Compare non identical objects with same value - python

I have 2 lists,both in different formats but same content.
For example, doing a simple print command for the 1st elements of the list does the following:
I get the 'u' here is due to the encoding..
The prefix_confluence is being parsed by a HTML parser this way:
for row in soup.find_all('tr')[2:171]:
prefix_confluence.append(row.get_text(strip=True, separator='|').split('|')[0:1])
Now, how do I compare and show that these 2 list elements are in fact equal in content?
I have tried this:
print "They are same."
But they dont display the print message due to obvious reasons.
How can I make them equal? I also tried join, concatenation but was not able to make it work.

If prefix_txt[0] is a string 'SEF00', and prefix_confluence[0] is a list containing a unicode version of that same string [u'SEF00'], then you should be able to do the following:
new = prefix_confluence[0][0]
if(prefix_txt[0] == new):
print "They are same."
When you do new = str(prefix_confluence[0]).strip('[u'']') you will get the string "'SEF00'", which as you can see is slightly different from the string 'SEF00'. Instead, you can get the string out of the list by indexing the list: prefix_confluence[0][0], which will give you u'SEF00'. Although this looks different from 'SEF00', in Python 2.x they are seen as equal; i.e., 'SEF00' == u'SEF00' is True, although their types are different and they do not point to the same object:
>>> a = 'foo'
>>> b = u'foo'
>>> a == b
>>> a is b
>>> type(a)
<type 'str'>
>>> type(b)
<type 'unicode'>
And for completeness, the same solution will work in Python 3.x, although what is happening is slightly different. In Python 3, all strings are unicode by default, so not only are 'SEF00' and u'SEF00' equal in Python 3, they should generally point to the same object as far as I know:
>>> a = 'foo'
>>> b = u'foo'
>>> a == b
>>> a is b
>>> type(a)
<class 'str'>
>>> type(b)
<class 'str'>


In Python String are immutable then why the overwrite operation allowed in Python?

In Python String are immutable then why the following operation allowed in Python?
a = 'Hello'
a = 'Hi'
Because a is a reference/handle (similar to a pointer if you prefer) to the string, not exactly a string. You can even check the memory address to make sure.
>>> a = "hello"
>>> id(a)
140102378280544 # memory address (not exactly but that's irrelevant to the topic)
>>> a = 'hii'
140102388086864 # different memory address than before
Strings in Python are immutable because there are only stored at one place (mostly), hence cannot be mutated.
>>> a = 'country'
>>> b = 'country'
>>> id(a) == id(b)
>>> a is b
>>> a = 'Hello'
>>> id(a)
>>> a = 'Hi'
>>> id(a)
Not the same variable... though I must say the values of id are only indicative at best.
When you try to reassign a literal to a, you are not changing the string. The string remains the same. What changes is the reference that a points to.

literal_eval of tuple with a single element

I am using ast.literal_eval(str) to evaluate a string containing a tuple such as ('a', 'b', 'c'). However, if for some reason this tuple only contains a single element, the expression ignores the parenthesis and returns only the element:
>>> string = "('a')"
>>> x = ast.literal_eval(string)
>>> x
Is there a non-hackish way to solve this? This problem is exacerbated by the fact that sometimes, I might have a tuple of tuples, like (('a','b')) and as such cannot just check for type. Thanks!
That is because ('a') is not a tuple but a string treated as a. Tuple with only one object is defined as ('a',) (note the ,)
>>> type('a')
<type 'str'> <-- String
>>> type(('a'))
<type 'str'> <-- String
>>> type(('a',))
<type 'tuple'> <-- Tuple

How to find if the data is a str or int in List

If I have a list as below:
samplist= [3,4,5,'abc']
How can I find out whether which index is a str or Int.I want to concatenate a string s='def' with the string 'abc' which is available in the list.
Assume that I am not aware I don't know anything about the string, neither the name nor its index in list. All i know is there is a string in the list samplist and I want to loop through and find it out so that it can be concatenated with string s='def'/.
for i in xrange(len(samplist)):
if isinstace(samplist[i], str):
samplist[i] += 'def'
type() command also works:
>>> list = [1, 2, 'abc']
>>> type(list)
<class 'list'>
>>> type(list[1])
<class 'int'>
>>> type(list[2])
<class 'str'>
>>> type(list[2]) is str
>>> type(list[1]) is str

Distinction between python str and tuple objects [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does adding a trailing comma after an expression create a tuple?
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
How python initializes a tuple object ?
For example, when I create an object like
>>> object = ('Shark')
It shows type of object as str
>>> type(object)
<type 'str'>
While, if I create an object like
>>> object = ('Shark',)
It displays its type as a tuple
>>> type(object)
<type 'tuple'>
Why so ?? How exactly python creates/initializes a tuple, str objects ?
From docs:
A special problem is the construction of tuples containing 0 or 1
items: the syntax has some extra quirks to accommodate these. Empty
tuples are constructed by an empty pair of parentheses; a tuple with
one item is constructed by following a value with a comma (it is not
sufficient to enclose a single value in parentheses).
So, without a trailing , these two statements are equivalent:
>>> x = 1
>>> x
>>> x = (1)
>>> x
But these are all tuples:
>>> x = 1, #or (1,)
>>> x
>>> x = 1, 2, 3 #or (1, 2, 3)
>>> x
(1, 2, 3)
An expression enclosed in parens is just that expression (it's like the parens in a math expression, like (2+2)*4).
But, if you add a trailing comma, or if there's more than one element inside the parens separated by commas, it will become a tuple. Also, you will get an empty tuple if you write ().
Anything enclosed inside double-quotes or single-quotes will be treated as a string in Python. There's no distinction between the two-- like in PHP, that variables inside the double-quoted strings will actually be evaluated and single-quotes will display as it is.
Anything enclosed inside an opening parenthesis and closing parenthesis will be treated as tuples. However, if only one object has been placed in the tuple, it'll be treated as the object's type. For instance:
>>> a = (9)
>>> type(a)
<class 'int'>
>>> a = ([9])
>>> type(a)
<class 'list'>
>>> a = ('hello!')
>>> type(a)
<class 'str'>
>>> a = {'a':1, 'b':1}
>>> type(a)
<class 'dict'>
Note that the length of the object doesn't matter (the object placed inside of the tuple, not the tuple itself).
Now, if you were to place a comma after the object inside of the tuple, Python will presume that there's another object coming and it'll treat it as if it were a tuple and not give you an error. Also, note that the default object used by Python to store a number of things is also a tuple-- meaning that even if you don't enclose an expression in parenthesis, it'll do it by default for you:
>>> a = 9, 8, 7
>>> a
(9, 8, 7)
>>> type(a)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> a = 'Hello', 'Python', 'Typle'
>>> a
('Hello', 'Python', 'Typle')
>>> type(a)
<class 'tuple'>

Python {} with nothing in it?

def __init__(self, specfile, listfile):
I don't understand the meaning of this please help, {} with nothing in it??
Its the literal way of defining a dictionary. In this case, its an empty dictionary. Its the same as self.submissions = dict()
>>> i = {}
>>> z = {'key': 42}
>>> q = dict()
>>> i == q
>>> d = dict()
>>> d['key'] = 42
>>> d == z
It means that it is an empty dictionary.
In python:
{} means empty dictionary.
[] means empty list.
() means empty tuple.
print type({}), type([]), type(())
<type 'dict'> <type 'list'> <type 'tuple'>
As pointed out by Paco in the comments, (1) will be considered as a number surrounded by brackets. To create a tuple with only one element in it, a comma has to be included at the end, like this, (1,)
print type({}), type([]), type((1)), type((1,))
<type 'dict'> <type 'list'> <type 'int'> <type 'tuple'>
It defines a dict type object. If you are from C#/Java background it's same to:
IDictionary<xxx> myDict = new Dictionary();
Map<xxx, yyy> myMap = new HashMap<xxx, yyy> ();
or in C++ (loosely, because map is mostly a tree):
map<xxx, yyy> myMap;
xxx and yyy coz python is untyped language.

