Why is my django template setting user to the same as object? - python

I'm a definite newbie to django, and have used tutorials and stack overflow a lot to design my app.
My app tracks casework for users. One thing I need it to be able to do is to be logged in as one user, and look at the caseload for another user.
When this page comes up, the bit that would normally say "Logout Joe Bloggs", where Joe Bloggs is the logged in user, says "Logout Fitzwilliam Darcy" where Fitzwilliam Darcy is the user I should be viewing the casework of.
I don't really want to continue developing the app until I've fixed it, in case this is a symptom of an underlying problem that will cause more issues in future.
I'll add what I think all the relevant bits are here, but if there's anything else needed, let me know and I'll be happy to edit.
class UserCasesView(generic.DetailView):
model = models.User
template_name = 'caseworkclub/caseworker_detail.html'
slug_field = 'username'
class User(AbstractUser):
association = models.ForeignKey('Association',null=True)
def full_name(self):
return("{} {}".format(self.first_name,self.last_name)
def open_cases(self):
The slug bit is so that the username can be in the URL according to this answer to another question
It might also be worth explaining, if the models.py bit doesn't give it away, that I've extended the base user class and am using that, rather than the user profile technique. The problem seems to have come about since changing the slug bit above, though.
Any help hugely appreciated, and as I said - any more info, happy to provide!

This is because you did not override the get_context_data() method of your UserCasesView class with a sensible default. It currently uses the model name (which also happens to be user) which conflicts with the built-in user variable which is set by django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth context processor.
From the documentation:
Context variables override values from template context processors
Any variables from get_context_data() take precedence over context variables from context processors. For example, if your view sets the model attribute to User, the default context object name of user would override the user variable from the django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth() context processor. Use get_context_object_name() to avoid a clash.
Try changing the object name from user to something else (such as case_user):
class UserCasesView(generic.DetailView):
context_object_name = 'case_user'


Using python builtins to pass django request from middleware to model in order to create default model filters for current user?

I have a fairly complex django application that has been in production for over a year.
The application holds data from different customers. The data is obviously in the same table, separated by customer_id.
Recently the client has started to ask questions about data segregation. Since the app is sold on a per user basis and holds sensitive information, customers have been asking if and how we maintain data segregation per customer, and are there any security measures that we take to prevent data leakages (ie. data from one customer being accessed by another customer).
We do our filters in the view endpoints, but eventually a developer in the team might forget to include a filter in his ORM query, and cause a data leakage
So we came up with the idea to implement default filters on our models. Basically whenever a developer writes:
essentially they will execute:
Some_Model.objects.filter(customer_id = request.user.customer_id)
We plan to achieve this by overriding the objects property on each model to point to a manager with a filtered queryset. Something like this:
class Allowed_Some_Model_Manager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self):
return super(Allowed_Some_Model_Manager, self).get_queryset().filter(
customer_id = request.user.customer_id
# the problem is that request.user is not available in models.py
class Some_Model(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
customer = models.ForeignKey(Customer)
objects = Allowed_Some_Model_Manager()
all_objects = models.Manager() # use this if we want all objects
However our problem is that request.user is not available in models.py.
I have found several ways to solve this.
Option 1 includes passing the request.user to the manager each time. However since I am dealing with thousands of lines of old code, I don't want to go and change all of our ORM queries.
Option 2, included using threading.local() to set the request.user in the thread local data.
Something like this: https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2179/
There is a module that seems to be doing this: https://github.com/Alir3z4/django-crequest
However, a lot of people seem to be against this idea... Namely these two discussions:
django get_current_user() middleware - strange error message which goes away if source code is "changed" , which leads to an automatic server restart
Django custom managers - how do I return only objects created by the logged-in user?
So that brings me to Option 3 which I came up with, and I can not find anybody else using it. Use the python builtins module to pass the user from the middleware to the model.
import builtins
def process_request(self, request):
if request.user.id:
builtins.django_user = request.user
import builtins
class Allowed_Some_Model_Manager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self):
if 'django_user' in vars(builtins):
return super(Allowed_Some_Model_Manager, self).get_queryset().filter(
customer_id = django_user.customer_id
return super(Allowed_Some_Model_Manager, self).get_queryset()
I have tested the code and it is working on my local django server and on Apache with mod_wsgi. But I really want to hear if there are any pitfalls of this approach. I have never used builtins module before, and I am not sure if I understand how it works, and what is the use-case for it.

Django User Model Methods

So I have Auth and Profile implemented into my system however i'd like to extend the User model and I don't know what is considered the 'correct' way of doing this.
I just want to create a method that returns a link for the user like:
I figured that this is probably best done using a method as the link will change and I don't want to be going through all my template files fixing this.
This may be common to somebody using Django but I have not used it much so I am not well versed in the conventions so any advice would be great
If you're not altering what is stored in the database, the easiest way is a proxy model. Here's an example straight out of the documentation (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/models/#proxy-models)
from django.db import models
class Person(models.Model):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
class MyPerson(Person):
class Meta:
proxy = True
def do_something(self):
# ...
If you want to do something more complex than adding methods to the User model, such as adding new data fields, I would recommend creating a Model with a one-to-one relation to User.
The normal way to create URLs in Django without needing to worry about changing them is to use the {% url %} tag. See the documentation on reversing URLs.
I know you are asking specifically for extending the user model but have you considered creating a template tag to generate the link instead?
If you only need the method in the templates than that's definitely the way to go.

Django: how to properly use UserProfile? (Django auth extra information)

i finally can make my Django+Auth app works. I add the extra information to the user as the docs say. Now, i've a simple question. When i'm building a model that is related to the user, which user should i relate to? To auth.models.User or to my accounts.UserProfile?
An example: I've a model for Product, and the Product belongs to a user. Which would be the best option:
class Product(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(auth.models.User)
class Product(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(accounts.UserProfile)
I'm currently using auth.models.User, becouse i can issue a get_profile, but some friend told me that i was wrong.
Thank you!
You're doing the right thing.
UserProfile is just an extension of the User model.
And logically you're making a relation of a object with an object, not a relation of a object with some extra information.
Also, as you mentioned, you can always issue the 'get_profile' to get the extra data.

More than one profile in Django?

Is it possible to use Django's user authentication features with more than one profile?
Currently I have a settings.py file that has this in it:
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'auth.UserProfileA'
and a models.py file that has this in it:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class UserProfileA(models.Model):
company = models.CharField(max_length=30)
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
that way, if a user logs in, I can easily get the profile because the User has a get_profile() method. However, I would like to add UserProfileB. From looking around a bit, it seems that the starting point is to create a superclass to use as the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE and have both UserProfileA and UserProfileB inherit from that superclass. The problem is, I don't think the get_profile() method returns the correct profile. It would return an instance of the superclass. I come from a java background (polymorphism) so I'm not sure exactly what I should be doing.
Well I found a way to do it via something called an "inheritance hack" that I found at this site http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/1031/
It works really well, however, coming from a java background where this stuff happens automatically, I'm a little unsettled by the fact that someone had to code this up and call it a "hack" to do it in python. Is there a reason why python doesn't enable this?
So the issue you're going to have is that whatever you want for your profile, you need to persist it in a database of some sort. Basically all of the back-ends for django are relational, and thus every field in a persisted object is present in every row of the table. there are a few ways for getting what you want.
Django provides some support for inheritance. You can use the techniques listed and get reasonable results in a polymorphic way.
The most direct approach is to use multiple table inheritance. Roughly:
class UserProfile(models.Model):
# set settings.AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE to this class!
class UserProfileA(UserProfile):
class UserProfileB(UserProfile):
To use it:
profile = user.get_profile().userprofilea
# user profile is UserProfileA
except UserProfileA.DoesNotExist:
# user profile wasn't UserProfileB
profile = user.get_profile().userprofileb
# user profile is UserProfileB
except UserProfileB.DoesNotExist:
# user profile wasn't either a or b...
Edit: Re, your comment.
The relational model implies a number of things that seem to disagree with object oriented philosophy. For a relation to be useful, it requires that every element in the relation to have the same dimensions, so that relational queries are valid for the whole relation. Since this is known a-priori, before encountering an instance of a class stored in the relation, then the row cannot be a subclass. django's orm overcomes this impedance mismatch by storing the subclass information in a different relation (one specific to the subclass), There are other solutions, but they all obey this basic nature of the relational model.
If it helps you come to terms with this, I'd suggest looking at how persistence on a RDBMs works for applications in the absence of an ORM. In particular, relational databases are more about collections and summaries of many rows, rather than applying behaviors to data once fetched from the database.
The specific example of using the profile feature of django.contrib.auth is a rather uninteresting one, especially if the only way that model is ever used is to fetch the profile data associated with a particular django.contrib.auth.models.User instance. If there are no other queries, you don't need a django.models.Model subclass at all. You can pickle a regular python class and store it in a blob field of an otherwise featureless model.
On the other hand, if you want to do more interesting things with profiles, like search for users that live in a particular city, then it will be important for all profiles to have an index for their city property. That's got nothing to do with OOP, and everything to do with relational.
The idios app by the Pinax team aimed at solving the multiple-profile problem. You can tweak the model to make the inheritance of the base profile class either abstract or non-abstract.
Here is the answer to my question of how to get multiple profiles to work:
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
class Contact(models.Model):
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType,editable=False,null=True)
def save(self):
if(not self.content_type):
self.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.__class__)
def as_leaf_class(self):
content_type = self.content_type
model = content_type.model_class()
if(model == Contact):
return self
return model.objects.get(id=self.id)
I don't really understand why it works or why the developers of django/python made inheritance work this way
If you have app-specific options for each user, I would rather recommend to put them into a separate model.
A simplified example:
class UserSettings(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, primary_key = True)
# Settings go here
defaultLocale = models.CharField(max_length = 80, default = "en_US")
This would be used like so:
def getUserSettings(request):
return UserSettings.objects.get(pk = request.user)
except UserSettings.DoesNotExist:
# Use defaults instead, that's why you should define reasonable defaults
# in the UserSettings model
return UserSettings()

Django - How to prepopulate admin form fields

I know that you can prepopulate admin form fields based on other fields. For example, I have a slug field that is automatically populated based on the title field.
However, I would also like to make other automatic prepopulations based on the date. For example, I have an URL field, and I want it to automatically be set to http://example.com/20090209.mp3 where 20090209 is YYYYMMDD.
I would also like to have a text field that automatically starts with something like "Hello my name is author" where author is the current user's name. Of course, I also want the person to be able to edit the field. The point is to just make it so the user can fill out the admin form more easily, and not just to have fields that are completely automatic.
I know that you can prepopulate some values via GET, it will be something like this
I got some problems with date fields but, maybe this could help you.
I recently used Django's ModelAdmin.get_form method for this purpose.
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
form = super(MyModelAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs)
form.base_fields['my_field_name'].initial = 'abcd'
return form
Yout should be careful about side effects as you are manipulating the base_fields directly.
Django's built-in prepopulated_fields functionality is hardcoded to slugify, it can't really be used for more general purposes.
You'll need to write your own Javascript function to do the prepopulating. The best way to get it included in the admin page is to include it in the inner Media class of a custom Form or Widget. You'll then need to customize your ModelAdmin subclass to use the custom form or widget. Last, you'll need to render some inline Javascript along with each prepopulated field to register the onchange handler and tell it which other field to populate from; I would render this via the custom Widget. To make it nice and declarative you could use a custom ModelAdmin attribute (similar to prepopulated_fields), and override ModelAdmin.formfield_for_dbfield to create the widget and pass in the information about what field it should prepopulate from.
This kind of admin hacking is almost always possible, but (as you can tell from this convoluted summary) rarely simple, especially if you're making an effort to keep your code nicely encapsulated.
I tried a few of these answers and none of them worked. I simply wanted to prepulate a field with another field from a related model. Taking this answer as a starting point, I finally tried to manipulate the model instance object (here obj) directly and it worked for me.
class MyModelAdmin(models.ModelAdmin):
def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
form = super(MyModelAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs)
if not obj.some_model_field:
obj.some_model_field = obj.related_model.prepopulating_model_field
return form
You can override the default django admin field by replacing it with a form field of your choice.
Check this :
Add custom validation to the admin
I would also like to have a text field
that automatically starts with
something like "Hello my name is
Check out the docs at: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#default
You could have a CharField() or TextField() in your model, and set this option, which will set the default text. 'default' can also be a callable function.
Something like:
models.CharField(max_length=250, default="Default Text")
The slug handling is done with javascript.
So you have to override the templates in the admin and then populate the fields with javascript. The date thing should be trivial, but I dont know how you should get the logged in users name to the script (not that I have thought very hard but you get the drift :).

