Why does my program have no output? - python

I wrote a program to answer this question. It says that my program has no output.
Write a program to read through the mbox-short.txt and figure out the distribution by hour of the day for each of the messages. You can pull the hour out from the 'From ' line by finding the time and then splitting the string a second time using a colon.
From sample.user#example.com.za Sat Jan 5 09:14:16 2008
Once you have accumulated the counts for each hour, print out the counts, sorted by hour as shown below.
Desired Output:
04 3
06 1
07 1
09 2
10 3
11 6
14 1
15 2
16 4
17 2
18 1
19 1
My code:
name = raw_input("Enter file:")
if len(name) < 1 : name = "mbox-short.txt"
handle = open(name)
counts = dict()
for line in handle:
if not line.startswith('From'):
words = line.split()
time = words[5]
timesplit = time.split(':')
hour = timesplit[0]
for x in hour:
counts[x] = counts.get(x, 0) + 1
lists = list()
for key, val in counts.items():
lists.append( (key, val) )
for val, key in lists:
print key, val

I guess you make the mistake by putting the following codes into the if indentedStatementBlock.
words = line.split()
time = words[5]
timesplit = time.split(':')
hour = timesplit[0]
for x in hour:
counts[x] = counts.get(x, 0) + 1

You have an indentation problem. Nothing beyond continue in your loop will ever be processed. I would recommend you change the if statement to if line.startswith('From'): and remove the continue altogether.
Why are you doing this for x in hour: ? hour appears to be a two character string, so when you iterate over '08', x will equal '0' then '8'. Just count the hour.
Also, counts.items() creates a list of tuples, so you dont need to iterate over that list to create a new list of tuples.
lists = counts.items()
Additionally, you should make a habit of closing the file again.
For completeness sake, this is how I would approach the same problem:
from collections import Counter
def extract_hour(line):
return line.split()[5].split(':')[0]
lists = Counter(extract_hour(line) for line in open("mbox-short.txt") if line.startswith('From')).items()

Through trial and error and a bit help from the suggestions from the previous answers here, I have come up with the solution and my code worked!
name = raw_input("Enter file:")
if len(name) < 1 : name = "mbox-short.txt"
handle = open(name)
counts = dict()
for line in handle:
line = line.rstrip()
if line == '': continue
if line.startswith('From '):
words = line.split()
time = words[5]
tsplit = time.split(":")
counts[tsplit[0]] = counts.get(tsplit[0], 0) + 1
lists = list()
for key, val in counts.items():
lists.append( (key, val) )
for val, key in lists:
print val, key


Add new line after finding last string in a region

I have this input test.txt file with the output interleaved as #Expected in it (after finding the last line containing 1 1 1 1 within a *Title region
and this code in Python 3.6
index = 0
insert = False
currentTitle = ""
testfile = open("test.txt","r")
content = testfile.readlines()
finalContent = content
# Should change the below line of code I guess to adapt
#titles = ["TitleX","TitleY","TitleZ"]
for line in content:
index = index + 1
for title in titles:
if line in title+"\n":
currentTitle = line
print (line)
if line == "1 1 1 1\n":
insert = True
if (insert == True) and (line != "1 1 1 1\n"):
finalContent.insert(index-1, currentTitle[:6] + "2" + currentTitle[6:])
insert = False
f = open("test.txt", "w")
finalContent = "".join(finalContent)
Actual output with the answer provided
*Title Test
asdas 1 1 1 1
rthtr 1 1 1 1
asdasf 1 1 1 1
asfasf 1 1 1 1
blabla 1 1 1 1
#Expected "*Title Test2" here <-- it didn't add it
*Title Dunno
12763125 1 1 1 1
whatever 1 1 1 1
*Title Dunno2
#Expected "*Title Dunno2" here <-- This worked great
#and so on for thousands of them..
Also is there a way to overwrite this in the test.txt file?
Because you are already reading the entire file into memory anyway, it's easy to scan through the lines twice; once to find the last transition out of a region after each title, and once to write the modified data back to the same filename, overwriting the previous contents.
I'm introducing a dictionary variable transitions where the keys are the indices of the lines which have a transition, and the value for each is the text to add at that point.
transitions = dict()
in_region = False
reg_end = -1
current_title = None
with open("test.txt","r") as testfile:
content = testfile.readlines()
for idx, line in enumerate(content):
if line.startswith('*Title '):
# Commit last transition before this to dict, if any
if current_title:
transitions[reg_end] = current_title
# add suffix for printing
current_title = line.rstrip('\n') + '2\n'
elif line.strip().endswith(' 1 1 1 1'):
in_region = True
# This will be overwritten while we remain in the region
reg_end = idx
elif in_region:
in_region = False
if current_title:
transitions[reg_end] = current_title
with open("test.txt", "w") as output:
for idx, line in enumerate(content):
if idx in transitions:
This kind of "remember the last time we saw something" loop is very common, but takes some time getting used to. Inside the loop, keep in mind that we are looping over all the lines, and remembering some things we saw during a previous iteration of this loop. (Forgetting the last thing you were supposed to remember when you are finally out of the loop is also a very common bug!)
The strip() before we look for 1 1 1 1 normalizes the input by removing any surrounding whitespace. You could do other kinds of normalizations, too; normalizing your data is another very common technique for simplifying your logic.
Demo: https://ideone.com/GzNUA5
try this, using itertools.zip_longest
from itertools import zip_longest
with open("test.txt","r") as f:
content = f.readlines()
results, title = [], ""
for i, j in zip_longest(content, content[1:]):
# extract title.
if i.startswith("*"):
title = i
# compare value in i'th index with i+1'th (if mismatch add title)
if "1 1 1 1" in i and "1 1 1 1" not in j:

Finding the substring with the most repeats in a dictionary with dna sequences

The substring has to be with 6 characters. The number I'm gettig is smaller than it should be.
first I've written code to get the sequences from a file, then put them in a dictionary, then written 3 nested for loops: the first iterates over the dictionary and gets a sequence in each iteration. The second takes each sequence and gets a substring with 6 characters from it. In each iteration, the second loop increases the index of the start of the string (the long sequence) by 1. The third loop takes each substring from the second loop, and counts how many times it appears in each string (long sequence).
I tried rewriting the code many times. I think I got very close. I checked if the loops actually do their iterations, and they do. I even checked manually to see if the counts for a substring in random sequences are the same as the program gives, and they are. Any idea? maybe a different approach? what debugger do you use for Python?
I added a file with 3 shortened sequences for testing. Maybe try smaller substring: say with 3 characters instead of 6: rep_len = 3
The code
matches = []
count = 0
final_count = 0
rep_len = 6
repeat = ''
pos = 0
seq_count = 0
seqs = {}
f = open(r"file.fasta")
# inserting each sequences from the file into a dictionary
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
if line[0] == '>':
seq_count += 1
name = seq_count
seqs[name] = ''
seqs[name] += line
for key, seq in seqs.items(): # getting one sequence in each iteration
for pos in range(len(seq)): # setting an index and increasing it by 1 in each iteration
if pos <= len(seq) - rep_len: # checking no substring from the end of the sequence are selected
repeat = seq[pos:pos + rep_len] # setting a substring
if repeat not in matches: # checking if the substring was already scanned
matches.append(repeat) # adding the substring to previously checked substrings' list
for key1, seq2 in seqs.items(): # iterating over each sequence
count += seq2.count(repeat) # counting the substring's repetitions
if count > final_count: # if the count is greater than the previously saved greatest number
final_count = count # the new value is saved
count = 0
print('repetitions: ', final_count) # printing
The code is not very clear, so it is a bit difficult to debug. I suggest rewriting.
Anyway, I (currently) just noted one small mistake:
if pos < len(seq) - rep_len:
Should be
if pos <= len(seq) - rep_len:
Currently, the last character in each sequence is ignored.
Here some rewriting of your code that is clearer and might help you investigate the errors:
rep_len = 6
seq_count = 0
seqs = {}
filename = "dna2.txt"
# Extract the data into a dictionary
with open(filename, "r") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
if line[0] == '>':
seq_count += 1
name = seq_count
seqs[name] = ''
seqs[name] += line
# Store all the information, so that you can reuse it later
counter = {}
for key, seq in seqs.items():
for pos in range(len(seq)-rep_len):
repeat = seq[pos:pos + rep_len]
if repeat in counter:
counter[repeat] += 1
counter[repeat] = 1
# Sort the counter to have max occurrences first
sorted_counter = sorted(counter.items(), key = lambda item:item[1], reverse=True )
# Display the 5 max occurrences
for i in range(5):
key, rep = sorted_counter[i]
print("{} -> {}".format(key, rep))
# GCGCGC -> 11
# CCGCCG -> 11
# CGCCGA -> 10
# CGCGCG -> 9
# CGTCGA -> 9
It might be easier to use Counter from the collections module in Python. Also check out the NLTK library.
An example:
from collections import Counter
from nltk.util import ngrams
sequence = "cggttgcaatgagcgtcttgcacggaccgtcatgtaagaccgctacgcttcgatcaacgctattacgcaagccaccgaatgcccggctcgtcccaacctg"
def reps(substr):
"Counts repeats in a substring"
return sum([i for i in Counter(substr).values() if i>1])
def make_grams(sent, n=6):
"splits a sentence into n-grams"
return ["".join(seq) for seq in (ngrams(sent,n))]
grams = make_grams(sequence) # splits string into substrings
max_length = max(list(map(reps, grams))) # gets maximum repeat count
result = [dna for dna in grams if reps(dna) == max_length]
Output: ['gcgtct', 'cacgga', 'acggac', 'tgtaag', 'agaccg', 'gcttcg', 'cgcaag', 'gcaagc', 'gcccgg', 'cccggc', 'gctcgt', 'cccaac', 'ccaacc']
And if the question is look for the string with the most repeated character:
repeat_count = [max(Counter(a).values()) for a in result] # highest character repeat count
result_dict = {dna:ct for (dna,ct) in zip(result, repeat_count)}
another_result = [dna for dna in result_dict.keys() if result_dict[dna] == max(repeat_count)]
Output: ['cccggc', 'cccaac', 'ccaacc']

Print data between positions within a loop

I have one files.
File1 which has 3 columns. Data are tab separated
2 4 Apple
6 7 Samsung
Let's say if I run a loop of 10 iteration. If the iteration has value between column 1 and column 2 of File1, then print the corresponding 3rd column from File1, else print "0".
The columns may or may not be sorted, but 2nd column is always greater than 1st. Range of values in the two columns do not overlap between lines.
The output Result should look like this.
My program in python is here:
chr5_1 = [[]]
for line in file:
line = line.rstrip()
line = line.split("\t")
# Here I store all position information in chr5_1 list in list
for i in range (1,10):
for listo in chr5_1:
L1 = " ".join(str(x) for x in listo[:1])
L2 = " ".join(str(x) for x in listo[1:2])
L3 = " ".join(str(x) for x in listo[2:3])
if int(L1) <= i and int(L2) >= i:
print ("0")
I am confused with loop iteration and it break point.
Try this:
chr5_1 = dict()
for line in file:
line = line.rstrip()
_from, _to, value = line.split("\t")
for i in range(int(_from), int(_to) + 1):
chr5_1[i] = value
for i in range (1, 10):
print chr5_1.get(i, "0")
I think this is a job for else:
position_information = []
with open('file1', 'rb') as f:
for line in f:
for i in range(1, 11):
for start, through, value in position_information:
if i >= int(start) and i <= int(through):
print value
# No need to continue searching for something to print on this line
# We never found anything to print on this line, so print 0 instead
print 0
This gives the result you're looking for:
import io
s = '''2 4 Apple
6 7 Samsung'''
# Python 2.x
f = io.BytesIO(s)
# Python 3.x
#f = io.StringIO(s)
If the lines of the file are not sorted by the first column:
import csv, operator
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter = ' ', skipinitialspace = True)
f = list(reader)
f.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(0))
Read each line; do some math to figure out what to print and how many of them to print; print stuff; iterate
def print_stuff(thing, n):
while n > 0:
n -= 1
limit = 10
prev_end = 1
for line in f:
# if iterating over a file, separate the columns
begin, end, text = line.strip().split()
# if iterating over the sorted list of lines
#begin, end, text = line
begin, end = map(int, (begin, end))
# don't exceed the limit
begin = begin if begin < limit else limit
# how many zeros?
gap = begin - prev_end
print_stuff('0', gap)
if begin == limit:
# don't exceed the limit
end = end if end < limit else limit
# how many words?
span = (end - begin) + 1
print_stuff(text, span)
if end == limit:
prev_end = end
# any more zeros?
gap = limit - prev_end
print_stuff('0', gap)

Trying to output the x most common words in a text file

I'm trying to write a program that will read in a text file and output a list of most common words (30 as the code is written now) along with their counts. so something like:
word1 count1
word2 count2
word3 count3
... ...
... ...
wordn countn
in order of count1 > count2 > count3 >... >countn. This is what I have so far but I cannot get the sorted function to perform what I want. The error I get now is:
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple
I'm new to python. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
def count_func(dictionary_list):
return dictionary_list[1]
def print_top(filename):
word_list = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as input_file:
count = 0
for line in input_file:
for word in line.split():
word = word.lower()
if word not in word_list:
word_list[word] = 1
word_list[word] += 1
#sorted_x = sorted(word_list.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
# items = sorted(word_count.items(), key=get_count, reverse=True)
word_list = sorted(word_list.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
for word in word_list:
if (count > 30):#19
print "%s: %s" % (word, word_list[word])
count += 1
# This basic command line argument parsing code is provided and
# calls the print_words() and print_top() functions which you must define.
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print 'usage: ./wordcount.py {--count | --topcount} file'
option = sys.argv[1]
filename = sys.argv[2]
if option == '--count':
elif option == '--topcount':
print 'unknown option: ' + option
if __name__ == '__main__':
Use the collections.Counter class.
from collections import Counter
for word, count in Counter(words).most_common(30):
print(word, count)
Some unsolicited advice: Don't make so many functions until everything is working as one big block of code. Refactor into functions after it works. You don't even need a main section for a script this small.
Using itertools' groupby:
from itertools import groupby
words = sorted([w.lower() for w in open("/path/to/file").read().split()])
count = [[item[0], len(list(item[1]))] for item in groupby(words)]
count.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
for item in count[:5]:
This will list the file's words, sort them and list unique words and their occurrence. Subsequently, the found list is sorted by occurrence by:
count.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
The reverse = True is to list the most common words first.
In the line:
for item in count[:5]:
[:5] defines the number of most occurring words to show.
First method as others have suggested i.e. by using most_common(...) doesn't work according to your needs cause it returns the nth first most common words and not the words whose count is less than or equal to n:
Here's using most_common(...): note it just print the first nth most common words:
>>> import re
... from collections import Counter
... def print_top(filename, max_count):
... words = re.findall(r'\w+', open(filename).read().lower())
... for word, count in Counter(words).most_common(max_count):
... print word, count
... print_top('n.sh', 1)
force 1
The correct way would be as follows, note it prints all the words whose count is less than equal to count:
>>> import re
... from collections import Counter
... def print_top(filename, max_count):
... words = re.findall(r'\w+', open(filename).read().lower())
... for word, count in filter(lambda x: x[1]<=max_count, sorted(Counter(words).items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)):
... print word, count
... print_top('n.sh', 1)
force 1
in 1
done 1
mysql 1
yes 1
egrep 1
for 1
1 1
print 1
bin 1
do 1
awk 1
reinstall 1
bash 1
mythtv 1
selections 1
install 1
v 1
y 1
Here is my python3 solution. I was asked this question in an interview and the interviewer was happy this solution, albeit in a less time-constrained situation the other solutions provided above seem a lot nicer to me.
dict_count = {}
lines = []
file = open("logdata.txt", "r")
for line in file:# open("logdata.txt", "r"):
lines.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
for line in lines:
if line not in dict_count:
dict_count[line] = 1
num = dict_count[line]
dict_count[line] = (num + 1)
def greatest(words):
greatest = 0
string = ''
for key, val in words.items():
if val > greatest:
greatest = val
string = key
return [greatest, string]
most_common = []
def n_most_common_words(n, words):
while len(most_common) < n:
del words[(greatest(words)[1])]
n_most_common_words(20, dict_count)

Count lines after line with specific character

I have a file which contains this data:
And I need to count the number of lines after a line containing ">" , but keeping the ">" line as reference, for this example the output should be:
>P136 3
>P129 1
>P134 2
Any ideas?
Use dictionary to store the count per line, and every time there is no > at the start, increment the count:
counts = {}
current = None
with open(filename) as fo:
for line in fo:
if line.startswith('>'):
current = line.strip()
counts[current] = 0
counts[current] += 1
then simply loop and print the counts:
for entry, count in counts.items():
print('{} {:2d}'.format(entry, count))
You could even just print the number every time you find a new section:
count = 0
current = None
with open(filename) as fo:
for line in fo:
if line.startswith('>'):
if current and count:
print('{} {:2d}'.format(entry, count))
current = line.strip()
counts = 0
count += 1
if current and count:
print('{} {:2d}'.format(entry, count))
but you cannot then easily re-purpose the counts for other work.
In one line, just to show that we can:
First variant:
print [(i.split("\n")[0],len(i.split("\n")[1:])-1) for i in s.split(">")if i if len(i.split("\n")[1:])-1>0]
using re:
import re
print [ (block.split("\n")[0],sum(1 for m in re.finditer("#", block)))for block in s.split(">")]
This is a simple solution that attempts to be minimalistic.
with open(filename) as f:
def printcc(current, count):
if current is not None and count > 0:
print(current.strip(), count)
current = None
count = 0
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>':
printcc(current, count)
current = line
count = 0
count += 1
printcc(current, count)
In case you actually want all lines that contain a > character, use '>' in line as your condition. If you're targeting Python 2.x, use print current.strip(), count because having the outer parentheses will print a two-tuple.

