print a single element from an api called dictionary in python - python

The api call
from rtstock.stock import Stock
stock = Stock('AAPL')
data = stock.get_latest_price()
[{'LastTradeTime': '2:54pm', 'LastTradePriceOnly': '119.855'}]
I'm trying to print 119.855 with no apostrophes using
from rtstock.stock import Stock
stock = Stock('AAPL')
data = stock.get_latest_price()
and am getting the error message
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Any help is appreciated, Thanks!!

data is a list containing a single dictionary:
data = [{'LastTradeTime': '2:54pm', 'LastTradePriceOnly': '119.855'}]
print(data) # list containing a dictionary
print(data[0]) # the dictionary
print(data[0]['LastTradePriceOnly']) # 119.855


How to extract the data from a list of dictionaries?

I'm collecting some market data from Binance's API. My goal is to collect the list of all markets and use the 'status' key included in each row to detect if the market is active or not. If it's not active, I must search the last trade to collect the date of the market's shutdown.
I wrote this code
import requests
import pandas as pd
import json
import csv
url = ''
trade_url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
df = data['symbols'] #list of dict
with open(r'C:\Users\Utilisateur\Desktop\json.csv', 'a' , encoding='utf-8', newline='') as j :
for i in data['symbols'] :
if data[i]['status'] != "TRADING" :
trades_req = requests.get(trade_url + i)
but I got this error
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
How can I avoid it?
That's because i is a dictionary. If data['symbols'] is a list of dictionaries, when you do in the loop:
for i in data['symbols']:
if data[i]['status'] ...
you are trying to hash i to use it as a key of data. I think you want to know the status of each dictionary on the list. That is:
for i in data['symbols']:
if i['status'] ...
In such a case, it would be better to use more declarative variable names, e.g., d, s, symbol instead of i.

Convert list of strings to list of json objects in pyspark

def tranform_doc(docs):
json_list = []
for doc in docs:
json_doc = {}
json_doc["customKey"] = doc
return json_list
df.groupBy("colA") \
First Hurdle:
Input: ["str1","str2","str3"]
Output: [{"customKey":"str1"},{"customKey":"str2"},{"customKey":"str3"}]
Second Hurdle:
columns in agg collect_list are changing dynamically. So, how to adjust schema dynamically.
when elements in list changes, receiving an error
Input row doesn't have expected number of values required by the schema. 1 fields are required while 3 values are provided
What I did:
def tranform_doc(agg_docs):
return json_list
## When I failed to get a list of JSON I tried just return the original list of strings to the list of json
schema = StructType([{StructField("col1",StringType()),StructField("col2",StringType()),StructField("col3",StringType())}])
custom_udf = udf(tranform_doc,schema)
df.groupBy("colA") \
Output I got:
Struggling to get the required list of JSON strings and to make it dynamical to number of elements in the list
No UDF needed. You can convert colB to a struct before collect_list.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df2 = df.groupBy('colA').agg(

TypeError: can't convert type 'NoneType' to numerator/denominator

Here I try to calculate mean value based on the data in two list of dicts. Although I used same code before, I keep getting error. Is there any solution?
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('data3.csv',sep=';') # Reading data from csv
data = data.dropna(axis=0) # Drop rows with null values
data = data.T.to_dict().values() # Converting dataframe into list of dictionaries
newdata = pd.read_csv('newdata.csv',sep=';') # Reading data from csv
newdata = newdata.T.to_dict().values() # Converting dataframe into list of dictionaries
score = []
for item in newdata:
from statistics import mean
score={k:int(v) for i in score for k,v in i.items()}
for item in data:
y= mean(map(score.get,map(str.strip,item['Recommended_Genres'].split(','))))
Too see csv files:
.get method of dict return None if given key does not exist and statistics.mean fail due to that, consider that
import statistics
d = {"a":1,"c":3}
data = [d.get(x) for x in ("a","b","c")]
result in:
TypeError: can't convert type 'NoneType' to numerator/denominator
You need to remove Nones before feeding into statistics.mean, which you can do using list comprehension:
import statistics
d = {"a":1,"c":3}
data = [d.get(x) for x in ("a","b","c")]
data = [i for i in data if i is not None]
or filter:
import statistics
d = {"a":1,"c":3}
data = [d.get(x) for x in ("a","b","c")]
data = filter(lambda x:x is not None,data)
(both snippets above code will print 2)
In this particular case, you might get filter effect by replacing:
mean([i for i in map(score.get,map(str.strip,item['Recommended_Genres'].split(','))) if i is not None])
though as with most python built-in and standard library functions accepting list as sole argument, you might decide to not build list but feed created generator directly i.e.
mean(i for i in map(score.get,map(str.strip,item['Recommended_Genres'].split(','))) if i is not None)
For further discussion see PEP 202 xor PEP 289.

How to change all columns in csv file to str?

I am working on a script that imports an excel file, iterates through a column called "Title," and returns False if a certain keyword is present in "Title." The script runs, until I get to part where I want to export another csv file that gives me a separate column. My error is as follows: AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'lower'
Based on this error, I changed the df.Title to a string using df['Title'].astype(str), but I get the same error.
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_excel(r'C:/Users/Downloads/61_MONDAY_PROCESS_9.16.19.xlsx')
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Date Added','Track Item', 'Retailer Item ID','UPC','Title','Manufacturer','Brand','Client Product
'Amazon Sub Category','Segment','Platform'])
df['Retailer Item ID'].astype(str)
excludes = ['chainsaw','pail','leaf blower','HYOUJIN','brush','dryer','genie','Genuine
Joe','backpack','curling iron','dog','cat','wig','animal','dryer',':','tea', 'Adidas', 'Fila',
my_excludes = [set(x.lower().split()) for x in excludes]
match_titles = [e for e in df.Title.astype(str) if any(keywords.issubset(e.lower().split()) for
keywords in my_excludes)]
def is_match(title, excludes = my_excludes):
if any(keywords.issubset(title.lower().split()) for keywords in my_excludes):
return True
return False
This is the part that returns the error:
df['match_titles'] = df['Title'].apply(is_match)
result = df[df['match_titles']]['Retailer Item ID']
Use the following code to import your file:
data = pd.read_excel(r'C:/Users/Downloads/61_MONDAY_PROCESS_9.16.19.xlsx',
For pandas.read_excel, you can pass an optional parameter dtype.
You can also use it to pass multiple data types for different columns:
ex: dtype={'Retailer Item ID': int, 'Title': str})
At the line where you wrote
match_titles = [e for e in df.Title.astype(str) if any(keywords.issubset(e.lower().split()) for
keywords in my_excludes)]
python returns as variable e an integer and not the String you like.This happens because when you write df.Title.astype(str) you are searching the index of a new pandas dataframe containing only the column Title and not the contents of the column.If you want to iterate through column you should try
match_titles = [e for e in df.ix[:,5] if any(keywords.issubset(e.lower().split()) for keywords in my_excludes)
The df.ix[:,5] returns the fifth column of the dataframe df,which is the column you want.If this doesn't work try with the iteritems() function.
The main idea is that if you directly assign a df[column] to something else,you are assigning its index,not its contents.

Cannot Access dict with duplicate values dynamically from Api - Python for Binance

I am attempting to format this Api
Here is an abbreviated version of the Api
Each dict is saved as an index in the list my issue is with the fact that each dict starts with 'symbol' rather then the name like 'ETHBTC'
I can call the index number but as their is hundreds of dicts in the api I need to find a method of being able to type in for instance 'ETHBTC' to call that dict?
This is what it would look like in an ideal world but I have no idea how to achieve this any help would be greatly appreciated?
> data = requests.get('')
> data = data.json()
> ltc = data['LTCBTC']
Use the following code:-
import requests
#fetched data from url using requests
data = requests.get('')
# creating json object from response
dataJson = data.json()
# creating dictionary from json object using symbol value as key
dataDictionary = {d['symbol'] : d for d in dataJson}
# accessing dictionary object using symbol value
ltc = dataDictionary['LTCBTC']
print ltc
# now you can use ltc values by given keys as, and so on for other values
print ltc['askPrice']
In this code we created python dictionary from the response returned.

