I am having trouble with my page redirect when deleting a users comment. below is my code. It deletes the message but gives me this error: Message matching query does not exist for Message.objects.get(id=message_id).delete().
def remove_message(request, message_id):
return redirect(reverse('dashboard:show'))
new issue, cannot get my delete button to show when trying to delete only the current users comments. Code below:
def remove_message(request, user_id, message_id):
user = User.objects.get(id=request.session['user_id'])
Message.objects.filter(id=message_id, user = request.user).delete()
return redirect(reverse('dashboard:show', args=user_id))
{% for message in messages%}
<div class="message">
<p class='bg-primary wall_content'><strong>{{message.messageuser.first_name}} wrote:</strong></p>
<p class='wall_content'>{{message.message}}</p>
{% if message.id == request.user %}
<a href='{% url "dashboard:remove_message" user.id message.id %}'>Delete Message</a>
{% endif %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{% if message.id == comment.message.id %}
<p class='bg-success wall_content comment'><strong>{{comment.user.first_name}} wrote:</strong></p>
<p class='wall_content comment'>{{comment.comment}}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Instead of get, you can use filter which returns QuerySet. Unlike the get method, the filter does not raise ObjectDoesNotExist exception, but just returns a empty queryset if there's no matching object.
Deleting empty queryset has no harm.
So you the line can be replaced with:
I can't make work my detail function to simply retrieve all fields of only one Model element.
my code is :
def band_detail(request, id):
band = Band.objects.get(id=id)
return render(request,
{'band', band })
in urls.py I wrote:
path('bands/<int:id>/', views.band_detail)
So, when I am going to /bands/{id} it should show me my band_details.html page :
{% extends 'listings/base.html' %}
{% block content %}
<h1> {{ band.name }} </h1>
{% if band.active %}
<h2> Active : <i class="fa-solid fa-check"></i> </h2>
{% else %}
<h2> Active : <i class="fa-solid fa-xmark"></i> </h2>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
but instead I get a typeError telling me : 'context must be a dict rather than set.'
error page
I guess this is due to the way I retrieve my Band object from id. But I can't wrap my mind around. That is why I am coming for a lil help.
Thanks in advance
You have a context error! because the context must be a dictionary.
def band_detail(request, id):
band = Band.objects.get(id=id)
return render(request,
context={'band': band })
I want the user to see an error message when he tries to delete a value that is being used as PROTECTED Foreign key for another table, and the table is not empty which means there are values under this Foreign key.. it returns back an error for me in debug mode but I want an error message for end user ...
def cat_delete(request, pk):
instance = get_object_or_404(Categories, pk=pk)
return redirect('/')
path('category/<int:pk>/delete/', views.cat_delete, name="cat_delete"),
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" >تأكيد المسح</button>
You can use the Django Messages Framwork
Your cat_delete view:
from django.contrib import messages
def cat_delete(request, pk):
instance = get_object_or_404(Categories, pk=pk)
except Exception as e:
messages.error(request, "Your error message")
return redirect('/')
In your html template, error message will be visible under messages variable. You can use the following snippet to display it:
{% if messages %}
<ul class="messages">
{% for message in messages %}
<li{% if message.tags %} class="{{ message.tags }}"{% endif %}>{{ message }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
I'm building a Netflix like website for my Devops course. I made a Python list of dictionaries (Mockfilms) to define my films, and want to populate a database (Ratings) with reviews in preparation for sending data in the format :filmid: :userid: :rating: to a recommendation engine.
My index page is a list of film images with a link to a review form under each one. I want each review form to appear on a different url (/review/ID where ID is saved in mockfilms as oid). In order to do this I want to access mockfilms.oid, then pass it to the view function to make the url for the form. Once the form is complete I then want to add this ID to the Ratings database. Here is what I have so far:
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<h1>Hello, {{ current_user.username }}! Welcome to our extensive video library:</h1>
{% for film in mockfilms %}
{% set ID = film.oid %}
<a href = {{ film.video }}>
<img src = {{ film.image }} alt = "doh" style = "width:200px;height:200px;border:0;">
">Leave a review here!
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
#app.route('/review/<ID>', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def review(ID):
form = ReviewForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
review = Ratings(User_id = current_user.id, Score_given = form.score.data, Film_id = ID)
flash('Thanks for your review')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
return render_template('review.html', title='Review Page', form=form)
The following error is what I get when I run it:
File "/home/jc/Desktop/Lokal/DevopsAssig/microblog/Kilfinnan/lib/python3.5/site-packages/werkzeug/routing.py", line 1768, in build
raise BuildError(endpoint, values, method, self)
werkzeug.routing.BuildError: Could not build url for endpoint 'review'. Did you forget to specify values ['ID']?
From this I assume that the issue is with the ID variable within this template. My searchings and learnings led me to believe that {% set %} in the index template would let me declare the ID variable and then use it in the dynamic.
Try this:
{% block content %}
Hello, {{ current_user.username }}!
Welcome to our extensive video library:
{% for film in mockfilms %}
<a href="{{ film.video }}">
<img src="{{ film.image }}" alt="doh" style="width:200px;height:200px;border:0;" />
<a href="{{ url_for('review', ID=film.oid) }}">
Leave a review here!
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Ultimately your solution was quite close, but it is not necessary to use the Jinja set command when you need to pass the variable into url_for() function using the keyword for the parameter. You could still do it using {% set ID = film.oid %} but it would be a bit superfluous.
Try to provide key=value arguments into your url_for function.
Something like this
">Leave a review here!
Also Flask have a great documentation, Flask docs
NOTE: NOT A DUPLICATE Because the similar stack-overflow questions did not help me understand the solution to this. Thank you!
How do I fix this error? I don't understand because I think I did the exact same pattern as in the other method which is not causing problems. I looked at other stackoverflow answers to this and could not figure it out. Notice how I pass listOfCheckins=list in with no problem, but when I try to pass in checkin=item it throws this error. (Both are at the very end of their respective functions, in the return statement.)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'item' referenced before assignment. Line: [session['user_id'], session['user_id'], PER_PAGE]),checkin=item)
Snippet of my python flask server with the problem:
def timeline():
"""Shows a users timeline or if no user is logged in it will
redirect to the public timeline. This timeline shows the user's
messages as well as all the messages of followed users.
if not g.user:
return redirect(url_for('public_timeline'))
#Get info from foursquare
token = result['access_token_text']
response = requests.get(FOURSQUARE_API_BASE + "users/self/checkins?oauth_token=" + token +
dict = json.loads(response.text)
item = dict['response']['checkins']['items'][0]
return render_template('timeline.html',messages=query_db('''
select message.*, user.* from message, user
where message.author_id = user.user_id and (
user.user_id = ? or
user.user_id in (select whom_id from follower
where who_id = ?))
order by message.pub_date desc limit ?''',
[session['user_id'], session['user_id'], PER_PAGE]),checkin=item)
Snippet of my python flask server that is causing no problems:
def foursquare():
"""Shows your foursquare info. Or, if you have not authorized this app to connect to
foursquare, then it will redirect you to foursquare.
if not g.user:
return redirect(url_for('public_timeline'))
result = query_db('select access_token_text from access_token where user_id = ?',
[session['user_id']], one=True)
if not result:
return redirect("https://foursquare.com/oauth2/authenticate?response_type=code&client_id=" + FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_ID + "&redirect_uri=" + FOURSQUARE_REDIRECT_URI,code=302)
#Get info from foursquare
token = result['access_token_text']
response = requests.get(FOURSQUARE_API_BASE + "users/self/checkins?oauth_token=" + token +
dict = json.loads(response.text)
list = dict['response']['checkins']['items']
return render_template('foursquare.html', listOfCheckins=list)
timeline.html (Flask template):
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block title %}
{% if request.endpoint == 'public_timeline' %}
Public Timeline
{% elif request.endpoint == 'user_timeline' %}
{{ profile_user.username }}'s Timeline
{% else %}
My Timeline
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h2>{{ self.title() }}</h2>
{% if g.user %}
{% if request.endpoint == 'user_timeline' %}
<div class=followstatus>
{% if g.user.user_id == profile_user.user_id %}
This is you!
{% elif followed %}
You are currently following this user.
<a class=unfollow href="{{ url_for('unfollow_user', username=profile_user.username)
}}">Unfollow user</a>.
{% else %}
You are not yet following this user.
<a class=follow href="{{ url_for('follow_user', username=profile_user.username)
}}">Follow user</a>.
{% endif %}
{% elif request.endpoint == 'timeline' %}
<div class=twitbox>
<h3>What's on your mind {{ g.user.username }}?</h3>
<form action="{{ url_for('add_message') }}" method=post>
<p><input type=text name=text size=60><!--
--><input type=submit value="Share">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<ul class=messages>
{% if checkin %}
Most recent checkin:
<li><strong>Venue:</strong> {{ checkin['venue']['name'] }}<br>
<strong>Address:</strong> {{ checkin['venue']['location']['address'] }}<br>
<strong>Shout:</strong> {{ checkin['shout'] }} <br>
{% elif g.user %}
This user has no checkins.
{% endif %}
<br>Other Messages:
{% for message in messages %}
<li><img src="{{ message.email|gravatar(size=48) }}"><p>
<strong><a href="{{ url_for('user_timeline', username=message.username)
}}">{{ message.username }}</a></strong>
{{ message.text }}
<small>— {{ message.pub_date|datetimeformat }}</small>
{% else %}
<li><em>There's no message so far.</em>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
So it turns out that I had 1 tab in front of the "item" line, and 4 spaces in front of the "return" line, so it was treating it in a different scope. The answer was to replace the 4 spaces in front of the "return" line with 1 tab, and then the error went away.
item = dict['response']['checkins']['items'][0]
return render_template('timeline.html',messages=query_db('''...
I have 3 database model - Semester, Section and Notecard
The Notecard model has a "Known" field that I use to classify the Notecard objects into "piles" as Known (1) or Unknown (0):
class Notecard(models.Model):
notecard_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
notecard_body = models.TextField()
section = models.ForeignKey(Section)
known = models.BooleanField()
I have two views - known_list and unkown_list that displays the corresponding piles (known_list below for reference):
def known_list(request, section_name):
section = Section.objects.get(section_name__iexact = section_name)
except Section.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
known_list = Notecard.objects.filter(known=1, section=section)
paginator = Paginator(known_list, 1)
if known_list:
page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
except ValueError:
page = 1
known = paginator.page(page)
except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
known = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
context = RequestContext(request)
return render_to_response('notecards/known.html', {"known": known}, context_instance=context)
url = reverse('notecard_list', kwargs={'section_name': section_name})
return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
This view brings in the section_name from the previous view to display all the Notecard objects that are in the section that was clicked on, and in the known pile.
In the template below, you can see that I paginate the notecards to one a page:
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<h1 class='title'>NoteCards!</h1>
{% for notecard in known.object_list %}
<h1 class='notecard'>{{ notecard.notecard_name }}</h1>
<h3 class='notecard'>{{ notecard.notecard_body }}</h3>
{% endfor %}
<div class="pagination">
<span class="step-links">
{% if known.has_previous %}
<a class="navlink" href="?page={{ known.previous_page_number }}">previous</a>
{% endif %}
<span class="current">
Page {{ known.number }} of {{ known.paginator.num_pages }}
{% if known.has_next %}
<a class="navlink" href="?page={{ known.next_page_number }}">next</a>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'^(?P<section_name>[\w|\W]+)/unknown/$', unknown_list, name="unknown_list"),
url(r'^(?P<section_name>[\w|\W]+)/known/', known_list, name="known_list"),
url(r'^semester/(?P<semester_name>[\w|\W]+)/', section_list, name="section_list"),
url(r'^section/(?P<section_name>[\w|\W]+)/', notecard_list, name="notecard_list"),
url(r'^notecard/(?P<notecard_name>[\w|\W]+)/', notecard_detail, name="notecard_detail"),
url(r'^$', semester_list, name="semester_list"),
That said, I would like to add a "Send to Unknown" button that will allow users to send the notecard whose page they are currently on to the unknown pile (Simply changing the known field to = 0, removing the notecard from the pagination list, and moving to the next page in the pagination).
I have tried replicating my new_notecard view which contains a full form of the model, but I was unable to figure out how to update a single field.
I have also tried using queryset.update() but was unable to figure out how to capture the pk from the specific notecard.
I've been trying to figure this out on my own for over a month, but I've been unsuccessful. Thank you in advance.
It seems like my hang up is pulling the pk of the notecard on each page of the pagination. For example, if I am on page 3 of the pagination - when the "Send to Unknown" button is pushed, how do I identify that notecard in my view and update it from known (1) to unknown (0)
you must create a specific view with a specific url to handle this, for example:
# urls.py
url(r'^movetounknown/(?P<notecard_id>[\w|\W]+)/', notecard_move_to_unknown)
# views.py
def notecard_move_to_unknown(request, notecard_id):
notecard = Notecard.objects.get(pk=notecard_id)
notecard.known = False
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.POST['next'])
# template
{% for notecard in known.object_list %}
<h1 class='notecard'>{{ notecard.notecard_name }}</h1>
<h3 class='notecard'>{{ notecard.notecard_body }}</h3>
<form action="{% url views.move_to_unknown notecard.pk %}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="next" value="{% url known_list known.section.section_name %}?page={{known.paginator.number}}"/>
<input type="submit" value="Move to unknown list"/>
{% endfor %}
You also can pass the notecard id as a post parameter.
The next parameter tells where to go after the change, here I choose the same page of the known list because once the current card is removed the next one is at this index
Capturing the pk of a specific notecard object can be done by defining a specific url for that notecard. For example:-
# urls.py
# corresponding views.py
def notecard(request, note_card_id):
notecard = get_object_or_404(Notecard, pk=note_card_id)
template = 'notecard/notecard.html'
template_vars = {'notecard': notecard}
render(request, template, template_vars)
# notecard/notecard.html
<h2>{{ notecard.notecard_name }}</h2>
<p>{{ notecard.notecard_body }}</p>
You can also define a form with the notecard id/pk being a hidden field for submission and updating into your database (and of course, you will need to update your view function correspondingly).
In essence, to update a specific notecard object, you will simply do in your view function (with form submission or, if you prefer, a pure ajax implementation in your listing page) like this
notecard.known = False