My parameter, n is a phone number as an integer.
Using recursion I want to return the first three numbers in the integer.
I've turned the integer into a list of individual number characters and I'm attempting to delete the last number over and over again until I'm left with the last three, but I'm stuck on how to repeat it.
def areaCodes(n):
n = str(n)
n = list(n)
del n[-1]
#n = reduce(opperator.add, n)
n = ''.join(n)
n = int(n)
return n
I know I'm supposed to repeat the name in the return somehow, but because n isn't an integer that I can use to repeat. What do I do?
How about something like this?
def areaCodes(n):
# if n is less than 1000, what does it mean about the number of digits?
if n < 1000:
return # fill...
# otherwise, if n is greater than 1000, how can we alter n to remove the last
# digit? (hint: there's an operation similar to division called f...r division)
return areaCodes( # operate on n somehow...)
I assume that this is an exercise where recursion is necessary. If so, try this (there are better ways to accomplish your end goal, but I tried to modify your existing code as little as possible):
def areaCodes(n):
n_lst = list(str(n))
del n_lst[-1]
n_str = ''.join(n_lst)
n_int = int(n_str)
if len(n_lst) > 3:
return areaCodes(n_int)
return n_int
This will call the function again if the length of the number is greater than three, and return the number otherwise. Basically, the only part you were missing in your original function was the following, which is the recursive part:
if len(n_lst) > 3:
return areaCodes(n_int)
Remember that for a function to be recursive, it will have two main attributes:
It will at some point call itself. (this is what makes it 'repeat')
It will have some stopping condition (or base case).
You mentioned #1 when you wrote that you're supposed to use "the name in the return," so that's great! You just need to write that in your code:
return areaCodes(n), Where n is the updated phone number with a digit removed.
As you can see, each recursive call should do some work towards the solution, and should pass its mini-solution to the next recursive call.
Along with #2 above, you need to specify a base case, where the recursion will cease. So, since you're taking away a digit each time you call your function, you should include some kind of check to see if the current input is the length you want yet.
If it is the right length, you're done, and you should return the current number (not another recursive call).
Otherwise, you aren't done with the recursion yet.
import sys
def areaCodes(n):
#Create a list
myList = list(str(n))
#Delete last element
del myList[-1]
#Combine your elements into string list
myListStr = ''.join(myList)
#Type cast to int
myListInt = int(myListSte)
#Check whether your list satisfies your condition
if len(myList) > 3:
#Recusivley call the function again
return areaCodes(myListInt)
#Return your list when recursion completes
return myListInt
n = 12345
print areaCodes(n)
I'm trying to become comfortable with python. I've been trying some simple activities that I've given in my beginning c++ classes when I was teaching. I did one involving functions and writing a file which worked flawlessly. I thought this one would be easier. It acts like it is in a silent endless loop, but it won't even let me trace it. Can someone see where I am going awry?
# Find Adam Numbers
def isAdamNumber(candidate):
isAdam = False
rev = reverse(candidate)
square = candidate * candidate
revsq = rev*rev
if revsq == reverse(square):
isAdam = True
return isAdam
def reverse(num):
while num > 0:
rev = rev * 10 + num%10
return rev
for x in range (11,25):
if isAdamNumber(x):
print(x, " is an adam number\n")
The quick fix is to change /= with the integer division version, //=
Inside the reverse function, you are going into an infinite loop. num value always will be greater than 0, therefore the while loop will continuously run. In python, you can get the reverse of the function without much effort. Convert the integer to string and reverse the string and now change the string back to integer.
def reverse(num):
num_str = str(num)[::-1]
return int(num_str)
I think this function definition can solve your problem.
To visualize the python to learn and teach, use this link
The problem has already been addressed by the other answers, so here's the expanded and simplified version of the slicing that's going on [this doesn't actually use slicing]:
def reverse(num):
rev = ''
num = str(num)
for i in range(len(num) - 1, -1, -1):
rev += num[i]
return int(rev)
This counts backward from the last element in the string version of num, and adds all the elements of num (in reverse order) to rev.
num > 0 is never False. Dividing a positive number by 10 repeatedly makes it smaller, but it never becomes zero, so the while loop keeps repeating.
Use //= instead. It rounds to the nearest integer, so it will reach 0.
This also wouldn't reverse numbers (unless I'm missing something). Alternatively, you can use
which converts the number to a string, reverses it using slicing, and turns it back into an integer.
I have been trying to write a python function which will receive two arguments: x which is the number of times to repeat and y which is the number or string to be repeated.
So far this is what I have been able to come up with, but I can't seem to be able to determine how to do it recursively.
def recurse(x, y):
final = []
if x == 0:
return ("")
x = x - 1
return final
If recurse(3,"Cat") is called, the output is meant to look like this:
print recurse(3, 'cat')
How would I go about doing this?
True functional recursion should have no assignments (i.e. state).
This can be achieved using what's called an accumulator, i.e. an array that is built up successively and passed to each recursive step, until the base case occurs, causing the accumulator's final form to be returned directely, and indirectly all the way back to the initial calling instance.
>>> def recurse(Iters, text, Accumulator=[]):
... if Iters == 0: return Accumulator # base case
... return recurse(Iters-1, text, Accumulator + [text]) # recursive step
>>> recurse(3, 'helle')
['helle', 'helle', 'helle']
Note that there is no change of state at any point; all "updates" occur at the point of calling the next recursive step with updated arguments.
def recurse(x, y):
final = []
if times == 0:
You can't just reference "times" as if it's some kind of magic floaty variable available anywhere and everywhere. The first time in here, times will have no value. And the next time through, you're hoping you can just pick the value of times out of thin air and it will magically be what it was somewhere else, during some previous run.
The only variables you can work with are the ones completely inside your function - or ones which are passed in from outside, and returned out at the end.
def recurse(times, word):
if times == 1:
return [word]
return [word] + recurse(times-1, word)
print(recurse(3, 'cat'))
Try it online at
It takes a number of times as an input, it returns [word] plus ( It takes a number of times - 1 as an input, it returns [word] plus ( It takes a number of times - 1 as an input, it returns [word] ).
Note there's no accumulator list like final = [] because each time through the function it will be empty again. The accumulation happens implicitly in the way the programming language calls functions and returns values. Python will hold [word] in memory itself while it calculates the next recurse() output.
this was one of the problems I was assigned in MyProgrammingLab. I've attempted to answer this problem over 45 times, but can't get it right.
Any help will be appreciated
In the following sequence, each number (except the first two) is the sum of the previous two numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, .... This sequence is known as the Fibonacci sequence.
We speak of the i'th element of the sequence (starting at 0)-- thus the 0th element is 0, the 1st element is 1, the 2nd element is 1, the 3rd element is 2 and so on. Given the positive integer n, associate the nth value of the fibonacci sequence with the variable result. For example, if n is associated with the value 8 then result would be associated with 21.
My work:
def fib(n):
if n <= 1:
result == n
elif n >= 1:
result = fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
return result
It's because in all of your cases, you assign the result but don't return it.
So, for example, when fib(1) is called, Python returns None because you never told it to return result in that case. The same thing happens for, say, fib(45).
To correct this, just return result always. (This is a good idea no matter what type of program you are writing - functions should always have an explicit return value).
def fib(n):
if n <= 1:
result = n
elif n > 1:
result = fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
return result # always return result!
Things to Know
You should be aware that this implementation of the Fibonacci sequence is the least efficient one out there. If you can ditch the recursive calls altogether and just use a while loop to calculate fib(n) - or, if you want recursion, store previously computed values of fib(n) instead of forcing it to compute all the way to fib(n) - you will have a much more efficient implementation.
Your code contained numerous issues, such as
Assigning without returning, which we've already discussed.
Using == instead of =. The first checks if the left and right hand side are equal, and returns True or False. The second actually assigns the value of the right hand side to the variable on the left hand side. Don't confuse checking for equality with assignment.
Using the same base case twice but telling Python to do something different in both cases. This is such a bad idea that I feel jonrsharpe in the comments is justified in saying "Seriously?". The reason for this is because doing this makes no sense and makes it hard to predict behaviour. The whole point of an if-else statement is to do different things in different cases.
Edit based on examples provided by OP. Indentation should only be four spaces, not eight. This is more of a stylistic issue than anything else, but it is the standard.
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return n
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
You can essentially reduce it to this. You could even leave out the else and say:
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return n
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
but you said you need to have an else-case for whatever reason.
I wrote this one for my assignment. I know it's a little indirect, but it works and that's what's important :)
n = int(input("Insert a number: "))
i = 0
fib_list = [1, 1, 0]
for i in range (0,2):
if n == 0:
result = fib_list[2]
elif n <= 2:
result = fib_list[0]
for i in range (2,n):
result = fib_list[0] + fib_list[1]
fib_list.insert(0, result)
i += 1
result = fib_list[0]
By the way, you don't need to define an input to use in the myprogramminglab question.
I added the input version here because I used it in my tests.
def lookfor(alist, number):
if number in alist:
return alist.index(number)
return "no"
So basically I input hundreds of thousands of numbers and I have to send each one of them thorugh "lookfor" to get an output of either the index of "number" in "alist" or get"no" if the number isn't there.
It perfectly computes when I input not as many numbers but takes several minutes when I input xx,xxx-xxx,xxx numbers.
Any suggestions?
Your code iterates through the list until it finds the number you seek (or until it reaches the end), and if it does find the number, it has to iterate the exact same amount to return the index. Why not take advantage of the behavior of the .index method? Just keep in mind that it raises a ValueError if the number is not present in the list.
def lookfor(alist, number):
return alist.index(number)
except ValueError:
return "no"
afterword: use the timeit module to find the most efficient solution, but be sure to use a variety of inputs so that you can find the overall fastest solution.
def index_on(lst):
index = {val:i for i,val in enumerate(lst)}
def lookup(val):
return index.get(val, 'no')
return lookup
search = index_on(alist)
search('123-4567') # => 293 (index in alist)
search('123-4500') # => 'no' (not found)
Your code currently needs to search through the entire list for each call to lookfor. This can be very slow if alist is big enough.
Instead, you should create a dictionary that maps each element to its index in alist. For example, for alist = [7,4,88], you'd have: indexmap = {7:0, 4:1, 88:2}. Then you can search the dictionary with:
def lookfor(indexmap, number):
return indexmap.get(number, "no")
If alist is constant, you can create indexmap during initialization:
indexmap = {number: index for index,number in enumerate(alist)}
If alist changes over time, you can maintain this dictionary together with alist. For example, if you normally add items with append, you can use:
if number not in indexmap:
indexmap[number] = len(alist) - 1
def digits(n):
res = []
while n > 0:
res.append(n % 10)
n /= 10
return res
I want to rewrite this function so it uses recursion. I'm currently lost as to what to do. Can anyone give me some direction?
To create a recursive function you need to determine two things:
1) The base case - the condition on which you want to stop recursion
2) The general case - what to do on every input but the base case
You have already found both of these things, the base case is the while loop condition and the general case is the inside of the while loop. Try to use this information to move forward.
Here's a possible solution:
def digits(n):
if n < 10:
return [n]
return digits(n/10) + [n%10]
> [1, 2, 3]
The above solution fixes a bug in your code, you were returning the digits in reverse order. Also notice that n must be an integer greater than or equal to zero for producing correct results.
Here's how it works:
If the number is less than 10, then return a list with the number, as there are no more digits to be processed
If the number is greater than 9, get the last digit in the current number and add it to the end of the list that results of recursively calling digits on a smaller number - namely, the number without the last digit that we just processed.
The call to digits(123) will look like this at each step of the recursion:
digits(123) = digits(123/10) + [3]
digits(12) = digits(12/10) + [2]
digits(1) = [1]
Now we go up the call stack:
[1] + [2]
[1, 2] + [3]
[1, 2, 3]
Accepting #thg435's challenge, here's a tail-recursive solution:
def digits(n):
def loop(i, acc):
if i < 10:
return [i] + acc
return loop(i/10, [i%10] + acc)
return loop(n, [])
When you use recursion, a good basis is to have two cases to check, a base case and a recursive case. The base case is the conditions and result under which the program returns, in your case, the base case would be when n > 0 (If you think of it like a while loop, it's the condition for the while loop exiting). The recursive case (there can be multiple of these) occur when the loop isn't done, if you compare to a while loop, this is basically the body of the loop. At the end of the recursive case, you need to call the function again with your changes to the input, in this case n/10.
So, your function definition would be something like:
def digits(n):
For the base case, you want to check if n is 0, and, if it is, return the empty list:
if n <= 0:
return []
Now, in the recursive case, you want to append n%10 to the list and call your function again, only you want to call it with a different n, changed as you had it in your while loop:
return [n%10]+digits(n/10)
So, if you trace this through, for every recursive case, you get a list containing n%10, then it adds the result of the new call, which will be either (n/10)%10 or the empty list. For example, running this function with n=100 would break down like this:
newlist = digits(100)
newlist = [100%10]+digits(100/10)
newlist = [100%10]+([10%10] + digits(10/10))
newlist = [100%10]+([10%10] + ([1%10] + digits(10/10)))
newlist = [100%10]+([10%10] + ([1%10] + ([])))
newlist = [0,0,1]
Nested parens are used to show how the function digits gets rewritten inline.
def digits(n):
res = []
n /= 10
if n != 0:
return res + digits(n)
return res