Updating a custom field using ASANA Python API - python

I'm trying to update the values of custom fields in my Asana list. I'm using the Official Python client library for the Asana API v1.
My code currently looks like this;
project = "Example Project"
keyword = "Example Task"
print "Logging into ASANA"
client = asana.Client.basic_auth(api_key)
me = client.users.me()
all_projects = next(workspace for workspace in me['workspaces'])
projects = client.projects.find_by_workspace(all_projects['id'])
for project in projects:
if 'Example Project' not in project['name']:
print "Project found."
print "\t"+project['name']
tasks = client.tasks.find_by_project(project['id'], {"opt_fields":"this.name,custom_fields"}, iterator_type=None)
for task in tasks:
if keyword in task['name']:
print "Task found:"
print "\t"+str(task)
for custom_field in task['custom_fields']:
custom_field['text_value'] = "New Data!"
print client.tasks.update(task['id'], {'data':task})
But when I run the code, the task doesn't update. The return of print client.tasks.update returns all the details of the task, but the custom field has not been updated.

I think the problem is that our API is not symmetrical with respect to custom fields... which I kind of find to be a bummer; it can be a real gotcha in cases like this. Rather than being able to set the value of a custom field within the block of values as you're doing above, which is intuitive, you have to set them with a key:value dictionary-like setup of custom_field_id:new_value - not as intuitive, unfortunately. So above, where you have
for custom_field in task['custom_fields']:
custom_field['text_value'] = "New Data!"
I think you'd have to do something like this:
new_custom_fields = {}
for custom_field in task['custom_fields']:
new_custom_fields[custom_field['id']] = "New Data!"
task['custom_fields'] = new_custom_fields
The goal is to generate JSON for the POST request that looks something like
"data": {
"12345678":"New Data!"
As a further note, the value should be the new text string if you have a text custom field, a number if it's a number custom field, and the ID of the enum_options choice (take a look at the third example under this header on our documentation site) if it's an enum custom field.

Thanks to Matt, I got to the solution.
new_custom_fields = {}
for custom_field in task['custom_fields']:
new_custom_fields[custom_field['id']] = "New Data!"
print client.tasks.update(task['id'], {'custom_fields':new_custom_fields})
There were two problems in my original code, the first was that I was trying to treat the API symmetrically and this was identified and solved by Matt. The second was that I was trying to update in an incorrect format. Note the difference between client.tasks.update in my original and updated code.


Status update on bulk elastic upload using helper

I am trying to update a bunch of records in a single index, however i need the status if the update is successful or not. Reason is that the particular id may not be available in the index. This is how my code looks like, i dont get any output for "update_response" even though the records are being updated in my index. Shouldnt i be getting a " It returns a tuple with summary information - number of successfully executed actions and either list of errors or number of errors if stats_only is set to True."
as per function definition at this page https://elasticsearch-py.readthedocs.io/en/7.x/helpers.html
es = config.createESConnection()
start_time = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
api_url = 'abcd'
parameters = {
response = requests.get(api_url,params=parameters)
info= requests.get(api_url,params=parameters).json()['data']
for i in range(len(info)):
action = {
"_index": "index",
"_id" : info[i]['id'],
"doc":{"x" : info[i]['x']}
update_response = helpers.bulk(es, es_data,stats_only =True)
except Exception:
okay so this is to help others, in case there is an error in helpers.bulk you need to enable raise_on_error=False, doing so will complete the updation on all the records, skipping the ones having error and then you get the return object.
so use this
update_response = helpers.bulk(es, es_data,raise_on_error=False)

Using python and suds, data not read by server side because element is not defined as an array

I am a very inexperienced programmer with no formal education. Details will be extremely helpful in any responses.
I have made several basic python scripts to call SOAP APIs, but I am running into an issue with a specific API function that has an embedded array.
Here is a sample excerpt from a working XML format to show nested data:
<bomData xsi:type="urn:inputBOM" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="urn:bomItem[]">
I have tried 3 different things to get this to work to no avail.
I can generate the near exact XML from my script, but a key attribute missing is the 'SOAP-ENC:arrayType="urn:bomItem[]"' in the above XML example.
Option 1 was using MessagePlugin, but I get an error because my section is like the 3 element and it always injects into the first element. I have tried body[2], but this throws an error.
Option 2 I am trying to create the object(?). I read a lot of stack overflow, but I might be missing something for this.
Option 3 looked simple enough, but also failed. I tried setting the values in the JSON directly. I got these examples by an XML sample to JSON.
I have also done a several other minor things to try to get it working, but not worth mentioning. Although, if there is a way to somehow do the following, then I'm all ears:
bomItem[]: bomData = {"bomItem"[{...,...,...}]}
Here is a sample of my script:
# for python 3
# using pip install suds-py3
from suds.client import Client
from suds.plugin import MessagePlugin
# Config
#option 1: trying to set it as an array using plugin
class MyPlugin(MessagePlugin):
def marshalled(self, context):
body = context.envelope.getChild('Body')
bomItem = body[0]
bomItem.set('SOAP-ENC:arrayType', 'urn:bomItem[]')
URL = "http://localhost/application/soap?wsdl"
client = Client(URL, plugins=[MyPlugin()])
transact_info = {
#WIP - trying to get bomData below working first
inputData = {
"fieldname": "",
"fielddata": ""
#option 2: trying to create the element here and define as an array
#inputbom = client.factory.create('ns3:inputBOM')
#inputbom._type = "SOAP-ENC:arrayType"
#inputbom.value = "urn:bomItem[]"
bomData = {
#Option 3: trying to set the time and array type in JSON
response = client.service.transactUnit(transact_info,inputData,bomData)
print("RESPONSE: ")
except Exception as e:
#handle error here
I appreciate any help and hope it is easy to solve.
I have found the answer I was looking for. At least a working solution.
In any case, option 1 worked out. I read up on it at the following link:
You can review at the '!MessagePlugin' section.
I found a solution to get message plugin working from the following post:
unmarshalling Error: For input string: ""
A user posted an example how to crawl through the XML structure and modify it.
Here is my modified example to get my script working:
#Using MessagePlugin to modify elements before sending to server
class MyPlugin(MessagePlugin):
# created method that could be reused to modify sections with similar
# structure/requirements
def addArrayType(self, dataType, arrayType, transactUnit):
# this is the code that is key to crawling through the XML - I get
# the child of each parent element until I am at the right level for
# modification
data = transactUnit.getChild(dataType)
if data:
data.set('SOAP-ENC:arrayType', arrayType)
def marshalled(self, context):
# Alter the envelope so that the xsd namespace is allowed
context.envelope.nsprefixes['xsd'] = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'
body = context.envelope.getChild('Body')
transactUnit = body.getChild("transactUnit")
if transactUnit:
self.addArrayType('inputData', 'urn:dataItem[]', transactUnit)
self.addArrayType('bomData', 'urn:bomItem[]', transactUnit)

How to use json API information from python requests

I want to be able to read json API information and depending on the information make something happen. For example:
I get this information from a Streamelements API.
"message":"This is a test"
I then want to check if the amount on that specific tip is $10 and if that is the case I want something to happen.
This is what I have so far but I do not know how to get the right variable:
data = json.loads(url.text)
if (data[0]['amount'] == 10):
The amount field is under the inner donation object:
data = json.loads(url.text)
donation_amount = data["donation"]["amount"]
if donation_amount == 10:
# do something
Verified using the Stream Elements Tips API documentation.

pyral accessing customfield .attributes values from CA Agile Central

I'm super new in development in general. I'm currently building a webapp that get data from Rally/CA Agile Central and put them in a neat table.
My code:
response = rally.get('UserStory', fetch = True, query=query_criteria)
response_defect = rally.get('Defect', fetch = True, query=query_criteria)
story_list = []
if not response.errors:
for story in response:
#print (story.details())
#a_story['State'] = story.State.Name #if story.State else "Backlog"
a_story['State']=story.BusOpsKanban if story.BusOpsKanban else "unassigned"
#a_story['Status']=Story.Status if story.Status else "unassigned"
a_story['id'] = story.FormattedID
a_story['name'] = story.Name
a_story['Opened']=(datetime.strptime(story.CreationDate, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').strftime('%Y-%d-%b'))
a_story['Requester']= story.Owner.Name if story.Owner else "unassigned"
a_story['Blocked']= story.Blocked
My issue is to get access to the value of the linkid of my customfield (c_ServiceNowID).
When I run a Dict = I see that I have LinkID attributes but when I type
story.c_ServiceNowID.LinkID, I receive an error message telling me there is no such attributes.... How do I access this value using python ?
Thank you
According to the documentation at http://pyral.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html#custom-fields, pyral allows you to reference the field without the c_ prefix
Most Artifact types in Rally can be augmented with custom fields. As of Rally WSAPI v2.0, the ElementName for a custom field is prefixed with ‘c_’. The pyral toolkit allows you to reference these fields without having to use the ‘c_’ prefix. For example, if your custom field has a DisplayName of ‘Burnt Offerings Index’ you can use the String of ‘BurntOfferingsIndex’ in a fetch clause or a query clause or refer to the field directly on an artifact as artifact.BurntOfferingsIndex.
I think what you have should work, unless the ServiceNowID is empty. In that case there will not be a LinkID or DisplayString available on the ServiceNowID object.
If you update your code to check to make sure the Attribute is there, does it work?
if hasattr(story.c_ServiceNowID, 'LinkID'):

Django Querying MongoDB ObjectIds in views from json object

I am currently working on querying MongoDB objects in Python Django and had no trouble in creating queries if it's the other attributes needed.
However I need to modify my queries to specifically filter through the ObjectIds returning one or no object found.
From my Javascript I am passing a json data to my Django views.py here's how it currently looks like:
def update(request):
#AJAX data
line = json.loads(request.body)
_id = line['_id']
print("OBJECT_ID: %s" % (_id))
another_id = line['another_id']
print("ANOTHER_ID: %s" % (another_id))
*Don't confuse the another_id, there are objects that has the same another_id s and unfortunately has to remain like that. That's why I can't query it for update since it will update all duplicates. This is the reason why I need the ObjectId.
For checking here's what it prints out:
{u'$oid': u'582fc95bb7abe7943f1a45b2'}
Therefore I appended the query in views.py like this:
Line.objects(_id=_id).update(set__geometry=geometry, set__properties=properties)
print("Edited: " + another_id)
But it didn't return any object.
So I was wondering if the query itself can't recognize the $oidin the json body as "_id" : ObjectId("582fc95bb7abe7943f1a45b2")?
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
where I edited my views.py with:
_id = line['_id']
print("VALUES: %s" % (_id.get('$oid')))
Line.objects(_id=ObjectId(_id.get('$oid'))).update(set__geometry=geometry, set__properties=properties)
VALUES: 582fc95bb7abe7943f1a498c
No luck. Still not querying/not found.
According to this Using MongoDB with Django reference site:
Notice that to access the unique object ID, you use "id" rather than "_id".
I tried revising the code from:
Line.objects(_id=ObjectId(_id.get('$oid'))).update(set__geometry=geometry, set__properties=properties)
Line.objects(id=ObjectId(_id.get('$oid'))).update(set__geometry=geometry, set__properties=properties)
...And it now works fine. Keeping this question for others who might need this.

