I have written a selection of functions to try and solve a N-puzzle / 8-puzzle.
I am quite content with my ability to manipulate the puzzle but am struggling with how to iterate and find the best path. My skills are not in OOP either and so the functions are simple.
The idea is obviously to reduce the heruistic distance and place all pieces in their desired locations.
I have read up a lot of other questions regarding this topic but they're often more advanced and OOP focused.
When I try and iterate through there are no good moves. I'm not sure how to perform the A* algorithm.
from math import sqrt, fabs
import copy as cp
# Trial puzzle
puzzle1 = [
# This function is used minimise typing later
def starpiece(piece):
'''Checks the input of a *arg and returns either tuple'''
if piece == ():
return 0
elif isinstance(piece[0], (str, int)) == True:
return piece[0]
elif isinstance(piece[0], (tuple, list)) and len(piece[0]) == 2:
return piece[0]
# This function creates the goal puzzle layout
def goal(puzzle):
'''Input a nested list and output an goal list'''
n = len(puzzle) * len(puzzle)
goal = [x for x in range(1,n)]
nested_goal = [goal[i:i+len(puzzle)] for i in range(0, len(goal), len(puzzle))]
return nested_goal
# This fuction gives either the coordinates (as a tuple) of a piece in the puzzle
# or the piece in the puzzle at give coordinates
def search(puzzle, *piece):
'''Input a puzzle and piece value and output a tuple of coordinates.
If no piece is selected 0 is chosen by default. If coordinates are
entered the piece value at those coordinates are outputed'''
piece = starpiece(piece)
if isinstance(piece, (tuple, list)) == True:
return puzzle[piece[0]][piece[1]]
for slice1, sublist in enumerate(puzzle):
for slice2, item in enumerate(sublist):
if puzzle[slice1][slice2] == piece:
x, y = slice1, slice2
return (x, y)
# This function gives the neighbours of a piece at a given position as a list of coordinates
def neighbours(puzzle, *piece):
'''Input a position (as a tuple) or piece and output a list
of adjacent neighbours. Default are the neighbours to 0'''
length = len(puzzle) - 1
return_list = []
piece = starpiece(piece)
if isinstance(piece, tuple) != True:
piece = search(puzzle, piece)
if (piece[0] - 1) >= 0:
x_minus = (piece[0] - 1)
return_list.append((x_minus, piece[1]))
if (piece[0] + 1) <= length:
x_plus = (piece[0] + 1)
return_list.append((x_plus, piece[1]))
if (piece[1] - 1) >= 0:
y_minus = (piece[1] - 1)
return_list.append((piece[0], y_minus))
if (piece[1] + 1) <= length:
y_plus = (piece[1] + 1)
return_list.append((piece[0], y_plus))
return return_list
# This function swaps piece values of adjacent cells
def swap(puzzle, cell1, *cell2):
'''Moves two cells, if adjacent a swap occurs. Default value for cell2 is 0.
Input either a cell value or cell cooridinates'''
cell2 = starpiece(cell2)
if isinstance(cell1, (str, int)) == True:
cell1 = search(puzzle, cell1)
if isinstance(cell2, (str, int)) == True:
cell2 = search(puzzle, cell2)
puzzleSwap = cp.deepcopy(puzzle)
if cell1 == cell2:
print('Warning: no swap occured as both cell values were {}'.format(search(puzzle,cell1)))
return puzzleSwap
elif cell1 in neighbours(puzzleSwap, cell2):
puzzleSwap[cell1[0]][cell1[1]], puzzleSwap[cell2[0]][cell2[1]] = puzzleSwap[cell2[0]][cell2[1]], puzzleSwap[cell1[0]][cell1[1]]
return puzzleSwap
print('''Warning: no swap occured as cells aren't adjacent''')
return puzzleSwap
# This function gives true if a piece is in it's correct position
def inplace(puzzle, p):
'''Ouputs bool on whether a piece is in it's correct position'''
if search(puzzle, p) == search(goal(puzzle), p):
return True
return False
# These functions give heruistic measurements
def heruistic(puzzle):
'''All returns heruistic (misplaced, total distance) as a tuple. Other
choices are: heruistic misplaced, heruistic distance or heruistic list'''
heruistic_misplaced = 0
heruistic_distance = 0
heruistic_distance_total = 0
heruistic_list = []
for sublist in puzzle:
for item in sublist:
if inplace(puzzle, item) == False:
heruistic_misplaced += 1
for sublist in puzzle:
for item in sublist:
a = search(puzzle, item)
b = search(goal(puzzle), item)
heruistic_distance = int(fabs(a[0] - b[0]) + fabs(a[1] - b[1]))
heruistic_distance_total += heruistic_distance
return (heruistic_misplaced, heruistic_distance_total, heruistic_list)
def hm(puzzle):
'''Outputs heruistic misplaced'''
return heruistic(puzzle)[0]
def hd(puzzle):
'''Outputs total heruistic distance'''
return heruistic(puzzle)[1]
def hl(puzzle):
'''Outputs heruistic list'''
return heruistic(puzzle)[2]
def hp(puzzle, p):
'''Outputs heruistic distance at a given location'''
x, y = search(puzzle, p)[0], search(puzzle, p)[1]
return heruistic(puzzle)[2][(x * len(puzzle)) + y]
# This is supposted to iterate along a route according to heruistics but doesn't work
def iterMove(puzzle):
state = cp.deepcopy(puzzle)
while state != goal(puzzle):
state_hd = hd(state)
state_hm = hm(state)
moves = neighbours(state)
ok_moves = []
good_moves = []
for move in moves:
maybe_state = swap(state, move)
if hd(maybe_state) < state_hd and hm(maybe_state) < state_hm:
elif hd(maybe_state) < state_hd:
elif hm(maybe_state) < state_hm:
if good_moves != []:
state = swap(state, good_moves[0])
elif ok_moves != []:
state = swap(state, ok_moves[0])
>> iterMove(puzzle1)
'no good moves'
To implement A* in Python you can use for a priority queue. You put possible positions into the queue with a priority of "cost so far + heuristic for remaining cost". When you take them out of the queue you check a set of already seen positions. Skip this one if you've seen the position, else add it to the set and then process.
An untested version of the critical piece of code:
queue = [(heuristic(starting_position), 0, starting_position, None)]
while 0 < len(queue):
(est_moves, cur_moves, position, history) = heapq.heappop(queue)
if position in seen:
elif position = solved:
return history
for move in possible_moves(position):
next_position = position_after_move(position, move)
est_moves = cur_moves + 1 + heuristic(next_position)
(est_moves, cur_moves+1,
next_position, (move, history)))
return None
I am developing a breadth-first-search algorithm for a factorization problem and am running into an interesting/confusing bug when attempting to break out of a while loop. If you run the code below, it will fail inside the "construct_path" method, stating :
File "", line 96
SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop
but I am inside of a while loop! If anyone could give me some advice on this issue, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
from numpy import random
import itertools
import Queue
#Finding multiples, BFS problem
#Given input of list with unique integers 0 - 9 and n = range(0,1000000), calculate smallest multiple of n and unique combination of values in the list
#Example : Input : list = {0,1,2} , n = 3,
# output = 12
# Input : list = {0,1,2} , n = 50
# Output = 200
class Problem:
def __init__(self):
self.n = random.randint(0,10000000)
listSize = random.randint(1,9)
mainSet = set()
self.mainList = []
while True:
toAdd = random.randint(0,9)
if(toAdd not in self.mainList):
if(len(self.mainList) == listSize):
def get_start_state(self):
s = ''.join(map(str, self.mainList))
return int(s)
def is_goal(self, state):
return True
def get_sucessors(self):
print "Getting successors"
def breadth_first_search(problem):
# a FIFO open_set
open_set = Queue.Queue()
# an empty set to maintain visited nodes
closed_set = set()
# a dictionary to maintain meta information (used for path formation)
meta = dict() # key -> (parent state, action to reach child)
# initialize
start = problem.get_start_state()
meta[start] = (None, None)
while not open_set.empty():
parent_state = open_set.get()
print "{} {}".format("parent_state is ", parent_state)
if problem.is_goal(parent_state):
return construct_path(parent_state, meta)
for (child_state, action) in problem.get_successors(parent_state):
if child_state in closed_set:
if child_state not in open_set:
meta[child_state] = (parent_state, action)
#collect path to desired answer
def construct_path(state, meta):
action_list = list()
while True:
row = meta[state]
if (len(row) == 2):
state = row[0]
action = row[1]
return action_list.reverse()
x = Problem()
Could be that you have a mix of tabs and spaces so that the break in line 96 looks like it is indented to be below action_list.append(action) but effectively it is below the while. That would explain the error at least.
It is just a guess. But it could be like this, using a visible tabwidth of 4 in the editor:
→ while True:
→ → row = meta[state]
if (len(row) == 2):
state = row[0]
action = row[1]
To the Python interpreter this looks like this (because it assumes a tabwidth of 8):
→ while True:
→ → row = meta[state]
if (len(row) == 2):
state = row[0]
action = row[1]
This is still valid but obviously means a different thing and would put your break outside of the while loop.
I am developing a plugin for the GIS software, QGIS. I created a QTableWidget and wish to extract values from it:
Problem is, I use a lot of for loops and if else statements which, up until the last few lines, seems to work fine. I can't seem to follow the logic now as the line print constraint_name only prints off the last value "Example_2". I could take it out of its corresponding else statement and then it will print all values correctly but I need to set it inside a condition:
qTable = self.dockwidget.tableWidget # QTableWidget
example_group = root.findGroup('Main group') # Group containing sub groups
all_items = []
gis_map = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName( "Map" )[0] # Layer map in QGIS
idx = gis_map.fieldNameIndex("Rank") # Get "Rank" attribute field from gis_map
for row in range(qTable.rowCount()):
for col in [0]: # For first column "Constraint name"
constraint_item = qTable.item(row, col)
constraint_name = str(constraint_item.text())
for col in [1]: # For second column "Rank"
item = qTable.item(row, col)
item_string = str(item.text())
for group in example_group.children(): # Search for specific group
if == "Sub group":
if len(set(all_items)) == 1: # If all items are the same
# If "Rank" field exists in layer map
if idx == -1:
print 'success'
print 'fail'
if idx == -1:
print constraint_name
print 'fail'
Is there a way to tidy this up and still get the correct results?
My sincere thanks to the commenters who directed me to a much more efficient solution, here is the working code which works (I'm sure it can be refined further):
qTable = self.dockwidget.tableWidget
example_group = root.findGroup('Main group')
all_items = []
gis_map = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName( "Map" )[0]
idx = gis_map.fieldNameIndex("Rank")
for row in range(qTable.rowCount()):
constraint_item = qTable.item(row, 0)
constraint_name = str(constraint_item.text())
item = qTable.item(row, 1)
item_string = str(item.text())
for group in example_group.children():
if == "Sub group":
if idx == -1:
if len(set(all_items)) == 1:
print 'success'
print 'fail'
print constraint_name
I am writing the game of life in python using a Sparse Matrix. My program takes coordinates from user input and sets the cells at the chosen coordinates to be alive. I have it to where it will print the first generation, but I can't seem to figure out why it wont print any subsequent generations. Any help would be appreciated.
class SparseLifeGrid:
generations = list()
def __init__(self):
"pass" just allows this to run w/o crashing.
Replace it with your own code in each method.
self._mat = list()
self.col = []
self.row = []
def minRange(self):
Return the minimum row & column as a tuple.
for i in range(len(self.row)):
if self.row[i] < self.minRow:
self.minRow = self.row[i]
if self.col[i] < self.minCol:
self.minCol = self.col[i]
min_Range = [self.minRow,self.minCol]
return min_Range
def maxRange(self):
Returns the maximum row & column as a tuple.
for i in range(len(self.row)):
if self.row[i] > self.maxRow:
self.maxRow = self.row[i]
if self.col[i] > self.maxCol:
self.maxCol = self.col[i]
max_Range = [self.maxRow,self.maxCol]
return max_Range
def configure(self,coordList):
Set up the initial board position.
"coordlist" is a list of coordinates to make alive.
# for i in coordList:
# self.setCell(i[0],i[1])
self._mat = list()
self.coordList = coordList
for i in range(len(self.coordList)):
spot = self.coordList[i]
self.row += [spot[0]]
self.col += [spot[1]]
self._mat += [[self.row[i],self.col[i]]]
self.maxRow = self.minRow = self.row[0]
self.maxCol = self.minCol = self.col[0]
def clearCell(self,row, col):
Set the cell to "dead" (False)
self[row,col] = 0
def setCell(self,row, col):
Set the cell to "live" (True") and if necessary, expand the
minimum or maximum range.
self[row,col] = 1
def isLiveCell(self,row,col):
n = len(self.coordList)
for i in range(n):
if (self._mat[i] == [row,col]):
return True
return False
def numLiveNeighbors(self, row,col):
Returns the number of live neighbors a cell has.
neighbors = 0
if self.isLiveCell(row+1,col): #checks below the current cell
neighbors += 1
if self.isLiveCell(row-1,col): #checks above the current cell
neighbors += 1
if self.isLiveCell(row,col+1): #checks to the right of the current cell
neighbors += 1
if self.isLiveCell(row,col-1): #checks to the left of the current cell
neighbors += 1
if self.isLiveCell(row+1,col+1): #checks downwards diagonally to the right of the current cell
neighbors += 1
if self.isLiveCell(row+1,col-1): #checks downwards diagonally to the left of the current cell
neighbors += 1
if self.isLiveCell(row-1,col+1): #checks upwards diagonally to the right of the current cell
neighbors += 1
if self.isLiveCell(row-1,col-1): #checks upawards diagonally to the left of the current cell
neighbors += 1
return neighbors
def __getitem__(self,ndxTuple):
row = ndxTuple[0]
col = ndxTuple[1]
return 1
return 0
def __setitem__(self,ndxTuple, life):
The possible values are only true or false:
True says alive, False for dead.
Also, check to see if this cell is outside of the maximum row and/or
column. If it is, modify the maximum row and/or maximum column.
ndx = self._findPosition(ndxTuple[0],ndxTuple[1])
if ndx != None:
if life != True:
self._mat[ndx].value = life
if life != True:
element = _GoLMatrixElement(ndxTuple[0],ndxTuple[1],life)
def _findPosition(self,row,col):
''' Does a search through the matrix when given the row&col and
returns the index of the element if found
n = len(self._mat)
for i in range(n):
if (row == self._mat[i]) and (col == self._mat[i]):
return i
return None
def __str__(self):
Print a column before and after the live cells
for i in range(minRange[0]-1,maxRange[0]+2):
for j in range(minRange[1]-1,maxRange[1]+2):
s+=" "+str(self[i,j])
return s
def getCopy(self):
Return a copy of the current board object, including the max and min
values, etc.
return SparseLifeGrid()
def evolve(self):
Save the current state to the "generations" list.
Based on the current generation, return the next generation state.
for row in range(len(self.row)):
for col in range(len(self.col)):
if ((self[row,col] == True) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) == 2)):
if ((self[row,col] == True) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) == 3)):
if ((self[row,col] == True) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) < 2)):
if ((self[row,col] == True) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) > 3)):
if ((self[row,col] == False) and (self.numLiveNeighbors(row,col) == 3)):
return self._mat
def hasOccurred(self):
Check whether this current state has already occured.
If not, return False. If true, return which generation number (1-10).
for i in range(len(self.generations)):
if len(self.generations) > 0:
print("This is generation",len(self.generations))
return self.generations[i]
print("No Generations")
return False
def __eq__(self,other):
This is good method if we want to compare two sparse matrices.
You can just use "sparseMatrixA == sparseMatrixB" once this method
is working.
class _GoLMatrixElement:
Storage class for one cell
def __init__(self,row,col):
self.row = row
self.col = col = None #
# Since this node exists, this cell is now alive!
# To kill it, we just delete this node from the lists.
from SparseLifeGrid import SparseLifeGrid
import sys
def readPoints(lifeGrid):
Reads the locations of life and set to the SparseMatrix
print("1. Enter positions of life with row,col format (e.g., 2,3).")
print("2. Enter empty line to stop.")
while life:
except ValueError:
print("Ignored input:" + life+ ", row, col not valid numbers")
print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
print("added, keep entering or enter empty line to stop.")
print("Thanks, finished entering live cells")
def main():
Runs for ten generations if a stable (repeating) state is not found.
lifeGrid= SparseLifeGrid()
while i <10 :
Evolve to the next generation
Check whether this generation is a repetition of any of the
previous states.
If yes return the previous matching generation (1-10).
if patterns != -1:
if i==10:
print("No pattern found")
print("Pattern found at: " + str(i)+ " of type: " + str(patterns))
The loop only executes once because of this:
if patterns != -1:
patterns will never equal -1 under any circumstance, since hasOccurred can only return False or a member of self.generations or None. As a result, the loop will always break in the first iteration, and no subsequent generations will be printed.
Incidentally, your hasOccurred logic is strange. if len(self.generations) equals zero, then the loop will not get executed at all, and none of your return statements will be evaluated, so the result will be None. If the length is greater than zero, then the condition within the loop is always True, so self.generations[i] is always returned in the first iteration. Perhaps you meant to do:
#changed the name from `hasOcurrence`, since that implies the method can only return True or False.
def get_last_occurrence(self):
for i in range(len(self.generations)):
#todo: somehow compare self.generations[i] to the current generation
if the generations match:
return i
#the loop ended without finding a match!
return False
Then, within main:
if patterns != False:
I am currently working on my Python game, in ika, which uses python 2.5
I decided to use A* pathfinding for the AI. However, I find it too slow for my needs (3-4 enemies can lag the game, but I would like to supply up to 4-5 without problems). I know, that such complex search like A* is not mean to be scripted in python, but I am pretty sure, that my pathfinder is also implemented in the wrong way.
My question is: How can I speed up this algorithm?
I wrote my own binary heap, and there are some try: except: lines inside some functions. Those lines can create large overhead? Are there better methods maintaining the open list?
I supplied the algorithm with graphics interface, for testing purposes (when the pathfinder finishes searching, it will write the number of iterations and seconds it takes to find the path, inside the ika.txt file. Also, Pressing A will do a complete search, and S does that step by step.)
Graphical version:
Also, here is a pastebin version:
Here is the main code I use for pathfinding:
import ika
import time
class Node:
def __init__(self,x,y,parent=None,g=0,h=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.parent = parent
self.g = g
self.h = h
def cost(self):
return self.g + self.h
def equal(self,node):
if self.x == node.x and self.y == node.y:
return True
return False
class Emerald_Pathfinder:
def __init__(self):
def setup(self,start,goal):
self.start = start
self.goal = goal
self.openlist = [None,start] # Implemented as binary heap
self.closedlist = {} # Implemented as hash
self.onopenlist = {} # Hash, for searching the openlist
self.found = False
self.current = None
self.iterations = 0
def lowest_cost(self):
def add_nodes(self,current):
nodes = []
x = current.x
y = current.y
# Dont cut across corners
up = map.is_obstacle((x,y-1),x,y-1)
down = map.is_obstacle((x,y+1),x,y+1)
left = map.is_obstacle((x-1,y),x-1,y)
right = map.is_obstacle((x+1,y),x+1,y)
if right == False and down == False:
if left == False and up == False:
if right == False and up == False:
if left == False and down == False:
return nodes
def heuristic(self,x1,y1,x2,y2):
return (abs(x1-x2)+abs(y1-y2))*10
def add_node(self,x,y,parent,cost,list):
# If not obstructed
if map.is_obstacle((x,y),x,y) == False:
g = parent.g + cost
h = self.heuristic(x,y,self.goal.x,self.goal.y)
node = Node(x,y,parent,g,h)
def ignore(self,node,current):
# If its on the closed list, or open list, ignore
if self.closedlist[(node.x,node.y)] == True:
return True
# If the node is on the openlist, do the following
# If its on the open list
if self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)] != None:
# Get the id number of the item on the real open list
index = self.openlist.index(self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)])
# If one of the coordinates equal, its not diagonal.
if node.x == current.x or node.y == current.y:
cost = 10
cost = 14
# Check, is this items G cost is higher, than the current G + cost
if self.openlist[index].g > (current.g + cost):
# If so, then, make the list items parent, the current node.
self.openlist[index].g = current.g + cost
self.openlist[index].parent = current
# Now resort the binary heap, in the right order.
# And ignore the node
return True
return False
def resort_binary_heap(self,index):
m = index
while m > 1:
if self.openlist[m/2].cost() > self.openlist[m].cost():
temp = self.openlist[m/2]
self.openlist[m/2] = self.openlist[m]
self.openlist[m] = temp
m = m / 2
def heap_add(self,node):
# Add item to the onopenlist.
self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)] = node
m = len(self.openlist)-1
while m > 1:
if self.openlist[m/2].cost() > self.openlist[m].cost():
temp = self.openlist[m/2]
self.openlist[m/2] = self.openlist[m]
self.openlist[m] = temp
m = m / 2
def heap_remove(self):
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
first = self.openlist[1]
# Remove the first item from the onopenlist
self.onopenlist[(self.openlist[1].x,self.openlist[1].y)] = None
last = self.openlist.pop(len(self.openlist)-1)
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
return last
self.openlist[1] = last
v = 1
while True:
u = v
# If there is two children
if (2*u)+1 < len(self.openlist):
if self.openlist[2*u].cost() <= self.openlist[u].cost():
v = 2*u
if self.openlist[(2*u)+1].cost() <= self.openlist[v].cost():
v = (2*u)+1
# If there is only one children
elif 2*u < len(self.openlist):
if self.openlist[2*u].cost() <= self.openlist[u].cost():
v = 2*u
# If at least one child is smaller, than parent, swap them
if u != v:
temp = self.openlist[u]
self.openlist[u] = self.openlist[v]
self.openlist[v] = temp
return first
def iterate(self):
# If the open list is empty, exit the game
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
ika.Exit("no path found")
# Expand iteration by one
self.iterations += 1
# Make the current node the lowest cost
self.current = self.heap_remove()
# Add it to the closed list
self.closedlist[(self.current.x,self.current.y)] = True
# Are we there yet?
if self.current.equal(self.goal) == True:
# Target reached
self.goal = self.current
self.found = True
print self.iterations
# Add the adjacent nodes, and check them
nodes_around = self.add_nodes(self.current)
for na in nodes_around:
if self.ignore(na,self.current) == False:
def iterateloop(self):
time1 = time.clock()
while 1:
# If the open list is empty, exit the game
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
ika.Exit("no path found")
# Expand iteration by one
self.iterations += 1
# Make the current node the lowest cost
self.current = self.heap_remove()
# Add it to the closed list
self.closedlist[(self.current.x,self.current.y)] = True
# Are we there yet?
if self.current.equal(self.goal) == True:
# Target reached
self.goal = self.current
self.found = True
print "Number of iterations"
print self.iterations
# Add the adjacent nodes, and check them
nodes_around = self.add_nodes(self.current)
for na in nodes_around:
if self.ignore(na,self.current) == False:
time2 = time.clock()
time3 = time2-time1
print "Seconds to find path:"
print time3
class Map:
def __init__(self):
self.map_size_x = 20
self.map_size_y = 15
self.obstructed = {} # Library, containing x,y couples
self.start = [2*40,3*40]
self.unit = [16*40,8*40]
def is_obstacle(self,couple,x,y):
if (x >= self.map_size_x or x < 0) or (y >= self.map_size_y or y < 0):
return True
if self.obstructed[(couple)] != None:
return True
return False
def render_screen():
# Draw the Character
# Draw walls
for x in range(0,map.map_size_x):
for y in range(0,map.map_size_y):
if map.is_obstacle((x,y),x,y) == True:
# Draw openlist items
for node in path.openlist:
if node == None:
x = node.x
y = node.y
# Draw closedlist items
for x in range(0,map.map_size_x):
for y in range(0,map.map_size_y):
if path.closedlist[(x,y)] == True:
# Draw the current square
ika.Video.DrawRect(path.current.x*40,path.current.y*40,(path.current.x*40)+40,(path.current.y*40)+40,ika.RGB(128,128,128), 1)
ika.Video.DrawRect(mouse_x.Position(),mouse_y.Position(),mouse_x.Position()+8,mouse_y.Position()+8,ika.RGB(128,128,128), 1)
# Draw the path, if reached
if path.found == True:
node = path.goal
while node.parent:
node = node.parent
# Draw the Target
def mainloop():
while 1:
if mouse_middle.Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder
if path.found == False:
elif mouse_right.Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder by one
if path.found == False:
elif ika.Input.keyboard["A"].Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder
if path.found == False:
elif ika.Input.keyboard["S"].Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder by one
if path.found == False:
elif mouse_left.Position():
# Add a square to the map, to be obstructed
if path.iterations == 0:
x = mouse_x.Position()
y = mouse_y.Position()
map.obstructed[(int(x/40),int(y/40))] = True
# Mouse preview
x = mouse_x.Position()
y = mouse_y.Position()
mx = int(x/40)*40
my = int(y/40)*40
map = Map()
path = Emerald_Pathfinder()
mouse_middle = ika.Input.mouse.middle
mouse_right = ika.Input.mouse.right
mouse_left = ika.Input.mouse.left
mouse_x = ika.Input.mouse.x
mouse_y = ika.Input.mouse.y
# Initialize loop
I appreciate any help!
(sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language)
I think a proper implementation in python will be fast enough for your purposes. But the boost library has an astar implementation and python bindings.