I want to do an executable, but ervery time I run the .exe it writes ImportError: No module named 'tkinter', and all I read on Stackowerflow do not help me !
My python program is simple (ODE solver) and requests only :
from math import*
from pylab import*
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
I paste a copy of my prog.py into the C:\Python\Scripts folder where pyInstaller is. I compute the command line pyinstaller -F eulersolver.py, this creates a prog.exe in the dist folder. When I run this code I have
ImportError: No module named 'tkinter'
Failed to execute script prog
But my program do not use this module... do you have any proposition or help for me ?
OS : Windows64
Python : 3.5 for Win64
Note : I already unistall/install python 3 times today (after reading documentation on this webside and abroad).
Note 2 : I use Python only for scientific issues. I am no computer scientist, so be kind to me when explaining computer stuff :S
FINALLY WORKED FOR pyinstaller -F --hidden-import=tkinter --hidden-import=tkinter.filedialog prog.py Thanks a lot !!!
You should use hidden import
pyinstaller eulersolver.py --hidden-import=tkinter -y
The problem is that pyinstaller won't see second level imports. So if you import module A, pyinstaller sees this. But any additional module that is imported in A will not be seen.
There is no need to change anything in your python scripts. You can directly add the missing imports to the spec file (prog.spec in your case).
Just change the following line:
After that run pyinstaller prog.spec to create the prog.exe.
Folks, I am having this puzzle with a pybind11 library mytest.cp37-win_amd64.pyd put in C:\Temp.
Then I have this:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, r"C:\Temp")
from mytest import *
Now here comes the problem, if I launch the python in command line:
>>>import sys
>>>sys.path.insert(0, r"C:\Temp")
>>>from mytest import *
It works fine. Or I just put above code in test.py, then run:
>python test.py
It also works. If I put this piece of code in Spyder, it works as well. But if I put this piece of code in Jupyter, it will not work by saying:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mytest'
I am sure all my tests are conducted in the same python environment by printing it out:
import os
Am I missing anything here?
With Wayne's help and a previous post, I finally found out the root cause, that is the version of the python running in the Jupyter kernel is different from that of the environment from which the Jupyter is launch and also the pybind11 library is build with.
After I reinstall the Jupyter in the environment again, the library is picked up successfully.
I have a question that I assume has a simple answer, but for some reason I am struggling to find it on my own. I have created and activated a virtual environment with virtualenv, and I am trying to install all the necessary packages in order to create a requirements.txt file.
I have, for example, a Python file that begins like this:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from lib.project import Projector
from lib import writer
import os
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime
import pprint
When I try to run this file from the virtual machine, I receive the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "readMap.py", line 2, in <module>
from lib.project import Projector
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lib.project'
My problem is that I'm not sure why the virtual environment can't find project.py. My directory structure is:
The import on line 2 implies lib is a module rather than "a simple repository".
I will try running the script with the flag -m. Something like this -
python -m script_name
make sure to drop the .py extension when you run with -m flag.
Another advice: you don't need to install python files to the virtual environment, they are not some external libraries. They only need to be present (with the same order of packaging) when you run your script.
Thanks to everyone who responded. I believe the issue was some sort of dependency problem. In readMap.py I had imported writer from lib, and in writer.py I had imported Projector from project. I moved the function that required Projector from writer.py to readMap.py and it worked.
I still don't fully understand why this was a problem. Until recently I had been running my scripts in PyCharm and they all worked with the structure I had. It was only when I tried to run them from the command line in my virtual machine that they didn't work.
If anybody would like to explain the distinction to me and what the exact problem was with my imports, feel free to.
I sometimes face the same issue. A solution is to add the path to sys.path by:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/your/package_or_module")
I want to do an executable, but ervery time I run the .exe it writes ImportError: No module named 'tkinter', and all I read on Stackowerflow do not help me !
My python program is simple (ODE solver) and requests only :
from math import*
from pylab import*
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
I paste a copy of my prog.py into the C:\Python\Scripts folder where pyInstaller is. I compute the command line pyinstaller -F eulersolver.py, this creates a prog.exe in the dist folder. When I run this code I have
ImportError: No module named 'tkinter'
Failed to execute script prog
But my program do not use this module... do you have any proposition or help for me ?
OS : Windows64
Python : 3.5 for Win64
Note : I already unistall/install python 3 times today (after reading documentation on this webside and abroad).
Note 2 : I use Python only for scientific issues. I am no computer scientist, so be kind to me when explaining computer stuff :S
FINALLY WORKED FOR pyinstaller -F --hidden-import=tkinter --hidden-import=tkinter.filedialog prog.py Thanks a lot !!!
You should use hidden import
pyinstaller eulersolver.py --hidden-import=tkinter -y
The problem is that pyinstaller won't see second level imports. So if you import module A, pyinstaller sees this. But any additional module that is imported in A will not be seen.
There is no need to change anything in your python scripts. You can directly add the missing imports to the spec file (prog.spec in your case).
Just change the following line:
After that run pyinstaller prog.spec to create the prog.exe.
I wrote a program where I imported those lib :
from math import*
from pylab import*
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
and I wanted to make an executable out of it (the .py already runs using pylab) so in the Windows terminal (in the Python's script folder) I did the command cxfreeze solver.py : this creates a solver.exe in Dist folder.
When I tried to run this executable, there is :
File "C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 35, in <module>
import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk
ImportError: DLL load failed: Le module spécifié est introuvable.
In english : the specified module is not found
I read several help on the site and on internet but it nerver fixed it, and after few days of searching I begin to give up. Please help !
My goal is to create a python script that loops over cells of an excel document. This is my python script called reader.py, and it works just fine.
import xlrd
import os
exceldoc = raw_input("Enter the path to the doc [C:\\folder\\file.xlsx]: ")
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(exceldoc,'rb')
.... some code....
The problem I'm encountering is attempting to use py2exe to create an executable so this script can be used elsewhere.
Here is my setup.py file:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys
from glob import glob
setup(name='Excel Document Checker',console=['reader.py'])
I run the following command: python setup.py py2exe
It appears to run fine; it creates the dist folder that has my reader.exe file, but near the end of the command I get the following:
The following modules appear to be missing
['cElementTree', 'elementtree.ElementTree']
I did some searching online, and tried the recommendations here Re: Error: Element Tree not found, this changing my setup.py file:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys
from glob import glob
"py2exe":{"unbuffered": True,"optimize": 2,
'includes':['xml.etree.ElementPath', 'xml.etree.ElementTree', 'xml.etree.cElementTree'],
"packages": ["elementtree", "xml"]}}
setup(name='Excel Document Checker',options = options,console=['reader.py'])
I'm now getting an error:
ImportError: No module named elementtree
I'm sort of at an impasse here. Any help or guidance is greatly appreciate.
Just some information - I'm running Python 2.6 on a 32 bit system.
You explicitly told setup.py to depend on a package named elementtree here:
"packages": ["elementtree", "xml"]}}
There is no such package in the stdlib. There's xml.etree, but obviously that's the same name.
The example you found is apparently designed for someone who has installed the third-party package elementtree, which is necessary if you need features added after Python 2.6's version of xml.etree, or if you need to work with Python 1.5-2.4, but not if you just want to use Python 2.6's version. (And anyway, if you do need the third-party package… then you have to install it or it won't work, obviously.)
So, just don't do that, and that error will go away.
Also, if your code—or the code you import (e.g., xlrd) is using xml.etree.cElementTree, then, as the py2exe FAQ says, you must also import xml.etree.ElementTree before using it to get it working. (And you also may need to specify it manually as a dependency.)
You presumably don't want to change all the third-party modules you're using… but I believe that making sure to import xml.etree.ElementTree before importing any of those third-party modules works fine.