I need to run an interactive Bash instance in a separated process in Python with it's own dedicated TTY (I can't use pexpect).
I used this code snippet I commonly see used in similar programs:
master, slave = pty.openpty()
p = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-i"], stdin=slave, stdout=slave, stderr=slave)
x = os.read(master, 1026)
print x
But when I run it I get the following output:
$ ./pty_try.py
bash: cannot set terminal process group (10790): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
Strace of the run shows some errors:
readlink("/usr/bin/python2.7", 0x7ffc8db02510, 4096) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
ioctl(3, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_NEXT_DEVICE or TCGETS, 0x7ffc8db03590) = -1 ENOTTY (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
readlink("./pty_try.py", 0x7ffc8db00610, 4096) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
The code snippet seems pretty straightforward, is Bash not getting something it needs? what could be the problem here?
This is a solution to run an interactive command in subprocess. It uses pseudo-terminal to make stdout non-blocking(also some command needs a tty device, eg. bash). it uses select to handle input and ouput to the subprocess.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import select
import termios
import tty
import pty
from subprocess import Popen
command = 'bash'
# command = 'docker run -it --rm centos /bin/bash'.split()
# save original tty setting then set it to raw mode
old_tty = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
# open pseudo-terminal to interact with subprocess
master_fd, slave_fd = pty.openpty()
# use os.setsid() make it run in a new process group, or bash job control will not be enabled
p = Popen(command,
while p.poll() is None:
r, w, e = select.select([sys.stdin, master_fd], [], [])
if sys.stdin in r:
d = os.read(sys.stdin.fileno(), 10240)
os.write(master_fd, d)
elif master_fd in r:
o = os.read(master_fd, 10240)
if o:
os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), o)
# restore tty settings back
termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_tty)
This is the solution that worked for me at the end (as suggested by qarma) :
libc = ctypes.CDLL('libc.so.6')
master, slave = pty.openpty()
p = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-i"], preexec_fn=libc.setsid, stdin=slave, stdout=slave, stderr=slave)
... do stuff here ...
x = os.read(master, 1026)
print x
Here is a full object oriented solution to do interactive shell commands with TTYs using threads and queues for stdout and stderr IO handling. This took me a while to build from multiple locations but it works perfectly so far on Unix/Linux systems and also as part of a Juniper op script. Thought I would post this here to save others time in trying to build something like this.
import pty
import re
import select
import threading
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
import logging
import subprocess
import time
from queue import Queue, Empty
lib_logger = logging.getLogger("lib")
# Handler function to be run as a thread for pulling pty channels from an interactive shell
def _pty_handler(pty_master, logger, queue, stop):
poller = select.poll()
poller.register(pty_master, select.POLLIN)
while True:
# Stop handler if flagged
if stop():
logger.debug("Disabling pty handler for interactive shell")
fd_event = poller.poll(100)
for descriptor, event in fd_event:
# Read data from pipe and send to queue if there is data to read
if event == select.POLLIN:
data = os.read(descriptor, 1).decode("utf-8")
if not data:
# logger.debug("Reading in to handler queue: " + data)
# Exit handler if stdout is closing
elif event == select.POLLHUP:
logger.debug("Disabling pty handler for interactive shell")
# Function for reading outputs from the given queue by draining it and returning the output
def _get_queue_output(queue: Queue) -> str:
value = ""
while True:
value += queue.get_nowait()
except Empty:
return value
# Helper function to create the needed list for popen and print the command run to the logger
def popen_command(command, logger, *args):
popen_list = list()
command_output = command
for arg in args:
command_output += " " + arg
lib_logger.debug("Making Popen call using: " + str(popen_list))
return popen_list
# Class for create an interactive shell and sending commands to it along with logging output to loggers
class InteractiveShell(object):
def __init__(self, command, logger, *args):
self.logger = logger
self.command = command
self.process = None
self.popen_list = popen_command(command, logger, *args)
self.master_stdout = None
self.slave_stdout = None
self.master_stderr = None
self.slave_stderr = None
self.stdout_handler = None
self.stderr_handler = None
self.stdout_queue = None
self.stderr_queue = None
self.stop_handlers = False
# Open interactive shell and setup all threaded IO handlers
def open(self, shell_prompt, timeout=DEVICE_TIMEOUT):
# Create PTYs
self.master_stdout, self.slave_stdout = pty.openpty()
self.master_stderr, self.slave_stderr = pty.openpty()
# Create shell subprocess
self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.popen_list, stdin=self.slave_stdout, stdout=self.slave_stdout,
stderr=self.slave_stderr, bufsize=0, start_new_session=True)
lib_logger.debug("Started interactive shell for command " + self.command)
# Create thread and queues for handling pty output and start them
self.stdout_queue = Queue()
self.stderr_queue = Queue()
self.stdout_handler = threading.Thread(target=_pty_handler, args=(self.master_stdout,
lambda: self.stop_handlers))
self.stderr_handler = threading.Thread(target=_pty_handler, args=(self.master_stderr,
lambda: self.stop_handlers))
self.stdout_handler.daemon = True
self.stderr_handler.daemon = True
lib_logger.debug("Enabling stderr handler for interactive shell " + self.command)
lib_logger.debug("Enabling stdout handler for interactive shell " + self.command)
# Wait for shell prompt
lib_logger.debug("Waiting for shell prompt: " + shell_prompt)
return self.wait_for(shell_prompt, timeout)
# Close interactive shell which should also kill all threaded IO handlers
def close(self):
# Wait 5 seconds before closing to let shell handle all input and outputs
# Stop IO handler threads and terminate the process then wait another 5 seconds for cleanup to happen
self.stop_handlers = True
# Check for any additional output from the stdout handler
output = ""
while True:
data = _get_queue_output(self.stdout_queue)
if data != "":
output += data
for line in iter(output.splitlines()):
# Check for any additional output from the stderr handler
output = ""
while True:
data = _get_queue_output(self.stderr_queue)
if data != "":
output += data
for line in iter(output.splitlines()):
# Cleanup PTYs
lib_logger.debug("Interactive shell command " + self.command + " terminated")
# Run series of commands given as a list of a list of commands and wait_for strings. If no wait_for is needed then
# only provide the command. Return if all the commands completed successfully or not.
# Ex:
# [
# ["ssh jsas#" + vnf_ip, r"jsas#.*:"],
# ["juniper123", r"jsas#.*\$"],
# ["sudo su", r".*jsas:"],
# ["juniper123", r"root#.*#"],
# ["usermod -p 'blah' jsas"]
# ]
def run_commands(self, commands_list):
shell_status = True
for command in commands_list:
shell_status = self.run(command[0])
if shell_status and len(command) == 2:
shell_status = self.wait_for(command[1])
# Break out of running commands if a command failed
if not shell_status:
return shell_status
# Run given command and return False if error occurs otherwise return True
def run(self, command, sleep=0):
# Check process to make sure it is still running and if not grab the stderr output
if self.process.poll():
self.logger.error("Interactive shell command " + self.command + " closed with return code: " +
data = _get_queue_output(self.stderr_queue)
if data != "":
self.logger.error("Interactive shell error messages:")
for line in iter(data.splitlines()):
return False
# Write command to process and check to make sure a newline is in command otherwise add it
if "\n" not in command:
command += "\n"
os.write(self.master_stdout, command.encode("utf-8"))
if sleep:
return True
# Wait for specific regex expression in output before continuing return False if wait time expires otherwise return
# True
def wait_for(self, this, timeout=DEVICE_TIMEOUT):
timeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=timeout)
output = ""
# Keep searching for output until timeout occurs
while timeout > datetime.now():
data = _get_queue_output(self.stdout_queue)
if data != "":
# Add to output line and check for match to regex given and if match then break and send output to
# logger
output += data
lib_logger.debug("Checking for " + this + " in data: ")
for line in iter(output.splitlines()):
if re.search(r"{}\s?$".format(this), output):
# Send output to logger
for line in iter(output.splitlines()):
# If wait time expired print error message and return False
if timeout < datetime.now():
self.logger.error("Wait time expired when waiting for " + this)
return False
return True
I am trying to write one script to read the output of another py file. and because the calling py file may have some input. So in main python file, I would handle the stdin.
I got one strange phenomenon, the calling script's prompt ('please input something') is displayed after user input content. Any ideas?
see the picture
eating.py (main py)
# coding: utf-8
import subprocess
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
class TextStreaming(Thread):
def __init__(self, stream, queue):
self._streaming = stream
self.queue = queue
def run(self) -> None:
for line in iter(self._streaming.readline, ''):
cmd = 'python working.py'
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
queue = Queue()
mytest = TextStreaming(p.stdout, queue)
is_reading = True
while is_reading and mytest.is_alive():
while is_reading and not queue.empty():
line = queue.get()
line = line.decode('utf-8')
if line:
if 'counting' in line:
data = input()
data = data.encode('utf-8')
working.py (calling script)
# coding: utf-8
import time
timeout = 30
deadtime = time.time() + timeout
count = 0
while time.time() < deadtime:
count = count + 1
print(f'{time.time()} I am working')
if count == 5:
print('counting came\n')
data = input('please input something\n')
print(f'{data} inputted')
I'm using subprocess to communicate with an interactive command line application, but after I send the first command to the application, all other input seems not to be communicated to the subprocess. Can anyone show me where my mistake is?
Here's the code:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from threading import Thread
from queue import Queue, Empty
import time
class Prolog(object):
def __init__(self):
Opens a subprocess running swi-prolog and reads all the header stuff that it writes
self.prolog = Popen(r"C:\Program Files\swipl\bin\swipl.exe", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, bufsize=1)
def enqueue_output(out, queue):
for line in iter(out.readline, b''):
# This thread runs in the background as long as the program is running it enqueues all the output from Prolog
self.q = Queue()
t = Thread(target=enqueue_output, args=(self.prolog.stdout, self.q))
t.daemon = True # thread dies with the program
out = True
while out:
out = self.get_line()
def get_line(self):
read line without blocking
:return: the next line in the output, else False if no more output
line = self.q.get(timeout=.1) # or q.get(timeout=.1)
except Empty:
return False
else: # got line
return line
def send_query(self, query):
Sends a query to the Prolog shell
:param query: string containing the query to be sent to the prolog shell
:return: None
query = query + "\n"
query = bytes(query, encoding="utf-8")
def get_output(self):
output = self.get_line()
if not output:
return False
return output[:-2]
def query(self, query):
output = []
temp = self.get_output()
while not temp:
temp = self.get_output()
while not temp == b'true.' and not temp == b'false.':
temp = self.get_output()
while not temp:
temp = self.get_output()
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = Prolog()
p.query("permut([a, b, c], X).")
The problem comes during the second call to p.query. The command doesn't seem to be passed to the shell at all, so there is never any output, so the program just gets stuck in the "while not temp" loop in the query method.
I've got a python 3 script i use to backup and encrypt mysqldump files and im having a particular issues with one database that is 67gb after encryption & compression.
The mysqldump is outputting errorcode 3, so i'd like to catch the actual error message, as this could mean a couple of things.
The random thing is the backup file is the right size, so not sure what the error means. it worked once on this database...
the code looks like the below and i'd really appreciate some help on how to add non-blocking capture of stderr when the return code is anything but 0 for both p1 and p2.
Also, if im doing anything glaringly obvious wrong, please do let me know, as i'd like to make sure this is a reliable process. it has been working fine on my databases under 15gb compressed.
def dbbackup():
while True:
item = q.get()
#build up folder structure, daily, weekly, monthy & project
genfile = config[item]['DBName'] + '-' + dateyymmdd + '-'
genfile += config[item]['PubKey'] + '.sql.gpg'
if os.path.isfile(genfile):
syslog.syslog(item + ' ' + genfile + ' exists, removing')
syslog.syslog(item + ' will be backed up as ' + genfile)
args = ['mysqldump', '-u', config[item]['UserNm'],
'-p' + config[item]['Passwd'], '-P', config[item]['Portnu'],
'-h', config[item]['Server']]
p1 = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(['gpg', '-o', genfile, '-r',
config[item]['PubKey'], '-z', '9', '--encrypt'], stdin=p1.stdout)
if p2.returncode == 0:
syslog.syslog(item + ' encryption successful')
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_CRIT, item + ' encryption failed '+str(p2.returncode))
if p1.returncode == 0:
#does some uploads of the file etc..
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_CRIT, item + ' extract failed '+str(p1.returncode))
def main():
db2backup = []
for settingtest in config:
if len(db2backup) >= 1:
syslog.syslog('Backups started')
for database in db2backup:
syslog.syslog(database + ' added to backup queue')
syslog.syslog('Backups finished')
q = queue.Queue()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
backuptype = 'daily'
dateyymmdd = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')
for i in range(2):
t = threading.Thread(target=dbbackup)
t.daemon = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
Simplify your code:
avoid unnecessary globals, pass parameters to the corresponding functions instead
avoid reimplementing a thread pool (it hurts readability and it misses convience features accumulated over the years).
The simplest way to capture stderr is to use stderr=PIPE and .communicate() (blocking call):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from configparser import ConfigParser
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def backup_db(item, conf): # config[item] == conf
"""Run `mysqldump ... | gpg ...` command."""
genfile = '{conf[DBName]}-{now:%Y%m%d}-{conf[PubKey]}.sql.gpg'.format(
conf=conf, now=datetime.now())
# ...
args = ['mysqldump', '-u', conf['UserNm'], ...]
with Popen(['gpg', ...], stdin=PIPE) as gpg, \
Popen(args, stdout=gpg.stdin, stderr=PIPE) as db_dump:
error = db_dump.communicate()[1]
if gpg.returncode or db_dump.returncode:
def main():
config = ConfigParser()
with open('backup.cfg') as file: # raise exception if config is unavailable
with Pool(2) as pool:
pool.starmap(backup_db, config.items())
if __name__ == "__main__":
NOTE: no need to call db_dump.terminate() if gpg dies prematurely: mysqldump dies when it tries to write something to the closed gpg.stdin.
If there are huge number of items in the config then you could use pool.imap() instead of pool.starmap() (the call should be modified slightly).
For robustness, wrap backup_db() function to catch and log all exceptions.
I'm starting pool of workers and submitting jobs to this pool. Each process creates subprocess with browser, waits page loading and then takes a screenshot. Sometimes Opera shows crash dialog for incorrect terminated session. For avoiding this I'm killing tab through xkill and waiting browser termination. Now I need to make correct handling for SIGTERM signal. After signal was set and handled in a sig_handler function, I prevent submitting new jobs with pool.close() and waiting pool termination with pool.join(). When pool not running any subproccesses main process terminates normally, but when pool has a subprocess all worker processes terminates without waiting browser termination. How can I normally terminate my main process?
#!/usr/bin/env python
# http://bugs.python.org/issue6766 in functions manager data packed by pickle
import redis
import pickle
import getopt
import time
import logging
import os
import sys
import pwd
import subprocess
import re
import urllib2
import signal
import multiprocessing
import httplib
# Define regexps
xvfb_reg = re.compile(r'Xvfb :(\d+)')
browser_reg = re.compile(r'0x(\d+) .* \("opera" "Opera"\) 1024x768')
running = True
def sig_handler(signum, frame):
Set termination flag
global running
running = False
def check_url_code(url):
Try fetch url before processing.
Return True if returned request code is 200 OK else False
url = urllib2.urlopen(url)
code = url.getcode()
if code == 200:
return True
return False
except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.InvalidURL, ValueError):
return False
def list_display():
Get working virtual framebuffers
proc = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/ps', 'ax'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return xvfb_reg.findall(proc.communicate()[0])
def get_display(queue, lock):
Get display for opera instance.
while True:
_queue = pickle.loads(queue['q'])
free = list(set(_queue['displays']).difference(_queue['locked_displays']))
if len(free):
queue['q'] = pickle.dumps(_queue)
return free[0]
def get_screenshot(data, display):
Fork background opera process and then search window with url.
Wait for 30 seconds and take screenshot of the window.
xkill killing opera window, cuz without opened tabs opera will be terminated.
proc = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/opera', '-geometry', '1024x768+0+0', '-fullscreen', '-display', ':{0}'.format(display), '-pd', '.opera/{0}'.format(display), data['url']])
if int(data['size']) == 120:
geometry = '120x90'
elif int(data['size']) == 240:
geometry = '240x151'
elif int(data['size']) == 400:
geometry = '400x300'
except OSError:
xwin_proc = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/xwininfo', '-display', ':{0}'.format(display), '-root', '-tree'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
xwin_info = xwin_proc.communicate()[0]
window = browser_reg.findall(xwin_info)[0]
pimport = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/import', '-display', ':{0}'.format(display), '-window', 'root', '-resize', geometry, data['file']], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
logging.info('Screenshot {0} for {1}: display={2}, window=0x{3}, file={4}'.format(geometry, data['url'], display, window, data['file']))
pxkill = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/xkill', '-display', ':{0}'.format(display), '-id', '0x{0}'.format(window)])
def worker_process(data, display, lock, connection, queue):
Return data for callback function for freeing display and url
get_screenshot(data, display)
_queue = pickle.loads(queue['q'])
queue['q'] = pickle.dumps(_queue)
connection.hdel('jobs', data['md5_url'])
connection.hincrby('stats', 'completed', 1)
def main(pool, queue, lock, connection, job):
Checking for file has been created early in another queue, url and url locks
data = pickle.loads(job)
if os.path.isfile(data['path']):
connection.hdel('jobs', data['md5_url'])
_queue = pickle.loads(queue['q'])
if not check_url_code(data['url']):
logging.error('Error fetching {0}'.format(data['url']))
connection.hdel('jobs', data['md5_url'])
display = get_display(queue, lock)
pool.apply_async(worker_process, args = (data, display, lock, connection, queue))
def create_daemon(home):
pid = os.fork()
except OSError:
sys.exit('Can not demonize process')
if pid == 0:
pid = os.fork()
except OSError:
sys.exit('Can not demonize process')
if pid == 0:
import resource
maxfd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1]
if (maxfd == resource.RLIM_INFINITY):
maxfd = 1024
for fd in range(0, maxfd):
except OSError:
if hasattr(os, 'devnull'):
console = os.devnull
console = '/dev/null'
os.open(console, os.O_RDWR)
os.dup2(0, 1)
os.dup2(0, 2)
return (0)
def help():
print """
Usage: {0} --u screenshot -l /var/log/screenshot/server.log -p /var/run/screenshot.pid
--user Set unprivileged user for process. This user can't be nobody, because script
-u reads home directory from passwd and uses it for Chrome user data dirs.
--log Set log file.
--pid Set pid file.
--help This help.
if __name__ == '__main__':
log_file = '/var/log/screenshot/server.log'
pid_file = '/var/run/screenshot.pid'
user = None
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'l:p:u:h', ['log', 'pid', 'user', 'help'])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt in ('-l', '--log'):
log_file = arg
elif opt in ('-p', '--pid'):
pid_file = arg
elif opt in ('-u', '--user'):
user = arg
if user:
if not os.geteuid() == 0:
sys.exit('You need root privileges to set user')
userl = pwd.getpwnam(user)
uid = userl.pw_uid
home = userl.pw_dir
except KeyError:
sys.exit('User {0} does not exist'.format(user))
sys.exit('You must set user')
# Fork child process for demonization
retval = create_daemon(home)
# Write pid to pidfile
pid = os.getpid()
open(pid_file, 'w').write(str(pid))
# Open logfile
format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M',
logging.info('Starting server with pid {0}'.format(os.getpid()))
# Get working displays and start subprocesses
displays = list_display()
logging.info('Found displays: {0}'.format(' '.join(displays)))
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=len(displays))
queue = multiprocessing.Manager().dict()
queue['q'] = pickle.dumps({
'displays' : displays,
'termination' : False,
'locked_displays' : []})
lock = multiprocessing.Manager().Lock()
connection = redis.Redis('localhost')
# Handle termination signals
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler)
while running:
job = connection.lpop('high_priority')
if job is None:
job = connection.rpop('low_priority')
if not job is None:
main(pool, queue, lock, connection, job)
logging.info('Server stopped')
I want to execute a process, limit the execution-time by some timeout in seconds and grab the output produced by the process. And I want to do this on windows, linux and freebsd.
I have tried implementing this in three different ways:
cmd - Without timeout and subprocess.PIPE for output capture.
BEHAVIOUR: Operates as expected but does not support timeout, i need timeout...
cmd_to - With timeout and subprocess.PIPE for output capture.
BEHAVIOUR: Blocks subprocess execution when output >= 2^16 bytes.
cmd_totf - With timeout and tempfile.NamedTemporaryfile for output capture.
BEHAVIOUR: Operates as expected but uses temporary files on disk.
These are available below for closer inspection.
As can be seen in the output below, then the timeout-code blocks the execution of the sub-process when using subprocessing.PIPE and output from the subprocess is >= 2^16 bytes.
The subprocess documentation states that this is expected when calling process.wait() and using subprocessing.PIPE, however no warnings are given when using process.poll(), so what is going wrong here?
I have a solution in cmd_totf which use the tempfile module but the tradeoff is that it writes the output to disk, something I would REALLY like to avoid.
So my questions are:
What am I doing wrong in cmd_to?
Is there a way to do what I want and without using tempfiles / keeping the output in memory.
Script to generate a bunch of output ('exp_gen.py'):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
output = "b"*int(sys.argv[1])
print output
Three different implementations (cmd, cmd_to, cmd_totf) of wrappers around subprocessing.Popen:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess, time, tempfile
bufsize = -1
def cmd(cmdline, timeout=60):
Execute cmdline.
Uses subprocessing and subprocess.PIPE.
p = subprocess.Popen(
bufsize = bufsize,
shell = False,
stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
out, err = p.communicate()
returncode = p.returncode
return (returncode, err, out)
def cmd_to(cmdline, timeout=60):
Execute cmdline, limit execution time to 'timeout' seconds.
Uses subprocessing and subprocess.PIPE.
p = subprocess.Popen(
bufsize = bufsize,
shell = False,
stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
t_begin = time.time() # Monitor execution time
seconds_passed = 0
while p.poll() is None and seconds_passed < timeout:
seconds_passed = time.time() - t_begin
#if seconds_passed > timeout:
# try:
# p.stdout.close() # If they are not closed the fds will hang around until
# p.stderr.close() # os.fdlimit is exceeded and cause a nasty exception
# p.terminate() # Important to close the fds prior to terminating the process!
# # NOTE: Are there any other "non-freed" resources?
# except:
# pass
# raise TimeoutInterrupt
out, err = p.communicate()
returncode = p.returncode
return (returncode, err, out)
def cmd_totf(cmdline, timeout=60):
Execute cmdline, limit execution time to 'timeout' seconds.
Uses subprocessing and tempfile instead of subprocessing.PIPE.
output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
error = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
p = subprocess.Popen(
bufsize = 0,
shell = False,
stdin = None,
stdout = output,
stderr = error
t_begin = time.time() # Monitor execution time
seconds_passed = 0
while p.poll() is None and seconds_passed < timeout:
seconds_passed = time.time() - t_begin
#if seconds_passed > timeout:
# try:
# p.stdout.close() # If they are not closed the fds will hang around until
# p.stderr.close() # os.fdlimit is exceeded and cause a nasty exception
# p.terminate() # Important to close the fds prior to terminating the process!
# # NOTE: Are there any other "non-freed" resources?
# except:
# pass
# raise TimeoutInterrupt
returncode = p.returncode
fd = open(output.name)
out = fd.read()
fd = open(error.name)
err = fd.read()
return (returncode, err, out)
if __name__ == "__main__":
implementations = [cmd, cmd_to, cmd_totf]
bytes = ['65535', '65536', str(1024*1024)]
timeouts = [5]
for timeout in timeouts:
for size in bytes:
for i in implementations:
t_begin = time.time()
seconds_passed = 0
rc, err, output = i(['exp_gen.py', size], timeout)
seconds_passed = time.time() - t_begin
filler = ' '*(8-len(i.func_name))
print "[%s%s: timeout=%d, iosize=%s, seconds=%f]" % (repr(i.func_name), filler, timeout, size, seconds_passed)
Output from execution:
['cmd' : timeout=5, iosize=65535, seconds=0.016447]
['cmd_to' : timeout=5, iosize=65535, seconds=0.103022]
['cmd_totf': timeout=5, iosize=65535, seconds=0.107176]
['cmd' : timeout=5, iosize=65536, seconds=0.028105]
['cmd_to' : timeout=5, iosize=65536, seconds=5.116658]
['cmd_totf': timeout=5, iosize=65536, seconds=0.104905]
['cmd' : timeout=5, iosize=1048576, seconds=0.025964]
['cmd_to' : timeout=5, iosize=1048576, seconds=5.128062]
['cmd_totf': timeout=5, iosize=1048576, seconds=0.103183]
As opposed to all the warnings in the subprocess documentation then directly reading from process.stdout and process.stderr has provided a better solution.
By better I mean that I can read output from a process that exceeds 2^16 bytes without having to temporarily store the output on disk.
The code follows:
import fcntl
import os
import subprocess
import time
def nonBlockRead(output):
fd = output.fileno()
fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
return output.read()
return ''
def cmd(cmdline, timeout=60):
Execute cmdline, limit execution time to 'timeout' seconds.
Uses the subprocess module and subprocess.PIPE.
Raises TimeoutInterrupt
p = subprocess.Popen(
bufsize = bufsize, # default value of 0 (unbuffered) is best
shell = False, # not really needed; it's disabled by default
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
t_begin = time.time() # Monitor execution time
seconds_passed = 0
stdout = ''
stderr = ''
while p.poll() is None and seconds_passed < timeout: # Monitor process
time.sleep(0.1) # Wait a little
seconds_passed = time.time() - t_begin
# p.std* blocks on read(), which messes up the timeout timer.
# To fix this, we use a nonblocking read()
# Note: Not sure if this is Windows compatible
stdout += nonBlockRead(p.stdout)
stderr += nonBlockRead(p.stderr)
if seconds_passed >= timeout:
p.stdout.close() # If they are not closed the fds will hang around until
p.stderr.close() # os.fdlimit is exceeded and cause a nasty exception
p.terminate() # Important to close the fds prior to terminating the process!
# NOTE: Are there any other "non-freed" resources?
raise TimeoutInterrupt
returncode = p.returncode
return (returncode, stdout, stderr)
Disclaimer: This answer is not tested on windows, nor freebsd. But the used modules should work on these systems. I believe this should be a working answer to your question - it works for me.
Here's code I just hacked to solve the problem on linux. It is a combination of several Stackoverflow threads and my own research in the Python 3 documents.
Main characteristics of this code:
Uses processes not threads for blocking I/O because they can more reliably be p.terminated()
Implements a retriggerable timeout watchdog that restarts counting whenever some output happens
Implements a long-term timeout watchdog to limit overall runtime
Can feed in stdin (although I only need to feed in one-time short strings)
Can capture stdout/stderr in the usual Popen means (Only stdout is coded, and stderr redirected to stdout; but can easily be separated)
It's almost realtime because it only checks every 0.2 seconds for output. But you could decrease this or remove the waiting interval easily
Lots of debugging printouts still enabled to see whats happening when.
The only code dependency is enum as implemented here, but the code could easily be changed to work without. It's only used to distinguish the two timeouts - use separate exceptions if you like.
Here's the code - as usual - feedback is highly appreciated:
(Edit 29-Jun-2012 - the code is now actually working)
# Python module runcmd
# Implements a class to launch shell commands which
# are killed after a timeout. Timeouts can be reset
# after each line of output
# Use inside other script with:
# import runcmd
# (return_code, out) = runcmd.RunCmd(['ls', '-l', '/etc'],
# timeout_runtime,
# timeout_no_output,
# stdin_string).go()
import multiprocessing
import queue
import subprocess
import time
import enum
def timestamp():
return time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
class ErrorRunCmd(Exception): pass
class ErrorRunCmdTimeOut(ErrorRunCmd): pass
class Enqueue_output(multiprocessing.Process):
def __init__(self, out, queue):
self.out = out
self.queue = queue
self.daemon = True
def run(self):
for line in iter(self.out.readline, b''):
#print('worker read:', line)
except ValueError: pass # Readline of closed file
class Enqueue_input(multiprocessing.Process):
def __init__(self, inp, iterable):
self.inp = inp
self.iterable = iterable
self.daemon = True
def run(self):
#print("writing stdin")
for line in self.iterable:
#print("writing stdin DONE")
class RunCmd():
"""RunCmd - class to launch shell commands
Captures and returns stdout. Kills child after a given
amount (timeout_runtime) wallclock seconds. Can also
kill after timeout_retriggerable wallclock seconds.
This second timer is reset whenever the child does some
(return_code, out) = RunCmd(['ls', '-l', '/etc'],
Timeout = enum.Enum('No','Retriggerable','Runtime')
def __init__(self, cmd, timeout_runtime, timeout_retriggerable, stdin=None):
self.dbg = False
self.cmd = cmd
self.timeout_retriggerable = timeout_retriggerable
self.timeout_runtime = timeout_runtime
self.timeout_hit = self.Timeout.No
self.stdout = '--Cmd did not yield any output--'
self.stdin = stdin
def read_queue(self, q):
time_last_output = None
bstr = q.get(False) # non-blocking
if self.dbg: print('{} chars read'.format(len(bstr)))
time_last_output = time.time()
self.stdout += bstr
except queue.Empty:
#print('queue empty')
return time_last_output
def go(self):
if self.stdin:
pstdin = subprocess.PIPE
pstdin = None
p = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=pstdin)
pin = None
if (pstdin):
pin = Enqueue_input(p.stdin, [self.stdin + '\n'])
q = multiprocessing.Queue()
pout = Enqueue_output(p.stdout, q)
if self.dbg: print('Beginning subprocess with timeout {}/{} s on {}'.format(self.timeout_retriggerable, self.timeout_runtime, time.asctime()))
time_begin = time.time()
time_last_output = time_begin
seconds_passed = 0
self.stdout = b''
once = True # ensure loop's executed at least once
# some child cmds may exit very fast, but still produce output
while once or p.poll() is None or not q.empty():
once = False
if self.dbg: print('a) {} of {}/{} secs passed and overall {} chars read'.format(seconds_passed, self.timeout_retriggerable, self.timeout_runtime, len(self.stdout)))
tlo = self.read_queue(q)
if tlo:
time_last_output = tlo
now = time.time()
if now - time_last_output >= self.timeout_retriggerable:
self.timeout_hit = self.Timeout.Retriggerable
raise ErrorRunCmdTimeOut(self)
if now - time_begin >= self.timeout_runtime:
self.timeout_hit = self.Timeout.Runtime
raise ErrorRunCmdTimeOut(self)
if q.empty():
# Final try to get "last-millisecond" output
self._close(p, [pout, pin])
return (self.returncode, self.stdout)
def _close(self, p, procs):
if self.dbg:
if self.timeout_hit != self.Timeout.No:
print('{} A TIMEOUT occured: {}'.format(timestamp(), self.timeout_hit))
print('{} No timeout occured'.format(timestamp()))
for process in [proc for proc in procs if proc]:
print('{} Process termination raised trouble'.format(timestamp()))
except: pass
if self.dbg: print('{} _closed stdin'.format(timestamp()))
p.stdout.close() # If they are not closed the fds will hang around until
except: pass
if self.dbg: print('{} _closed stdout'.format(timestamp()))
#p.stderr.close() # os.fdlimit is exceeded and cause a nasty exception
p.terminate() # Important to close the fds prior to terminating the process!
# NOTE: Are there any other "non-freed" resources?
except: pass
if self.dbg: print('{} _closed Popen'.format(timestamp()))
self.stdout = self.stdout.decode('utf-8')
except: pass
self.returncode = p.returncode
if self.dbg: print('{} _closed all'.format(timestamp()))
Use with:
import runcmd
cmd = ['ls', '-l', '/etc']
worker = runcmd.RunCmd(cmd,
40, # limit runtime [wallclock seconds]
2, # limit runtime after last output [wallclk secs]
'' # stdin input string
(return_code, out) = worker.go()
if worker.timeout_hit != worker.Timeout.No:
print('A TIMEOUT occured: {}'.format(worker.timeout_hit))
print('No timeout occured')
print("Running '{:s}' returned {:d} and {:d} chars of output".format(cmd, return_code, len(out)))
command - the first argument - should be a list of a command and its arguments. It is used for the Popen(shell=False) call and its timeouts are in seconds. There's currently no code to disable the timeouts. Set timeout_no_output to time_runtime to effectively disable the retriggerable timeout_no_output.
stdin_string can be any string which is to be sent to the command's standard input. Set to None if your command does not need any input. If a string is provided, a final '\n' is appended.