Define python functions at runtime - python

I want to create python functions on the go, with the following template:
def x(sender,data):
return r
I want to create many of those functions from an array which holds type data as a 2D array.
I can generate simple functions at runtime, but there I would like to run a for-statement only at the generation, and not at every call of the function.
How can I achieve this?

You could use getattr to dynamically type out the attribute...
def x(sender,data):
return b"".join(
getattr(sender, "send_type"+i)(data[i])
for i in xrange(len(data))
I don't think you're going to find much of a performance advantage in having the function precompiled, assuming that is even possible...


How to dynamically create functions in python

I am trying to make an interpreter of code written in some language in python and currently stuck on interpreting functions. It seems there is a way of creating classes dynamically with something like MyClass = type("MyClass", (object, ), dict()) but I can't find a way of creating functions. I have an idea of direct line to line translation of code in python code and execution but that's not really what I want to do. So is there a way to create functions dynamically or the best I can get is something like:
foo_code = compile('def foo(): return "bar"', "<string>", "exec")
foo_func = FunctionType(foo_code.co_consts[0], globals(), "foo")
with need of translation?
Just found out the answer. The best way to dynamically create the function is to not create it at all. It kind of conflicts with my question but still solves the problem. The idea is to put a structure of a function as key in a dictionary and a line of the beginning of the function as a value. So now it is possible by structure of the function find it, execute and then return to normal execution by saving the last line of Main in advance.

Elegant way to return lot of variables from a function

I have a python method of a class which is calculating a bunch of stuff, stores them in 8 different variables and then want to return these values.
Something on the lines;
def rate_lookup(self, a):
Problem is I would then have to save these return values in anothe similar set of variables on the function call. That doesn't look very elegant and uses a lot of variables.
I do need each variables value as I need to later print them out to console based on certain criteria.
Whats the best way to retun a lot of variables value.
IMO, this usually means your function is doing too much you might want to break it down to several functions or a Class.
if you still decide you want to use a single function, I'd suggest using a namedtuple to return you values in a manner you could refer to them by name.
You need a dataclass. Pick one which suits best for you:
dataclasses.dataclass (python 3.7+)
typing.NamedTuple (python 3.6+)
collections.namedtuple (any python, no typing support)
attrs (any python, supports typing, more powerful that everything above, but third-party)
Just a custom class with __slots__

Function calls in a sequence

I am writing a program that must solve a task and the task has many points, so I made one function for each point.
In the main function, I am calling the functions (which all return a value) in the following way:
result = funcD(funcC(funcB(funcA(parameter))))
Is this way of setting function calls right and optimal or there is a better way?
First, as everyone else said, your implementation is totally valid, and separate into multiple lines is good idea to improve readability.
However, if there are even more that 4 functions, I have a better way to make your code more simple.
def chain_func(parameter, *functions):
for func in functions:
parameter = func(parameter)
return parameter
This is based on python can pass function as a variable and call it in other function.
To use it, just simple chain_func(parameter, funcA, funcB, funcC, funcD)
There's nothing really wrong with that way. You could improve readability by instead calling them like this:
resultA = funcA(parameter)
resultB = funcB(resultA)
resultC = funcC(resultB)
resultD = funcD(resultC)
But that's really just a matter of personal preference and style.
If what they do and what they return is fixed, then also the dependency between them is fixed. So you have no other way then call them in this order. Otherwise there is no way of telling without knowing what do they do exactly.
Whether you pin a reference to the partial results:
result1 = funcA(parameter)
result = funcD(result3)
or call them as you've presented in your question doesn't make a significant difference.

function of a function (property) python

I have a Python class with functions and properties like this:
def xcoords(self):
' Returns numpy array. '
return self.x_coords
self.x_coords = self._read_coords('x')
return self.x_coords
def _read_coords(self, type):
# read lots of stuff from big file
return array
This allows me to do this: data.xcoords, nice and simple.
I want to keep this as it is, however I want to define functions which allow me to do this:
How do I do it? I also want these function to work for other properties of the class such as
If you really want xcoords to return a numpy array, then people may not expect the value of xcoords to have mm and in_ methods. You should think about whether mm and in_ are really properties of the arrays themselves, or if they are properties of the class you're defining. In the latter case, I would recommend against subclassing ndarray -- just define them as methods of the containing class.
On the other hand, if these are definitely properties of the thing returned by xcoords, then subclassing ndarray is a reasonable approach. Be sure to get it right by defining __new__ and __array_finalize__ as discussed in the docs.
To decide whether you should subclass ndarray, you might consider whether you can see yourself reusing this class elsewhere in your program. (You don't actually have to use it elsewhere, right now -- you just have to be able to see yourself reusing it at some point.) If you can't, then these are probably properties of the containing class. The line of reasoning here is that -- thinking in terms of functions -- if you have a short function foo and a short function bar, and know you will never call them any other way than foo(bar(x)), you might be better off writing foo_bar instead. The same logic applies to classes.
Finally, as larsmans pointed out, in is a keyword in python, and so isn't available for use in this case (which is why I used in_ above).

Creating a function object from a string

Question: Is there a way to make a function object in python using strings?
Info: I'm working on a project which I store data in a sqlite3 server backend. nothing to crazy about that. a DAL class is very commonly done through code generation because the code is so incredibly mundane. But that gave me an idea. In python when a attribute is not found, if you define the function __getattr__ it will call that before it errors. so the way I figure it, through a parser and a logic tree I could dynamically generate the code I need on its first call, then save the function object as a local attrib. for example:
#getAll() not found, call __getattr__
DAL.__getattr__(self,attrib)#in this case attrib = getAll
##parser logic magic takes place here and I end up with a string for a new function
##convert string to function
DAL.getAll = newFunc
return newFunc
I've tried the compile function, but exec, and eval are far from satisfactory in terms of being able to accomplish this kind of feat. I need something that will allow multiple lines of function. Is there another way to do this besides those to that doesn't involve writing the it to disk? Again I'm trying to make a function object dynamically.
P.S.: Yes, I know this has horrible security and stability problems. yes, I know this is a horribly in-efficient way of doing this. do I care? no. this is a proof of concept. "Can python do this? Can it dynamically create a function object?" is what I want to know, not some superior alternative. (though feel free to tack on superior alternatives after you've answered the question at hand)
The following puts the symbols that you define in your string in the dictionary d:
d = {}
exec "def f(x): return x" in d
Now d['f'] is a function object. If you want to use variables from your program in the code in your string, you can send this via d:
d = {'a':7}
exec "def f(x): return x + a" in d
Now d['f'] is a function object that is dynamically bound to d['a']. When you change d['a'], you change the output of d['f']().
can't you do something like this?
>>> def func_builder(name):
... def f():
... # multiline code here, using name, and using the logic you have
... return name
... return f
>>> func_builder("ciao")()
basically, assemble a real function instead of assembling a string and then trying to compile that into a function.
If it is simply proof on concept then eval and exec are fine, you can also do this with pickle strings, yaml strings and anything else you decide to write a constructor for.

