I'm trying to connect to a Magento API using Xmlrpc.
When the url is valid, i have no problem. But i'd like to catch errors if the url is not valid. If i try with an invalid url i have :
socket.gaierror: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known
I'm trying to catch it but i can't find a way to do it ..
I'm using Python 3.5 :
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
from socket import gaierror
params = {
"encoding: "utf-8",
"verbose": False,
"transport": SpecialTransport() # I use a SpecialTransport class
client = ServerProxy("https://ma.bad.url, **params)
except gaierror:
The problem is, that i never go through the except ..
I don't understand what i'm doing wrong..
I'm answering to myself.
I've finally been able to make it works like this :
# Connect to the url
client = ServerProxy('https://my.bad.url', **params)
# Try to login to Magento to get a session
session = client.login('username', 'password')
except gaierror:
# Error resolving / connecting to the url
print('Connection error')
except Fault:
# Error with the login
print('Login error')
im using this block to test authentication and would like to know if you guys have a trick to only display "Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 61] Connection refused'"
for example.
client_login = module.client(url='https://blabla.com', token='imagineone', verify=False)
except Exception as ex:
print("this is one of the errors.{}".format(ex))
instead of having the whole traceback when i know its either a urllib3.exceptions or requests.exceptions.ConnectionError
i have tried pretty_errors but prefer doing it myself, if possible.
thanks for reading, any suggestion is welcome.
I am currently using python 3.8.8 with version 12.9.0 of azure.storage.blob and 1.14.0 of azure.core.
I am downloading multiple files using the azure.storage.blob package. My code looks something like the following
from azure.storage.blob import ContainerClient
from azure.core.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundError, AzureError
from time import sleep
max_attempts = 5
container_client = ContainerClient(DETAILS)
for file in multiple_files:
attempts = 0
while attempts < max_attempts:
data = container.download_blob(file).readall()
except ResourceNotFoundError:
# log missing data
except AzureError:
# This is mainly here as connections seem to drop randomly.
attempts += 1
if attempts >= max_attempts:
#log connection error
#do something with the data.
It seems to be running fine, and I don't see any loss of data. However, within my terminal I keep getting the message
Unable to stream download: ("Connection broken: ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')", ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))
This appears to be a TCP 104 return message but isn't being handled by the azure module. My questions are as follows.
Where is this message coming from? I can't see it in any of the packages I am using.
How do I handle this error better? It doesn't appear to be caught as an exception as it isn't crashing my code.
Can I get this to print to a log?
Where is this message coming from? I can't see it in any of the packages I am using.
Looks like The clients seemed to be connected to the server, but when they attempted to transfer data, they received a Errno 104 Connection reset by peer error. This also means, that the other side has reset the connection else the client would encounter with [Errno 32] Broken pipe exception.
How do I handle this error better? It doesn't appear to be caught as an exception as it isn't crashing my code.
One of the workarounds you can try is to have try and catch block to handle that exception:
from socket import error as SocketError
import errno
response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
except SocketError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ECONNRESET:
raise # Not error we are looking for
pass # Handle error here.
Also try referring to this similar issue where sudo pip3 install urllib3 solved the issue.
Can I get this to print to a log?
One workaround is that you can pass exception instance in exc_info argument:
import logging
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Error at %s', 'division', exc_info=e)
For more information you can refer How to log python exception?
Here is a related issue that you can follow up
azure storage blob download: ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')
Connection broken: ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer') error while streaming
What's the correct way to handle an expired certificates with Python Requests?
I want the code to differentiate between a "connection error" and connection with an "expired TLS certificate".
import requests
def conn(URL):
response = requests.get(URL)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
print(URL, "Cannot connect")
return False
print(URL, "connection sucessful")
return True
# valid cert
# unexistant domain
# expired cert
I want the code to differentiate between a "connection error" and connection with an "expired TLS certificate".
You can look at the exception details and see if 'CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED' is there.
import requests
def conn(URL):
response = requests.get(URL)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(URL, f"Cannot connect: {str(e)}")
return False
print(URL, "connection sucessful")
return True
# valid cert
# unexistant domain
# expired cert
requests is a perfect tool for requests, but your task is to check server certificate expiration date which require using lower level API. The algorithm is to retrieve server certificate, parse it and check end date.
To get certificate from server there's function ssl.get_server_certificate(). It will return certificate in PEM encoding.
There're plenty of ways how to parse PEM encoded certificate (check this question), I'd stick with "undocumented" one.
To parse time from string you can use ssl.cert_time_to_seconds().
To parse url you can use urllib.parse.urlparse(). To get current timestamp you can use time.time()
import ssl
from time import time
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from pathlib import Path
def conn(url):
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
cert = ssl.get_server_certificate((parsed_url.hostname, parsed_url.port or 443))
# save cert to temporary file (filename required for _test_decode_cert())
temp_filename = Path(__file__).parent / "temp.crt"
with open(temp_filename, "w") as f:
parsed_cert = ssl._ssl._test_decode_cert(temp_filename)
except Exception:
finally: # delete temporary file
return ssl.cert_time_to_seconds(parsed_cert["notAfter"]) > time()
It'll throw an exception on any connection error, you can handle it with try .. except over get_server_certificate() call (if needed).
I am working on an AWS Lambda function to test URL connectivity and get respose code. I have used the below code to get it
import urllib
from urllib import URLError, HTTPError
from urllib import request, parse
def fn_getresponsecode(url):
conn =urllib.request.urlopen(url)
return conn.getcode()
except HTTPError as e:
return e.code
except URLError as e:
return e.reason
Now, I want to test a postgres connection from Lambda function and check if it is getting connected. Is there a way by which we can do that. Also, the password is also not provided.
In unix I have tested it using the code below:
pg_isready -h test.test1.region.rds.amazon.com -p port_number -U user_name
My web app requests several URLs and sometimes SSL certificate errors are raised. They are all third party URLs so I can't fix their errors and I prefer not to log them. Nevertheless, something is logging this by itself: 2017-08-05 00:22:49,496 ERROR -- : Certificate did not match expected hostname: www.improving-autonomy.org. Certificate: {'subjectAltName': [('DNS', '*.wordpress.com'), ('DNS', 'wordpress.com')], 'subject': ((('commonName', u'*.wordpress.com'),),)} Anyone knows how can I stop it? Please find my code bellow. Many thanks in advance!
try :
ua = UserAgent()
headers = {'Content-Type' : 'text/html', 'Accept-Encoding' : None, 'User-Agent' : ua.random}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10)
except ssl.CertificateError as e :
It looks like requests module logs it (connection.py). Why it keeps logging if I'm already catching the same exception?
def _match_hostname(cert, asserted_hostname):
match_hostname(cert, asserted_hostname)
except CertificateError as e:
'Certificate did not match expected hostname: %s. '
'Certificate: %s', asserted_hostname, cert
# Add cert to exception and reraise so client code can inspect
# the cert when catching the exception, if they want to
e._peer_cert = cert
Sure. You are catching the same exception, but what you are not seeing is where this is happening. Let's take a look at the snippet of what is happening here:
except CertificateError as e:
'Certificate did not match expected hostname: %s. '
'Certificate: %s', asserted_hostname, cert
# Add cert to exception and reraise so client code can inspect
# the cert when catching the exception, if they want to
e._peer_cert = cert
So, when the exception is first raised, that code catches the CertificateError, then it makes a log.error, assigns the cert as an attribute, per the comment in the code, then, a call to raise is made.
That empty raise call is now going to re-raise the last exception made, which is the CertificateError exception, and that is what you are catching. So the log call has already been made by that code, and your exception catching is being made from that specific raise call.
You can catch the exception and then print it's type:
except Exception as exc:
print exc, exc.message, exc.__class__
Then use this specific exception type in your code, which should work. Also you can add an else clause after the except statement, and put the logging code there. This code will be executed only if the try block executed successfully