I am trying to format this data monthly, but by the current date of the month.
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import quandl
import numpy as np
start = datetime.datetime(1993, 10, 2)
end = datetime.date.today()
df = quandl.get("FRED/DGS20", collapse="daily").reset_index()
print (df)
for i in range(0,len(df)):
if (df['DATE'].loc[i]).day == (df['DATE'].loc[len(df)-1]).day:
The issue I am running in to is if that date is on a weekend or a holiday, it skips the month. How can I get python to choose the closest applicable day of the month if the given day is N/A?
A bit long but no for loops! insert my code after your df.index=np.arange(0,len(df)) line:
years = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['DATE']).year
years_u = np.unique(years)
years_u_norm = years_u - years_u[0]
months = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['DATE']).month
months_u = np.unique(months)
months_u_norm = months_u - months_u[0]
days = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['DATE']).day
days_u = np.unique(days)
days_u_norm = days_u - days_u[0]
shp = (years_u_norm[-1]+1, months_u_norm[-1]+1, days_u_norm[-1]+1)
mat = np.full(shp, np.nan).ravel()
y_ind = years - years_u[0]
m_ind = months - months_u[0]
d_ind = days - days_u[0]
inds = np.vstack([y_ind[np.newaxis], m_ind[np.newaxis], d_ind[np.newaxis]])
inds2 = np.ravel_multi_index(inds, shp)
inds_grid = np.indices(shp)[2].ravel()
mat[inds2] = inds_grid[inds2]
start_ind = np.ravel_multi_index([[start.year - years_u[0]], [start.month - months_u[0]], [start.day - days_u[0]]], shp)
mat[:start_ind] = np.inf
end_ind = np.ravel_multi_index([[end.year - years_u[0]], [end.month - months_u[0]], [end.day - days_u[0] + 1]], shp)
mat[end_ind:] = np.inf
mat = mat.reshape(shp)
dist = np.absolute(mat - np.full(shp, end.day-1))
min_dist = np.nanargmin(dist, axis=2) + 1
inds_f = np.unique(np.ravel_multi_index(inds[:-1, :], shp[:-1]))
res_inds = np.indices(min_dist.shape)
res_y = res_inds[0].ravel()[inds_f] + years_u[0]
res_m = res_inds[1].ravel()[inds_f] + months_u[0]
res_d = min_dist.ravel()[inds_f]
df = pd.DataFrame({'year': res_y,
'month': res_m,
'day': res_d})
I am trying to pass the week number (week_num) into a dataframe to analyze further my Kmeans output. Here is where I am struggling:
from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime
d1 = date(2013, 1, 1) # start date
d2 = date(2014, 12, 31) # end date
delta = d2 - d1 # timedelta
daysyear = []
day = []
month = []
year = []
#week_num = []
D = {0:'mon', 1:'tue', 2:'wed', 3:'thu', 4:'fri', 5:'sat', 6:'sun'}
for i in range(delta.days + 1):
daysyear.extend([D[(d1 + timedelta(days=i)).weekday()]+"-"+str(d1 + timedelta(days=i))])
day.extend([D[(d1 + timedelta(days=i)).weekday()]])
month.extend([(d1 + timedelta(days=i)).month])
year.extend([(d1 + timedelta(days=i)).year])
#week.extend([(d1 + timedelta(days=i))])
#week.extend(datetime.strptime([(d1 + timedelta(days=i)).year], "%Y-%W-%w").isocalendar()[1])
#week.pd.to_datetime([(d1 + timedelta(days=i))], errors ='coerce')
#yearnum, month_num, day_of_week = (d1 + timedelta(days=i))#.isocalendar()
Then passing into:
labels_2 = pd.DataFrame({'Date': daysyear, 'Cluster_ID': kmeans_2.labels_, 'Power_Usage': np.array(X).mean(axis=1), 'Day_of_Wk': day, 'Month_Num': month, 'Year': year})
Thank you for your help.
I have tried several methods and I am expecting the week number in numerical format to be passed into here
labels_2 = pd.DataFrame({'Date': daysyear, 'Cluster_ID': kmeans_2.labels_, 'Power_Usage': np.array(X).mean(axis=1), 'Day_of_Wk': day, 'Month_Num': month, 'Year': year, 'Week_Num: week_num'})
I am trying to split up a json file from alpha-vantages api into separate files depending on the date. I'm also trying to reformat the file to have blank values in the gaps where dates are missing. The following code is what I have come up with but it gives me the TypeError: 'list' object is not callable". I'm fairly new to python and pandas so I'm sure there is a better way to go about this.
import requests
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil import parser
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
import json
symbol = "MSFT"
symbol_list = symbol.split(",")
def num_el(list):
count = 0
for element in list:
count += 1
return count
def csv_make(sy, dar, dat):
csv_file = open(f"{sy}_1min_{dar}.csv", "w", newline="")
i = 0
x = -1
n = num_el(symbol_list)
while i < n:
namesym = symbol_list[x]
ticker = namesym
api_key = 'APIKEYHERE'
url = f'https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&symbol={ticker}&outputsize=full&interval=1min&apikey={api_key}'
data = requests.get(url)
dsf = data.json()
daf = pd.DataFrame(dsf['Time Series (1min)'])
dxf: DataFrame = daf.T
dxf.index.name = 'time'
dxf['time'] = pd.to_datetime(dxf['time'])
dxf['minute'] = dxf['time'].dt.time
dxf['day'] = dxf['time'].dt.day
dxf['date'] = dxf['time'].dt.date
agg = dxf.groupby([dxf['day']])
length1 = dxf.groupby([dxf['day']]).size()
length = pd.DataFrame(length1)
length.index.name = 'day'
length_sum = length[0].sum()
v = 0
d = length_sum
b = len(length)
x2 = length_sum
while v < b:
a = length[0][v]
x2 -= length[0][v]
xd = agg.get_group(length['day'][v])
date = xd['date'][x2]
max_dt = parser.parse(str(max(xd['minute'])))
min_dt = parser.parse(str(min(xd['minute'])))
dt_range = []
while min_dt <= max_dt:
min_dt += timedelta(seconds=60)
complete_df = pd.DataFrame({'minute': dt_range})
xy = complete_df.astype('str')
yx = xd.astype('str')
dasf = xy.merge(yx, how='left', on='minute')
dasf['ev'] = np.where(dasf['1. open'].notnull(), 'False', 'True')
time = []
open = []
high = []
low = []
close = []
volume = []
empty_value = []
for ib in range(len(dasf)):
open.append(dasf['1. open'][ib])
high.append(dasf['2. high'][ib])
low.append(dasf['3. low'][ib])
close.append(dasf['4. close'][ib])
volume.append(dasf['5. volume'][ib])
time_df = pd.DataFrame(time).rename(columns={0: 'Time'})
open_df = pd.DataFrame(open).rename(columns={0: 'Open'})
high_df = pd.DataFrame(high).rename(columns={0: 'High'})
low_df = pd.DataFrame(low).rename(columns={0: 'Low'})
close_df = pd.DataFrame(close).rename(columns={0: 'Close'})
volume_df = pd.DataFrame(volume).rename(columns={0: 'Volume'})
empty_value_df = pd.DataFrame(empty_value).rename(columns={0: 'Empty Value'})
frames = [time_df, open_df, high_df, low_df, close_df, volume_df, empty_value_df]
df = pd.concat(frames, axis=1, join='inner')
df = df.set_index('Time')
ad = df.to_csv()
csv_make(namesym, date, ad)
v += 1
i += 1
import pandas as pd
import time
import yfinance as yf
import money_18
import talib
def backtest(df,us_code, profit_target, stop_loss, macd_diff):
pos_opened = False
open_price = 0
close_price = 0
pnl = 0
pnl_list = []
original_capital = 100000
temp_capital = original_capital
num_of_lot = 0
equity_value = 0
equity_value_list = []
dd_dollar = 0
dd_dollar_list = []
dd_pct = 0
dd_pct_list = []
mdd_dollar = 0
mdd_pct = 0
total_profit = 0
num_of_trade = 0
for i in range(1, len(df)):
now_date = df.loc[i,'Date']
now_open = df.loc[i,'Open']
now_high = df.loc[i,'High']
now_low = df.loc[i,'Low']
now_close = df.loc[i,'Close']
now_rsi = df.loc[i,'RSI']
now_upper_band = df.loc[i,'Upper_Band']
now_middle_band = df.loc[i,'Middle_Band']
now_lower_band = df.loc[i,'Lower_Band']
now_macd = df.loc[i,'MACD']
now_macd_signal = df.loc[i,'MACD_Signal']
now_macd_hist = df.loc[i,'MACD_Hist']
##### equity curve #####
equity_value = round(temp_capital + (now_open - open_price) * num_of_lot )
temp_max_equity = max(equity_value_list)
dd_dollar = temp_max_equity - equity_value
mdd_dollar = max(dd_dollar_list)
dd_pct = (temp_max_equity - equity_value) / temp_max_equity
mdd_pct = max(dd_pct_list)
##### open position #####
if (pos_opened == False) and (i < len(df) - 1) and now_macd_hist > macd_diff :
pos_opened = True
open_price = now_close
num_of_lot = temp_capital // (open_price)
##### profit taking and stop loss #####
if (pos_opened == True) and ((now_open - open_price > profit_target * open_price) or (now_open - open_price < stop_loss * open_price) or (i == len(df) -1)):
pos_opened = False
close_price = now_open
pnl = (close_price - open_price) * num_of_lot
open_price = 0
num_of_lot = 0
temp_capital = temp_capital + pnl
if len(pnl_list) > 0:
total_profit = sum(pnl_list)
num_of_trade = len(pnl_list)
return us_code, profit_target, stop_loss, total_profit, num_of_trade, mdd_dollar, mdd_pct, macd_diff
if __name__ == '__main__':
us_code_list = ['TSLA', 'AAPL']
macd_diff_list = [0, 0.05]
profit_target_list = [0.03, 0.06]
stop_loss_list = [-0.01, -0.02, -0.03]
start_date = '2020-01-01'
end_date = '2020-12-31'
df_dict = {}
for us_code in us_code_list:
df= yf.Ticker(us_code).history(start=start_date, end=end_date)
df= df[df['Volume'] > 0]
df = df[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']]
df['RSI'] = talib.RSI(df['Close'], timeperiod=14)
df['Upper_Band'], df['Middle_Band'], df['Lower_Band'] = talib.BBANDS(df['Close'], 20, 2, 2)
df['MACD'], df['MACD_Signal'], df['MACD_Hist'] = talib.MACD(df['Close'], fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26,
df = df[df['MACD_Hist'].notna()]
df = df.reset_index()
df_dict[us_code] = df
save_us_code = ''
save_macd_diff = 0
save_profit_target = 0
save_stop_loss = 0
total_profit = 0
num_of_trade = 0
mdd_dollar = 0
mdd_pct = 0
save_us_code_list = []
save_macd_diff_list = []
save_profit_target_list = []
save_stop_loss_list = []
total_profit_list = []
num_of_trade_list = []
mdd_dollar_list = []
mdd_pct_list = []
result_dict = {}
for us_code in us_code_list:
for macd_diff in macd_diff_list:
for profit_target in profit_target_list:
for stop_loss in stop_loss_list:
print(us_code, macd_diff, profit_target, stop_loss) ## the problem should be starting from here##
save_us_code, save_profit_target, save_stop_loss, total_profit, num_of_trade, mdd_dollar, mdd_pct, macd_diff = backtest(df, us_code, profit_target, stop_loss, macd_diff)
I am working on the algo trade, however, I created a for loop to put my parameter into my backtest function. However, the for loop keeps looping non-stop.
I think the error starting from "for macd_diff in macd_diff_list:" because i try to print the result below that row, the result is already indefinite.
Now that you've shown the full code, your problem is obvious. Your original example didn't show the issue because you didn't include all relevant code. Here's your example with the relevant code that's causing the issue:
for us_code in us_code_list:
for macd_diff in macd_diff_list:
for profit_target in profit_target_list:
for stop_loss in stop_loss_list:
... # irrelevant code not shown
The issue is that you're looping through each item in macd_diff_list, but then for each loop iteration, you add an item to that list. So of course the loop will be infinite. You need to be looping through a different list, or adding items to a different list.
I have a dataframe of OHLCV data. I would like to know if anyone knows any tutorial or any way of finding ADX(Average directional movement ) using pandas?
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
import numpy as nm
df=pd.DataFrame(yf.download("MSFT", start=start, end=end))
The average directional index, or ADX, is the primary technical indicator among the five indicators that make up a technical trading system developed by J. Welles Wilder, Jr. and is calculated using the other indicators that make up the trading system. The ADX is primarily used as an indicator of momentum, or trend strength, but the total ADX system is also used as a directional indicator.
Directional movement is calculated by comparing the difference between two consecutive lows with the difference between their respective highs.
For the excel calculation of ADX this is a really good video:
I was playing with this a little bit and found something that can help you with the issue:
def ADX(data: pd.DataFrame, period: int):
Computes the ADX indicator.
df = data.copy()
alpha = 1/period
# TR
df['H-L'] = df['High'] - df['Low']
df['H-C'] = np.abs(df['High'] - df['Close'].shift(1))
df['L-C'] = np.abs(df['Low'] - df['Close'].shift(1))
df['TR'] = df[['H-L', 'H-C', 'L-C']].max(axis=1)
del df['H-L'], df['H-C'], df['L-C']
df['ATR'] = df['TR'].ewm(alpha=alpha, adjust=False).mean()
# +-DX
df['H-pH'] = df['High'] - df['High'].shift(1)
df['pL-L'] = df['Low'].shift(1) - df['Low']
df['+DX'] = np.where(
(df['H-pH'] > df['pL-L']) & (df['H-pH']>0),
df['-DX'] = np.where(
(df['H-pH'] < df['pL-L']) & (df['pL-L']>0),
del df['H-pH'], df['pL-L']
# +- DMI
df['S+DM'] = df['+DX'].ewm(alpha=alpha, adjust=False).mean()
df['S-DM'] = df['-DX'].ewm(alpha=alpha, adjust=False).mean()
df['+DMI'] = (df['S+DM']/df['ATR'])*100
df['-DMI'] = (df['S-DM']/df['ATR'])*100
del df['S+DM'], df['S-DM']
df['DX'] = (np.abs(df['+DMI'] - df['-DMI'])/(df['+DMI'] + df['-DMI']))*100
df['ADX'] = df['DX'].ewm(alpha=alpha, adjust=False).mean()
del df['DX'], df['ATR'], df['TR'], df['-DX'], df['+DX'], df['+DMI'], df['-DMI']
return df
At the beginning the values aren't correct (as always with the EWM approach) but after several computations it converges to the correct value.
Math was taken from here.
def ADX(df):
def getCDM(df):
dmpos = df["High"][-1] - df["High"][-2]
dmneg = df["Low"][-2] - df["Low"][-1]
if dmpos > dmneg:
return dmpos
return dmneg
def getDMnTR(df):
DMpos = []
DMneg = []
TRarr = []
n = round(len(df)/14)
idx = n
while n <= (len(df)):
dmpos = df["High"][n-1] - df["High"][n-2]
dmneg = df["Low"][n-2] - df["Low"][n-1]
a1 = df["High"][n-1] - df["High"][n-2]
a2 = df["High"][n-1] - df["Close"][n-2]
a3 = df["Low"][n-1] - df["Close"][n-2]
n = idx + n
return DMpos, DMneg, TRarr
def getDI(df):
DMpos, DMneg, TR = getDMnTR(df)
CDM = getCDM(df)
POSsmooth = (sum(DMpos) - sum(DMpos)/len(DMpos) + CDM)
NEGsmooth = (sum(DMneg) - sum(DMneg)/len(DMneg) + CDM)
DIpos = (POSsmooth / (sum(TR)/len(TR))) *100
DIneg = (NEGsmooth / (sum(TR)/len(TR))) *100
return DIpos, DIneg
def getADX(df):
DIpos, DIneg = getDI(df)
dx = (abs(DIpos- DIneg) / abs(DIpos + DIneg)) * 100
ADX = dx/14
return ADX
This gives you the exact numbers as Tradingview and Thinkorswim.
import numpy as np
def ema(arr, periods=14, weight=1, init=None):
leading_na = np.where(~np.isnan(arr))[0][0]
arr = arr[leading_na:]
alpha = weight / (periods + (weight-1))
alpha_rev = 1 - alpha
n = arr.shape[0]
pows = alpha_rev**(np.arange(n+1))
out1 = np.array([])
if 0 in pows:
out1 = ema(arr[:int(len(arr)/2)], periods)
arr = arr[int(len(arr)/2) - 1:]
init = out1[-1]
n = arr.shape[0]
pows = alpha_rev**(np.arange(n+1))
scale_arr = 1/pows[:-1]
if init:
offset = init * pows[1:]
offset = arr[0]*pows[1:]
pw0 = alpha*alpha_rev**(n-1)
mult = arr*pw0*scale_arr
cumsums = mult.cumsum()
out = offset + cumsums*scale_arr[::-1]
out = out[1:] if len(out1) > 0 else out
out = np.concatenate([out1, out])
out[:periods] = np.nan
out = np.concatenate(([np.nan]*leading_na, out))
return out
def atr(highs, lows, closes, periods=14, ema_weight=1):
hi = np.array(highs)
lo = np.array(lows)
c = np.array(closes)
tr = np.vstack([np.abs(hi[1:]-c[:-1]),
atr = ema(tr, periods=periods, weight=ema_weight)
atr = np.concatenate([[np.nan], atr])
return atr
def adx(highs, lows, closes, periods=14):
highs = np.array(highs)
lows = np.array(lows)
closes = np.array(closes)
up = highs[1:] - highs[:-1]
down = lows[:-1] - lows[1:]
up_idx = up > down
down_idx = down > up
updm = np.zeros(len(up))
updm[up_idx] = up[up_idx]
updm[updm < 0] = 0
downdm = np.zeros(len(down))
downdm[down_idx] = down[down_idx]
downdm[downdm < 0] = 0
_atr = atr(highs, lows, closes, periods)[1:]
updi = 100 * ema(updm, periods) / _atr
downdi = 100 * ema(downdm, periods) / _atr
zeros = (updi + downdi == 0)
downdi[zeros] = .0000001
adx = 100 * np.abs(updi - downdi) / (updi + downdi)
adx = ema(np.concatenate([[np.nan], adx]), periods)
return adx
Here, you can see my code :
import datetime
DateS = datetime.datetime.strptime('30/03/2019 00:00:00',"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").timetuple().tm_hour
DateR = datetime.datetime.strptime('15/09/2019 00:00:00',"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").timetuple().tm_hour
for i in range(8760):
if i >= (DateS - 1) and i <= (DateR - 1) :
ETP[i] = ET0[i] * DB2.Kc[0]
ETP[i] = ET0[i] * DB2.SolNu[0]
ETP[0] = 0
I want to get:
Date S = 2136 (day89 * 24hour = 2135)
Date R = 6192 (day258 * 24hour = 6192)
But I get:
Date S = 0
Date R = 0
When I use:
DateS = datetime.datetime.strptime('30/03/2019-00:00:00','%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M:%S').timetuple().tm_yday
DateR = datetime.datetime.strptime('15/09/2019-23:00:00','%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M:%S').timetuple().tm_yday
I get:
Date S = 89
Date R = 258
But I would like to get the 'hour step time'...
I try different datetime with strptime and timetupl but I never success.
try this code with tm_yday instead of tm_hour
DateS = datetime.datetime.strptime('30/03/2019-00:00:00','%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M:%S').timetuple().tm_yday * 24
DateR = datetime.datetime.strptime('15/09/2019-23:00:00','%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M:%S').timetuple().tm_yday * 24
and you will have the output you ask for.