Tensorflow: DropoutWrapper leads to different output? - python

I build a LSTM like:
lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(n_hidden, forget_bias=1.0, state_is_tuple=True, activation=tf.nn.tanh)
lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(lstm_cell, output_keep_prob=0.5)
lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([lstm_cell] * 3, state_is_tuple=True)
Then i train the model, and save variables.
The next time i load saved variables and skip training, it gives me a different prediction.
If i change the output_keep_prob to 1, this model can always show me the same prediction, but if the output_keep_prob is less than 1, like 0.5, this model shows me different prediction every time.
So i guess if the DropoutWrapper leads to different output?
If so, how can i solve this problem?

Try using the seed keyword argument to DropoutWrapper(...):
lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(lstm_cell, output_keep_prob=0.5, seed=42)
See the docs here for DropoutWrapper.__init__

Dropout will randomly activate a subset of your net, and is used during training for regularization. Because you've hardcoded dropout as 0.5, it means every time you run the net half your nodes will be randomly silenced, thus producing a different and random result.
You can sanity check this is what's happening by setting a seed, so that the same nodes will be 'randomly' silenced by dropout each time. However, what you probably want to do is make dropout a placeholder so that you can set it to 1.0 (ie keep all the nodes) during test time, which will produce the same output for each input deterministically.


A Classifier Network Seems to be "Forgetting" older samples

This is a strange problem: Imagine a neural network classifier. It is a simple linear layer followed by a sigmoid activation that has an input size of 64, and an output size of 112. There also are 112 training samples, where I expect the output to be a one-hot vector. So the basic structure of a training loop is as follows, where samples is a list of integer indices:
model = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(64,112),nn.Sequential())
loss_fn = nn.BCELoss()
optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(),lr=3e-4)
for epoch in range(500):
for input_state, index in samples:
one_hot = torch.zeros(112).float()
one_hot[index] = 1.0
prediction = model(input_state)
loss = loss_fn(prediction,one_hot)
This model does not perform well, but I don't think it's a problem with the model itself, but rather how it's trained. I think that this is happening because for the most part, all of the one_hot tensor is zeros, that the model just tends to gravitate toward all of the outputs being zeros, which is what's happening. The question becomes: "How does this get solved?" I tried using the average loss with all the samples, to no avail. So what do I do?
So this is very embarrassing, but the answer actually lies in how I process my data. This is a text-input project, so I used basic python lists to create blocks of messages, but when I did this, I ended up making it so that all of the inputs the net got were the same, but the output was different every time. I solved tho s problem with the copy method.

Network loss stalls where it should fall to zero quickly

I have a neural network with 30 input nodes, 1 hidden node, and 1 output node. I am training it on a dataset where the inputs are 30-dimensional vectors with entries between -1 and 1, and the targets are the 2nd entry of these vectors.
I expect the network to train and learn to output the 2nd entry of the input vector quickly, since this is as simple as decreasing the weights in the network which connect the input nodes to the hidden node to zero except the one for the 2nd entry.
However, The loss stalls quickly at approximately 0.168. I'ld expect it to quickly go to zero, which is the case if the targets are just 0.
The following code showcases the problem with a randomised dataset.
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras import models
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import tensorflow as tf
dataSize = 100000
xdata = np.zeros((dataSize, 30))
ydata = np.zeros((dataSize))
for i in range(dataSize):
vec = (np.random.rand(30) * 2) - 1
xdata[i] = vec
ydata[i] = vec[1]
model = models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Dense(1, activation="relu", input_shape=(30, )))
model.add(layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid"))
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.01)
lossObject = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=lossObject)
model.fit(xdata, ydata, epochs=200, batch_size=32)
I have tried multiple different optimizers, loss functions, batch sizes, dataset sizes and learning rates, however the result is always the loss stalling at a relatively high value.
Why is this happening? I am not interested in responses asking why I am doing this. I am new to neural networks and I need to understand why this is happening before I can continue with my original task.
Thank you in advance.
Your targets are between -1 and 1, but a sigmoid output activation limits outputs to [0, 1], making it impossible to achieve zero loss if any targets happen to be < 0 (which is very likely with a large dataset). You could fix it by using tanh as activation instead, which maps to [-1, 1], or just using no activation in the output layer should be fine in this case. When you fix all targets to 0, this is obviously not an issue, and (almost) zero loss can be achieved.
As a general lesson: Always make sure your output activation makes sense with regards to your target data. At the very least, the value ranges should be identical -- although this might not be a sufficient condition for a good output activation.
As a second point: Having a single node with relu activation is also a bad idea. If the input to relu is < 0, the output will be 0, and the gradient will be, as well. In this case, no learning is possible and incorrect outputs for some data points may never be corrected.
It is generally not a problem if some units are 0 some of the time because the gradient can flow through other paths, but with only one unit, this will likely cripple learning as well. I would recommend that you either use more units in the hidden layer, or use a different activation function.

Diverging losses in PPO + ICM using LSTM

I have tried to implement Proximal Policy Optimization with Intrinsic Curiosity Rewards for statefull LSTM neural network.
Losses in both PPO and ICM are diverging and I would like to find out if its bug in code or badly selected hyperparameters.
Code (where some wrong implementation could be):
In ICM model I use first layer LSTM too to match input dimensions.
In ICM whole dataset is propagated at once, with zeros as initial hidden(resultin tensors are different, than they would be if I propagated only 1 state or batch and re-use hidden cells)
In PPO advantage and discount reward processing the dataset is propagated one by one and hidden cells are re-used (exact opposite than in ICM because here it uses same model for selecting actions and this approach is "real-time-like")
In PPO training model is trained on batches with re-use of hidden cells
I have used https://github.com/adik993/ppo-pytorch as default code and reworked it to run on my environment and use LSTM
I may provide code samples later if specifically requested due to large amount of rows
def __init_curiosity(self):
curiosity_factory=ICM.factory(MlpICMModel.factory(), policy_weight=1,
reward_scale=0.1, weight=0.2,
self.curiosity = curiosity_factory.create(self.state_converter,
self.curiosity.to(self.device, torch.float32)
self.reward_normalizer = StandardNormalizer()
def __init_PPO_trainer(self):
self.PPO_trainer = PPO(agent = self,
reward = GeneralizedRewardEstimation(gamma=0.99, lam=0.95),
advantage = GeneralizedAdvantageEstimation(gamma=0.99, lam=0.95),
learning_rate = 1e-3,
clip_range = 0.3,
v_clip_range = 0.3,
c_entropy = 1e-2,
c_value = 0.5,
n_mini_batches = 32,
n_optimization_epochs = 10,
clip_grad_norm = 0.5)
self.PPO_trainer.to(self.device, torch.float32)
Training graphs:
(Notice large numbers on y axis)
For now I have reworked LSTM processing to use batches and hidden memory on all places (for both main model and ICM), but the problem is still present. I have traced it to output from ICM's model, here the output diverges mainly in action_hat tensor.
Found the problem... In main model I use softmax for eval runs and log_softmax for training in output layer and according to PyTorch docs the CrossEntropyLoss uses log_softmax inside, so as advised I used NLLLoss but forthe computation of ICM model loss which does not have softmax fnc in output layer! So switching back to CrossEntropyLoss (which was originaly in reference code) solved ICM loss divergence.

Approximation of funtion with multi-dimensional output using a keras neural network

As part of a project for my studies I want to try and approximate a function f:R^m -> R^n using a Keras neural network (to which I am completely new). The network seems to be learning to some (indeed unsatisfactory) point. But the predictions of the network don't resemble the expected results in the slightest.
I have two numpy-arrays containing the training-data (the m-dimensional input for the function) and the training-labels (the n-dimensional expected output of the function). I use them for training my Keras model (see below), which seems to be learning on the provided data.
inputs = Input(shape=(m,))
hidden = Dense(100, activation='sigmoid')(inputs)
hidden = Dense(80, activation='sigmoid')(hidden)
outputs = Dense(n, activation='softmax')(hidden)
opti = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
model.fit(training_data, training_labels, verbose = 2, batch_size=32, epochs=30)
When I call the evaluate-method on my model with a set of test-data and a set of test-labels, I get an apparent accuracy of more than 50%. However, when I use the predict method, the predictions of the network do not resemble the expected results in the slightest. For example, the first ten entries of the expected output are:
[0., 0.08193582, 0.13141066, 0.13495408, 0.16852582, 0.2154705 ,
0.30517559, 0.32567417, 0.34073457, 0.37453226]
whereas the first ten entries of the predicted results are:
[3.09514281e-09, 2.20849714e-03, 3.84095078e-03, 4.99367528e-03,
6.06226595e-03, 7.18442770e-03, 8.96730460e-03, 1.03423093e-02, 1.16029680e-02, 1.31887039e-02]
Does this have something to do with the metrics I use? Could the results be normalized by Keras in some intransparent way? Have I just used the wrong kind of model for the problem I want to solve? What does 'accuracy' mean anyway?
Thank you in advance for your help, I am new to neural networks and have been stuck with this issue for several days.
The problem is with this line:
outputs = Dense(n, activation='softmax')(hidden)
We use softmax activation only in a classification problem, where we need a probability distribution over the classes as an output of the network. And so softmax makes ensures that the output sums to one and non zero (which is true in your case). But I don't think the problem at hand for you is a classification task, you are just trying to predict ten continuous target varaibles, so use a linear activation function instead. So modify the above line to something like this
outputs = Dense(n, activation='linear')(hidden)

TimeDistributed layer and return sequences etc for LSTM in Keras

Sorry I am new to RNN. I have read this post on TimeDistributed layer.
I have reshaped my data in to Keras requried [samples, time_steps, features]: [140*50*19], which means I have 140 data points, each has 50 time steps, and 19 features. My output is shaped [140*50*1]. I care more about the last data point's accuracy. This is a regression problem.
My current code is :
x = Input((None, X_train.shape[-1]) , name='input')
lstm_kwargs = { 'dropout_W': 0.25, 'return_sequences': True, 'consume_less': 'gpu'}
lstm1 = LSTM(64, name='lstm1', **lstm_kwargs)(x)
output = Dense(1, activation='relu', name='output')(lstm1)
model = Model(input=x, output=output)
sgd = SGD(lr=0.00006, momentum=0.8, decay=0, nesterov=False)
optimizer = sgd
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mean_squared_error')
My questions are:
My case is many-to-many, so I need to use return_sequences=True? How about if I only need the last time step's prediction, it would be many-to-one. So I need to my output to be [140*1*1] and return_sequences=False?
Is there anyway to enhance my last time points accuracy if I use many-to-many? I care more about it than the other points accuracy.
I have tried to use TimeDistributed layer as
output = TimeDistributed(Dense(1, activation='relu'), name='output')(lstm1)
the performance seems to be worse than without using TimeDistributed layer. Why is this so?
I tried to use optimizer=RMSprop(lr=0.001). I thought RMSprop is supposed to stabilize the NN. But I was never able to get good result using RMSprop.
How do I choose a good lr and momentum for SGD? I have been testing on different combinations manually. Is there a cross validation method in keras?
Yes - return_sequences=False makes your network to output only a last element of sequence prediction.
You could define the output slicing using the Lambda layer. Here you could find an example on how to do this. Having the output sliced you can provide the additional output where you'll feed the values of the last timestep.
From the computational point of view these two approaches are equivalent. Maybe the problem lies in randomness introduced by weight sampling.
Actually - using RMSProp as a first choice for RNNs is a rule of thumb - not a general proved law. Moreover - it is strongly adviced not to change it's parameters. So this might cause the problems. Another thing is that LSTM needs a lot of time to stabalize. Maybe you need to leave it for more epochs. Last thing - is that maybe your data could favour another activation function.
You could use a keras.sklearnWrapper.

