Scale colormap for contour and contourf - python

I'm trying to plot the contour map of a given function f(x,y), but since the functions output scales really fast, I'm losing a lot of information for lower values of x and y. I found on the forums to work that out using vmax=vmax, it actually worked, but only when plotted for a specific limit of x and y and levels of the colormap.
Say I have this plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
u = np.linspace(-2,2,1000)
x,y = np.meshgrid(u,u)
z = (1-x)**2+100*(y-x**2)**2
cont = plt.contour(x,y,z,500,colors='black',linewidths=.3)
cont = plt.contourf(x,y,z,500,cmap="jet",vmax=100)
I want to uncover whats beyond the axis limits keeping the same scale, but if I change de x and y limits to -3 and 3 I get:
See how I lost most of my levels since my max value for the function at these limits are much higher. A work around to this problem is to increase the levels to 1000, but that takes a lot of computational time.
Is there a way to plot only the contour levels that I need? That is, between 0 and 100.
An example of a desired output would be:
With the white space being the continuation of the plot without resizing the levels.
The code I'm using is the one given after the first image.

There are a few possible ideas here. The one I very much prefer is a logarithmic representation of the data. An example would be
from matplotlib import ticker
fig = plt.figure(1)
cont1 = plt.contourf(x,y,z,cmap="jet",locator=ticker.LogLocator(numticks=10))
fig = plt.figure(2)
cont2 = plt.contourf(x,y,np.log10(z),100,cmap="jet")
The first example uses matplotlibs LogLocator functions. The second one just directly computes the logarithm of the data and plots that normally.
The third example just caps all data above 100.
fig = plt.figure(3)
zcapped = z.copy()
cont3 = plt.contourf(x,y,zcapped,100,cmap="jet")
cbar = plt.colorbar(cont3)


Can't get rid of leading zeros on y axis

I am trying to plot graphs in Matplotlib and embed them into pyqt5 GUI. Everything is working fine, except for the fact that my y axis has loads of leading zeros which I cannot seem to get rid of.
I have tried googling how to format the axis, but nothing seems to work! I can't set the ticks directly because there's no way of determining what they will be, as I am going to be working with varying sized data sets.
num_bins = 50
# create an axis
ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111)
# discards the old graph
##draws the bars and legend
colours = ['blue','red']
ax.hist(self.histoSets, num_bins, density=True, histtype='bar', color=colours, label=colours)
ax.legend(prop={'size': 10})
##set x ticks
min,max = self.getMinMax()
scaleMax = math.ceil((max/10000))*10000
scaleMin = math.floor((min/10000))*10000
scaleRange = scaleMax - scaleMin
ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(scaleMin, scaleMax+1, scaleRange/4))
# refresh canvas
all those numbers on your y-axis are tiny, i.e. on the order of 1e-5. this is because the integral of the density is defined to be 1 and your x-axis spans such a large range
I can mostly reproduce your plot with:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
y = np.random.normal([190000, 220000], 20000, (5000, 2))
a, b, c = plt.hist(y, 40, density=True)
giving me:
the tuple returned from hist contains useful information, notably the first element (a above) are the densities, and the second element (b above) are the bins that it picked. you can see this all sums to one by doing:
sum(a[0] * np.diff(b))
and getting 1 back.
as ImportanceOfBeingErnest says you can use tight_layout() to resize the plot if it doesn't fit into the area

Heat map generation using coordinate points

I am new in Python. The answer to my question might be available in the StackOverflow, but honestly speaking, I tried almost all the codes and suggestions available in the StackOverflow.
My problem: Almost the same as it is described here. I have coordinate points (x and y) and the corresponding value (p) as a .csv file. I am reading that file using pandas.
df = pd.read_csv("example.csv")
The example.csv file can be download from here. Let an image of size 2000 x 2000.
Based on the x and y coordinate points in the excel sheet, I have to locate the point in that image.
Lets, A is an image and A(x,y) is any point within A. Now I have to generate a heat map in such a way so that 50 pixels from x and 50 pixels fromy i.e., A(x,y), A(x+50, y), A(x, y+50) and A(x+50, y+50) contains p corresponding to that coordinate points.
I found this link which is very helpful and serves my issue, but the problem is some more modifications are necessary for my datasets.
The code which is available in the above link:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from skimage import io
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
import matplotlib as mpl
# Read original image
img = io.imread('img.jpg')
# Get the dimensions of the original image
x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = np.shape(img)
# Create heatmap
heatmap = np.zeros((x_dim, y_dim), dtype=float)
# Read CSV with a Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
# Set probabilities values to specific indexes in the heatmap
for index, row in df.iterrows():
x =["x"])
y =["y"])
x1 =["x1"])
y1 =["y1"])
p = row["Probability value"]
heatmap[x:x1,y:y1] = p
# Plot images
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4))
ax = axes.ravel()
fig.colorbar(ax[0].imshow(img), ax=ax[0])
ax[1].imshow(img, vmin=0, vmax=1)
ax[1].imshow(heatmap, alpha=.5, cmap='jet')
ax[1].set_title("Original + heatmap")
# Specific colorbar
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=2)
N = 11
cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet',N)
sm =, norm=norm)
plt.colorbar(sm, ticks=np.linspace(0,1,N),
Issues which I am facing when using this code:
This code is generating a heat map of square edges, but I am expecting a smooth edge. I know Gaussian distribution might solve this problem. But I am new in python and I don't know how to implement the Gaussian Distribution in my dataset.
The regions which don't belong to the coordinate points also generating a layer of color. As a result in an overlayed image those layer covering the background of original images. In one sentence I want the background of the heat map will be transparent so that overlays will not create any problem in showing the regions which are not covered by the coordinate points.
Any leads will be highly appreciated.
Your code is perfect. Just change only one line, then your both issues will be solved.
Before changes:
ax[1].imshow(heatmap, alpha=.5, cmap='jet')
After changes:
ax[1].imshow(heatmap, alpha=.5, cmap='coolwarm', interpolation='gaussian')
Though above changes will solve your issue, but if you want then for additional transparency, you can use below function
def transparent_cmap(cmap, N=255):
"Copy colormap and set alpha values"
mycmap = cmap
mycmap._lut[:,-1] = np.linspace(0, 0.8, N+4)
return mycmap
mycmap = transparent_cmap(
In that case, your previous code line will change like below:
ax[1].imshow(heatmap, alpha=.5, cmap=mycmap, vmin=0, vmax=1)
The question you linked uses plotly. If you don't want to use that and want to simply smooth the way your data looks, I suggest just using a gaussian filter using scipy.
At the top, import:
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
Then use it like this:
df_smooth = gaussian_filter(df, sigma=1)
sns.heatmap(df_smooth, vmin=-40, vmax=150, cmap ="coolwarm" , cbar=True , cbar_kws={"ticks":[-40,150,-20,0,25,50,75,100,125]})
You can change the amount of smoothing, using e.g. sigma=3, or any other number that gives you the amount of smoothing you want.
Keep in mind that that will also "smooth out" any maximum data peaks you have, so your minimum and maximum data will not be the same that you specified in your normalization anymore. To still get good looking heatmaps I would suggest not using fixed values for your vmin and vmax, but:
sns.heatmap(df_smooth, vmin=np.min(df_smooth), vmax=np.max(df_smooth), cmap ="coolwarm" , cbar=True , cbar_kws={"ticks":[-40,150,-20,0,25,50,75,100,125]})
In case that you Gaussian filter fulfill your expectations you mentioned you can even implement Gaussian normalization on your data directly.

matplotlib: manually change yaxis values to differ from the actual value (NOT: change ticks!) [duplicate]

I am trying to plot a data and function with matplotlib 2.0 under python 2.7.
The x values of the function are evolving with time and the x is first decreasing to a certain value, than increasing again.
If the function is plotted against time, it shows function like this plot of data against time
I need the same x axis evolution for plotting against real x values. Unfortunately as the x values are the same for both parts before and after, both values are mixed together. This gives me the wrong data plot:
In this example it means I need the x-axis to start on value 2.4 and decrease to 1.0 than again increase to 2.4. I swear I found before that this is possible, but unfortunately I can't find a trace about that again.
A matplotlib axis is by default linearly increasing. More importantly, there must be an injective mapping of the number line to the axis units. So changing the data range is not really an option (at least when the aim is to keep things simple).
It would hence be good to keep the original numbers and only change the ticks and ticklabels on the axis. E.g. you could use a FuncFormatter to map the original numbers to
where tp would be the turning point.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker
x = np.linspace(-10,20,151)
y = np.exp(-(x-5)**2/19.)
tp = 5
fmt = lambda x,pos:"{:g}".format(np.abs(x-tp)+tp)
One option would be to use two axes, and plot your two timespans separately on each axes.
for instance, if you have the following data:
myX = np.linspace(1,2.4,100)
myY1 = -1*myX
myY2 = -0.5*myX-0.5
plt.plot(myX,myY, c='b')
plt.plot(myX,myY2, c='g')
you can instead create two subplots with a shared y-axis and no space between the two axes, plot each time span independently, and finally, adjust the limits of one of your x-axis to reverse the order of the points
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, gridspec_kw={'wspace':0}, sharey=True)
ax1.plot(myX,myY1, c='b')
ax2.plot(myX,myY2, c='g')

matplotlib pyplot 2 plots with different axes in same figure

I have a small issue with matplotlib.pyplot and I hope someone might have come across it before.
I have data that contain X,Y,e values that are the X, Y measurements of a variable and e are the errors of the measurements in Y. I need to plot them in a log log scale.
I use the plt.errorbars function to plot them and then set yscale and xscale to log and this works fine. But I need to also plot a line on the same graph that needs to be in linear scale.
I am able to have the plots done separately just fine but I would like to have them in the same image if possible. Do you have any ideas? I am posting what I have done for now.
tdlist = np.array([0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.8,1,2,5,10,15,20,25,30,40,60,80,100,150,200,250,300,400])
data = reader(filename)
data2 = logconv(data)
#x,y,e the data. Calculating usefull sums
x = data2[0]
y = data2[1]
e = data2[2]
xoe2 = np.sum(x/e**2)
yoe2 = np.sum(y/e**2)
xyoe2 = np.sum(x*y/e**2)
oe2 = np.sum(1/e**2)
x2oe2 = np.sum(x**2/e**2)
aslope = (xoe2*yoe2-xyoe2*oe2)/(xoe2**2-x2oe2*oe2)
binter = (xyoe2-aslope*x2oe2)/xoe2
aerr = np.sqrt(oe2/(x2oe2*oe2-xoe2**2))
berr = np.sqrt(x2oe2/(x2oe2*oe2-xoe2**2))
print('slope is ',aslope,' +- ', aerr)
print('inter is ',binter,' +- ', berr)
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax2 = fig.add_axes(ax1.get_position(), frameon=False)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylabel('t_s (msec)')
fitndx1 = 'Fit slope '+"{0:.2f}".format(aslope)+u"\u00B1"+"{0:.2f}".format(aerr)
Following Molly's suggestion I managed to get closer to my goal but still not there. I am adding a bit more info for what I am trying to do and it might clarify things a bit.
I am setting ax1 to the errobar plot that uses loglog scale. I need to use errorbar and not loglog plot so that I can display the errors with my points.
I am using ax2 to plot the linear fit in linealinear scale.
Moreover I do not want the x and y axes to display values that are 10,100,1000 powers of ten but my own axes labels that have the spacing I want therefore I am using the plt.xticks. I tried ax1.set_yticks and ax1.set_yticklabes but with no success. Below is the image I am getting.
I do not have enough reputation to post an image but here is the link of it uploaded
The values of my points should be x range = 40 - 80 and y range = 5 -200 as the fit lines are now.
You can create two overlapping axes using the add_suplot method of figure. Here's an example:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax2 = fig.add_axes(ax1.get_position(), frameon=False)
You can then turn off the x and y ticks for the linear scale plot like this:
I was not able to get two sets of axis working with the errorbar function so I had to convert everything to log scale including my linear plot. Below is the code I use to get it might be useful to someone.
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylabel('t_s (msec)')
fitndx1 = 'Fit slope '+"{0:.2f}".format(aslope)+u"\u00B1"+"{0:.2f}".format(aerr)
And here is the link to the final image

Symmetrical Log color scale in matplotlib contourf plot

How do I create a contour plot with a symlog (symmetrical log) scale for the contours. i.e. a log scale that shows both negative and positive values.
One possibility would be to work off of this example:
Which gives this recipe for a log scale:
from matplotlib import pyplot, ticker
cs = pyplot.contourf(X, Y, z, locator=ticker.LogLocator())
However, this doesn't allow for negative values. There is a ticker.SymmetricalLogLocator(), which may be the solution, but it doesn't seem to have much documentation.
To clarify (since requesting negative values on a log scale may sound nonsensical), what I want is the same as the "symlog" scale provided on matplotlib axes. The plot below, (taken from another stack exchange post), shows symlog on the x-axis. It is a "log" scale, but handles negative values in a way that is clear to the viewer.
I want the same sort of scaling, but for the colorscale on contour or contourf.
I stumbled across this thread trying to do the same thing, i.e plotting a large range of values in both the positive and negative direction. In addition I wanted to have a granularity as fine as in imshow.
It turns out you can have that using "ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins)" where nbins can be set high to have a fine granularity, e.g. set nbins to 100.
I also wanted to have a nice Latex style ticker formatting, for which I found a solution on StackOverflow a while ago.
I will just post this code snippet here from one of the classes it is part of so that anyone who might want can get the basic idea about how it's working. I use this solution to generate multiple plots as shown in the image below.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
# function for nice Latex style tick formatting
# copied from
# scientific-notation-colorbar-in-matplotlib
# output formating for colorbar in 2D plots
def fmt(x, pos):
a, b = '{:.2e}'.format(x).split('e')
b = int(b)
return r'${} \times 10^{{{}}}$'.format(a, b)
# A confourf function I use inside one of my classes
# mainly interesting are the "plot" and "cbar" lines
def Make2DSubPlot(self, posIdent, timeIdx,typeIdx):
y = self.radPos
x = self.axPos
z = self.fieldList[timeIdx][typeIdx]
plot = plt.contourf(x, y, z, locator=ticker.MaxNLocator(100), \
cbar = plt.colorbar(plot, orientation='vertical', \

