Execute Python script inside a given docker-compose container - python

I have made a little python script to create a DB and some tables inside a RethinkDB
But now I'm trying to launch this python script inside my rethink container launched with docker-compose.
This is my docker-compose.yml rethink container config
# Rethink DB
image: rethinkdb:latest
container_name: rethink
- 58080:8080
- 58015:28015
- 59015:29015
I'm trying to execute the script with after launching my container
docker exec -it rethink python src/app/db-install.py
But I get this error
rpc error: code = 2 desc = oci runtime error: exec failed: exec: "python": executable file not found in $PATH
Python is not found in me container. Is this possible to execute a python script inside a given container with docker-compose or with docker exec ?

First find out if you have python executable in the container:
docker exec -it rethink which python
If it exists, Use the absolute path provided by which command in previous step:
docker exec -it rethink /absolute/path/to/python src/app/db-install.py
If not, you can convert your python script to bash script, so you can run it without extra executables and libraries.
Or you can create a dockerfile, use base image, and install python.
FROM rethinkdb:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python
Docker Compose file:
build : .
container_name: rethink
- 58080:8080
- 58015:28015
- 59015:29015

Assuming that python is installed, try:
For a start, you might also just go into the shell at first and run a python script from the command prompt.
docker-compose run --rm MY_DOCKER_COMPOSE_SERVICE bash
In your case, MY_DOCKER_COMPOSE_SERVICE is 'rethink', and that is not the container name here, but the name of the service (first line rethink:), and only the service is run with docker-compose run, not the container.
The MY_PYTHON_COMMAND is, in your case of Python2, python src/app/db-install.py, but in Python3 it is python -m src/app/db-install (without the ".py"), or, if you have Python3 and Python2 installed, python3 -m src/app/db-install.
To be able to run this python command, the Python file needs to be in the container. Therefore, in your Dockerfile that you need to call with build: ., you need to copy your build directory to a directory in the container of your choice
This /tmp will be created in your build directory. If you just write ".", you do not have any subfolder and save it directly in the build directory.
When using /tmp as the subfolder, you might write at the end of your Dockerfile:
Or if you do not change the WORKDIR from the build (".") context to /tmp and you still want to reach /tmp, run your Python file like /tmp/db-install.py.

The rethinkdb image is based on the debian:jessie image :
The debian:jessie image does not come with python installed.
So you will need to create your own Dockerfile, something like :
FROM rethinkdb:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python
Then change your docker-compose :
# Rethink DB
build : .
container_name: rethink
- 58080:8080
- 58015:28015
- 59015:29015
build : . is the path to your Dockerfile.


run two python scripts with docker compose

My folder structure looked like this:
My Dockerfile looked like this:
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
COPY src/requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY src/ .
CMD [ "python", "main.py"]
When I ran these commands:
docker build --tag FinTechExplained_Python_Docker .
docker run free
my main.pyfile ran and gave the correct print statements as well. Now, I have added another file tests.py in the src folder. I want to run the tests.py first and then main.py.
I tried modifying the cmdwithin my docker file like this:
CMD [ "python", "test.py"] && [ "python", "main.py"]
but then it gives me the print statements from only the first test.pyfile.
I read about docker-compose and added this docker-compose.yml file to the root folder:
version: '3'
image: free
command: >
/bin/sh -c 'python tests.py'
image: free
command: >
/bin/sh -c 'python main.py'
then I changed my docker file by removing the cmd:
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
COPY src/requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY src/ .
Then I ran the following commands:
docker compose build
docker compose run tests
docker compose run main
When I run these commands separately, I get the correct print statements for both testsand main. However, I am not sure if I am using docker-composecorrectly or not.
Am I supposed to run both scripts separately? Or is there a way to run one after another using a single docker command?
How is my Dockerfile supposed to look like if I am running the python scripts from the docker-compose.yml instead?
Ideally looking for solutions based on docker-compose
In the Bourne shell, in general, you can run two commands in sequence by putting && between them. It sounds like you're already aware of this.
# without Docker, at a normal shell prompt
python test.py && python main.py
The Dockerfile CMD has two syntactic forms. The JSON-array form does not run a shell, and so it is slightly more efficient and has slightly more consistent escaping rules. If it's not a JSON array then Docker automatically runs it via a shell. So for your use you can use the shell form:
CMD python test.py && python main.py
In comments to other answers you ask about providing this as an override in the docker-compose.yml file. Compose will not normally run a shell for you, so you need to explicitly specify it as part of the command: override.
command: /bin/sh -c 'python test.py && python main.py'
Your Dockerfile should generally specify a CMD and the docker-compose.yml often will not include a command:. This makes it easier to run the image in other contexts (via docker run without Compose; in Kubernetes) since you won't have to retype the command every different way you want to run the container. The entrypoint wrapper pattern highlighted in #sytech's answer is very useful in general and it's easy to add to a container that uses a CMD without an ENTRYPOINT; but it requires the Dockerfile to use CMD as a normal well-formed shell command.
You have to change CMD to ENTRYPOINT. And run the 1st script as daemon in the background using &.
ENTRYPOINT ["/docker_entrypoint.sh"]
set -e
exec python tests.py &
exec python main.py
In general, it is a good rule of thumb that a container should only a single process and that essential process should be pid 1
Using an entrypoint can help you do multiple things at runtime and optionally run user-defined commands using exec, as according to the best practices guide.
For example, if you always want the tests to run whenever the container starts, then execute the defined command in CMD.
First, create an entrypoint script (be sure to make it executable with chmod +x):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# always run tests first
python /src/tests.py
# then run user-defined command
exec "$#"
Then configure the dockerfile to copy the script and set it as the entrypoint:
COPY entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["python", "main.py"]
Then when you build an image from this dockerfile and run it, the entrypoint will first execute the tests then run the command to run main.py
The command can also still be overridden by the user when running the image like docker run ... myimage <new command> which will still result in the entrypoint tests being executed, but the user can change the command being run.
You can achieve this by creating a bash script(let's name entrypoint.sh) which is containing the python commands. If you want, you can create background processes of those.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
python tests.py
python main.py
Edit your docker file as follows:
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
# Create workDir
RUN mkdir code
#upgrade pip if you like here
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# Copy Code
COPY . .
RUN chmod +x entrypoint.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["./entrypoint.sh"]
In the docker compose file, add the following line to the service.
entrypoint: [ "./entrypoint.sh" ]
Have you try this in your docker-compose.yaml?
version: '3'
image: free
command: >
/bin/sh -c 'python3 tests.py & && python3 main.py &'
both will run in the background
then run in terminal
docker-compose up --build

Run python script using a docker image

I downloaded a python script and a docker image containing commands to install all the dependencies. How can I run the python script using the docker image?
Copy python file in Docker image then execute -
docker run image-name PATH-OF-SCRIPT-IN-IMAGE/script.py
Or you can also build the DockerFile by using the RUN python PATH-OF-SCRIPT-IN-IMAGE/script.py inside DockerFile.
How to copy container to host
docker cp <containerId>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target
How to copy host to the container
docker cp /host/local/path/file <containerId>:/file/path/in/container/file
Run in interactive mode:
docker run -it image_name python filename.py
or if you want host and port to be specified:
docker run -it -v filename.py:filename.py -p 8888:8888 image_name python filename.py
First, Copy your python script and other required files to your docker container.
docker cp /path_to_file <containerId>:/path_where_you_want_to_save
Second, open the container cli using docker desktop and run your python script.
The best way, I think, is to make your own image that contains the dependencies and the script.
When you say you've been given an image, I'm guessing that you've been given a Dockerfile, since you talk about it containing commands.
Place the Dockerfile and the script in the same directory. Add the following lines to the bottom of the Dockerfile.
# Existing part of Dockerfile goes here
COPY my-script.py .
CMD ["python", "my-script.py"]
Replace my-script.py with the name of the script.
Then build and run it with these commands
docker build -t my-image .
docker run my-image

Running .env files within a docker container

I have been struggling to add env variables into my container for the past 3 hrs :( I have looked through the docker run docs but haven't managed to get it to work.
I have built my image using docker build -t sellers_json_analysis . which works fine.
I then go to run it with: docker run -d --env-file ./env sellers_json_analysis
As per the docs: $ docker run --env-file ./env.list ubuntu bash but I get the following error:
docker: open ./env: no such file or directory.
The .env file is in my root directory
But when running docker run --help I am unable to find anything about env variables, but it doesn't provide the following:
Usage: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
So not sure I am placing things incorrectly. I could add my variables into the dockerfile but I want to keep it as a public repo as it's a project I would like to display.
Your problem is wrong path, either use .env or ./.env, when you use ./env it mean a file named env in current directory
docker run -d --env-file .env sellers_json_analysis

How to pass variable from Makefile to Python script through docker-compose

I have a Makefile, that runs a docker-compose, which has a container that executes a python script. I want to be able to pass a variable in the command-line to the Makefile and print it within the python script (testing.py).
My directory looks like:
I have tried with the following configuration. The Makefile is:
.PHONY: run run-prod stop stop-prod rm
WORKING_DAG=$(working_dag) docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans --build --force-recreate
The docker-compose is:
version: "3.7"
image: apache/airflow:1.10.14
WORKING_DAG: ${working_dag}
entrypoint: /bin/bash
command: -c "python3 testing.py $$WORKING_DAG"
And the file testing.py is:
import sys
print(sys.argv[0], flush=True)
When I run in the command line:
make working_dag=testing run
It doesn't fail but it does not print anything neither. How could I make it? Thanks
I believe that the variable WORKING_DAG is getting assigned correctly through the command-line and Makefile is passing it correctly to the docker-compose. I verified it by running the container to not be destroyed and then after logging into the container, I checked the value of WORKING_DAG:
To not destroy the container once the docker execution is completed, I modified the docker-compose.yml, as follows:
version: "3.7"
image: apache/airflow:1.10.14
WORKING_DAG: ${working_dag}
entrypoint: /bin/bash
command: -c "python3 testing.py $$WORKING_DAG"
command: -c "tail -f /dev/null"
airflow#d8dcb07c926a:/opt/airflow$ echo $WORKING_DAG
The issue that docker does not display Python's std.out when deploying with docker-compose was already commented in Github, here, and it still not resolved. Making it work when using docker-compose, is only possible if we transfer/mount the file into the container, or if we use Dockerfile instead.
When using a Dockerfile, you only have to run the corresponding script as follows,
CMD ["python", "-u", "testing.py", "$WORKING_DAG"]
To mount the script into the container, please look at #DazWilkin's answer, here.
You'll need to mount your testing.py into the container (using volumes). In the following, your current working directory (${PWD}) is used and testing.py is mounted in the container's root directory:
version: "3.7"
image: apache/airflow:1.10.14
- ${PWD}/testing.py:/testing.py
entrypoint: /bin/bash
command: -c "python3 /testing.py ${WORKING_DAG}"
NOTE There's no need to include WORKING_DAG in the service definition as it's exposed to the Docker Compose environment by your Makefile. Setting it as you did, overwrites it with "" (empty string) because ${working_dag} was your original environment variable but you remapped this to WORKING_DAG in your Makefile run step.
import sys
print(sys.argv[0:], flush=True)
make --always-make working_dag=Freddie run
WORKING_DAG=Freddie docker-compose --file=./docker-compose.yaml up
Recreating 66014039_prepare_files_1 ... done
Attaching to 66014039_prepare_files_1
prepare_files_1 | ['/testing.py', 'Freddie']
66014039_prepare_files_1 exited with code 0

How to access generated files inside Docker image

So basically I have a python script that will write to a file once it is done running. How do I access this file? My end goal is to run the docker image on jenkins and then read the xml file that the python script generates.
FROM python:3
ADD WebChecker.py /
ADD requirements.txt /
ADD sites.csv /
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD [ "python", "./WebChecker.py" ]
That is my Dockerfile. I have a print("Finished") in there and it is printing so that means everything is working fine. It's just now I need to see my output.xml file.
You should have done it now by following above comments. In case if you still stuck, you may give a try as below:
docker build -t some_tag_name_to_your_image .
After build is completed, you may run a container and get the xml file as below:
1. Write output file to bind volume
Run your container as below:
docker run -d --rm --name my_container \
-v ${WORKSPACE}:/path/to/xml/file/in/container \
Once the xml file generated, that will be available at the Jenkins-host:${WORKSPACE}
${WORKSPACE} is an env variable set by Jenkins. Read more env-vars here
Read more about bind mount here

