Cx_Freeze build is not including python libraries in zip file - python

I'm in trouble with cx_Freeze 5.0
I'm working on:
Windows 10 LTSB x64
Python 3.4.4 x86
PyWin32 x86
I never had any issue with this process until I reinstall my Windows10 installation... it was working great and now I can't figured it out why it's happening ...
When I Freeze my python app (python build) script is copying the whole python libraries outside the
The only thing I got inside is *.pyc files (only this.. but a lot)
I don't know why it doesnt include python libraries now and didnt find any options/config, it has to include this automatically ...
If someone can help with this.. :)
Note: nothing has changed in my, simple file, copied from standard example just including one asset folder (this one is correctly copied.. no issues)
Thanks !
cx_Freeze build output

I encountered the same problem (if it is indeed a problem) after upgrading to cx_Freeze 5.x. I believe it's mentioned in the changelog here:
Added support for storing packages in the file system instead of in
the zip file. There are a number of packages that assume that they are
found in the file system and if found in a zip file instead produce
strange errors. The default is now to store packages in the file
system but a method is available to place packages in the zip file if
they are known to behave properly when placed there. (Issue #73)
(emphasis mine)
That "method" is apparently described in, specifically the zip_include_packages and zip_exclude_packages options.
I ended up putting the following as a keyword argument to my setup() call, which solved it for me:
options = {"build_exe": {"include_msvcr": True, "include_files": dataFiles, "packages": ["lxml", "idna"], "zip_include_packages": "*", "zip_exclude_packages": ""}},


Py2Exe "Missing Modules"

I'm trying to convert my python project into an exe using Py2Exe. It is worth noting that cx_freeze complains about the same three "missing modules", along with several dozen others. The problem is, no one anywhere tells how to resolve this.
I'm building on MS Windows XP 32-bit (VirtualBox).
C:\Documents and Settings\Jason\Desktop\redstring2>python py2exe
running py2exe
running build_py
creating build
creating build\lib
copying -> build\lib
3 missing Modules
? readline imported from cmd, code, pdb
? win32api imported from platform
? win32con imported from platform
Building shared code archive 'dist\'.
Copy c:\windows\system32\python34.dll to dist
Copy C:\Python34\DLLs\select.pyd to dist\select.pyd
Copy C:\Python34\DLLs\_ssl.pyd to dist\_ssl.pyd
Copy C:\Python34\DLLs\_ctypes.pyd to dist\_ctypes.pyd
Copy C:\Python34\DLLs\_lzma.pyd to dist\_lzma.pyd
Copy C:\Python34\DLLs\_hashlib.pyd to dist\_hashlib.pyd
Copy C:\Python34\DLLs\pyexpat.pyd to dist\pyexpat.pyd
Copy C:\Python34\DLLs\_socket.pyd to dist\_socket.pyd
Copy C:\Python34\DLLs\_bz2.pyd to dist\_bz2.pyd
Copy C:\Python34\DLLs\unicodedata.pyd to dist\unicodedata.pyd
My is as follows.
#!/usr/bin/python python
from setuptools import setup
import py2exe
description="REDundant STRING generator",
author="MousePaw Labs",
data_files=[("", ["redstring.png", ""])],
This is a Python 3.4 project using GTK+ 3 (built in Glade). It runs just peachy on Ubuntu, and from python, but I can't get the thing to compile down to an .exe.
So far I tried import platform, from platform import win32api, and all the like in both and, along with importing platform via py2exe options in the setup file.
win32api and win32con are part of Mark Hammond's Python Windows extensions (aka pywin32). readline is a module that is used (if present) by some code interacting with the console.
Both readline and pywin32 are optional modules/packages that are not abolutely required but will be used when present.
All in all - py2exe notices that these modules/packages are referenced by some code which will be included into your exe (it even mentions the modules that reference these mod/packages: cmd, code, pdb, platform).
I hope you have tested your script - in the 'non-compiled' form, if it works correctly than you can safely ignore these messages: they are only warnings.
The reason that no executable is built is that the line 'console=["redstring"]' or 'windows=["redstring"]' is missing in the setup() call.
So, it would happen that these libraries were never installed to begin with. Python may be "batteries included", but not to this extent. However, I'm answering this because fixing it isn't the most obvious thing in the world to some (myself included).
You need to install win32api (or pywin32, as it is officially called) from Sourceforge (at the moment, browse the files for the latest version, as the Download button links to README.txt) That will resolve win32con as well. (You cannot install pywin32 from pip at the moment, unfortunately.)
readline is not compatible with Windows, yet it asks for it. You actually have to install pyreadline, which is easiest from pip install pyreadline.
That should resolve all of those issues for py2exe. I'm still having trouble, but it's different trouble, so it's a different question.

pySide: specified module could not be found

I'm using CXFreeze with PySide (QT). I get an error:
cx_Freeze: Python error in main script. line 33, in
File, line 11, in
Import Error: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
When running a fresh install of Windows server 2008.
I'm running the frozen EXE package (with the folder). It seems to work on my own system and other systems. What might be the issue?
After reading, online, I tried to replace the Qt4Gui file, but this didn't solve the issue.
Python version is 2.7
Based on your Import Error: DLL load failed it is most likely an installation issue causing the missing DLL. To figure our exactly which DLL you are missing, use Run the .exe and open the .pyd file for File and it will show you exactly which DLL's are missing and more importantly the locations where they should be. You can probably then track down the missing DLL online.
there are known issues with pyside 1.2.0 and cxFreeze. All should be fixed in development version (available on git repo). Please build the PySide from latest sources yourself or wait for PySide version 1.2.1. Build instructions are here [1].
I used Py2exe instead of CXFreeze and it worked perfectly.
Also, apparently Python requires the MS Visual C++ Dependency Files:
So any bundling needs that as well, if it's a fresh install. (Although I think they are now bundled with newer Windows versions.)
Other Notes:
In my experience, sometimes you should try CXFreeze, Py2EXE and PyInstaller quickly and see if one works best. As ideal as CXFreeze is re: cross platform, it just isn't going to happen perfectly.
Also, while I don't know if this was a factor, I set up a Windows 2000 Pro virtual machine and ran Py2exe on that. That was to ensure compatibility for all older Windows versions, and seemed to work well. (NOTE: Many things won't even run on Win2000 anymore so be careful that your other tools and libraries will run on it.)
Finally, be extra careful to match the bit level (32 vs 64) of all your libraries, and your Python install itself. If you have 32-bit python, ensure that your PySide, CXFreeze and any other libraries you use are 32-bit. (Or 64-bit if you're using 64-bit python.)

py2app built app displays `ERROR: pygame.macosx import FAILED` on other machines

Trying to build an app on the Mac using py2app. Got everything working fine on my machine, but when moving the app to another, it crashes and the console displays this error.
ERROR: pygame.macosx import FAILED
Anybody have a solution to this?
Found the problem and solution after many hours. Turns out other people have experienced similar problems and their articles were quite helpful:
In case someone else runs into the issue, this particular problem was caused because the Python framework was not being bundled into the application. You can confirm this by right-clicking your app to view package contents, then proceed to Contents/Frameworks/. If Python.framework is not there, it should be.
Be sure to download Python -
My first issue was reliance on Apple's build in Python package. Don't use this. You need to install your own version of python. Go to, find a version (I stuck with 2.6), download the gzip (not the mac package), and install with the following if you are running Snow Leopard:
./configure --enable-framework MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.6 --with-universal-archs=intel --enable-universalsdk=/
sudo make install
Adjust Paths, Install Packages - From here there you need to adjust your paths to ensure you are using your custom-installed version. From here, I reinstalled the following packages - this turned out to be a dependency nightmare so I'm including the version numbers as well:
py2app 0.5.2
macholib 1.3
modulegraph .8.0
If these packages actually worked, you should be able to build and run your app now. Unfortunately, they don't. I'll go into the errors and my hacked solutions in a bit, but there's some settings in the build file that need to be made first.
First the file should like a little somethin' like this:
from setuptools import setup
APP = ['']
DATA_FILES = ['data']
"argv_emulation": False,
"compressed" : True,
options={'py2app': OPTIONS},
then to be extra safe, I use a shell script to call this.
## Remove previous builds. Start with clean slate.
rm -rf build dist
## Force python into 32 bit mode.
## Force build with custom installed python
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/python py2app
Running should compile the app. If it does not compile, I have good news -- it's not your fault. Due to glitches in the libraries, you may run into some (or all) of the following:
Potential Problems
If the build script fails, scan the traceback for some of the following keywords:
pygame not found - basic path problem in py2app. Add...
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'lib', 'python2.6','lib-dynload')) ## Added to fix dynlib bug
after the import statements in in the py2app lib.
pythonNone - This appears to be a bug in the macho package where it cannot determine the version number of your python build. To solve this, I added the following lines to in py2app.
## Add these two lines...
if not info["version"]:
info["version"] = "2.6"
## Before this line. (line 941 in method copy_python_framework() at time of writing)
pydir = 'python%s'%(info['version'])
No such file or directory...Python.framework/[lib|include] - py2app is simply looking for directories that exist deeper in the file system tree. Go to the Python.framework directory and symlink up the place...
cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
sudo ln -s Versions/Current/include/ include
sudo ln -s Versions/Current/lib lib
That should do it! - These steps created a compiled app that worked on other intel machines.
Thank you for posting what you found!
I had a similar problem. I tried various combinations of what you suggested, and isolated the single issue for me to be the bug in which you identify above.
Once I added the one-line fix to which you identify above, everything worked, even using the pre-installed Apple build of python (version 2.6.1).
I should note that when I say "everything worked," I really mean building a py2app app for actual distribution, i.e. using the normal command:
python py2app
The "alias" mode. i.e.
python py2app -A
which the py2app documentation suggests for use during development, still does not work for me (with the same module not found error). But better the actual distribution build working than nothing at all! Again, thanks.

Can Python 2.5 and 2.7 coexist along with wxPython, py2exe and comtypes (try to resolve MSVCP90.dll problem)?

I was writing a code which uses wxPython and comtypes. I have python 2.7 installed on my machine (Windows) along with wxPython, comtypes and py2exe. while trying to build it I got the following error:
error: MSVCP90.dll: No such file or directory
So, I did research I came to know about two solutions:
1. Copy Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest and msvcp90.dll to your machine and prepare your setup like as follows:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
from glob import glob
data_files=[("Microsoft.VC90.CRT", glob(r'c:\shared_dlls*.*'))]
setup(data_files=data_files, console=['main.pyw'])
2. Use Python 2.5 along with wxPython, comtypes and py2exe
Now, I have following questions:
In first case:
a. Do I need to have Visual Studio license in order to use these files? or that can be used without any worries.
b. What if I compile it using aforementioned method? Does it still require MSVC90.dll on the user machine to execute? I think - No. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I want to remove any dependency and give user an exe which the user can directly execute without any dependency.
In Second case:
As I have Python_2.7 installed on my machine along with aforementioned modules. I would like to know can I install Python 2.5 on the same machine? Can they co-exist? If yes, do I need to install another copy of wxPython, comtypes and py2exe for this.
Please suggest me what is the best solution. How should I proceed? It's kind of blocking me.
Thanks in advance!
Python 2.5 and 2.7 (and all other versions of Python) co-exist very well. You may need to change your path to use the correct version of Python.
You will need to install the Python 2.5 builds of wxPython and py2exe. You will also need to install comtypes for Python 2.5. That installer will detect your Python installations by checking the registry.
I simply downloaded MSVCP90.dll file from here:
and then pasted it into Python27\DLLs. It worked after that.
Did you try to install Visual C++ redistribuables?
I think you don't need a VS license for this.

ImportError: no module named py2exe

I get this error when I try to use one of the py2exe samples with py2exe.
File "", line 22, in ?
import py2exe
ImportError: no module named py2exe
I've installed py2exe with the installer, and I use python 2.6. I have downloaded the correct installer from the site (The python 2.6 one.)
My path is set to C:\Python26 and I can run normal python scripts from within the command prompt.
Any idea what to do?
Edit: I had python 3.1 installed first but removed it afterwards. Could that be the problem?
Sounds like something has installed Python 2.4.3 behind your back, and set that to be the default.
Short term, try running your script explicitly with Python 2.6 like this:
c:\Python26\python.exe ...
Long term, you need to check your system PATH (which it sounds like you've already done) and your file associations, like this:
C:\Users\rjh>assoc .py
C:\Users\rjh>ftype Python.File
Python.File="C:\Python26\python.exe" "%1" %*
Simply removing Python 2.4.3 might be a mistake, as presumably something on your system is relying on it. Changing the PATH and file associations to point to Python 2.6 probably won't break whatever thing that is, but I couldn't guarantee it.
Seems like you need to download proper py2exe distribution.
Check out if your c:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\ contains py2exe folder.
If you have any other versions of Python installed, it may be that another Python version is the default Python. Could this be the case? I believe the default Python installation is determined from a registry setting.
I had the exact same issue and I just managed to get it solved - so I thought I would share my solution.
It turned out that my installation of CollabNet SVN contained an old version of Python that interfered with my recent Python2.7 installation.
Replacing CollabNet SVN with VisualSVN (including a couple of reboots) did the trick. I know this is not a "pretty" solution, as it caused me to uninstall CollabNet SVN - a prettier solution might have been doing modifications to the PATH env. variable... However, I am now able to use py2exe :)
For the record, my very similar problem was caused by using a Cygwin prompt. Using as standard cmd.exe shell instead worked (given all paths and correctly installed versions of python).
This was because (stupid me) the Cygwin install had pulled down it's own version of /usr/bin/python. I equally fixed it by adding the Windows installed python location to the head of the Cygwin PATH=/cygdrive/c/Python27:$PATH.
You might need to install the py2exe module globally, perhaps you might have installed to a virtualenv. I had the same problem, installing the module globally fixed the problem

