...
// Prepare a HTTP request for getting data.
// First create a client
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// Create the actual request. It is a GET request so pass the arguments in the url is enough
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(
HttpMethod.Get, $"https://api.azurewebsites.net/api/sensordata/GetBySerialNumber?serialNumber={serialNumber}&from={fromDate}&until={untilDate}");
// Add the required authorization header that includes the token. Without it the request will fail as unauthorized
request.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Authorization", authHeader);
// Prepare the response object
HttpResponseMessage response = Task.Run(async () => await client.SendAsync(request)).Result;
So yes! I finally solved it.
My problem was that i was passing on the ADAL object to the requests phase, however what I needed to do was pass on the actual token that is retrieved using: 'credentials = context.acquire_token_with_client_credentials(resource_uri,client_id,client_secret)'.
Here credentials is a dictionary and what the requests needs in the header for authentication was:
header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer "+credentials["accessToken"]
r = requests.get(url=url, headers=header, params=PARAMS)
passing this on to the requests.get method worked!
I am making API requests via Python's 'requests'-module. I am getting the access_token, which is a Bearer token.
I've put the token into a variable like this:
def get_token():
url = 'https://myapiurl.com/oauth/token'
payload = {'username':'myusername', 'password':'mypassword'}
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'origin': 'https://blabla.com'}
r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload),headers=headers)
mytoken = r.json()['token_type']
mytokentype = r.json()['access_token']
token_param = str(mytoken) + ' ' + str(mytokentype)
return token_param
The output is a string that has this structure:
Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhb.....0sImF6cCI6ImVCOEdI
I need this structure for the following GET requests where this access_token is required. I don't want to get a new token everytime I make a new GET-request.
I have issues in finding out how to:
1: store an access_token
2: check if the access_token is valid
3: use this token to make other GET requests on my API.
I am very thankful for any advice.
My answer:
I've put the whole output of my POST request into the variable result.
The structure of my token has to be like this: "Bearer tokenstring".
So I put the type into the variable result_tokentypeand the token string into the variable result_accesstoken.
Finally I put them together into the variable accessToken:
result_tokentype = result["token_type"]
result_accesstoken = result["access_token"]
accessToken = str(result_tokentype) + " " + str(result_accesstoken)
Now that I have the complete string in the right structure, I can use this variable for the next requests, e.g.:
url = "https://myurl.com"
headers = {"Authorization": accessToken, "key1": "value1", "Content-Type": "application/json" }
conn.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
This worked the best for me, here.
I'm fairly new to Python programming and I don't know all the libraries needed for the following.
I would like to use Python to test some HTTP APIs. Mainly I want to use OAuth and make a few JSON calls. The APIs in question can be found on: https://developers.trustpilot.com/authentication and the generate product review link (I can only use one link)
I want to authenticate myself and then generate a product review link in one step. So far I've been using the Advanced REST client (ARC) to make these calls individually. I could also use .arc files if you think it's easier.
The idea would be make these calls successively in one go. So it would be something along the lines:
1) Make the authentication call.
The HTTP Method looks like this:
Method Post:
Authorization: Basic Base64encode(APIkey:Secret)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Translate this bit into Python basically.
1.a) Add a header to the call
Header Authorization: base64encode hash Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
1.b) Add a payload to the call
Payload: grant_type=password&username
4) Receive the token from call made in step 1) (Result is format)
"access token": Auth_token
5) Take the token and use it in creating a product review.
5.a) Add the token in the header
Header: Authorization: Bearer Auth_token
6.a) Add a JSON payload to the call made in step 5.
Here's the code I have so far:
Import requests
header = {'Authorization: Basic NnNrQUprTWRHTU5VSXJGYXBVRGxack1oT01oTUFRZHI6QTFvOGJjRUNDdUxBTmVqUQ==}','Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
payload = {'grant_type=password&username=email#address.com&password=SomePassword'}
r = requests.post('https://api.trustpilot.com/v1/oauth/oauth-business-users-for-applications/accesstoken', headers=header, params=payload )
Ideally I want to create the requests.post(url, header, payload) and then return what the server answers in JSON format. I think that print r.text would do the last part.
So this is the code I have writtent (that works now):
import requests
import getpass
import json
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
header = {'grant_type':'password' , 'username':'mail#maildomain.com', 'password':'YourPassword'}
username= "YOURAPIKEY" #APIKey
password= "YOURSECRET" #Secret
res = requests.post(
auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password), # basic authentication
#print(res.content) #See content of the call result.
data = res.json() # get response as parsed json (will return a dict)
auth_token = data.get('access_token')
requests can do all what you ask without any work from your part.
See the doc for authentication, parameters, json output, json input
Make the authentication call.
import requests
import getpass
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
username = raw_input('Username: ')
password = getpass.getpass('Password: ')
res = requests.post(
auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password), # basic authentication
params={ # url parameters
'grant_type': 'password',
'username': 'email#address.com',
'password': 'SomePassword'
Receive the token from call made in step 1) (Result is format)
# res = requests.post.....
data = res.json() # get response as parsed json (will return a dict)
auth_token = data.get('access token')
Take the token and use it in creating a product review.
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + auth_token
json={'my': 'payload'}) # send data as json
I have a request URI and a token. If I use:
curl -s "<MY_URI>" -H "Authorization: TOK:<MY_TOKEN>"
etc., I get a 200 and view the corresponding JSON data.
So, I installed requests and when I attempt to access this resource I get a 403 probably because I do not know the correct syntax to pass that token. Can anyone help me figure it out?
This is what I have:
import sys,socket
import requests
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>','<MY_TOKEN>')
r. status_code
I already tried:
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>',auth=('<MY_TOKEN>'))
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>',auth=('TOK','<MY_TOKEN>'))
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>',headers=('Authorization: TOK:<MY_TOKEN>'))
But none of these work.
In python:
is equivalent to
And requests interprets
('TOK', '<MY_TOKEN>')
As you wanting requests to use Basic Authentication and craft an authorization header like so:
Which is the base64 representation of 'TOK:<MY_TOKEN>'
To pass your own header you pass in a dictionary like so:
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>', headers={'Authorization': 'TOK:<MY_TOKEN>'})
I was looking for something similar and came across this. It looks like in the first option you mentioned
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>', auth=('<MY_TOKEN>'))
"auth" takes two parameters: username and password, so the actual statement should be
r=requests.get('<MY_URI>', auth=('<YOUR_USERNAME>', '<YOUR_PASSWORD>'))
In my case, there was no password, so I left the second parameter in auth field empty as shown below:
r=requests.get('<MY_URI', auth=('MY_USERNAME', ''))
Hope this helps somebody :)
This worked for me:
access_token = #yourAccessTokenHere#
result = requests.post(url,
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)})
You can also set headers for the entire session:
TOKEN = 'abcd0123'
HEADERS = {'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(TOKEN)}
with requests.Session() as s:
resp = s.get('http://example.com/')
I found it here, it's working for me with Linkedin:
The code I used with Linkedin login is:
ref = 'https://api.linkedin.com/v2/me'
headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",'Authorization':'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)}
Linkedin_user_info = requests.get(ref1, headers=headers).json()
Requests natively supports basic auth only with user-pass params, not with tokens.
You could, if you wanted, add the following class to have requests support token based basic authentication:
import requests
from base64 import b64encode
class BasicAuthToken(requests.auth.AuthBase):
def __init__(self, token):
self.token = token
def __call__(self, r):
authstr = 'Basic ' + b64encode(('token:' + self.token).encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
r.headers['Authorization'] = authstr
return r
Then, to use it run the following request :
r = requests.get(url, auth=BasicAuthToken(api_token))
An alternative would be to formulate a custom header instead, just as was suggested by other users here.
You can try something like this
r = requests.get(ENDPOINT, params=params, headers={'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % API_KEY})
This worked for me:
r = requests.get('', headers={'Authorization': 'Token 22ec0cc4207ebead1f51dea06ff149342082b190'})
My code uses user generated token.
You have a request needing an authorization maybe you have a result 401.
Suppose your request is like this :
REQ ='https://api.asite.com/something/else/else'
You have your token :
TOKEN = 'fliuzabuvdgfnsuczkncsq12454632'
build your header like this :
HEADER = {'Authorization': f'{TOKEN}'}
and use it like this :
req.get(REQ, headers=HEADER)
display your result like this :
req.get(COACH, headers=HEADER).json()