I've been asked to find a problem with my cousin's Pygame code. I'm not big on Python, using other languages more and I haven't been able to find the issue by googling or debugging. Basically he's getting a "playGame is not defined" error, playGame being a function. Other questions about this are usually because:
The function is called before it is declared
The function is declared inside a different scope from which it is called
Neither of these seems to be the issue so I'm hoping someone more versed in Python can spot it. I've copied his code below with a lot of what (I hope) is irrelevant to the question removed to simplify.
The function playGame is not working and is called by a button click under
def button(msg, x, y, action = None):
. Interestingly the exit function is working fine which is called and declared exactly the same as playGame as far as I can tell.
# --------------- SETUP ---------------
# Importing necessary modules
import pygame
import math
import random
# --------------- DISPLAY ---------------
# Setting up the display
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
# --------------- GLOBALS ---------------
#removed globals from stackoverflow version
# --------------- FUNCTIONS ---------------
# Blitting the text
def blitText(angle, power):
# Drawing the tank model
def drawTank():
# Creating the buttons
def button(msg, x, y, action = None):
mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # Gets the mouse position
mouseClick = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
(buttonWidth, buttonHeight) = (175, 45) # Sets the button width and height
if x + (buttonWidth / 2) > mousePos[0] > x - (buttonWidth / 2) and y + buttonHeight > mousePos[1] > y: # Checks if the mouse is over the button
pygame.draw.rect(screen, darkGrey, [x - (buttonWidth / 2), y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight]) # Draws a dark grey button
if mouseClick[0] == 1 and action != None: # Checks if the button is clicked
if action == "play":
elif action == "exit":
pygame.draw.rect(screen, grey, [x - (buttonWidth / 2), y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight]) # Draws a light grey button if not
screen.blit(msg, [x - (buttonWidth / 2), y]) # Writes the text over the button
# Defining the shell
class shell(pygame.sprite.Sprite): # Creates the shell() class
def __init__(self): # Defines an initiation fuction for this class
super().__init__() # Call the parent class constructor
self.image = pygame.Surface([2, 2]) # Defines the bullet as a 2x4 surface
self.image.fill(black) # Paints the bullet black
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() # Gets the area size of the bullet
def update(self): # Defines a function as update for this class
(bulletChangeX, bulletChangeY) = (((maxAngle - angle) / maxAngle) * (bulletSpeed * power), (angle / maxAngle) * (bulletSpeed * power)) # Ccalculates the changes in x and y
bulletChangeY -= vert # Changes the trajectory of the bullet
self.rect.y -= bulletChangeY # Moves the bullet in the y axis
self.rect.x += bulletChangeX # Moves the bullet in the x axis
# --------------- TITLE SCREEN ---------------
# Creating the main menu
menu = True
while menu: # Starts the loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # Checks if pygame has been closed
exit() # Exits python
screen.fill(white) # Fills the screen white
screen.blit(titleText, [0, 0]) # Writes the title text
button(startButton, width / 2, (height / 3) * 2, "play") # Calls the button function for the start button
button(exitButton, width / 2, ((height / 3) * 2) + 70, "exit") # Calls the button function for the exit button
# Updating the display
pygame.display.update() # Updates the display
# --------------- MAIN LOOP ---------------
# Running the program
def playGame():
#code. This function has no return value.
# --------------- EXIT ---------------
# Exits PyGame and Python
def exit():
Hopefully the mistake is obvious here to someone and I haven't removed any key code that is causing the problems (I removed start variable declarations and the contents of function code) I can provide the full code if people need it.
Yes, themistake is obvious - as you put it:
The cod e is trying to call the function before it is defined -
the while menu code which draws the menu screen and draws the button is placed before the playGame function - which name is undeclared at that point.
While Python does run code on the module top-level, the best pratice is to leave only some constant and variable declarations on the toplevel, and putting code like the block while menu: ... inside a function. (Which may be called main - but there is no top language requirement on its name)
Then, at the very bottom of the file, make a call to that function, with a call placed - this time correctly, at the module body -
So - something along:
def main():
# Creating the main menu
menu = True
while menu: # Starts the loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # Checks if pygame has been closed
exit() # Exits python
screen.fill(white) # Fills the screen white
screen.blit(titleText, [0, 0]) # Writes the title text
button(startButton, width / 2, (height / 3) * 2, "play") # Calls the button function for the start button
button(exitButton, width / 2, ((height / 3) * 2) + 70, "exit") # Calls the button function for the exit button
# Updating the display
pygame.display.update() # Updates the display
And at the very bottom, place a single main() call would make that particular error go away.
I'm trying to make a scroll bar and at the moment, the scroll works by changing the coordinates when blitting (as opposed to changing the actual rect coordinates). This means that rect collisions for buttons do not work when they are moved. I am attempting to combat this by calculating the percentage that the scroll bar has scrolled, converting that to some multiplier or screen coordinate, and then getting the mouse position.
Some notes:
Self.bar is the actual slider handle (the small thing you use to scroll)
Self.rect is the entire slider, and its height is equal to screen height
Self.total_h is the total height that the scroll bar needs to scroll, for example if it needed to scroll to 2x the screen height then total_h would equal screen_height * 2.
Some code I have tried so far:
# Calculate the distance between the top of the handle and the top of the overall bar and divide by the handle height
# (shortened from ((self.bar.rect.top - self.rect.top) / self.rect.h) * (self.rect.h / self.bar.rect.h) which makes more intuitive sense.
self.scroll_percent = ((self.bar.rect.top - self.rect.top) / self.bar.rect.h)
# These all do not work:
# pos_y = pg.mouse.get_pos()[1] * self.scroll_percent
# pos_y = pg.mouse.get_pos()[1] * (self.total_h / self.scroll_percent)
# pos_y = (self.total_h / self.scroll_percent) * pg.mouse.get_pos()[1]
# etc
The logic just doesn't make sense to me, and I've got no idea how to do this. To clarify, my goal is to allow the user to scroll the screen using a scroll bar, and depending on the scroll bar's position, we change the mouse pos accordingly.
I don't really understand why you bother with some percentage ? If I understood correctly you are only scrolling up and down so the only thing you need to know is the y offset, which is 0 when the scroll bar is at the top and then it is just the y value at which you are blitting your surface. So simply remove the y offset to your mouse y when you check for collision.
Maybe I missed something ?
If I understood corretly, here is an simple example of what to do :
(I didn't recreate the scroll bar since you said you've got this part working. I just made the surface go up automatically. I'm sure you will figure out a way to integrate this solution to your own code)
# General import
import pygame as pg
import sys
# Init
# Display
screen = pg.display.set_mode((500, 500))
FPS = 30
clock = pg.time.Clock()
# Surface declaration
drawing_surface = pg.Surface((screen.get_width(), screen.get_height() * 2))
drawing_surface_y = 0
# Button
test_btn = pg.Rect(20, 400, 100, 40)
# Main functions
def update():
global drawing_surface_y
drawing_surface_y -= 1
def draw():
# Clear the screen
# Render the button
pg.draw.rect(drawing_surface, (0,0,255), test_btn)
# Blit the drawing surface
screen.blit(drawing_surface, (0, drawing_surface_y))
def handle_input():
for evt in pg.event.get():
if evt.type == pg.QUIT:
if evt.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if evt.button == 1:
def on_click():
mx, my = pg.mouse.get_pos()
if test_btn.collidepoint(mx, my - drawing_surface_y):
print("Test button has been clicked")
def exit():
# Other functions
# Main loop
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
Test this code and let me know if it answers your question !
I am new to Pygame, and doing a assigned homework. I tried to make an program called Pong by python3. The ball was moving correctly, but after I write something new in the program, the ball just stopped at the initial point. I already check many times of my code, but I can't find what's wrong with it.
Here is my code below:
# Pong Version 2
# Display the ball and both paddles, with the ball bouncing from the window edges.
# The ball bounce off the paddles. It go through the back of paddles.
# The paddles do not move, but score is updated.
# The game ends when a score is 11 or until the player closes the window.
import pygame, random
def main():
# initialize all pygame modules (some need initialization)
# create a pygame display window
pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 800))
# set the title of the display window
# get the display surface
w_surface = pygame.display.get_surface()
# create a game object
game = Game(w_surface)
#init text
# start the main game loop by calling the play method on the game object
# quit pygame and clean up the pygame window
class Game:
# An object in this class represents a complete game.
def __init__(self, surface):
# Initialize a Game.
# - self is the Game to initialize
# - surface is the display window surface object
# === objects that are part of every game that we will discuss
self.surface = surface
self.bg_color = pygame.Color('black')
self.FPS = 60
self.game_Clock = pygame.time.Clock()
self.close_clicked = False
self.continue_game = True
self.num_board1 = '0'
self.num_board2 = '0'
# === game specific objects
#ball elements
self.ball = Ball('white', 10, [500, 400], [10,20], self.surface)
#rectangle elements
self.paddle1 = Rect((150,350),(10,100),self.surface,'white')
self.paddle2 = Rect((840,350),(10,100),self.surface,'white')
#board elements
#board size is (57,104)
self.board1 = Board("",150,self.num_board1,(100,100,100),(10,10),self.surface)
self.board2 = Board("",150,self.num_board2,(100,100,100),(933,10),self.surface)
def play(self):
# Play the game until the player presses the close box.
# - self is the Game that should be continued or not.
while not self.close_clicked: # until player clicks close box
# play frame
if self.continue_game:
self.game_Clock.tick(self.FPS) # run at most with FPS Frames Per Second
def handle_events(self):
# Handle each user event by changing the game state appropriately.
# - self is the Game whose events will be handled
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self.close_clicked = True
def draw(self):
# Draw all game objects.
# - self is the Game to draw
self.surface.fill(self.bg_color) # clear the display surface first
# Draw game elements ball
# Draw game elements paddles
# Draw game elements boards
pygame.display.update() # make the updated surface appear on the display
def update(self):
# Update the game objects.
# - self is the Game to update
def decide_continue(self):
# Check and remember if the game should continue
# - self is the Game to check
if self.num_board1 or self.num_board2 == '11':
self.continue_game = False
class Ball:
# An object in this class represents a ball that moves
def __init__(self, ball_color, ball_radius, ball_center, ball_velocity, surface):
# Initialize a ball.
# - self is the ball to initialize
# - color is the pygame.Color of the ball
# - center is a list containing the x and y int
# coords of the center of the ball
# - radius is the int pixel radius of the ball
# - velocity is a list containing the x and y components
# - surface is the window's pygame.Surface object
self.color = pygame.Color(ball_color)
self.radius = ball_radius
self.center = ball_center
self.velocity = ball_velocity
self.surface = surface
def move(self):
# Change the location of the ball by adding the corresponding
# speed values to the x and y coordinate of its center
# - self is the ball
size = self.surface.get_size() # size is a tuple (width,height)
for index in range(0,2):
self.center[index] = self.center[index] + self.velocity[index]
if self.center[index] < self.radius: # left or top
self.velocity[index] = -self.velocity[index] # bounce the ball
if self.center[index]+ self.radius > size[index]:# right of bottom
self.velocity[index] = -self.velocity[index] # bounce the ball
def draw(self):
# Draw the ball on the surface
# - self is the ball
pygame.draw.circle(self.surface, self.color, self.center, self.radius)
class Rect:
def __init__(self,rect_left_top,rect_width_height,rect_surface,rect_color):
#set elements
# - rect_left_top is the distance from edge
# - rect_width_height is width and height of the rectangle
# - rect_surface is the surface of rectangle
# - rect_color is color of the rectangle
self.left_top = rect_left_top
self.width_height = rect_width_height
self.surface = rect_surface
self.color = pygame.Color(rect_color)
self.rect = (self.left_top,self.width_height)
def draw(self):
# draw the rectangle
class Board:
def __init__(self,name,size,content,color,text_left_right,surface):
# - name is the typeface of the text
# - size is the size of the text
# - content is the content fo the text
# - color is the color of text, it looks like (x,x,x), which is combined by three basic color)
# - text_left_right is a the left and right distance from edge
# - surface is a the display.set_mode, used to blit text
self.name = name
self.size = size
self.content = content
self.color = color
self.text_left_right = text_left_right
self.surface = surface
def draw(self):
#to show the text
font = pygame.font.SysFont(self.name,self.size)
text = font.render(self.content,True,self.color)
The problem with decide_continue method.
When I remove call of decide_continue from play method ball start moving:
def play(self):
# Play the game until the player presses the close box.
# - self is the Game that should be continued or not.
while not self.close_clicked: # until player clicks close box
# play frame
if self.continue_game:
self.game_Clock.tick(self.FPS) # run at most with FPS Frames Per Second
So the problem with decide_continue method. You should review it.
Going by the test done by Yurii (see other answer), since you didn't mention which change you had made before the program didn't work properly anymore.
decide_continue(self) has the following if-clause:
if self.num_board1 or self.num_board2 == '11':
This means it evaluates whether self.num_board1 is equivalent to True (i.e., not False, 0, empty string and the like), which is probably always the case, or it compares self.num_board2 to the string '11'.
Important note: the string '0', the initial value for the boards, does not evaluate to False: it's not an empty string, nor an integer 0.
Because of the first condition, this if-statement will practically always evaluate in being true.
You probably want:
if self.num_board1 == '11' or self.num_board2 == '11':
or something like that. You should also consider whether you want a '11' string, or that this should be a number (integer) instead, given that you call the variable num_board.
Further, since no manipulations with num_board1/2 appear to be done, it's value will likely never change from the initial value '0', in which case it'll, at this moment, never be equal to '11'.
I am trying to create an inventory system in Python using the module pygame. The inventory system is similar to Minecraft. It is a slot-based inventory system, meaning that each item is attached to a slot, and can be moved around the inventory.
This is the code:
#Module that allows me to create a screen and add images to the screen
import pygame
win = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600))
#Variable that will keep track of the index of what slot the player is
selectedSlot = None
#Function that checks whether there is collision or not
def collision(x,y,x2,y2,w):
if x + w > x2 > x and y+w > y2 > y:
return True
return False
#Slot Class
class slotClass:
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def draw(self,win):
#Draws the slots using the x and y values
#Uses a function to test for collision with the mouse's x and y values
if collision(self.x,self.y,mx,my,66):
global selectedSlot
#This will set an integer value to a varaible, dependent on what the index of the element the player selecting is
selectedSlot = slotArray.index(self)
#Problem with code:
#When the following 2 lines are uncommmented, the variable selectedSlot is set to "None", regardless of whether there is collision or not
#selectedSlot = None
#Slot array
slotArray = []
#Slot information
slotCount = 9
#Populates the slotArray with the desired slotCount
while len(slotArray) != slotCount:
#main loop
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
#Mouse x and y value to set to the vars mx and my
mx,my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
#For every element in the slotArray, the function draw is called from the slotClass
for i in slotArray:
How it works is I have a class, which will hold the information for each slot. Such as the x value, y value and what item is in every slot.
Then I have an array, which will contain every slot instance. I also defined how many slots I want entirely.
To populate this array with the slots, I first started by constantly appending to this array of slots until it equals the desired amount of slots in each row. I multiply 55 by the number of elements in the array to spread apart the slots.
The problem I am having comes when trying to create the ability for the player to mouse over/select each slot. What I want is for the player to simply be able to hover over a slot, that slot will turn a different colour, and then the player can select an item out of said slot.
I created a collision function for that and I'm calling that function within the draw function inside the slotClass. I also have a variable called slotSelected, which keeps track of the index of the slot that the player is mousing over with/hovering over.
The problem I am experiencing is, that whenever the player hovers over a slot and then stops hovering over any slots, the slot index that I am setting still remains to be the index of the slot the player was just on. When I add an else statement to check if there is no collision with a slot, and set the var slotSelected to something like None for example (to show that the player isn't colliding with any slot) the var slotSelected is constantly set to None, regardless of whether there is collision or not. I have a print statement that prints the value of slotSelected. You'll notice that it prints the index of the slot the player is colliding with. However, when you uncomment the else statement I have contained in the slotClass, the var slotSelected will always be set to None.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Perhaps you could try testing for another collision with the background as well. I'm not an expert at pygame, but this is the pseudo-code I would use:
if collision("with game window"): # If mouse is within your game screen
global selectedSlot
if collision(self.x, self.y, mx, my, 66): # mouse is on screen AND on a box
selectedSlot = slotArray.index(self)
else: # mouse on screen, but not on box -> return None
selectedSlot = None
So that you can assign None when the mouse is in your game window but not on an item slot.
I figured out why it is responding as such. You have the lines:
for i in slotArray:
Which will go to slot 0, see it is selected -> set selectedSlot = 0, then go to slot 1, see it is unselected -> set selectedSlot = None OVERWRITING the value you had previously set. You will need to break your loop if selectedSlot is not None!! Here is code to solve that:
#Module that allows me to create a screen and add images to the screen
import pygame
win = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600))
#Variable that will keep track of the index of what slot the player is
selectedSlot = None
#Function that checks whether there is collision or not
def collision(x,y,x2,y2,w):
if x + w > x2 > x and y+w > y2 > y:
return True
return False
#Slot Class
class slotClass:
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def draw(self, win):
#Draws the slots using the x and y values
pygame.draw.rect(win, (255, 0, 0), (self.x, self.y, 50, 50))
#Uses a function to test for collision with the mouse's x and y values
if collision(self.x, self.y, mx, my, 66):
global selectedSlot
pygame.draw.rect(win, (128, 0, 0), (self.x, self.y, 50, 50))
#This will set an integer value to a varaible, dependent on what the index of the element the player selecting is
selectedSlot = slotArray.index(self)
#Problem with code:
#When the following 2 lines are uncommmented, the variable selectedSlot is set to "None", regardless of whether there is collision or not
selectedSlot = None
#Slot array
slotArray = []
#Slot information
slotCount = 9
#Populates the slotArray with the desired slotCount
while len(slotArray) != slotCount:
#main loop
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
#Mouse x and y value to set to the vars mx and my
mx,my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
#For every element in the slotArray, the function draw is called from the slotClass
selectedSlot = None
for i in slotArray:
if selectedSlot is not None:
The problem is you've combined drawing the items and selecting them into one function (very bad). So now when the loop is broken the rest of the boxes are not drawn!!
I will show my code below. I think when I def moveDot, something wrong I can feel it. However, I just code as my instructor's presentation. She's code can work and mine cannot. I don't know the reason. I think the order of moveDot's variances may have some problems. Is that right? I will appreciate anyone who can help me! Thanks a lot!
# Poke The Dots
# There are two dots that are moving on a 500 by 400 window
# There is a score board that displays the time in seconds
# since the game started
# If the player clicks inside the window, the dots disappear
# and reappear at some random location
# If the dots collide, the dots stop moving, the score stops
# changing and Game Over is displayed.
# Version 1
import pygame, sys, time
from pygame.locals import *
# User-defined classes
# User-defined functions
def main():
# Initialize pygame
# Set window size and title, and frame delay
surfaceSize = (500, 400) # window size
windowTitle = 'Poke The Dots' #window title
frameDelay = 0.02 # smaller is faster game
# Create the window
surface = pygame.display.set_mode(surfaceSize, 0, 0)
# create and initialize red dot and blue dot
gameOver = False
center1 = [50, 75]
# Draw objects
pygame.draw.circle(surface, color1, center1, radius1, 0)
pygame.draw.circle(surface, color2,center2,radius2,0)
gameOver = update(surface, color1, center1, radius1, speed1, color2, center2, radius2, speed2)
# Refresh the display
# Loop forever
while True:
# Handle events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
# Handle additional events
# Update and draw objects for the next frame
#gameOver = update(center, surface)
# Refresh the display
# Set the frame speed by pausing between frames
def update(surface, color1, center1, radius1, speed1, color2, center2, radius2, speed2):
#Check if the game is over. If so, end the game and
#returnTrue. Otherwise, update the game objects, draw
#them, and return False.
#This is an example update function - replace it.
#- center is a list containing the x and y int coords
#of the center of a circle
#- surface is the pygame.Surface object for the window
if False: # check if the game is over
return True
else: # continue the game
moveDot(surface, color1, center1, radius1)
moveDot(surface, color2, center2, radius2)
return False
def moveDot(surface,center,radius,speed):
for coord in range(0,2):
if center [coord]<radius:
if center[coord]+radius>size(coord):
The order of your arguments being passed when you call moveDot is incorrect. It should be
moveDot(surface, center1, radius1, speed)
For both statements. Speed should be the speed of movement of the circle.
I'm new to stackoverflow, but was hoping for a little insight from more advanced programmers. I am switching majors to Computer Science next semester and am taking an intro class learning some beginner's Python programming. I have already finished the program below (the assignment was to make a program that draws ovals on the window surface by filling in some of the professor's code, not too bad at all) but I wanted to add a little something extra: As you can see, I have the color of the ovals set to be random, but it stays the same until the program is restarted entirely i.e. all of the ovals are that particular color for the length of the program. With the code written the way it is, I can't figure out a way to get the color to change for each oval. Keep in mind, this is all for kicks, but if anyone's feeling especially helpful or creative, I'm curious to see what you have to say. Let me know if I can expound on anything. Thanks!
import pygame, random, sys
BACKGROUNDCOLOR = (150,160,100)
#A different color every run
OVAL_COLOR = (random.randint (0,255),random.randint (0,255),
random.randint (0,255))
windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption("Mobile Ovals")
#The draw variable is used later to indicate the mouse is still pressed
ovals = []
completedOvals = []
finished = False
draw = False
startXY = (-1, -1)
while not finished:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT or (event.type == pygame.KEYUP and
event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE):
finished = True
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if pressed[pygame.K_F4] and (pressed[pygame.K_LALT] or
finished = True
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
startXY = event.pos
draw = True
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
draw = False
for oval in ovals:
completedOvals.append (oval)
if draw == True:
del ovals [:]
#The above function ensures only one oval is onscreen at any given time
endXY = event.pos
width = (abs(endXY[0]-startXY[0]))
height = (abs(endXY[1]-startXY[1]))
#The code below allows the user to drag any direction
if endXY[0] < startXY[0]:
left = endXY[0]
left = startXY[0]
if endXY[1] < startXY[1]:
top = endXY[1]
top = startXY[1]
ovals.append (pygame.Rect (left, top, width, height))
for oval in ovals:
pygame.draw.ellipse(windowSurface, OVAL_COLOR, oval)
for completedOval in completedOvals:
pygame.draw.ellipse(windowSurface, OVAL_COLOR, completedOval)
Your problem is quite simple. You set OVAL_COLOR once. But every time you make reference to the variable OVAL_COLOR, you're not creating a new random color, you're re-using the RGB color that was randomly generated when you created the variable.
Now, the way your program is structured, you maintain a list of all complete ovals that you're re-drawing every time the draw variable is set to true. If you place the OVAL_COLOR variable inside the for loop, you will update the color with every mouse movement, changing the color of the oval being drawn, as well as the color of all the old ovals being re-drawn.
The solution to have a new random oval color is to set the variable OVAL_COLOR when the mouse button goes down. That way, the oval color won't change as you drag the mouse to adjust the oval. But, given the current structure of the program, you'll need to save the oval colors assigned to completed ovals, or you'll still have the oval color change each time.
When the mouse button is pressed down, we want a new random color for our circle. Generate a random value, which will be used every time the circle is re-drawn.
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
startXY = event.pos
OVAL_COLOR = (random.randint (0,255),random.randint (0,255),
random.randint (0,255))
draw = True
When the mouse button is released, save the coordinates for the oval, along with the color that it was drawn with.
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
draw = False
# print len(ovals) # (always ==1)
completedOvals.append ((ovals[-1], OVAL_COLOR))
When we iterate through these completed ovals, draw them with the same color each time.
for (completedOval, color) in completedOvals:
pygame.draw.ellipse(windowSurface, color, completedOval)
Create a simple Oval() class, that contains it's color, and size.
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
class Oval(object):
"""handle, and draw basic ovals. stores Rect() and Color()"""
def __init__(self, startXY, endXY):
self.color = Color(random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255))
self.rect = Rect(0,0,1,1)
self.coord_to_oval(startXY, endXY)
def draw(self):
pygame.draw.ellipse(windowSurface, self.color, self.rect)
def coord_to_oval(self, startXY, endXY):
width = (abs(endXY[0]-startXY[0]))
height = (abs(endXY[1]-startXY[1]))
#The code below allows the user to drag any direction
if endXY[0] < startXY[0]:
left = endXY[0]
left = startXY[0]
if endXY[1] < startXY[1]:
top = endXY[1]
top = startXY[1]
self.rect = Rect(left, top, width, height)
# main loop
while not finished:
for event in pygame.event.get():
# events, and creation:
# ... your other events here ...
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
startXY = event.pos
draw = True
elif event.type ==MOUSEBUTTONUP:
# on mouseup, create instance.
endXY = event.pos
oval_new = Oval(startXY, endXY)
# draw them:
for oval in ovals:
for oval in completedOvals:
I mostly left out your non-completed ovals. Was that to show the size before clicking?