SQLalchemy ORM add to session with dynamic column - python

I have 2 tables (not the true setup of my database).
class TableMeaningEN(sqla_base):
__tablename__ = 'MeaningEN'
id = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer, primary_key=True)
meaning = sqla.Column(sqla.String, primary_key=True)
class TableReadingON(sqla_base):
__tablename__ = 'ReadingON'
id = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer, primary_key=True)
reading = sqla.Column(sqla.String, primary_key=True)
Different column names
As you can see, both have a column id, but TableMeaningEN has meaning and TableReadingON has reading.
Normally (assuming you already have a session) you would add something like this:
session.add(TableMeaningEN(id=1, meaning='test'))
However I want to add dynamically entries to tables, so I have:
import tableclass as tc
for t_name in ['MeaningEN', 'ReadingON']:
session.add(getattr(tc, 'Table{}'.format(t_name))(id=1, ??='test'))
How do I solve the problem that ?? is in one table meaning and in the other reading?
columns = sqla.inspect(getattr(tc, 'Table{}'.format(overwrite))).columns.keys()
session.add(getattr(tc, 'Table{}'.format(t_name))(id=1, columns[1]='test'))
I tried this, but however that's not allowed.

If tables are really different by just one attribute, you could create a constructor for both which takes positional arguments as well, such as:
class TableMeaningEN(sqla_base):
def __init__(self, id, meaning):
self.id, self.meaning = id, meaning
# similar __init__ for the other class/table
# then use the following:
session.add(getattr(tc, 'Table{}'.format(t_name))(1, 'test'))
An alternative would be to dynamically create the keyword arguments, assuming there is naming convention:
import tableclass as tc
for t_name in ['MeaningEN', 'ReadingON']:
cls = getattr(tc, 'Table{}'.format(t_name))
fld_name = t_name.lower()[:-2]
kw = {'id': 1, fld_name: 'test'}


SQLalchemy find id and use it to lookup other information

I'm making a simple lookup application for Japanese characters (Kanji), where the user can search the database using any of the information available.
My database structure
character (A kanji like 頑)
heisig6 (a number indicating the order of showing Kanji)
kanjiorigin (a number indicating the order of showing Kanji)
MeaningEN (1 kanji_id can have multiple entries with different meanings):
kanji_id (FOREIGN KEY(kanji_id) REFERENCES "Kanji" (id)
User handling
The user can choose to search by 'id', 'character', 'heisig6', 'kanjiorigin' or 'meaning' and it should then return all information in all those fields. (All fields return only 1 result, except meanings, which can return multiple results)
Code, EDIT 4+5: my code with thanks to #ApolloFortyNine and #sqlalchemy on IRC, EDIT 6: join --> outerjoin (otherwise won't find information that has no Origins)
import sqlalchemy as sqla
import sqlalchemy.orm as sqlo
from tableclass import TableKanji, TableMeaningEN, TableMisc, TableOriginKanji # See tableclass.py
# Searches database with argument search method
class SearchDatabase():
def __init__(self):
#self.db_name = "sqlite:///Kanji_story.db"
self.engine = sqla.create_engine("sqlite:///Kanji.db", echo=True)
# Bind the engine to the metadata of the Base class so that the
# declaratives can be accessed through a DBSession instance
tc.sqla_base.metadata.bind = self.engine
# For making sessions to connect to db
self.db_session = sqlo.sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)
def retrieve(self, s_input, s_method):
# s_input: search input
# s_method: search method
print("\nRetrieving results with input: {} and method: {}".format(s_input, s_method))
data = [] # Data to return
# User searches on non-empty string
if s_input:
session = self.db_session()
# Find id in other table than Kanji
if s_method == 'meaning':
s_table = TableMeaningEN # 'MeaningEN'
elif s_method == 'okanji':
s_table = TableOriginKanji # 'OriginKanji'
s_table = TableKanji # 'Kanji'
result = session.query(TableKanji).outerjoin(TableMeaningEN).outerjoin(
(TableOriginKanji, TableKanji.origin_kanji)
).filter(getattr(s_table, s_method) == s_input).all()
print("result: {}".format(result))
for r in result:
print("r: {}".format(r))
meanings = [m.meaning for m in r.meaning_en]
# TODO transform into origin kanji's
origins = [str(o.okanji_id) for o in r.okanji_id]
data.append({'character': r.character, 'meanings': meanings,
'indexes': [r.id, r.heisig6, r.kanjiorigin], 'origins': origins})
if not data:
data = [{'character': 'X', 'meanings': ['invalid', 'search', 'result']}]
Question EDIT 4+5
Is this an efficient query?: result = session.query(TableKanji).join(TableMeaningEN).filter(getattr(s_table, s_method) == s_input).all() (The .join statement is necessary, because otherwise e.g. session.query(TableKanji).filter(TableMeaningEN.meaning == 'love').all() returns all the meanings in my database for some reason? So is this either the right query or is my relationship() in my tableclass.py not properly defined?
fixed (see lambda: in tableclass.py) kanji = relationship("TableKanji", foreign_keys=[kanji_id], back_populates="OriginKanji") <-- what is wrong about this? It gives the error:
File "/path/python3.5/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py", line 1805, in get_property
"Mapper '%s' has no property '%s'" % (self, key))
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Mapper 'Mapper|TableKanji|Kanji' has no property 'OriginKanji'
Edit 2: tableclass.py (EDIT 3+4+5: updated)
import sqlalchemy as sqla
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative as sqld
sqla_base = sqld.declarative_base()
class TableKanji(sqla_base):
__tablename__ = 'Kanji'
id = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer, primary_key=True)
character = sqla.Column(sqla.String, nullable=False)
radical = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer) # Can be defined as Boolean
heisig6 = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer, unique=True, nullable=True)
kanjiorigin = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer, unique=True, nullable=True)
cjk = sqla.Column(sqla.String, unique=True, nullable=True)
meaning_en = relationship("TableMeaningEN", back_populates="kanji") # backref="Kanji")
okanji_id = relationship("TableOriginKanji", foreign_keys=lambda: TableOriginKanji.kanji_id, back_populates="kanji")
class TableMeaningEN(sqla_base):
__tablename__ = 'MeaningEN'
kanji_id = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer, sqla.ForeignKey('Kanji.id'), primary_key=True)
meaning = sqla.Column(sqla.String, primary_key=True)
kanji = relationship("TableKanji", back_populates="meaning_en")
class TableOriginKanji(sqla_base):
__tablename__ = 'OriginKanji'
kanji_id = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer, sqla.ForeignKey('Kanji.id'), primary_key=True)
okanji_id = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer, sqla.ForeignKey('Kanji.id'), primary_key=True)
order = sqla.Column(sqla.Integer)
#okanji = relationship("TableKanji", foreign_keys=[kanji_id], backref="okanji")
kanji = relationship("TableKanji", foreign_keys=[kanji_id], back_populates="okanji_id")
We would really have to be able to see your database schema to give real critique, but assuming no foreign keys, what you said is basically the best you can do.
SQLAlchemy really begins to shine when you have complicated relations going on however. For example, if you properly had foreign keys set, you could do something like the following.
# Assuming kanji is a tc.tableMeaningEN.kanji_id object
kanji_meaning = kanji.meanings
And that would return the meanings for the kanji as an array, without any further queries.
You can go quite deep with relationships, so I'm linking the documentation here. http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/relationships.html
EDIT: Actually, you don't need to manually join at all, SQLAlchemy will do it for you.
The case is wrong on your classes, but I'm not sure if SQLAlchemy is case sensitive there or not. If it works, then just move on.
If you query the a table (self.session.query(User).filter(User.username == self.name).first()) you should have an object of the table type (User here).
So in your case, querying the TableKanji table alone will return an object of that type.
kanji_obj = session.query(TableKanji).filter(TableKanji.id == id).first()
# This will return an array of all meaning_ens that match the foreign key
meaning_arr = kanji_obj.meaning_en
# This will return a single meeting, just to show each member of the arr is of type TableMeaningEn
I have a project made use of some of these features, hope it helps:
Database declaration (with relationships): https://github.com/ApolloFortyNine/SongSense/blob/master/songsense/database.py
Automatic joins: https://github.com/ApolloFortyNine/SongSense/blob/master/songsense/getfriend.py#L134
I really like my database structure, but as for the rest it's pretty awful. Hope it still helps though.

Can I use context-sensitive functions in SQLAlchemy with parameters?

Here's a little table for holding IP address ranges in the form of a start address, end address, and number of IPs within the range
class IpRange(Base):
__tablename__ = 'ip_range'
ip_range_id = Column(Integer, Sequence('ip_range_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
start_ip = Column(String(15))
end_ip = Column(String(15))
num_ips = Column(Integer)
What I'd love to do is be able to create an object using a variety of styles, and have the class figure out how to populate its own fields.
foo = IpRange(ip='')
foo = IpRange(ip='')
foo = IpRange(ip='')
It wouldn't be too hard to write a function that could parse various IP address/range notations:
def parseIp(desired_format):
... stuff to parse any valid IP address/network format ...
if desired_format == 'start':
return start_ip
if desired_format == 'end':
return end_ip
if desired_format == 'num_ips':
return num_ips
And I was hoping I could then use the default method for my Columns to get the data that each column needed:
class IpRange(Base):
__tablename__ = 'ip_range'
ip_range_id = Column(Integer, Sequence('ip_range_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
start_ip = Column(String(15), default=parseIp('start'))
end_ip = Column(String(15), default=parseIp('end'))
num_ips = Column(Integer, default=parseIp('num_ips')
However, that is not valid SQLAlchemy syntax. The documentation speaks of context-sensitive default columns, but the syntax does not allow parameters to be passed to the function. So even though I could call the function with default=parseIp, I wouldn't be able to tell it what kind of return value I'm looking for.
Is there a way to do this within Column specification for SQLAlchemy?
Or as an alternative idea, should I turn parseIp into a helper script that just generates the new IpRange object itself and returns it back to the caller? Something like:
def parseIp(ipstring):
... parse data ...
return IpRange(start_ip=parsed_start_ip, end_ip=parsed_end_ip, num_ips=parsed_num_ips)
>>> ipobj = parseIp('')
Just override the constructor. Example:
class IpRange(Base):
def __init__(self, ip=None, **kwargs):
if ip is not None:
self.start_ip, self.end_ip = my_super_awesome_cidr_parser(ip)
super(IpRange, self).__init__(**kwargs)

SQLAlchemy Declarative: Adding a static text attribute to a column

I am using: SQLAlchemy 0.7.9 and Python 2.7.3 with Bottle 0.11.4. I am an amateur at python.
I have a class (with many columns) derived from declarative base like this:
class Base(object):
def __tablename__(cls):
return cls.__name__.lower()
id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
def to_dict(self):
serialized = dict((column_name, getattr(self, column_name))
for column_name in self.__table__.c.keys())
return serialized
Base = declarative_base(cls=Base)
class Case(Base):
version = Column(Integer)
title = Column(String(32))
plausible_dd = Column(Text)
frame = Column(Text)
primary_task = Column(Text)
secondary_task = Column(Text)
eval_objectives = Column(Text)
I am currently using this 'route' in Bottle to dump out a row/class in json like this:
def default(name, record, db):
myClass = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], name)
parms = db.query(myClass).filter(myClass.id == record)
result = json.dumps(([parm.to_dict() for parm in parms]))
return result
My first question is: How can I have each column have some static text that I can use as a proper name such that I can iterate over the columns and get their values AND proper names? For example:
class Case(Base):
version = Column(Integer)
version.pn = "Version Number"
My second question is: Does the following do what I am looking for? I have seen examples of this, but I don't understand the explanation.
Example from sqlalchemy.org:
id = Column("some_table_id", Integer)
My interpretation of the example:
version = Column("Version Number", Integer)
Obviously I don't want a table column to be created. I just want the column to have an "attribute" in the generic sense. Thank you in advance.
info dictionary could be used for that. In your model class define it like this:
class Case(Base):
version = Column(Integer, info={'description': 'Version Number'})
Then it can accessed as the table column property:
desc = Case.__table__.c.version.info.get('description', '<no description>')
Here's one way to iterate through all the columns in the table and get their names, values and descriptions. This example uses dict comprehension, which is available since Python 2.7.
class Case(Base):
# Column definitions go here...
def as_dict(self):
return {c.name: (getattr(self, c.name), c.info.get('description'))
for c in self.__table__.c}

sqlalchemy Move mixin columns to end

I have a sqlalchemy model, where all most all tables/objects have a notes field. So to try follow the DRY principle, I moved the field to a mixin class.
class NotesMixin(object):
notes = sa.Column(sa.String(4000) , nullable=False, default='')
class Service(Base, NotesMixin):
__tablename__ = "service"
service_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = sa.Column(sa.String(255), nullable=False, index=True, unique=True)
class Datacenter(Base, NotesMixin):
__tablename__ = "datacenter"
datacenter_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = sa.Column(sa.String(255), nullable=False, index=True, unique=True)
class Network(Base, NotesMixin, StatusMixin):
__tablename__ = "network"
network_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
Now the notes column is the first column in the model/db. I know it does not affect the functionality of my app, but it irritates me a bit to see notes before id, etc. Any way to move it to the end?
Found a cleaner solution:
Use the sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declared_attr decorator in sqlalchemy 0.6.5 (sqlalchemy.util.classproperty in sqlalchemy <= 0.6.4)
class NotesMixin(object):
def notes(cls):
return sa.Column(sa.String(4000) , nullable=False, default='')
According to the docs, this is "for columns that have foreign keys, as well as for the variety of mapper-level constructs that require destination-explicit context". While this is strictly speaking not the case here, it does so by calling the method (and creating the column) when the subclass is constructed, thus avoiding the need to make a copy. Which means the mixin column will come at the end. Probably a better solution than hacking _creation_order...
The easy answer: just create the database tables yourself, instead of having sqlalchemy do it with metadata.create_all().
If you don't find that acceptable, I'm afraid this would require a (small) change in sqlalchemy.ext.declarative itself, or you'd have to create your own metaclass and pass it to declarative_base() with the metaclass keyword argument. That class will then get used instead of the default DeclarativeMeta.
Explanation: sqlalchemy uses the creation order of the column properties, which it stores in the "private" attribute ._creation_order (generated when Column() is called). The declarative extension does mixin columns by creating a copy of the column object from your mixin class, and adding that to the class. The ._creation_order of this copy is set to the same value as the original property of the mixin class. As the mixin class is of course created first, it's column properties will have a lower creation order than the subclass.
So, to make your request possible, a new creation order should be assigned when the copy is made, rather than taking the original. You could try and make your own metaclass based on this explanation, and use that. But you might also try and ask the sqlalchemy developers. Maybe they are willing to accept this as a bug/feature request? At least, it seems like a minor (one line) change, that would not have a any effect other than the change you ask for (which arguably is better too).
One can also change the order of columns upon CREATE TABLE compilation (here exemplified for the postgresql dialect):
from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
#compiles(CreateTable, 'postgresql')
def _compile_create_table(element, compiler, **kwargs):
element.columns = element.columns[::-1] # reverse order of columns
return compiler.visit_create_table(element)
This then works with metadata.create_all().
I know it has been a while, but I found a very simple solution for this:
class PriorityColumn(Column):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._creation_order = 1
This is a drop-in replacement for Column, if you are working with Mixins and you want your Derived class' attributes to be first.
class A:
a = Column(Integer)
b = Column(String)
class B(A, Base):
c = PriorityColumn(Integer)
d = PriorityColumn(Float)
# Your table will look like this:
# B(c, d, a, b)
I found that I could set the column order (to the last position) on the Mixin using:
def notes(cls):
col = sa.Column(sa.String(4000) , nullable=False, default='')
# get highest column order of all Column objects of this class.
last_position = max([value._creation_order
for key, value in vars(cls).items()
if isinstance(value, Column)])
col._creation_order = last_position + 0.5
return col
class Service(Base, NotesMixin):
__tablename__ = "service"
service_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = sa.Column(sa.String(255), nullable=False, index=True, unique=True)
To set the column order based on the location of another column (similar to
alter table `some_table` modify `some_colum` `some_type` after
see https://stackoverflow.com/a/3822219/488331)
You can use:
def notes(cls):
col = sa.Column(sa.String(4000) , nullable=False, default='')
col._creation_order = cls.some_other_column._creation_order + 0.5
return col
NOTE: If you use + 1 you end up 2 columns back. I don't really understand why you can even use a decimal.
To set the column order based off of the location of the first column (make this always the 4th column) you could do:
def notes(cls):
col = sa.Column(sa.String(4000) , nullable=False, default='')
# get lowest column order of all Column objects of this class.
start_position = min([value._creation_order
for key, value in vars(cls).items()
if isinstance(value, Column)])
col._creation_order = start_position + 3.5
return col

Python dicts in sqlalchemy

I would like to load/save a dict to/from my sqlite DB, but am having some problems figuring out a simple way to do it. I don't really need to be able to filter, etc., based on the contents so a simple conversion to/from string is fine.
The next-best thing would be foreign keys. Please don't post links to huge examples, my head would explode if I ever set eyes on any those.
The SQLAlchemy PickleType is meant exactly for this.
class SomeEntity(Base):
__tablename__ = 'some_entity'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
attributes = Column(PickleType)
# Just set the attribute to save it
s = SomeEntity(attributes={'baked': 'beans', 'spam': 'ham'})
# If mutable=True on PickleType (the default) SQLAlchemy automatically
# notices modifications.
s.attributes['parrot'] = 'dead'
You can change the serialization mechanism by changing out the pickler with something else that has dumps() and loads() methods. The underlying storage mechanism by subclassing PickleType and overriding the impl attritbute:
class TextPickleType(PickleType):
impl = Text
import json
class SomeOtherEntity(Base):
__tablename__ = 'some_other_entity'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
attributes = Column(TextPickleType(pickler=json))
You can create a custom type by subclassing sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator to handle serialization and deserialization to Text.
An implementation might look like
import json
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator
SIZE = 256
class TextPickleType(TypeDecorator):
impl = sqlalchemy.Text(SIZE)
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
if value is not None:
value = json.dumps(value)
return value
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
if value is not None:
value = json.loads(value)
return value
Example usage:
class SomeModel(Base):
__tablename__ = 'the_table'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
json_field = Column(TextPickleType())
s = SomeModel(json_field={'baked': 'beans', 'spam': 'ham'})
This is outlined in an example in the SQLAlchemy docs, which also shows how to track mutations of that dictionary.
This approach should work for all versions of Python, whereas simply passing json as the value to the pickler argument of PickleType will not work correctly, as AlexGrönholm points out in his comment on another answer.
SQLAlchemy has a built-in JSON type that you can use:
attributes = Column(JSON)
If you need to map a 1-N relation and map it as dict rather then list, then read Custom Dictionary-Based Collections
But if you mean a field, then what you can do it to have a DB field of type string, which is mapped to your Python object. But on the same python object you provide a property which will be kind-of proxy for this mapped string field of type dict().
Code example (not tested):
class MyObject(object):
# fields (mapped automatically by sqlalchemy using mapper(...)
MyFieldAsString = None
def _get_MyFieldAsDict(self):
if self.MyFieldAsString:
return eval(self.MyFieldAsString)
return {} # be careful with None and empty dict
def _set_MyFieldAsDict(self, value):
if value:
self.MyFieldAsString = str(value)
self.MyFieldAsString = None
MyFieldAsDict = property(_get_MyFieldAsDict, _set_MyFieldAsDict)
You can simply save() method to save dicts in sqlalchemy
For example
class SomeModel(Base):
__tablename__ = 'the_table'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
baked = Column(String, nullable=True)
spam = Column(String, nullable=True)
s = {'baked': 'beans', 'spam': 'ham'})

