I have run into an issue with a stitching program I made. The way I am slicing the image makes it so the only way it works is if the first image if to the left and above the one it would be stitched to.
def stitchMatches(self,image1,image2,homography):
#gather x and y axis of images that will be stitched
height1, width1 = image1.shape[0], image1.shape[1]
height2, width2 = image2.shape[0], image2.shape[1]
#create blank image that will be large enough to hold stitch image
blank_image = np.zeros(((width1 + width2),(height1 + height2),3),np.uint8)
#stitch image two into the resulting image while using blank_image
#to create a large enough frame for images
result = cv2.warpPerspective((image1),homography,blank_image.shape[0:2])
#numpy notation for slicing a matrix together
#allows you to see the image
result[0:image2.shape[0], 0:image2.shape[1]] = image2
This code runs when the left most image is represented by image1.
When I reverse the order of the images however I only have on image received as it the final line in my code "result[0...=image2" is unable to slive an image in an orientation that is not oriented with the first image in the upper left most corner between tho two images being stitched.
Here is a full example with homography
This is the homgraphy between the two images and Their result:
This is the correct result with imaege1 on the left
This is the incorrect result with image1 on the right
I know the issue is with th final slicing line I am just at a loss to get it to work, Any help is appreciated.
I am trying to combine 4 images, image 1 on top left, image 2 on top right, image 3 on bottom left and image 4 on bottom right. However, my images are different sizes and not sure how to resize the images to same size. I am pretty new to Python and this is my first time using PIL.
I have this so far (after opening the images)
img1 = img1.resize(img2.size)
img1 = img1.resize(img3.size)
img1 = img1.resize(img4.size)
This shall suffice your basic requirement.
This shall suffice your basic requirement.
Images are read and stored to list of arrays using io.imread(img) in
a list comprehension.
We resize images to custom height and width.You can change IMAGE_WIDTH,IMAGE_HEIGHT as per your need with respect
to the input image size.
You just have to pass the location of n
images (n=4 for your case) to the function.
If you are
passing more than 2 images (for your case 4), it will work create 2
rows of images. In the top row, images in the first half of the list
are stacked and the remaining ones are placed in bottom row using
The two rows are stacked vertically using vconcat().
Finally, we convert the result to RGB image using
image.convert("RGB") and is saved using image.save().
The code:
import cv2
from PIL import Image
from skimage import io
def create_collage(images):
images = [io.imread(img) for img in images]
images = [cv2.resize(image, (IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT)) for image in images]
if len(images) > 2:
half = len(images) // 2
h1 = cv2.hconcat(images[:half])
h2 = cv2.hconcat(images[half:])
concat_images = cv2.vconcat([h1, h2])
concat_images = cv2.hconcat(images)
image = Image.fromarray(concat_images)
# Image path
image_name = "result.jpg"
image = image.convert("RGB")
return image_name
#image1 on top left, image2 on top right, image3 on bottom left,image4 on bottom right
To create advanced college make you can look into this:
I've been trying to convert stereo images into a depth map with use of opencv, but not matter what I do it seems to come out unreadable.
I was able to get an accurate depth image of example images that were provided in the opencv tutorial but not on any other image. Even when I attempted to download other premade, calibrated stereo image from online I get terrible results that are neither accurate nor are even close to quality that I get with the example images.
here is my main python script that I use to make the depth map:
import numpy as np
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
imgL = cv2.imread('calimg_L.png',0)
imgR = cv2.imread('calimg_R.png',0)
# imgL = cv2.imread('./images/example_L.png',0)
# imgR = cv2.imread('./images/example_R.png',0)
stereo = cv2.StereoSGBM_create(numDisparities=16, blockSize=15)
disparity = stereo.compute(imgR,imgL)
norm_image = cv2.normalize(disparity, None, alpha = 0, beta = 1, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_32F)
cv2.imwrite("disparityImage.jpg", norm_image)
where calimg_L.png is a calibrated version of the original image.
Here is the code I use to calibrate my images:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import glob
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def createCalibratedImage(inputImage, outputName):
# termination criteria
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)
# prepare object points, like (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (2,0,0) ....,(6,5,0)
objp = np.zeros((3*3,3), np.float32)
objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:3,0:3].T.reshape(-1,2)
# Arrays to store object points and image points from all the images.
objpoints = [] # 3d point in real world space
imgpoints = [] # 2d points in image plane.
# org = cv2.imread('./chess.jpg')
# orig_cal_img = cv2.resize(org, (384, 288))
# cv2.imwrite("cal_chess.jpg", orig_cal_img)
images = glob.glob('./chess_webcam/*.jpg')
for fname in images:
print('file in use: ' + fname)
img = cv2.imread(fname)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Find the chess board corners
ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, (3,3),None)
# print("doing the thing");
print('status: ' + str(ret));
# If found, add object points, image points (after refining them)
if ret == True:
# print("found something");
# Draw and display the corners
cv2.drawChessboardCorners(img, (3,3), corners,ret)
ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objpoints, imgpoints, gray.shape[::-1],None,None)
img = inputImage
h, w = img.shape[:2]
newcameramtx, roi=cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mtx,dist,(w,h),1,(w,h))
# undistort
mapx,mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(mtx,dist,None,newcameramtx,(w,h),5)
dst = cv2.remap(inputImage ,mapx,mapy,cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# crop the image
x,y,w,h = roi
dst = dst[y:y+h, x:x+w]
# cv2.imwrite('calibresult.png',dst)
cv2.imwrite(outputName + '.png',dst)
original_L = cv2.imread('capture_L.jpg')
original_R = cv2.imread('capture_R.jpg')
createCalibratedImage(original_R, "calimg_R")
createCalibratedImage(original_L, "calimg_L")
print("images calibrated and outputed")
This code was taken from opencv tutorial on how to calibrate images and was provided at least 16 images of the chess board, but was only able to identify the chessboard in about 4 - 5 of them. The reason I used such a relatively small grid search of 3x3 is because anything higher left me without any images to use for calibration due to its inability to find the chessboard.
Here is what I get from an example image(sorry for weird link, couldn't find how to upload):
here is the original:
This acts a it should, but when I use it with any other image it gives me a mess, for example:
looks like just a mess of pixels, to be fair when you put it into 'gray' on imshow it looks more readable but it is not very representative of the image's depth, here are the originals:
Even worse so, when I take images myself and do calibrate them through the chessboard code, it comes out as just a random mess of white and black pixels, and values of some goes into negatives and some pixels are impossibly high value.
tl;dr I can't get any stereo images to be made into a depth map even though the example image works just fine, why is that?
First I want to say that obtaining a good depth map is not such a simple task, and using the basic StereoMatching won't always lead to good results. Nevertheless, something better can be achieved.
In order:
Calibration: you should be able to find the checkerboard in more images, 4/5 is a very low number for calibration, it is very hard to estimate correctly the camera parameters with such low number. How do the images look like? Did you read them as grayscale images? Usually also using a different number for row and column (not 3x3 grid, like 4x3) helps to understand the checkerboard position (otherwise it could be ambiguous which side is up or right, for example, a 90 rotation would result in 0 rotation).
Rectification: this can be easily checked by looking at the images. Open two images on two different layers (using GIMP or similar) and check for similar points. After you rectified the images, they should lie on the same line. Are they really on the same line? If yes, rectification work, otherwise, you need a better calibration. The stereo matching won't work without this step.
Stereo Matching: if all above steps are correct, then you may have a problem on the parameters of the stereo matching. First thing to check is disparity range (since it looks like you have different resolution between example images and your images, you should check and adapt that value). Min disparity can also help (if you reduce the disparity range, you reduce the error possibilities) and also block size (15 is quite big, smaller is also enough).
From what you say, my guess would be the problem is on the calibration. You should try to check the rectified images, and if the problem is there try to acquire a new dataset (or find online a better one) and calibrate your images there. Once you can calibrate and rectify your images correctly, you should get better results.
I see the code is similar to the tutorial here so I guess that's correct and the main problem are the images. Hope this can help,I can help you more if you test and see where the probelm is!
A chem student asked me for help with plotting image segmenetation:
A stationary camera takes a picture of the experimental setup every second over a period of a few minutes, so like 300 images yield.
The relevant parts in the setup are two adjacent layers of differently-colored foams observed from the side, a 2-color sandwich shrinking from both sides, basically, except one of the foams evaporates a bit faster.
I'd like to segment each of the images in the way that would let me plot both foam regions' "width" against time.
Here is a "diagram" :)
I want to go from here --> To here
Ideally, given a few hundred of such shots, in which only the widths change, I get an array of scalars back that I can plot. (Going to look like a harmonic series on either side of the x-axis)
I have a bit of python and matlab experience, but have never used OpenCV or Image Processing toolbox in matlab, or actually never dealt with any computer vision in general. Could you guys throw like a roadmap of what packages/functions to use or steps one should take and i'll take it from there?
I'm not sure how to address these things:
-selecting at which slice along the length of the slice the algorithm measures the width(i.e. if the foams are a bit uneven), although this can be ignored.
-which library to use to segment regions of the image based on their color, (some k-means shenanigans probably), and selectively store the spatial parameters of the resulting segments?
-how to iterate that above over a number of files.
Thank you kindly in advance!
Assume your Intensity will be different after converting into gray scale ( if not, just convert to other color space like HSV or LAB, then just use one of the components)
img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
First, Threshold your grayscaled input into a few bands
ret,thresh1 = cv.threshold(img,128,255,cv.THRESH_BINARY)
ret,thresh2 = cv.threshold(img,27,255,cv.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
ret,thresh3 = cv.threshold(img,77,255,cv.THRESH_TRUNC)
ret,thresh4 = cv.threshold(img,97,255,cv.THRESH_TOZERO)
ret,thresh5 = cv.threshold(img,227,255,cv.THRESH_TOZERO_INV)
The value should be tested out by your actual data. Here Im just give a example
Clean up the segmented image using median filter with a radius larger than 9. I do expect some noise. You can also use ROI here to help remove part of noise. But personally I`m lazy, I just wrote program to handle all cases and angle
threshholed_images_aftersmoothing = cv2.medianBlur(threshholed_images,9)
Each band will be corresponding to one color (layer). Now you should have N segmented image from one source. where N is the number of layers you wish to track
Second use opencv function bounding rect to find location and width/height of each Layer AKA each threshholed_images_aftersmoothing. Eg. boundingrect on each sub-segmented images.
C++: Rect boundingRect(InputArray points)
Python: cv2.boundingRect(points) → retval¶
Last, the rect have x,y, height and width property. You can use a simple sorting order to sort from top to bottom layer based on rect attribute x. Run though all vieo to obtain the x(layer id) , height vs time graph.
Rect API
Public Attributes
_Tp **height** // this is what you are looking for
_Tp width
_Tp **x** // this tells you the position of the band
_Tp y
By plot the corresponding heights (|AB| or |CD|) over time, you can obtain the graph you needed.
The more correct way is to use Kalman filter to track the position and height graph as I would expect some sort of bubble will occur and will interfere with the height of the layers.
To be honest, i didnt expect a chem student to be good at this. Haha good luck
Anything wrong you can find me here or Email me if i`m not watching stackoverflow
You can select a region of interest straight down the middle of the foams, a few pixels wide. If you stack these regions for each image it will show the shrink over time.
If for example you use 3 pixel width for the roi, the result of 300 images will be a 900 pixel wide image, where the left is the start of the experiment and the right is the end. The following image can help you understand:
Though I have not fully tested it, this code should work. Note that there must only be images in the folder you reference.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
# path to folder that holds the images
path = '.'
# dimensions of roi
x = 0
y = 0
w = 3
h = 100
# store references to all images
all_images = os.listdir(path)
# sort images
# create empty result array
result = np.empty([h,0,3],dtype=np.uint8)
for image in all_images:
# load image
img = cv2.imread(path+'/'+image)
# get the region of interest
roi = img[y:y+h,x:x+w]
# add the roi to previous results
result = np.hstack((result,roi))
# optinal: save result as image
# cv2.imwrite('result.png',result)
# display result - can also plot with matplotlib
cv2.imshow('Result', result)
Update after question edit:
If the foams have different colors, your can use easily separate them by color by converting the image you hsv and using inrange (example). This creates a mask (=2D array with values from 0-255, one for each pixel) that you can use to calculate average height and extract the parameters and area of the image.
You can find a script to help you find the HSV colors for separation on this GitHub
Im trying to find a good package or algorithm to modify an image to push the center of an image outwards to mimic macular degen. The best method I found was image_slicer package and split image into 4 pieces, push the inner corners and stitch images back. But, the join method of the package is not working and documentation is unclear. Does anyone have a package that can do this?
Also, I am trying to push the outside of an image in, to create tunnel vision.
(for both of these I am still trying to preserve the image, although skewed is fine, I am trying to prevent image loss.)
some code I wrote
import image_slicer
#split image into 4 pieces
image_slicer.slice('piegraph.jpeg',4) #just a simple sample img
#code to resize corners
#I can figure this out later.
#stitch images back
tiles = ("pie_01_01.png","pie_01_02.png","pie_02_01.png","pie_02_02.png")
You can use opencv and numpy to do what you want.
If I understand correctly what you need is a mapping that take the original image and maps them as a function of the distance from the center of the image.
For all the pixels inside the "black hole" you want to be black and all others you want them to be bunched together.
So if we take the original image to be:
The result you are looking for is something like:
The following code dose this. The parameters that you need to play with are
RBlackHole - The radius of your black hole
FACTOR - Changes the amount of "bunching" too small and all the pixels will mapped also to black too large and they will not be bunched.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
# Read img
img = cv2.imread('earth.jpg')
rows,cols,ch = img.shape
# Params
RBlackHole = 10
# Create a 2d mapping between the image and a new warp
smallSize = min(rows,cols)
xMap = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float32)
yMap = np.zeros_like(xMap)
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
# Calculate the distance of the current pixel from the cneter of the image
r = math.sqrt((i-rows/2)*(i-rows/2) + (j-cols/2)*(j-cols/2))
# If the pixles are in the radius of the black hole
# mapped them to a location outside of the image.
if r <= RBlackHole:
xMap[i, j] = rows*cols
yMap[i, j] = rows*cols
# Mapped the pixels as a function of the distance from the center.
# The further thay are the "buncher thay will be"
xMap[i, j] = (r-RBlackHole)*(j - cols/2)/FACTOR + cols/2
yMap[i, j] = (r-RBlackHole)*(i - rows/2)/FACTOR + rows/2
# Applay the remmaping
dstImg = cv2.remap(img,xMap,yMap,cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
# Save output image
cv2.imwrite("blackHoleWorld.jpg", dstImg)
I'm building an automated electricity / gas meter reader using OpenCV and Python. I've got as far as taking shots with a webcam:
I can then use afine transform to unwarp the image (an adaptation of this example):
def unwarp_image(img):
rows,cols = img.shape[:2]
# Source points
left_top = 12
left_bottom = left_top+2
top_left = 24
top_right = 13
bottom = 47
right = 180
srcTri = np.array([(left_top,top_left),(right,top_right),(left_bottom,bottom)], np.float32)
# Corresponding Destination Points. Remember, both sets are of float32 type
dstTri = np.array([(0,0),(cols-1,0),(0,dst_height)],np.float32)
# Affine Transformation
warp_mat = cv2.getAffineTransform(srcTri,dstTri) # Generating affine transform matrix of size 2x3
dst = cv2.warpAffine(img,warp_mat,(cols,dst_height)) # Now transform the image, notice dst_size=(cols,rows), not (rows,cols)
#cv2.imshow("crop_img", dst)
return dst
..which gives me an image something like this:
I still need to extract the text using some sort of OCR routine but first I'd like to automate the part that identifies what pixel locations to apply the affine transform to. So if someone knocks the webcam it doesn't stop the software working.
Since your image is pretty much planar, you can look into finding the homography between the image you get from the webcam and the desired image (in the upright position).
Edit: This will rotate the image in the upright position. Once you've registered your image (brought it in the upright position), you could do row-wise or column-wise projections (sum all the pixels along the columns to get one vector, sum all the pixels along the rows to get one vector). You can use these vectors to figure out where you have a jump in color, and crop it there.
Alternatively you can use the Hough transform, which gives you lines in an image. You can probably get away with not registering the image if you do this.